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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 20, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin, and air strong destroys and building in the heart of serious capital, damascus, reportedly killing high ranking members of the runs revolutionary guards. and those regional tensions escalates the united states and israel discuss garza's post war future presidential biden. says it's still possible that israel's benjamin antonia who could agree to some form of palestinian state as after the 2 leaders speak for the 1st time in nearly a month. plus condo as president is torn in for a 2nd term. felix just the katie remains in office answer a landslide victory font. the opposition accuses him from
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the mariana evans being it's good to have you with this high ranking members of the wrong power military revolutionary guard have reportedly been killed, and the suspected is really airstrike in the syrian capital of damascus. iranian and syrian state medias save at 5 members of the 4th night and the attack regional tensions have been escalating, as israel continues. it's for on how mos, in response via tobar 7 terror attacks t. ron has condemned the strength in damascus and threatened to respond as well for more, we can speak to veto steinberg. he is a middle east analyst as a german institute for international and security affairs. welcome to the w. first
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of all, can you explain to us why members of the wrong revolutionary guard were in syria? what exactly were they doing there? the guards who has been in syria, at least since 2011, and they have a system concern in government in its fight 1st against the protest and then against the insurgency in the country. ever since the civil war has virtually ended . they us 2 of the, out of a, uh, they have about a couple of hundreds of personnel in the country. they advise the syrian military and the syrian and the story and the intelligence services. and they have tried to build what they call the 2nd pharmacy in syria, from which to confront is right. now as we've been reporting, iran says israel was to blame for the strike. isn't likely that indeed
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is really forces were responsible for this killing of iranian revolutionary guards in damascus. as i personally, and i'm convinced that these are, these are responsible for the strategies, how the tax will be run. and iranian supported melisha melisha targets in syria. and sometimes even any rock since 2017, but they have the attacks between this 1002000 times purposes. and they have already killed quite a number of high ranking high on g c personnel. so there is no doubt that these are, these are those also responsible in this case. and in this particular case, how big of a blow do you believe that this particular strike on these particular individuals is for iran? well, this is quite a go just like
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a many other attacks in the past. these rallies kind of attacked high ranking personnel off of the iranian revolutionary guides. in this case, it seems as if they have as if they have killed the head of the aisle. ology, seed intelligence service head for syria, that's one of the high rank to highest ranking iranians in the country. he's probably a break of the, a general that's a major blow to the wrong. all right, so seeing that this was quite a high level attack on very important members of the revolutionary guards. what do you think is going to happen next? can we expect retaliatory strikes from iran, or maybe even syria against israel and directly are not serial. syria is not the not able to attack israel and i have the, as i said,
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ever since 2017, uh, this uh, the is where at least has attacked iranian and iranian highlight targets in, in syria. we have seen some retail invitees, iranians, but by and large, ever since the iranians have not found any headaches with measures to retaliate against these strikes. i think the you, the wrong is we're now think very hard whether they might be able to target israel with ms. sykes, with groans, perhaps perhaps from syria, but the overall to the overall situation in the middle east with no change simply because of the riots have so many is rarely attached to retaliate for. and they are looking for a category opportunity to, to hit as rarely targets in the middle east or possibly even abroad. and to what extent is this particular incident linked to the ongoing war between israel
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and home off and also to the cross border hostilities in the north between israel and has belong with this incident is mainly like, linked by, by the coincidence of these varies, varies a certain comes news and continued to, to it is rarely as products against the rhodium of targets in, sorry, uh, at the same time we do see the, your audience stepping up at tags, i guess is rarely, americans tend to other targets, but mainly by proxy. for example, and the by letting his his bottle get to his riley north. i think this will continue, but there was also the possibility that the iranians will get more directly involved in attacks against is riley and other western parts. now is veto steinberg from the german institute for international and security affairs. thank you so much for your analysis.
