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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 21, 2024 9:00am-9:15am CET

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the, the, this is the w news. why from berlin? prime minister benjamin netanyahu faces mounting pressure with israel over is handling of the war. thousands of israelis rally didn't tell us each on saturday, demanding an end to the fighting and casa, and fresh electrons. the anti government protest comes after nearly 15 weeks of war between israel and her mom is also coming up. iran is threatening to retaliate after a suspect. it is really air striking the serious capital the mask. it's killing high ranking members of k runs, revolutionary guard. and demonstrations against germany's far right are growing. hundreds of thousands take to the streets and cities across the country to condemn
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the far right a f d party. following reports of the secret mess, deportations eating the n one, greetings. 2 of yours around the world. unlike located the government, benjamin netanyahu is facing mounting pressure. within is real limited, the ongoing conflict in gaza and the increasingly dire humanitarian situation. there. this was the scene intel a v late saturday for thousands of people gathered to protest against the country's leadership. they are calling for new elections. it's now more than 3 months since israel launched it's counter offensive and gaza after the unprecedented cross border attacks by him off on october 7th. a mazda is classified as a terrorist organization by multiple countries. earlier i spoke to dw correspondent
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rebecca readers in jerusalem for told me more about what the demonstrators are demanding. we so multiple protests across the country last night that one in tel aviv that used to be called that is certainly the largest of the ones that we saw yesterday. and it's something we've been saying every week since the beginning of this conflict, people coming out the to demand a largely different strategy to the way that the hostage situation is being dealt with them that something those calls going louder and louder. the longer people, these hostages remain inside gauze, the families becoming increasingly anxious and increasingly angry towards the government and with definite leasing calls for fresh elections calls for the government to stand down. we saw other protest in other cities such as high. so even in the see the re, it, which is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has a private residence or people outside his house campaigning for testing for him to stand down. people increasingly across israel,
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frustrated with the way that he's been handling this many saying that he's doing everything he can to save his own political bacon. and he's not taking what they say is the most important thing. of course the hostages and trying to get the hostages albert gals. he's not taking that seriously enough. we're also seeing other protests we so protested cooling for him to stand down and see a government protest, but these are in no, by no means anti war protests. there is still a great deal of support who the who ames the will and of dismantling and destroying him as completely making sure they are no longer a threat to his writing society. and his riley's but the way in which that benjamin netanyahu is carrying these items out is something that people have become increasingly angry about staying in the region. now, iran is threatening retaliation following a suspect. it is rarely ever strike in syria. the attack which flattened the
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building in the capital, damascus killed 5 members of k. ron's parent military revolutionary guard, runs president, accused israel of spreading instability in the region and said the attack would not be left quote on answer. this is all that remains of a full story house in this neighborhood in the syrian capital. but the attack, which apparently targeted the building, also damaged several costs and other nearby property sold. around 1030, we had the sounds of 3 consecutive explosions. they targeted the building here behind us. we were shocked. what was the situation in your home? everything is broken up. the fence of the building flew over and it ended, and now i could see bob. thank god,
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there was no one there. hold on. it's close to the lock that's broken, the fridge was damaged. the wood was damaged as rescue as have been trying to find survivors and a durable iran serv. illusionary god said several members of the perimeter group. remember that a wrong thing, israel for the strike and threatened to respond to the wrong that has been a close l i, the syrians, president bush a on the search as well as the militant group has pulled out in shipping an adult as opposed some of which carried out though, till the 7th terrorist attack on israel israel, who has not claimed responsibility for the strike in damascus. it comes to stays off to the revolutionary gods, claimed is hit with a cold and is rarely spy headquarters in the iraq. meanwhile, the u. s. military says several soldiers were injured and a missile attack on an air base in western iraq. us central command says or run
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back the militants launch multiple missiles and rockets at the l. a side air base, a us led coalition facility and says most of the projectiles were intercepted. but some struck the facility us troops stationed in syria and iraq, have faced dozens of attacks by to run allied fighters since the start of the israel. i'm off for in october. kristen hilbert, middle east expert, joins me now from berlin. christian, would you characterize this as a home full but limited tit for tat with the start of original more that many feared could very well happen as well. actually, we are seeing that this war in gaza has been spinning over as it is an old conflict that has been going on for the case between is what you ended so called excess of resistance on one side and iran. and it's so cold, excess of resistance on one side, and it's red, and thank you as on the other side. so what has happened after october 7th,
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is that as how may i ask who i'm through this, it sounds to be a member of this excess of resistance. every other militia would jump in, trying to help and step up pressure and is why. so this is what has been happening in southern lebanon by his bona we have seen this with a who see emily says that are attacking naval ships in the red sea. and we have been seeing this looking at the ring and back the lisa's in iraq and syria that has been attacking u. s. troops in north, on iraq and ne, syria and has tried to attack is what 80 targets. so everybody's trying to portray his it's himself as a strong supporter of the pedestal and calls when at the same time they are trying to avoid fluid loan for it's more an exchange of fire for training one solve as being determined without getting into a direct, direct confrontation between is right and wrong,
