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tv   Resilience  Deutsche Welle  January 21, 2024 6:02am-7:00am CET

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all this damage has to be within reason what is it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world for you know, race against time. they are peers and rivals with one daring goals to help smart nature. the more likes watching it on youtube, dw documentary, because you daniel's engine. you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't get, i'm 65 full was while your top 5 years, 3 reasons why 1115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all of the topics, i'm much up to you from trouble fixed
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a new culture dancer team and let's say together parts of our community life on the surface of this research is now on the we are living in an era crises world wide around 1000000000 people are suffering from stress related illnesses, and that number is rising civilians highest. the key to resilience is staying healthy, even when they're faced with lives. great burden is. that's what keeps people mentally healthy, in spite of serious crises, while others break down you off with a single and resilience is a natural phenomenon, a whole that in a those people to continue developing. after the experience
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a catastrophe for traumatic event. a homeless leading researchers are trying to identify the secret to resilience as against both resilience research as the name to identify strategies that can help prevent people from developing mental illnesses. which card can we learn to be resilient? the time it was a part of mason been without sticklers to fitness,
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the greatest loss that of father can experience the light and dark body. mine son luka was killed here january evening. this was i'm so small. lucas mother, helen called me on a saturday morning just after 7. and she just said one thing about lucca, it'll data to cause for me. after a birthday party got a club look at and his friend freddy, both 16 got into an argument with another group of teenagers. they tried to calm things down, but the situation escalated. he ended with freddie being pushed in front of an oncoming train. luca was pulled along with him in the way the it's
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a tragedy. the gail by mine chairs would send me and view and vague. freddy's parents, they all agreed for their 2 sons. in 2019, the police appeared at the biggest door early in the morning. the, this wasn't as much as they said, we should sit down. no, no, it was the worst sentence of my life. one who seems really just that one sentence. your son died last night. yeah. so what is the word not crushed on the 5th and you're sitting there at the table. you don't want to believe it, but you don't say this can't be happening. it's as if the earth is opening up and sucking your whole soul away. is that your whole world is collapsing, the less than
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this interest if in the day, plays out like a bad movie and you don't realize what's happened. you see it, i think you call a few people and then you're sitting at home and moved and we were lucky. the friends came to us very quickly and looked after us. familiar comes in the show homeless could come a tom good choice. espend display can truly understand people who can't cope. i felt that to them just how the why did i get to live, but my son doesn't take double checking him on this month or 2 families have been fabulously long and painful. road ahead. the, the stress and even crises are part of life. nevertheless, many people stay mentally healthy. the question is,
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how the largest and center for resilience research in europe is in mines, germany. here, neural scientist and brain research or professor is off a kind of research as the mechanisms of mental resilience, mind and transfer. and he's a photographer, what is mental health type process? so my interest in this question comes from my very early days as a university student, or a schoolmate and close friend of mine, had a breakdown in the 1st year of his studies. while i was having a wonderful time to me, it was all fascinating and great and new and kept a father. and during that time i watched my friend fall apart and he's outside of it. so it was empty mindful lines. and that made me ask myself on that side, why does it happen to some people not to others as much as you know, and i'm not even sure what are the risk factors for mental illness the, the simplest on to, as that's
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a really interesting thing is that it's not just a really big extreme life of values that can make people mentally ill as a nation wide distribution. it's not just a serious accident, an act of violence, or the death of a loved one. interesting, but also minor stresses that can affect people. if they occur frequently and over an extended period of time of creating eventually by letting it upside often mentioned congress and kind of want to know. ringback what do those with resilience do differently to find out kind of, she is conducting a long term study of healthy people who find themselves in a particularly difficult phase of their lives. ringback ringback and even benjamin lloyd to induce that we take young people who are in this transitional phase, from family and school to adult life. and alex the better leaving a familiar environment. the lesson visit, we see that in this phase of life, stress related illnesses tend to emerge for the 1st time or if they're pre existing
