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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 21, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the double you news line from berlin. protests are growing against germany's the far right. organizers say nearly one and a half 1000000 people rallied against the alternative for germany party across the country over the weekend. also coming up, israel's prime minister rejects him off as conditions for the release of hostages. their families continue to protest adding pressure on benjamin antonia. and at least 25 people are killed by shelling and russian control, eastern ukraine authorities in the city of dennis blame ukrainian forces for the
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attacks which struck a busy market the mariana evans being welcome organizers, a more than 1400000 people have taken part in demonstrations against the far right across in germany over the weekend. the rallies follow reports that the members of the alternative for germany party had a meeting with far right extreme is to discuss plans for mass deportation of migrants and citizens with foreign roots. us from outside the rights to the lien has come to the cassandra law of cologne, cities across germany. what over whelmed, by chance of never again a munich organizes had to cut the demonstration shorts sizing over crowding.
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surprises does had already made the message clear, rejecting the fall rights and any slides back to fascism. i just think about what has happened and that it must never happen again. so the nazis right wingers and flashes will come to power in any form unknown right now. we're already on a very bad top guns. i'm very happy that there are so many people here showing that there is another way i can go get. the nationwide outrage was treated by records that right wing extremists admit to discuss reporting millions of immigrants, and even german citizens with migrant backgrounds and visited field tennessee for jen natasha. he attended the meeting with the state has since distanced itself from the plan. a fall rights policy has strong support and recently came 2nd, the national opinion polls regional elections are set to take place in just
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a few months time, including in germany's eastern states where a state is particularly popular. we definitely hope that we can change people's mind. somebody not sure whether they will vote for s t, but after these demonstrations, they simply can't do that anymore. that's a great trinity design. yes, many, probably just as se, germany's democracy is a state officer, a weekend of mass rallies across the country, close to grand, loud up a if the to be that are political correspondent, i'm a sparrow was and the demonstration in berlin and sent us this report. it was ends on thousands of people here in berlin, thousands and thousands and other cities of germany as well to protest against the far right party, the a f d to protest, especially after it was revealed that members of the if the had met with far right takes 3 minutes to discuss a so called mazda plan, to the port, millions of people here in germany, this a so totally hit 10 of the,
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in the country. this has concerns. many people who hear say that this is not acceptable in this country, that this brings back painful memories of germany is difficult past and it has worried many will say that this cannot continue the big question that many are asking here. the big question that experts are also discussing is whether something will actually change in the opinion. polls with the something will actually change and regional elections that will be happening in germany later in the year. and this has to do with the fact that the a, if the 2nd now in nationwide falls under the even leading the polls in the eastern part of the country. experts have stress that it probably won't change the minds of those. we have always voted for the a f d, but that protests like these ones here in. but they don't and know the parts of the country could actually convince some people who normally don't go to the polls. who don't about to actually do vote this time on especially vote against the far right part of the a, f d. it is rarely prime minister and benjamin atanya,
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who has rejected how mazda is conditions for the release of more than 100. 30 hostages still being held and goss this on yahoo. a statement follows a weekend of protests against his government's handling of the war with many calling for early elections. these really leaders said that her mazda is demands amounted to surrender terms, including the withdrawal of israeli forces and leaving the is columbus militant group in control of casa moss, is classified as a terrorist organization by most western countries. a short time ago journalist sammy, so call in jerusalem, told me more about these really prime minister statement so so this statement is a very clear. he's saying that this is ryan would been released the, the prison is the how mouse is denied. they would stop the war would withdrawal and take out the forces from the gaza strip. and then that would mean that all the
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soldiers that have died on pins now and back to their death would have been in fame . and that is what i would not be able to protect its borders, but i must say that we hear it here is room. a officials that are saying that israel will engage in talks. and we're talking about books that according to the wall street journal, it will take place in cairo as though for a countries that are behind them, which is united states, the egypt, and the cut, the they're trying to push a how moss and the israel to reach some agreement, according to this agreement, there will be a 90 days, they would be spread over 90 days and it will include the ceasefire and the gradual exchange of a prisoners. so we have to see where this will lead to and meanwhile,
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and gaza. the health ministry there, which is run by him. us has said that more than 25000 people have died in the territory since the war began. i'm interested to hear just how much coverage there is in is rarely domestic media about the situation for palestinians and gaza. and if you can tell us what the public a mix of the situation there. yeah, if you look at this say report, they also say that 75 percent of those who work in are in women and children and elderly and more than 60000 have been wounded when there's not the wide coverage of, of this a, of these kinds of figures in the is run, the kinds of images that you can see on networks throughout the world. the, what's happening inside the gaza strip. it do not usually appear on the screens
