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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 21, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CET

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the, the, this is deed of use live from berlin, at least 25 killed by showing an eastern ukraine authorities in the russia occupied city of then. yes, glen ukrainian forces for the attack on a busy market area. also coming up more demonstrations against germany's far right or rally munich is cut short due to overcrowding. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under growing pressure at home, thousands, riley, and tel aviv demanding an end to the fighting in gas and fresh collections. the
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i'm the spice are welcome to the program and we begin with breaking news from ukraine. we're 25 people have reportedly been killed in the east of the country in the russian occupied city of dun yeske. the kremlin installed authorities plan ukrainian forces for selling a busy area with many shops in the market. there has been no immediate comment from the government in keys. dw correspondent nick connelly in keith gave us this update earlier. so we have seen from sources from rushing up to but the final thoughts are there and, and yet they are talking of the 20 plus casualties and assume the number wounded. we are not able to verify those numbers. as you mentioned that there hasn't been any comment yet from the ukraine inside. it has to be said that this is pretty unusual if it were to work out in terms of the numbers when it full, the fact that it is basically on the front lines that has been so since for 14
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seems relatively light civilian casualties, special competitive grants, just like car and the pro, this seems to be of being in a market on the west and sun city. so to was those front lines and that right now there are the groups and pictures during the rounds on social media. so the expectation is that we'll know that more than the outcome ok make, i want you to stay with us. but there was another incident i'd like to talk about in russia. i suspect the ukrainian drone attack has caused a fire at an oil storage depot in the baltic sea, the terminal owners that the blaze was caused by what they called external influence. and that some operations had been suspended. the port is located just outside of st. petersburg ukraine and claimed responsibility for 2 separate attacks on russian oil depos earlier this week. and we will go back now to nick connelly, standing by and key force. what do you know about the suspected?
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you craning drone attacks inside russia, which this, this could be a part i suppose of the we already have had a ukrainian special service source is quoted in the press here taking results visit . that's like the same as an official kind of hands up. but certainly that is the belief you thank you. i think these targets have a long being on that list. if you look at what russia has done to ukraine, in terms of closing off, we're trying to close of the black sea, destroying the terminals need to few crane to explore it's grain. and that by we can cranes economy its ability to pay for some of the tree. i think it's been clear for a long time that the cranes would tries do the same thing. and it's kind of protecting fulton, given fence rushes, exports of oil and gas by pipelines have basically been very haunted by sections but the export by sea of boil. but also of a gas that has be like flight that is still going and is crucial to the criminal finances. so that certainly has long been something that you kind of try to do. and it does seem like this was more successful than previous attacks. you're seeing
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attacks when maybe a 5 was very localized, you'd have one reservoir, a fuel burning, but people more or less working in power though a few 100 meters wait. that definitely doesn't seem to be the case based on the images on social media. we're seeing from that since, you know, still go and, and what strikes me, nick is just how far this is inside russian territory. it's a 1000 kilometers away from to you to go to, to st. petersburg. and what does that tell us? i know it's early days about ukraine's ability is if it constructs so deep inside russia, that certainly also has been something that's been worked on a lot, something that was clear to the ukraine side would have to happen. attracting places alone, ukraine's frontier is, is comparatively easy, but it is also less politically dangerous, the criminal. but reminding russians as far away as pittsburgh is, you said, almost a 1000 comments away from ukrainian church street that they are living in the woods . and that is something that is going to be crucial for me to create a perspective for changing the mood and russia to get people could start with. this
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is something that could damage then. and that isn't just some kind of colonial war somewhere far away. but also in terms of about attempting to slow down versus one machine, if you cranes on your pricing and that kind of 100 some to strip it on its borders, then that doesn't really make much of any of an impacts. but most of versus infrastructure. it's economy isn't that european part of the country that it is within about a 1000 kilometers of ukraine. so certainly this makes a big difference. and there have been huge fundraising drives by ukrainian volunteers to try and come up with new tongues that okay, for making that kind of distance. and it seems potentially that this is what okay. nick connelly reporting for us from keith. thanks so much for those insights and it's time now for look at some of the other stories making news around the world. congress president said it's just a katie has been sworn in for a 2nd term after chaotic and contest of elections. just acadia and his party won the vote by a landslide, but polling was marked by fraud allegations and logistical disruptions.