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become more severe. he understands which crush stacking every 3 months. the 200 participants in the study, answer questionnaire about their mental state. to what extent have you felt more calm? 4 times in the past 2 weeks. 5 minutes i'm sitting on a pat train in my way home from work was a bit stressful for and bonds is that some of the sim messic. but in the mornings i would occasionally just make myself a cup of tea and relax for 10 minutes. and then i was able to settle down, i've missed and welcomes for good food and boss. that's a feeding to drive it as other time one or 2 months. because we do this every 3 months. we get a very good picture of stress levels over a long period of time. so if i decide so that we can see over that time how strongly they react psychologically to life challenges. and some are affected more, others affected less of a new coffee. i q and when i'm in the land in the end,
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this gives us a picture of what mental resilience looks like when encountering stressors. that's what the last them i just got up as a when at regular intervals, participants come to the institute for a thorough examination. college and this team use m r. i machines to look for indications of how mental stress is processed in the brain and to examine how stress affects the body. to do this, they take blood and hair samples. the non we can measure the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol from a hair sample. cortez order pushed in one sense to me to repair typically corresponds to one month of hair grow hot. so the analysis of one centimeter, or in this case 3 centimeters, tells us something about the activity of the stress hormone system over the previous 3 months. and so, okay, and i'm one of the results have been logged to since the study began in 2016. so
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there is now a large database of information on that's empties, following the fish. alternately, we want to understand what mechanisms people use to stay mentally healthy in the face of adversity because on supply i'm on to render these and making this been best. i can then, once we know these mechanisms, veterans is that to utilize or strengthen them, especially in people who do not succeed in doing that. in the village it was moved his titan. i'm so that's the study in mind is due to be finished. so college has already identified certain resilience factors, one of which is how positively or negatively the participants themselves assess their stress levels assigned to i'd say she's with the scientists as a, there seems to be a connection to optimism and the fact that people believe they can somehow cope and be that it will probably work out somehow i need to know and people can,
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does that seems to be connected to resilience a few months. so someone who cultivates this kind of positive assessment style or develops it over time, is less likely to be affected. yeah. should status so can we influence how resilient we are professor insight high interest money on a 1000000 is also conducting research at the resilience center in mines. investigating what makes some people particularly resilient for me is your system for your 1st part. i think this is promising in terms of better understanding psychiatric illnesses for many decades. and we've had our new moderate success in trying to understand how psychiatric illnesses, for example, stress related illnesses such as clinical depression develop interesting well, psychiatric research focuses primarily on the clinical picture. the science of resilience is more concerned with healthy people. i mean, like this 1st exploring the basics, what does resilient behavior even look like?
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with our colleagues mortgage schmidt's? she's investigating this and mice. no resilience can only be measured in the context of stress. that's why they put small brown mice in the cage with a much larger and stronger white mounts. the men mission we take male mice, which like almost all of the mile bush grades show territorial behavior this highest. this means that if you place a test mouse with a launch, a mouse and a time cage, the launch a mouse one to accept some will try to scan, will drive it away. this leads to social stress, orange pressed. the brown mouse is removed in order to prevent it from becoming injured. experiment is repeated for 10 days. they want to know what is the long term effect of this permanent stress on the behavior of the distressed mice. after a day's break, they undertake
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a 2nd experiment of the brown mice or again exposed to the white aggressor mouse. but this time, the white man is in a cage. the researchers now observed the following. how to the previously stressed mice behave? did he stay away fearfully? are they brave enough to approach the white aggressor indicate how i'm going on the steam when the shooting that the mice will resilience? if they always investigated the white mouse a lot because it kind of as if they had never experience stress device and most exploiting on amazon. because however, we thought this might not be was indian civil. but rather the result of a less than optimal learning process over time. most of the test mouse has not learned as an option to store that this white mouse strain is potentially dangerous because from these if that was the case, this mouse could not be described as resilient to available to him and he's mostly just confident, but fleischmann, who so is the intrepid mouse,
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perhaps just to dumb. the researchers investigate this question and a 3rd experiment. here, 2 large mice are placed behind bars in the cage, the aggressive white one, and the brown one with which the stress little mouse has had no negative experiences. so far, the additional stuff i'll just mouse was allowed to freely explode the bumps examined and visit the different social partners and interact with them on the client side. and that's, and we were able to show their a mice that are able to distinguish between the white mouse which comes from the aggressive strain and the brown mouse which is neutral and with whom it has not had any negative experiences. phone. grandma is resilient behavior about being able to distinguish between threat and safety. up to the same view,
