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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  January 20, 2024 8:15am-8:31am CET

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the jimmy's tribute was a fitting end suit ones other and we will end it there. if you stay with us, you'll see sports live, which follows a group of women from spain, whose dreams of winning gold at a synchronized swimming competition in japan or threatened by a tie from unlike look who thanks for watching us and to stay with us. if you can the vacation as an applicant, do they have good weather? i, when i told me that they don't have violence, can we go sailing tulsa tissue today, because when they go to that, we set up the video mill with car bama tenants. so not because these places in europe are smashing stepped into
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a bold adventure the treasure map for modern flow to discuss some of us regular bragging sites on youtube. and also the synchronized swimming is a complex board. 8 women from pump loaner age between 50 and 60 years old, a challenging this. 10 years ago they had never even tried the same truck. and now they are training for the world. a cortex mazda is in japan, even dreaming of the middle. it's a tough journey, but in the end, what truly message to them is that proving to themselves and to the well that it's never too late. a good know system or something along the way. humans involve doubts of divorce, but we've moved away from it. however,
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life always brings us back to both. so most of balance is all sit hills us. it unites us, you know, it's the dumps of life. always around more testing. we are mounted buttons and we had dragon fly. so that's why they were going to some of the video that the menu is a swimming trainer and the oldest member of the team at 61. she came up with the idea of creating a senior women's autistic swimming team, often using the current coach jesus who had just arrived in town to start coaching children. at the time, i remember perfectly the 1st call. suppose that i could witness, and i said to myself, wow, well, i want to do this. we were very lucky because we didn't just have similar capabilities in the whole tab, but we also go so long. well, together, it was a constant discovery down. that's what mostly what we show is synchronized.
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swimming is an accessible sports. i don't live at the from the past. juggling that passion with jobs and families is no easy undertaking. it's listed on my unit that's out on the main challenge is organizing our lives. so that the 8 of us can practice together is like a game of tech trys trying to organize all personal and professional lives. you familiar? laura is the most devoted swimmer and excellent the captain of the team. so did this one well with the um, if you really want to make it beautiful, you have to practice altogether, but that's what makes it fun and cool when we can be more comfortable and have more fun those those time we'll see when the time after one hour of training, it's time to rush out. have to leave. by when i'm teaching and 45 minutes, i have to remove the course a shower, who get the car, russia, leave them there and it go quickly. i have breakfast in the car and i drink coffee from my flask. i need to banana inside the car. and then if i go,
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but it's worth it. so i'm off to work at the hospital. i'm in us. we were always on the go. we have to do a lot of juggling. it's a miracle, it's get everyone together. so it's already happened a few times at least, you know, tug we is the 2nd oldest member of the team. she has a contemporary artist and brings her artistic vision to the support board on an actual stick lab only that indeed, it's a static power is wonderful to music statics laws. the underwater scenes are highly inspiring. it reminds me of military parades that also have a massive assessing potential with attendance. everything happening at once, i synchronized. it has a unique magic and it is pure geometry. colors is the shape. the color is, it's one dress, one of the drug and flies just won an award and recognition of promoting women's values in sports and in society. as part of this initiative, elisia is coordinating a social project with immigrant textile workers. this is an example from the
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multicultural swim, sits project. we've used the black swim suit as a basis for each one of the participants to express their culture concerns their demands, whichever they want it. it will end up being an exhibition showing their work and the catwalks with the 9 of us from st. crow showing their work because that's where the company does a single this we are the most going to cut off. okay. essentially. hello, anita is the youngest team member for her. the drag and flies is much more than just a team of people, the team, my family. we became a family because we've experienced many things together, weddings, divorces, bus relatives going. we've lived through happy and sad times. city says doing the many tough times in my life when i didn't even feel like guessing or feeling really sad. i still need for sure all the time as come to the more sad because i knew i would come out feeling way better. then you go even off, you receive it. i wanted kicked from someone and you come out feeling better. i swear we shall good and bad news too. we let everything go in the pool. it's
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amazing in the city says it's very difficult. yes. and we didn't have to be good to sit in front. we not good but we do what we enjoy. that's what i want to make clear because there's plenty of last time we have a great time to start the day doing what you know, if with your friends. well, i think it's also my favorite, but then you get into the most wow, how many people is pure delight to pick up? i wish we could practice together more often and i wish we could practice more with the system of practicing with these. this is amazing. what people are late today is saturday, the only day in the week when the age of them can trying to get up with the coach is this. she has professional and family duties which only allow her to coach on saturdays, in autistic swimming. it is essential to practice coordination and synchronization and coming together only once a week is a big disadvantage. that's the hardest part guessing everyone together. so when i