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over the is rarely and networks. but i would say that by large it v is really public. it doesn't feel it much assume to see it towards the gardens and many here say that they support from us. and they say that the public opinions have shown that both of thousands and west bankers have supported the attack on the 7th of october. and this is often an opinion that you will hear the streets. that was during journal, a semi circle of recording from jerusalem. many thanks indeed for your time. let's get a check now some of the other stories making news around the world. at least 2 people have been killed and several others injured in a suspense. that is really or striking southern 11 on these really military set is carried out a series of strikes on his ballade military infrastructure on sundays
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a senior has the low leader is thought to have been a target. as his body guard was reported to be killed. dozens of supporters of rushes communist party have gathered at the red square in moscow to mark 100 years since the death of the soviet union found are flooded. mere lenny, it's one of the few official events commemorating the anniversary russian president vladimir putin has not commented on this and henry. he'd previously criticized lennon's 1917 revolution. kindergartens have opened and subway stations and the ukrainian city of clark is allowing children to return to the classroom for the 1st time since rushes invasion. nearly 2 years ago, facilities opened and find stations accommodating up to 1000 children. the subway has regularly been used as a shelter, a maid of russian airstrikes. well in ukraine 25 people have reportedly been killed in the east of the country, and the russian occupies the city of jeannette. russia's foreign ministry blamed
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ukrainian forces for showing a busy area with many shops in the market. there was no immediate comment from the government in keys. the w correspondent and they connolly and kim gave us this update earlier. so 1st of all, we have, as you mentioned, not had any official comment from the ukrainian government that have been that ukrainian new travelers. people who occasionally will confront blake of messages who have accused the russians. this being kind of failed rush and strike on ukrainian position is not that far away. this is the western fringe of doing it successfully. the front lines are not very far away. and the version with, which is one of many for now, is it could have been a russian project on me. so, or shell that didn't reach its target that felt earlier than it was meant to. but for now, there's no way of verifying this, by the way, the subsea russian control chart truth if we con texas. but it is important say
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that this is a fairly rare occurrence for the fact that done yet has been on the front lines basically since 2014. you don't often see lots of life on this scale. we've had a word from the russian authorities there before the 20 injured. it seems like those numbers could still arise. pretty gruesome images doing the rounds on social media and provides a place like how to keep with me pro ukrainian controls, which is that all the sites have regular missile strikes. the disk has been comparatively safe and certainly when they're all shillings the loss of life, even on the scales. this is pretty unusual stuff. and now, nick, we're getting reports of another incident which i'd like to talk about with you that one to place inside russia where a suspected ukrainian drone attack caused a fire and an oil storage depot near the baltic sea. now the terminal owner said the blaze was caused by what he described as external influence and said that some operations have been suspended. and this port is located just outside st.
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petersburg. euclid re crane has claimed responsibility for 2 separate attacks on russian oil depos earlier this week. so nick, can you tell us anything about these drone attacks inside russia of the what we're seeing quite a lot in the way of video material doing the rounds on russian social media of it? is that a page show a blaze? oh, well, so drones kind of new getting close and nearing to that facility in that come characteristics sound of the drones engines. i think it was only a matter of time before this kind of thing started happening on the biggest scale the so russia trying to hit the cranes economy last year by striking those green terminals invested trying to we can ukraine's economy so it called support. it's only an hour russia seemingly facing the same from ukraine. i mean, it's really important stress here that russia has seen sanctions to a lot of damage to its export of oil and gas by pipeline,
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but not by see the sanctions that apply to c. boeing exports of oil, and that so look 5 gas. it also goes out by tanka. so that's something that ukraine still hasn't been able to make much of a dental. and in the past we've seen attacks and the black sea and also in for the north in russia. but none of that have really seemed to have kind of a chief meal. you don't see a one rid of wall and fire, but we're continuing at fairly nearby that seems to be different. this time it seems like it was possible to make and enough damage to really put this since you out of action, least in part for quite some time. and now we have to remember that the gas terminal near st. petersburg is more than a 1000 kilometers away from kids. so if you crane is indeed behind this attack, nick, what does it tell us about its capabilities? and are we going to see more of this sort of thing in the future? certainly it seems to suggest that these efforts and has been, she's crowdfunding as well as the kind of government's efforts here in ukraine to
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develop drones that can go further to the can your basic and get a get past that 1000 kilometers of distance between ukraine and those targets around st. petersburg. i think it also tells you that russia's defences are increasingly stretched. lots of it is concentrated in spite of ok bye to tertiary here in ukraine, and they just don't have enough to go around to protect their main cities and infrastructure. and i think is the real sense that you can give them, but you know, things on the front lines aren't moving as fast as k of would want. and the russians have dug in is not going to try and take this will to the streets of russia and to really impact versus economy, but also to show to assistance that this isn't some far away conflict. this is something that could affect that day lives. i don't know where i rush, it basically is safe just as nowhere. and ukraine says that was dw correspondents and they connelly reporting from kids. nick as always, thank you to and this latest on data. will you use this our up next? this for it's life. i'm married ever seen. i'll be back at the top of the hour this
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