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we currently see of resilient mouse as a mouse that examines the brown mouse in a completely normal and unimpressed manner. animals and if it keeps its distance from the white mouse, because it has lunch at the white mouse as a potential threats and during the port, we considered this a resilient behavioral c. no time 5 and span of troop. who that meets resilient behavior in mice doesn't mean simply bravely confronting every impeding danger. but rather waking up the situation and adapting behavior accordingly. the, this is richard ball. this is directly transferable from much to humans from the dock. there's a lot of doses showing the people who can distinguish between negative stimuli and neutral stimuli, a best to protect it against stress and associated stress related mental illness with send gigs class. also, it's easier to express spending patricia conclusions often. and in this respect,
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we're also quite confident that we can use this model to derive. so the new rep on logical funding. so we'll be able to go show kennasoft. so nice and moving on. finding her way back to life. selling big tries to do this every day after the death of her son freddie, the option well and i said because bonnie, for the last time on friday evening when he told me tearfully malim, i'm off. i told him to have fun. that was our farewell helps the truth kept middle side b. i can still see him in that moment. he wasn't a good mood looking forward to the evening with his friends. he's been on the head in retrospect, and i'm glad that the last time we saw each other was a really pleasant moment with which and that we said good bye to each other nicely without knowing that we'd never see each other again.
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on the day of the funeral, the whole town more with the families. okay. and freddy are very together in the same grave. the other is because of the mind. and then the whole congregation walked a good kilometer here from the church in a funeral procession and color marsh needed supplies that someone it's the dish for me. it was like being in a trance of the, the going to have
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a lot and the burial itself. of course you notice to that there were a lot of people there seat on i'm for, but it passes you by and somehow you don't really have any clear memory of the moment for me to be added. and the funeral itself, like this home, happiness, this coffin with both of them. i don't know if i have you. this is the right word by and this burden, which is so heavy. i'm like, i already described it is the earth tokens out all that someone accepts the burden for me, that i could now pass it into other hands to come effect is maybe there was a bit of religion in me after all. because the physical part will be buried for now, but the emotional part of it will take a very long time before this wound is no longer quite so open. he said when the engineer again so often is the
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max planck institute of psychiatry know scientist elizabeth wants to find out why do some people remain mentally healthy, despite severe stress, while others become ill under the same stress? g mazda cx, one topic we researched was genetic predisposition found on kind of, sorry, could it be that certain people are genetically predisposed to react more or less to stress and therefore more or less the risk of negative defense later on such as depression, post traumatic stress disorder on the, the pressure one of the plus come out the should be last, i'm still elizabeth been to once to know could it be a gene variant that alters our perception of stress. to find out she's tracking down the hormone cord as all an important hormone for our metabolism and immune system that's also released when we're under stress. it's regulated by something
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called the h p. a access. when we experience stress, the brain is activated. this sets off a complex cascade of events in the brain, stress signals are sent to the hypothalamus. this in turn, release as hormones that make their way to the pituitary gland. the pituitary gland then releases it's hormones to the gets regal cortex, which instructs our bodies to make extra cortisone to deal with the stress court as all allows all the cells in our body to flood with additional energy to 8 in the fight or flight response. part is what is it was a health stress also. so is the main stressful mode and it travels to goodness in the protein or gonna in copper on this, it's very important that we will prepared for a stressful event of an in progress or does all binds to receptors in
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our cells. and that's a good thing, because the receptor as then report back to the brain. thank you. we have enough cortisol down here. now. the stress response is been switched off in the brain and we come down again. at least when everything's functioning correctly. using the interview, many people in the sit interviews, but normally when the situation is o, stress hormone levels should down regulate again because you don't want the young people with this particular gene or type a not so good at this. so for them, the stress hormones stays high for longer. the question been to asks is, why is that? why are some people not as good at coming down and others? and this is where genetics come into play.