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well the strikes in syria come image opened divisions between israel and its closest ally, the united states over a gauze as future when the war against him off ends is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu repeated his opposition to palestinian sovereignty in a statement issued on saturday. it appeared to contradict suggestions from west present jo bible that natania who might accept the creation of a palestinian state. 2 leaders both by phone on friday. it was their 1st direct communication in nearly a month. while as israel's military wise down is operation in the north of the gaza strip, some of the thousands of palestinians displays from areas like job aliya are heading back only to find that there is little left of the place they call home. israel's war against thomas is what top much of this neighborhood,
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but those who pretend it's now a buckle for survival to the and everyone must pitch in to help gather the most basic needs and much heavy. yeah, a lot of the hook on july, the middle of the board, we've had a hard time since the beginning of the work. all the basic necessities are gone. human, there is a lack of everything. uh, there is no flower, fuels, sugar and homeless. know what are we doing? nothing but fetch water all day. hello. hi. some such as comedy cook, just once a day, to consider the unlimited supplies. this is all around them, the sweats of famine and disease, grow your thoughts, tons. the devastating impact of this will get home and the many, they not no longer here. nicole. moment all of my cousins are dead. my wife's family is dad. 36 people died in one swoop. well,
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none of my children get any sleep. we lie and say that when they here are in bird school, it's off of you for this, for the top, it's a knock on the door. even if for all kids for more turns are falling. we tried to reassure them, but that's still an easy to do when surrounded by the scars of conflict and would know this is where used to sleep. now it's impossible to sleep. the cold is killing us. now when we got to back home i, so that's my room, toys, i'm bad had burned down. i don't have anything black when it gets issue. no, not that it's not just the buildings that lie in ruins. oh, good for the future. this is also crumbling. as fundamental differences remain, i post will future of a palestinian, so when i go so who up on most of them in the the let's turn our attention now to
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some of the other stories making news around the world. the french farmers from across the south west of the country has dumped garbage on public buildings and blocked the highway. that's in protest of the government's agricultural policy. the farmers say they're overburdened by taxes and excessive regulation. frances largest farm unions as considering nationwide protests, the u, as world tourism organization says global travel is protected to return to pre pen demik levels this year. it says the increase as being fueled by increased travel to and from asia. you're in europe, some attractions, such as the eiffel tower. welcome to more visitors, last year than in 2019. as before the cove of 19 pandemic. well condos president has been sworn in for a 2nd term following chaotic and contested elections. he lives just the katy was inaugurated in the capital, can shop them in the ceremony,
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attended by some 20 african heads of state just acadia and his party won the vote by a landslide bond polling was marred by fraud allegations and logistical disruptions . his rivals have urged their supporters to voice their opposition on non duration day dw correspondents. you and i was getting who has been following the ceremony in can she also gave us his assessment of presidential decatur, his reputation among voters. so yeah, on the one hand, people really appreciate some of the measures. so for example, he abolished the primary school fees and he brought the receipt back to the international diplomatic. seen your truck, it investors started lots of projects. but the thing is, if you start looking into the communities, talking to people, then manual, the things this do know that realized. and so this is where the extra problems are, especially if we go to the rural areas. but i'd say that in the end of the day,
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many people still believe that she is the best among the options. so that's already been decided to give him a 2nd chance. that was the w correspondence unit is getting in control. so well, protest against the fall rights have continued in several german cities into the weekend. they follow revelations that alternative for germany. party members held a secret meeting to discuss plans for the mass, deportation of immigrants and german citizens of foreign origin. on friday, tens of thousands took to the streets of hamburg with many people calling to band the party entirely in the streets of hamburg, overflowing with protest stairs, giving voice to the posts for german promise of never again to right wing extremism . perfectly to the ones i'm actually demonstrating for the 1st time in my life that i myself find it threatening is can i know stories from the not sierra from my
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grandfather? and i don't want that to happen again. these protests are happening after is to marriage. the alternative for germany members on neo nazis meant to discuss plans to deport millions of people with migrant rates, including german citizens. the parties leadership has tried to distance itself from the so called master plan. but the revelation has sparked nationwide outreach, even prompting chancellor, who loves sholtes to join a protest near bare land. and he said the plan for mass deportations should send a shiver. diet and people spines. so i guess i'm not that i'm saying it clearly and bluntly, i think for this right we extreme is, are attacking our democracy to them. they want to destroy all cohesion. by like a time conference at a secret conference. these extreme is discussed how they could expel millions of
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people from our country on a pipe. and it's no empty threat. cooling shows the party in 2nd place, a worry for many head of state elections this year. more demonstrations are taking place this weekend as calls to band, the party entirely grew louder and louder and now to space where attorneys 1st astronaut has joined the trip to the international space station as part of a 4 man crew. the astronaut arrived after a 36 hour journey organized by the private company, actually own space. the team then floated their way into the i ss where they were great in by members of the station's regular crew. their 1st still spend about 2 weeks conducting experiments with many of them focusing on just how space flight effect, human health, and welcome aboard x m 3 station. we're now resuming operational audio communications, some very heavy astronaut. they're, they're up to date on the,
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the news up next is our magazine show shift exploring digital loneliness. a marion . i haven't seen. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more headlines for you. thanks for watching the thoughts we say there is never giving up every weekend on d w pm. i mean obviously i know i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport cost, thanks trace amount, but it's actually about move join us this week for.


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