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or even put us at the wrong interest. so of us can have some levels of understanding here in nuance. let's focus on syria for a moment. why are members of the around in the middle? it revolutionary guard in syria, in the 1st place. it is a longstanding ally off the sewing machine and we should not forget that it was you ring and release us on the ground that together with the russian air force helped to save beside it. i thought, i mean they kept him in power. so yvonne use the last few years to build up the military presence in syria, which is something that is really considered us to be in existence. so french because syria is where a us having a border, the goal on heights, the goal on hides occupied by swaim. so celia is way, are in a war in a state of florida officially. so this is why is what has continuously attacked the rain and talk. it's inside syria, which we're usually military facilities. the part of the mass goes to the airport
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in a level it's transportation because of all the weapons that are going to is bulletin, depend on, has to cross to syria. but this attack that we've seen in the middle of the most cost is a definite, the escalation because it is in the middle of a neighborhood within the most was the presidential palace is close by. so it is another step of escalating this war. ron blames israel for the attack. how likely is that as it has a long history of targeted killings in the region, they has been stepping up this strategy during the last few months as they have killed his bullet. come on does how much come on just ended on end and syria. so i don't think anybody has a don't. although the is a leadership never officially claims responsibility to not put the allies in the west into trouble, but i think nobody has adult and is right. he wants to send a clear message that every homeless and his bullet commander or a new revolution, they've got general, is not safe,
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whatever they are. and they cannot get hold on to how much leadership within garza . so the frank trying maybe to send a strong message outside to go off to these kinds of leaders in the neighboring countries. chris and no doubt this is a delicate, potentially dangerous dynamic. what's likely to happen next. hey, ron has to retaliate because it's the message of saving face basically internally and ext on them. so they will do this in directly as we have seen before. the might be attacks from syrian solo by uranium release us towards its way from the gold on heights. that might be another a text. and we have just seen one on us troops in north. i'm you rock and all the syria which has been happening continuously. that might be direct miss signtechs from the range of soil against is what india and us targets. but all these attacks has been very limited in the damage. so it's more symbolic. meaning it's a sending of messages saying that we are ready to react. we are able to react,
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in case you want to escalate any further, but i don't see a strong interests neither by your von, nobody is why you all the us to get into a full blown regional at this time. the only group that would be interested come us, but we have seen at the same time that all these attacks are limited so that they will not cause a major or at least direct confrontation. one wants to build up its nucleus potential before getting into this direct confrontation and they have not finished so far. that's um, middle east expert christian help. there we go. many, many thanks for your insights. thanks to you. so let's look at some more news making global headlines this. our congo is president felix the g. c. k. d has been sworn in for a 2nd term after chaotic and contested elections ceasing. katie and his party won the vote by a landslide, but polling was marred by fraud allegations and logistical disruptions. opponents
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caused for defense went mostly unheeded amid a mass deployment of security forces. kindergartens have opened in subway stations in the training and city of hawk. he's allowing children to return to the classroom for the 1st time since rushers invasion. almost 2 years ago, facilities opened in 5 stations accommodating up to a 1000 children. the subway has regularly been used as a shelter and mid russian air, strong hundreds of thousands of people across germany are protesting against the far right. the demonstrations follow reports that members of the far right alternative for germany party attended a secret meeting to discuss plans for the mass deportation of immigrants and german citizens or for an origin. many protesters you're calling for an outright ban on the a f d party. changing altogether
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against fascism. tens of thousands of people gathered in the central frank fits forcing the supports for germany's post will promise of never again to right wing extremism. zillow, does it, does it seem as if i had expected that i would not be alone here, but that there are so many of them and not just here, but all the way down the street. it just feels good to know that we are the majority. 7 the many protesters say they will grow here by fear. the nationwide outrage was sparks by revelations. that right, we extremist submit to disgust opposing millions of people with migrant backgrounds, including german citizens, members of the fall rise alternatives. the gemini policy would present at the secret meeting a half day has since distanced itself from the plan. the policy has seen strong suppose in germany coming 2nd didn't recent opinion polls. some protest is say,
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the country's democracy is at stake. me so i'm so upset that was slipping back into a situation where protesting against the rights is necessary. that's how it feels. it feels like the apocalypse in slow motion motion demonstrations are planned for the lien and other cities on sunday. as close to ben the a if the pause he entirely grow louder. and finally, it's a to a time in the netherlands where national to live day marks, the start of the flower season. thousands of flower efficiency and nanos have gathered for the opening of a tulip picking garden in the capital amsterdam. their visitors can choose from around 200000 tulips. the flower has been a dutch icon since it was brought to the country in the 16th century. that we're going to ended on that beautiful side coming up next hour. documentary series
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follows a talented young dancer from ukraine, who after war breaks out, tries to reach new heights here in germany. unlike look to thanks for watching and bye for now. the, the goldsmith. i'm not saying in the late seventy's shlomo smiles now make go stop, bog. not the man who had to maintain him to use like to wagner was date, was it suicide? the evidence raised has done what really happened? january 27th on dw you, you know.


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