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one of the genes responsible for our stress regulation is the f k b p 5 gene it's activated during stress and ensures that an important enzyme is released. it has the same name as its corresponding gene s k b, p 5. the problems start with too much of it is released then the enzyme which has its way between the stress receptor and the cortisol and thus blocks the stress receptors message to the brain that there's enough court. as all the brain is misinformed, it keeps fire it and we can no longer calm down here. thank name because we think that the stress causes too much of this f k b p 5 to be released. and the people simply released too much of the stress hormone even off to the slice of stress. and we know that too much of this stressful mon,
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in the long time, is bad. so many processes, including the brain, which also increases the risk of psychiatric illnesses compliment. the researchers have identified the f k d p 5 gene as one of several important causes of our hormonal stress regulation. the variance in this gene could be partly responsible for why we react with more or less stress. the researchers are now looking for a way to block activity directly at the f k b p 5 gene just to engineer at the institute. this has been investigated in months that have been given this f k b p 5 blocker. with a day, a more resilient to stress and a better able to cope with it. and to the extent that this can be measured in amounts and i'm always mess some car. the next step is to develop a drug specifically for people in whom distressed gene variant can be detected in
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the blood and who therefore, presumably have a higher risk of mental illness. the, the south of france, psychiatrist, and euro just focus speaking with nick, works and lives in total. he's considered a pioneer of resilience research. the traumatic experiences of his own childhood. give him a personal perspective. veering off of the by had a somewhat difficult childhood. which motivated me to go into research because i wanted to understand how we can find our way back into life after war. because as i have lost almost my entire family and i'll shoot it, such completeness and e as a 4 year old focus was left on his own without
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a mother or father. hidden by foster families, he was eventually arrested and narrowly escaped death. the officer said she should be killed doors, so i knew they wanted to kill me and i was all alone a car. and i heard adults say he has no family. he is lost to life. the point when i was a child, i thought this can't be true, but i reject this curse me. that many deep show at the age of 11 sick of a nic already knew that he wanted to become a psychiatrist. after the war, he studied medicine in paris. the memory of his loving parents also helped him to forge his own path from the scene. i thought to study, even though everyone told me, don't bother studying, you won't make it as well as i made it. when the trained psychiatrist came across the term resilience for the 1st time,
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he found his life purpose cool. fishy to me, when i came across the word resilience, i said to myself, this is a word that needs to be developed scientifically. and we need to bring it into our culture and to make people understand that if we a band and injured people, there will be no resilience, your publicity, all due to his own painful experience. one focus of see when next research is child protection. he's particularly interested in the interaction between mother and trying to we shall be discharging our research into early childhood in 1981 on the island of on be a new to law on where we gathered a team of international researchers, the structure length of this. you know, mean the question was, what makes one child more resistant to crisis? while another is very vulnerable to it?
