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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin. at least 25 people are killed by selling and russian controlled, eastern ukraine authorities. and the city of dennis could blame ukrainian forces for the attack, which struck a busy market. also coming up across germany, tens of thousands protests against the phone. right. riley and munich is kind of short due to overcrowding. plus israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under growing pressure at home, thousands rally and tennessee demanding an end to the signing and gaza and fresh
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collection. the ameria evans dean. it's good to have you with us. we begin with ukraine, where 25 people have reportedly been killed in the east of the country in the russian occupied city of jeannette. russia's foreign ministry blames ukrainian forces for selling a busy area with many shops and a market. there has been no immediate comments from the governments in keys. let's get more on all of these developments from the w correspondent, nick connelly, who joins us from the key of it. so, nick, what more can you tell us about the strike on the net as well? first of all, we have, as you mentioned, is not had any official comment from the ukrainian government that have been that
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ukrainian new tremulous people who occasionally will, can translate couple of messages who have accused the russians. this being kind of failed rush and strike on ukrainian positions. not that far away. this is the western fringe of doing it successfully. the front lines on not very far away. and the version with, which is one of many for now, is it could have been a russian project on me. so, or shell that didn't reach its target, that felt early then it was meant to. but for now, there's no way of verifying this by the way, the subsea version control chart truth if we can't access. but it is important say that this is a fairly rare occurrence for the fact that done yet has been on the front lines basically since 2014. you don't often see lots of life on this scale. we've had a word from the russian authorities there before the 20 injured. it seems like those numbers could still arise. pretty gruesome images doing the rounds on social media. and that's place like how to keep for the pro printing controlled cities. that all the sites have regular missile strikes,
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the disk has been comparatively safe and certainly when they're all showing the loss of life even on this scale. so this is pretty unusual stuff. and now, nick, we're getting reports of another incident which i'd like to talk about with you that one to place inside russia where a suspected ukrainian drone attack caused a fire and an oil storage depot near the bowls exceed. now the terminal owner said the blaze was caused by what he described as external influence and said that some operations have been suspended. and this port is located just outside st. petersburg. euclid re crane has claimed responsibility for 2 separate attacks on russian oil depos earlier this week. so nick, can you tell us anything about these drone attacks inside russia of the what we're seeing quite a lot in the way of video material doing around on russian social media videos,
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that's a page show a blaze. oh, well, so drones kind of new getting close in nearing to that facility and that some characteristics sound of the drones engines. i think it was only a matter of time before this kind of thing started happening on the biggest scale. so russia trying to hit the cranes economy last year by striking those green terminals. and so trying to, we can ukraine's economy, so it called support. it's all me, i now, right russia seemingly facing the same from ukraine. i mean, it's really important stress here that russia has seen sanctions do a lot of damage to its export of oil and gas by pipelines, but not by see the sanctions that apply to see boeing exports of oil and that so look 5 gas. it also goes out by tanka, so that's something that you can still hasn't been able to make much of a dental and the pulse facing the tax and the black sea and also in for the north in russia. but none of that have really seemed to have kind of a chief meal. you'd often see a one rid of wall and 5, but we're continuing at fairly nearby that seems to be different. this time it
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seems like it was possible to make and enough damage to really put this in seattle, actually some pump for quite some time. and now we have to remember that the gas terminal near st. petersburg is more than a 1000 kilometers away from kids. so if you crane is indeed behind this attack, nick, what does it tell us about its capabilities? and are we going to see more of this sort of thing in the future? certainly it seems to suggest that these efforts and has been, sees crowdfunding as well as the kind of government's efforts here in ukraine to develop drones that can go further to the can your basic and get a get past that 1000 kilometers of distance between ukraine and those targets around st. petersburg. i think it also tells you that rushes and defenses are increasingly stretched. lots of it is concentrated in spite of what combined to tertiary hearing ukraine and they just don't have enough to go around to protect their main cities and infrastructure. and i think is the real sense that you can give them, but you know, things on the front lines aren't moving as fast as k of would want. and the
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russians have dug in is not going to try and take this will to the streets of russia and to really impact versus economy, but also to show to assistance that this isn't some far away conflict. this is something that could affect that day lives. and no way rush, it basically is safe just as nowhere. and ukraine said that was dw correspondence, may connelly reporting from kids. nick as always, thank you. well here in germany, tens of thousands of people have rallied across the country against the far right extremism and unique organizers had to cut short the demonstration because of overcrowding weekend protests were announced that more than 100 locations nationwide in the capital berlin, thousands of people have been demonstrating outside the parliament, the protest follow reports that members of the alternative for germany party had a meeting with far right extreme is to discuss plans for mass before a patient of migrants and citizens with foreign routes. a lot of political
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correspondent, thomas pharaoh, is at this demonstration in berlin and joy and sent us this report. thousands and thousands of people here in but late in thousands and thousands and other cities of germany as well to protest against the far right party. the a if the, to protest, especially after it was revealed that members of the, if the had met with far right extremists, to discuss a so called mazda plan, to the port, millions of people here in germany. these are so totally kitchen of here in the country. this has concerns many people who hear say that this is not acceptable in this country, that this brings back painful memories of germany is difficult past and it has worried many who say that this cannot continue the big question that many are asking here. the big question that experts are also discussing is whether something will actually change in the opinion polls, whether something will actually change and regional elections that will be