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kindergartens have opened in subway stations and new training and city of car keys allowing children to return to the classroom for the 1st time since rushes invasion . almost 2 years ago, facilities opened, and 5 stations accommodating up to a 1000 children subway has regularly been used as a shelter a mid russian air strikes. an asteroid burned up over berlin in the early hours of sunday, creating a fiery trail across the night sky. astronomers discover the space rock and its trajectory just hours before the enter the earth's atmosphere says tweeted a warning referring to it. however, as a harmless fireball in peru, protesters have taken to the streets to a post menu peacher ticket sales being privatized. many local residents and tour operators are against the change. the protests come, his ticket numbers for the ancient and can heritage site are set to rise in a bit to revive tourism. after the code pandemic,
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tens of thousands of people are rallying around germany today in protest against the far right. in unique organizers had to cut short the demonstration because of overcrowding. weekend protests had been announced that more than 100 locations nationwide in berlin, thousands of people are demonstrating outside the german part of the price tag building. the outrage was sparked by reports that members of the alternative for germany party had discussed mass deportation plants. the far right extremist, the government of benjamin netanyahu face is mounting pressure within israel because of ongoing conflict in gas and the increasingly dire humanitarian situation there. this was the scene and telling me late saturday, we're thousands of people gather to protest against the countries leadership. they're calling for new elections. it's now more than 3 months since israel launched his counter offensive in gas after the unprecedented cross border attacks
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by from us on october. the 7th. a mass of course is classified as the terrace organization by multiple countries. earlier we spoke to be on a she is an american is really living in tel aviv 2 members of her family were killed in the october 7 attacks. 3 others were taken hostage, 2 were released, but one is still held hostage in gas. and she told us more about what happened to her family. yes, i'm interested in um, in the middle of the chaos we understood from family text messages on what top that, or are generally was hearing the fire. and airbag and people being killed around them. and that they were scared for their lives. and later that evening, when the military finally got to your office to keep up in which they lived, there were 5 family members who were unaccounted for. and our are working assumption was that they were missing or been taken hostage on october 8th. we had
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to do a confirmation of my cousins, son in the hands of him, off it was a video to come, us, indeed, uploaded. and so then we, we went to really what the, the notion that they haven't taken hostage tended into the war. we got confirmation that 2 of the bodies had been found not on the keyboards. and that my 8 year old cousin carmella down and her 13 grand daughter has been murdered by from us and 52 days into the washer dryer, and it kind of big exchange of prisoners for hostages. my husbands, 2 children, 12 year old areas and 16 year old times, but their father of there was $53.00 remains on day $107.00 and a category. okay, well thank you for sharing that store. i know it must be incredibly painful to, to keep keep reliving it. um uh, just as regards the freeing of the hostages and the pressure that's coming along onto the government and these big demonstrations we were just reporting on. do you think that the government is going about freeing them in the right way?
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does there need to be a change in policy somehow? i think that there are some sort of split in. we're kind of people who believe that the hostages should be the 1st priority, and people who believe that the right occasion to come out should be the 1st theory . i think i as a member of a hostage family as someone who lives in his wrong breeding hostages home has to be the 1st period. there is no waiting. there's no success, which i don't think there's winning in the situation any way. but there's no way for, for israel without the release, every single one of the hostages, a lie that day. and as regards the, probably the protest and the hostage families, i was reporting myself recently in israel, and these have families are in emerging political force that the government can't really ignore. do you think they're going to be able to have an effect on, on government policy as i continued to demonstrate?
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i have so, i mean, we're, we're after a year of protesting in this country with regard to the usual forum. and i think in the aftermath of october 7th, we saw a lot of unity with which hadn't been the case. and i think now we're seeing this split again, which is these families are saying you have to punch the hostages. you have to have family members 1st and, and the call for that yahoo does not reside. and for elections. i see it as, as early as were in one of our hardest moments because we as a country lot piece, we want a 2 state solution. we want to live next to a path to me and they that is being run by a government to acknowledges is almost ready to exist. and the main challenge of that is that we don't have a partner at that table. that was of the, on one of our family members is still being held hostage in guys us as the desktop and the warrant as a has passed another cruise and threshold more than 25000 people have been killed
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there. according to the mass controls, health ministry, majority of them, women and children, and there are growing fears of widespread famine and disease. among those still traps there, united nations is calling for the urgent scaling up, but you mandatory and aiden basic supplies. it says only 15 bakeries are still functional across the strip. one group of volunteers is working to try to fill the gap as it was a stable before the war. now bread is the main source of food for guidance, but it's in short supply. these international volunteers, and rafa have set up a make shift bakery to help fee displace people. still they can keep up with the demand. and the bank reproduce has $22000.00 loaves of bread at the we're currently in the process of establishing 2nd bakery to double that production. but as i said a large enough to displace people in the gaza strip around 1000000 people have fled
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to rafa. to escape is rarely bombardments. according to the united nations, rough as border crossing with egypt is the main lifeline for basic supplies like food and water. but only a fraction of what's needed is getting in as famine looms, parents feel helpless with that that if it doesn't knew what matters most for a child has to eat with do it because she was the one paid more than 23 or 4 times a day because they play outside the tent in this tunnel day and come back hungry will up over the dungeon, oklahoma, according to the un, the nutritional needs of children and pregnant women are not being met. most babies and toddlers are surviving on just bread and milk. sizing and gaz is hampering vital 8 deliveries. humanitarian groups are appealing to israel to speed up
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inspections of a convoys and to reopen the border crossings that were closed in the wake of the october 7 terror attacks by him us and to close the show. tulip season officially underway in the netherlands, thousands of visitors from around the world gathered in the capital amsterdam to mark national tulip day. the start of the season is that is to the color from the garden festival at museum square are invited to pick a bunch of flowers for free. some 200002 lives of different varieties our own offer . the flower has been indulged icons since it was 1st brought to the country in the 16th century. and a reminder of our top story. 25 people have reported they've been killed in the eastern new created and city in yes, occupied by russian kremlin installed authorities, plain ukrainian forces for selling a busy area with many shops and a market that's all for now. i have an extra porter looking at the crisis and
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francis overseas territory of my and i'm next spicer for me and the attorneys team here in berlin. thanks for watching the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect. and one different things from life and your parents. i just want to pursue what sets my salon fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable oil stuff. and i want.


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