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well men cool. he sees one of the reasons for this in the mothers of these children. if the mother is not doing well for relationship with their child suffers, this is a vicious cycle that can begin during pregnancy. on the demo specialty sheets we've been able to sign typically demonstrate that when a pregnant woman is stressed, the stress hormones enter the uterus and the baby swallow is stress hormones such as hard as on it, which are harmful to the babies brain. so in these plastic off season and get the quote, i mean, if you took seat for a cell, would you be? this means that the baby is born with cognitive changes that are not caused by the mother, but by the mother's unhappiness. okay, no problem. and now it will keep up with the new the researchers identify a particularly sensitive phase in the final weeks of pregnancy, and the 1st 2 years of a child's life. the new networks are constantly being formed in the brain during
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this time the sheet. so if nobody does anything, it's a neurological catastrophe of rain atrophy. so 4 feet, but we can intervene. we can intervene gently, very early and easily. and the earlier we intervene to the easier it is to trigger the resilience process. i think the machine will not get the child is left very isolated for a long time. the resilience process will be difficult to initiate issue i think of the elizabeth vendor is also studying this particularly vulnerable phase of life at the
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max punk institute in unit declares it's as i'm in the biggest correlation is an almost full she fold increased risk of having attempted suicide when someone experiences severe traumatic experiences as a child to even during pregnancy. too much stress or trauma can lead the embryos natural barrier against the mother. stress hormones to break the wise, chronic stress harmful to the brain even because chronic stress leads to unusual circuits becoming weak. i for her and i finally got down to think of suspects. the stress hormone cortisol causes this, but to prove it, she would have to be able to examine the brain of an embryo under stress sheets, difficult suppose to get to levine brain and expose it to certain factors and investigate how it reacts is that something does give
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a key at this time because this obviously is not an option. the researchers are using a novel method to recreate a developing brain outside the room. a brain like cell structure is grown from stem cells. the research has called this simulation of brain, oregon toyed use because um we can only properly model very early brain development to kind of become model on cell types in the brain. and we comp model how different grain areas talked to each other. so it's a very simple and limited model, but it's the 1st time we've been able to do this. ringback ringback how all of these open notes now, this ones are about 40 days old, 40 days old. so that means we could begin at all stops. yes, this would be a good time to start. ringback ringback once the simulated embryonic brain, the brain organ lloyd has reached
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a certain stage of maturation been entered team at synthetically produced court as all the effects of the hormone on the development of the brain cells then investigated a. ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback on seeing the desktop session and then we see the distress who might actually alter the development and didn't teach it as a gene expression of genes that have also been associated with the risk of psychiatric illnesses, subject complement. oh, how succeeds one cent there's no doubt about it. even in the world, the mother stress influence of how strongly genes manifest themselves in the child . and can therefore have a lasting effect on their mental health. finding that could have real life implications. ringback ringback ringback but it's also important to screen to psychiatric symptoms during pregnancy. so she had some clinics already screen for depression and treat the mother in good time with the info that i typed in. there
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are now many studies experimenting with using therapy during pregnancy to possibly mitigate risk of him, that movies have eyes and an easy cool, an easy cool up to feed on. environmental influences therefore, have a direct impact on our genes. scientist and psychiatrist cut off, you know, dumpster and skyboard is investigating exactly what this looks like. yeah . can definitely oh, we think that environmental influences can trigger illnesses? yes. so now the question is, how does the environment affect our genes again and dog is head of psychiatry at the university of 5 board medical center and her laboratory. she investigates epigenetic processes. how and why changes occur in our genes? 100 with this, if you need to, let's imagine we have