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happening in germany later in the year. and this has to do with the fox. that'd be a if the 2nd now it nationwide falls under the even leading the poles in the eastern part of the country. experts have stressed that it probably won't change the minds of those. we have always voted for the i s d, but that protests like these ones here in but later on and other parts of the country could actually convince some people who normally don't go to the polls. who don't about to actually do vote this time, especially vote against the far right part of the a f d. let's get a check. now, some of the other stories making news this our to kindergarteners have opened in some way stations, and the ukrainian city of clark is allowing children to return to the classroom for the 1st time since rushes invasion. nearly 2 years ago, facilities opened and 5 stations accommodating up to 1000 children. the subway has regularly been used as a shelter, a mid russian air strikes. dozens of supporters of rushes. communist party has
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gathered at the red square in moscow to mark 100 years since the death of the soviet union founder vladimir lenae. it's one of the few official events commemorating the anniversary russian president vladimir putin has not commented on this. and henry had previously criticized linens. 1917 revolution in peru. protesters have taken to the streets to oppose maggio, p 2 tickets. sales being privatized, many local residents and tour operators are against the change. the protests. com is the number of available tickets for the ancient inc. and heritage site are set to rise in a bit to revive tourism after the cobra dependent to the government of benjamin natania, who is facing mounting pressure within israel over its handling of the war and gaza and the increasingly dire humanitarian situation there. oh, this was the scene in tel aviv late saturday, worth thousands of people gather to protest against the countries leadership there
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calling for new elections. it's now more than 3 months. is israel launched as counter offensive and gaza after the unprecedented cross border of tags by hum us on october 7th, from us as classified as a terrorist organization by most western countries? well, earlier we spoke to abbey on, she's an american is really living in tel aviv and 2 members of her family were killed and the october 7th terror attacks 3 others were taken hostage, 2 were released, but one is still being held hostage in gauze, and she told us what she thinks of the efforts to return the hostages to their families. there are some sort of split in. we're kind of people who believe that the hostages should be the 1st priority. and people who believe that the right occasion to come out should be the 1st theory. i think i as a member of
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a hostage family, as someone who lives in his wrong bed bringing hostages home, has to be the 1st fairy that there's no waiting. there's no success which i don't think there's winning in the situation any way, but there's no way for, for israel without the release. every single one of the hostages on either side right here at all. she's families are saying you have to eclipse hostages. your family members 1st and in the call for netanyahu's. net aside and for elections. i face it as is rarely as were in one of our hardest moments because we as a country lot piece, we want a 2 state solution. we want to live next to a path to means date that is being run by a government to acknowledge is always right to exist. and the main challenge of that is that we don't have a partner at that table. i think it this way that netanyahu is the only one that is going to be able to come to the table to, to make an agreement, to release the hostages to at this point. right. and so if by then and his
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government can help us get there, then, and i can tell you as an american, do, our governments in the united states has everything possible to make is also supported to make american families of hostages feel supported the criminal, my cousin that was my, it was an american as well, and they have shown up with full force. and i see american has always been strong partners and this is a time to continue to pressure as well to work in the right direction. and for me, as a citizen of both countries, that direction has to be the free of hostages. no matter what. right now, that's the only step forward. and i think that's what has to be both the parents, united states. and 1st of all, that was that beyond speaking earlier, one of her family members is still being held hostage and goes us as well. the death toll from the war and gaza has passed another gruesome threshold more than 25000 people have been killed there,
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according to the homeless controlled health ministry. and there are a growing fears of widespread famine and disease among those field trips there. the united nations is calling for an urgent scaling of humanitarian aid and basic supplies. it says only 15 bakeries are still functional across the strip. one group of volunteers is working to try to fill the gap as it was a stable before the war. now brad is the main source of food for guidance, but it's in short supply. these international volunteers in rafa have set up a make shift bakery to help fee displace people. still they can keep up with the demand. the bakery produces 22000 loaves of bread that we're currently in the process of establishing 2nd bakery to double that production. but i said a large enough to displace people in the gaza strip around 1000000 people have
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fled to rafa. to escape is rarely bombardments, according to the united nations. raf as border crossing with egypt, is the main lifeline for basic supplies like food and water. but only a fraction of what's needed is getting in as famine looms, parents feel helpless with the nu, what matters most for a child has to eat with the warranty. more than $23.00 or 4 times a day. let me pull it because they play outside the tent in this tunnel day and come back hungry will up over the dungeon. oklahoma, according to the un, the nutritional needs of children and pregnant women are not being met. most babies and toddlers are surviving on just bread and milk sizing and gas is hampering vital . 8 deliveries, humanitarian groups are appealing to israel to speed up inspections of
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a convoys and to reopen the border crossings that were closed in the wake of the october 7 terror attacks by him us to your up to date on the w news up next is for its life a marietta ever seen from me and the entire news team. thanks for watching the sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for. but we've got something for you. imagine that you're eating a hamburger. and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from the house. it's made from golden retrievers. 2 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world.


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