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see the 8 of them together, i feel everything turns out way better. clearly, choreography is, are made for 8, and obviously it's been ideal to have all 8 together. this rarely happens, but we make the best of it. when we do for sports in general on specifically saint crow, people think that you should start as a young child if you want to achieve anything. but they are proving that this is not true on them. you can start as an adult without any previous experience. it's highly gratifying and you can achieve a lot. you can attend european and world championships and have a still filled life practicing this sport as an adult. the drug and flies will compete in japan into disciplines the team of 8 members and do with with laura and lola. they have taken it very seriously and a dreaming of a middle, even though the competition is still 4 months away and they are still far from protection. let's face ourselves brittany, above on the surface, and from that we lower our abilities. we're going wrong. our timing's wrong with my i was in think with you there we did it really well. really nice. very good. so
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nice. yeah. no, we didn't lift our legs. we were very similar, although you can't see the crane. i miss the, you know, i didn't lift my leg to die. i'm telling you that i did nothing from the figure. laura, nothing. the time has come. the team flies to japan would that would compete in the world. of course, it's mazda is championships in cub ashima and 2 disciplines. the team members and the us with laura and lola. both disciplines have 2 routines, technical and free, and the final result is determined by the average of both scores. the
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inquiry, the technique is just the only safe when we don't have it yet, given that we have barely completed, we're doing quite well. what's different is that we are uninhibited when we compare. we show happiness because we feel comfortable because we here to enjoy. we don't have insecurity, even though we are technically inferior to the rest. certainly rare to see a group of 8 women practicing. oh, you're right. and for 13 years like us, i'm more over competing. that is quite rare. i believe that's our main value. i think we actually practice every morning, not because of japan, all the competition, but because it's what we enjoy most and because to me, the best feeling is rushing out to a cough to practicing with you. the keep on practicing support is a way to feel young. you don't allow the old age to reach you. the
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many women come up to us mostly women, but also men saying you did this and you started in old age. i do love to do that too. and they ask us, what can i do and how can i do it? the team has become a real reference point now that it's common to speak about such things they're showing that it's never too late to start practicing a sport. the have the chance to practice a day before the competition at lake to together. they check back on their routine which was recorded by is this, it is far from perfect and there are mistakes. but as usual, they have a positive and joyful way of dealing with it. what have you done? nothing. i'm telling you, i can't get anything straight today. the aim is to improve law school because winning a mental is difficult. so all right me is to improve law school and feel good about
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what we do is to come at the pool with a smile in our faces and not because we're facing it for the judges. but because it comes from insight because we're enjoying it. the 1st 2 days of the competition with the technical routines go very well for the money, but let's say they have choices of metals both as a team with i would rank falls and especially in the do it with lola and laura rank stood the free routine is still to come and both disciplines, however, an unexpected event occurs. typhoon come noon. for 2 days, everything is shut down in color. she must including the aquatic championships, which means that you, it free routine is now postponed for 2 days. this is terrible news for lola and laura as they had already scheduled this lunch back to spain. and they try to search for alternative options. but those types of national holidays in japan and changing the tickets is on affordable for them up to training the whole. yeah, coming all the way to japan and having a serious chance of winning a middle,
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they will miss the routine. it is a tough sit back, but the teams stay strong and they will focus their hopes on the team free routine with. they also have a middle chance the dragonflies perform really well in the color she mate pull and achieve the best school ever finishing 3rd in the free routine. however, it is not enough for middle, and they end up in fault overall. now we can say that we false best in the weld forth in the world. we're not. everything's being like a teenager because these type soon came, the only bad thing is that it screwed up a free due at. and we've seen bestbuy. one must accept things as they come to us. we're happy with the results. it was positive. and just when everything seemed lost, the unexpected happens. they had desperately emailed the outline about the flights back to spain, appealing for support and asking for sponsorships and you flights. and just a few hours before they would do to fly out of japan, they received
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a positive answer. we can assign that will participate. after a lot of hassle, we managed to solve the flight problem and they allowed us to register again for the to at for a routine was up and down. the ends in the impossible happens, laura and low low become the stress and pressure of the last 48 hours putting on an outstanding performance and securing an epic bronze medal. proving once again that it's never too late. the, the, the new dairy products know eggs, new meat,
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the beacon diet is trending some people swear by it, but it's a strictly speaking diet, necessarily healthier. we off the scientists, the tomorrow today. next on d, w and the political interest rate for investor, they invest these. everyone here just wants to get into bitcoin because they are known as big clean arrows, digital gold, diggers. investors from all over are moving to latin america in search of been going treasure. nowhere is the crypto currency value more highly than here. but for many, the frenzy ends in ruins. in 45 minutes on d, w falls. we
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say they're never giving up every weekend on d w. the we cons exactly say that we treat the problems world with respect we're constantly exploring science at every opportunity and we try to optimize them through breeding engineers like modification. the plants are extremely sensitive to external factors like noise, for example, the to hello and welcome to tomorrow. today dw science magazine
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most people don't give enough credit. that's a mistake because.


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