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a certain genetic predisposition and there is a particular adverse environmental event and it's as well. but how does this environmental event cause our deals to express or trigger, so to speak, and ultimately lead to illness continued if you can. this is where epigenetics play a role shop. in order to understand this communication between environment and genes in more detail dumpster and her team are looking at another stress to the m a o. aging. the provides instructions to make an enzyme also called m a away, monteray mean oxidation. this enzyme migrates into our nerve cells and attaches itself to disconnect eclipse the area between the nerve cells. this is where our happiness hormones, serotonin and norepinephrine, are normally transported from cell membrane to cell membrane. however,
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it too much of the m a way enzyme attaches itself to this enough to collect it turns out to be a real happiness theater. it's simply degrades a wave of serotonin and norepinephrine on this thing is, and one of the main suspects in the development of mental illness is mano aiming oxidase a or m, a o, a for short. this is because m a o, a breaks down norepinephrine and serotonin. but it, some of us, this happiness, eating m a away enzyme is more active than in others. why is that. ready ready ready dog takes blood samples to monitor the m a y gene and see how much methylation has occurred. methylation is a chemical process for a methane derivative binds itself to specific sites on our dna, deactivating them. ringback this can be imagined as a kind of cap that sits on our genes, putting them to sleep, who is the cap, sits on the gene. it's considered methylated. imaging is dormant, silencing its activity. if the cap is removed, however,
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it becomes active again. in the case of the m a y gene, more happiness eaters are produced as in tomorrow i. m a only in sign is more active and breaks down more serotonin and norepinephrine enough. this was fine. there's less of those hormones available in the synoptic cleft between the nerve cells and it may be easier for depression and anxiety to develop. this means that we are in a state of risk equal to study. these caps are on our stress genes to protect us from producing too many happiness eaters. this can make us happier and more resilient. but that doesn't always happen for everyone. the i see what we saw was that negative life events were more likely to lead to the m a o, a being less methylated, i. e,
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having fewer caps on the gene and possibly being at risk. well, positive life events were more likely to be associated with increase to methylation . so that's even you. so that means the caps were more likely to be on the m a o a gene, possibly indicating resiliency, and stopped us. positive environmental influences and experiences can affect how our genes are expressed. the dumpsters next question is can this also be demonstrated in successful use of therapy? that's we should have. we've known for a long time that psycho therapy works psycho therapy is one of the most effective treatments for anxiety disorders. what we don't yet know is how it works in detail . and based on our research findings, one possible mechanism could be working at the cell nucleus level zuka of to can even do the can we put these caps back on the stress chains with the help of
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psychotherapy dumpster examines the blood of patients were afraid of heights she claims the tower of the flight board cathedral with them every day for 2 weeks. the petition happens. okay, that takes the patients did what we call an exposure exercises where they expose themselves to their fear of heights hub. so they went up, the tower heads looked down and after the therapy we took blood samples again. and what we saw was that in patients with a successful response to psycho therapy, my m a we methylation had returned to the level of the healthy control subjects. drugs got also obtained at the same result in a study on psychotherapy, the number of the test subjects are still too small to make a definitive statement, but the initial results are promising. so there are stressed gene variants that we bring into the world with us. and yet we can have
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a major influence on our resilience. if we manage to shape our environment consciously. and when you break the yes type guns at 1st i was paralyzed. i couldn't do anything or to got a will to keep going, was gone. so you no longer capable of anything done that was at the beginning, and then things got better. music was like a prayer and meditation, a connection that helped me tremendously. the, a lot of people might ask where is gone. but that didn't happen to me. for me,
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music was my religion, my phone, and my family and friends. that was what saved me during that time. the lucas father, new york, by my office, considers go into therapy. the fact that his son had to die, the senselessness of it almost brings him to despair. was all. but i'm under mistake and you think about the trivial reason that led to this terrible end. you just don't understand. it's so meaningless. this is suitable.
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when the game's been given by mike wants to do something about that meeting with us this week. and that's why we very quickly have the idea of setting up a foundation to turn this meaninglessness into something meaningful it. it was sitting often together with freddy's parents. by monday, established the faust lowest foundation, a program that starts in kindergarten to prevent violence as early as possible. it allows him to stay active and keep the memory of his on the line the at the mines resilience center psychologist michelle vessel focuses her research on very practical help for people in crisis situations. she says that resilience behavior can own development very gradually. but it doesn't work to develop training courses that somehow make people more resilient and more efficient within
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an hour and a half or even a day. which is perhaps what some people would like to see that won't work. and that's not what we aim to do for vesa. resilience is regulated by the self. ready she tells us her favorite story to help explain what she means by taking she stood. yeah. and the story of the elephant in chains by jorge bouquet is about a very small elephant, a newborn being changed to a small wooden peg and a circus. i'm to catch up with the baby elephant. it keeps trying to break free from the train but to no avail. but it eventually grew bigger and stronger. in fact, it could have broken free long ago in face cloud, blacks, the belief that it can do it. and that alone causes it to stand still and not try
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to free itself. when we have the feeling that we can do nothing, but we are powerless and at the mercy of others, this is known in psychology as learned helplessness. vessel examines mistake in detail in various experiments, and then explain a man in the experiment. the test subjects are 1st given an unpleasant noise, and at the same time, a somewhat unpleasant stimulus on their skin see because they are shown circles, triangles, and squares on which they have to press a different button. if it will talk to you because you trust it. if the participants press the right button, they can stop the unpleasant noises. this applies to one group. in a 2nd group, however, pressing the right button sometimes causes the noises to stop. but sometimes it doesn't especially dental us,
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what one group learns is i press the correct button. so i have the situation under control. the stimulus is over. the other group learns that no matter what i do, chance determines what happens if this happens several times in a row, it leads to an experience of helplessness. there is nothing we can do. it can just realized or somebody might recognize this from our working life. i do a certain task and i always do it the same way. one day the boss is very happy and the next day he throws it back at me and says it's terrible shift. in other words, i have the feeling that i have no control over it. and that's a very important aspect of how stressed i actually feel. how does the experience of losing control affect future behavior? in a follow up experiment, the 2 groups can only stop the unpleasant noise by finding the safe green squares
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on a field as quickly as possible. to the 2 groups behave differently when searching for the squares. the result is that people who have already felt they were in control in the previous experiment, find these green safe places, much faster than the group that experience the loss of control the task successfully. i know the stress experience that i've never been able to do this before also leads to passivity, parts of it and something like the story with the elephant persist to me. and then i just give up. i submit to my fate, you know that. and so we move further and further into the cycle of helplessness and passivity. tie itself the here for this type of passing, the th according to vesa. when we manage to free ourselves from the cycling, we can effect change in our lives. but what about the situations in life that we cannot change? just kind of like i may not be able to change the actual situation that triggered
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the stress. but i can always change something about how i react to the stress. and i think it's really important that i learn for myself that although i don't always have control over the stress or i do have some control over my reaction to it, which tests best. what puts her research findings into practice at a school and by 2 o'clock in germany. she's conducting a w h o sponsored resilience training program in a 7th grade class. mental stress has increased significantly and recent years, particularly among children and young adults, largely due to the cold with pet them. it will just making a solution for me, it's important that we give them strategies at an early stage that they can use themselves to protect their mental health and couldn't. that's kinda bad. she works with the students on how they can free themselves from
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a stressful spiral. of negative thoughts and feelings. first, she asks the question, what happens when we are convinced that we will feel it something to influence your actions hot? did you think she talked to it? then it may well be that you really can't do it in a soft. this certainly was then say yes, i can't do it anyway, so i won't even try on his way to get by negative thoughts lead to bad results. shouldn't the reverse also be possible? we can. how does the step hold move yet to that one? so that's precisely where we can do something for our health and resilience. you may not find looking more closely at things that we have already achieved. again, we often pay much more attention to the things we haven't achieved. and we remember things that went wrong. and we somehow forget even the little things that have gone well, what's going on is if i get some video fee, she does
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a simple exercise for this by asking the students to remember what they did particularly well over the weekend. even if it's something small it was my grandmas birthday last weekend and i baked her k talking. i'm not actually that good if i can, but i managed to do it. she really liked it and that made me happy. so great and it may do grandma happy to. yeah. as on the i help my dad tied up my room on the weekend. one of my i never do that mean i always throw everything in drawers and that's it. but this time, i really did it with some structure and it was much, much better than just throwing everything in somewhere myself. remembering the successes, trying not to judge experience as to negatively staying active despite adversity. these are key factors for resilience. we've learned a lot dance on if i understand the term now. i know more about the topic of
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resilience a hi all funding team. all. yeah, i'm good. and we also learned how we feel that some of this and that we can influence what is happening inside of us in our fears and how we can fight against them. and yeah, that was a great experience. we can equip ourselves mentally at an early age, to cope better with crises later on, which we all will experience in one form or another. but to what extent does being resilient also meet social pressure to self optimized, to be ready to perform at all times. lazy as high as resilience simply means finding ways to deal with stress mit last to gauge on the site. and that doesn't mean that you should try to cope with as much stress as possible phone numbers for that. you should perhaps recognize for yourself now. well, if i have 10 appointments today that's too much,
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i'd rather try to have fewer appointments or i will plan time to relax to compensate. and that increases overall was indians to be able to cope basically with the various factors in months best. so i'm getting so kind of into law resilience research or focusing on nick also sees government and society as having a duty to create an environment that enables us to remain mentally healthy. right? the answer is genetic, biological, emotional, and political, because it's politicians who are going to make the decisions to keep pregnant. women saves the federal to create jobs in early childhood care. these are all political decisions. putting take in 2019, the french government launched a nationwide program based on c one next work. she says over the victor e is
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very happy to welcome you here and to launch this mission for children's versus now some days to come simply mean put mutual dirt on salt. i'm the editor entity and i'd like to think bobby's see when nick i've always defends this work is based on his reflections. the system owned us a call like to click on the on the to put me at the 1st $1000.00 days is the name of the government program under the leadership of c one. nick projects, our finance nationwide and maternity wards and kindergarten to better protect children and seem to be parents at the new board pallets and munich the by month advocate. families are awarded to bavarian innovation price for volunteering for their foster. those foundation. it's a great honor they can find new projects with the 10000 euros prize money. working for the foundation means
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a lot to sending vig. this is for miss, it's my way of dealing with the day is when i'm not feeling great. when my husband isn't feeling great, that we have something to work on. project tom. their lives can never go back to how they work. the scores will remain forever. but the families carry on as best they can for the last like that, it's a lot into perspective, monthly. typically i don't think you'll get upset about the small things so quickly anymore movement. mean you enjoy the moment more because you know how quickly moments can change to how situations can change. you move through life with much more awareness. a name on christine. this is the,
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it's been so long. resilience is not a state of b, but rather a continuous process. our psyche is a complex mix of environmental influences, genes and our own ability to act. resilience is not about happiness. it's about living with all of the lights, gray areas, surviving crises, without losing your mental health, to have a realistic understanding. and to longer the everyone told me it's not even worth trying. i tried any way, but that doesn't mean everything went like i wanted to be so like everyone else. my resilience has never perfect. never 100 percent. sure. i mean, i managed to achieve a lot in spite of everything, but i haven't solved everything. and i think that can be said of you, of me, of everyone
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to use the or the
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specialties. so it's little unusual sized with luxury and flavored with the types of i'm telling mary excellent. they're all they actually setting up your of your own in 30 minutes on the w this suddenly a team interest in there,
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which is great for us fashion made indeed luxurious fabrics and vibrant color and splendor based on traditional craftsmanship and modern design. from stories sneakers, a journey into india's fab in this world of fashion, thoughts unveiled in 90 minutes on d w. the systems can be used across different job. this is the real challenge. it's off whose needs to be incredibly scarce. waste and transforming business is onto real media and lots, just green washing. what's now on the to get
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ready for an exciting auburn toyota look surprised. hi, i'm shopping and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a window of the quote on this? we've got this box and the i'm expected sites a flight fast fashion as an environmental 9 a clothing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded fashion, watch now on youtube, the, the the,
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this is the w news. why from berlin? prime minister benjamin netanyahu face is rising pressure with israel over his handling of the war. thousands of israelis rallied and tell of eve on saturday, demanding an end to the fighting and fresh elections. the anti government protest comes after nearly 15 weeks of war between israel and how models also coming up demonstrations against germany's far right are growing. hundreds of thousands take to the streets and cities across the country to condemn the far right of the party . following reports of a secret mess, deportation meeting.


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