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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 22, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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the, the business, the news of life from berlin, rhonda sons as trump solves of the us presidential race. the republican candidate says it's can tell him that most policies supporters once a give donald trump another chance. also coming up organize us a nearly one and a half 1000000 of riley's against germany's file right across the country. over the weekend. these are i was prime minister rejects conditions set by how miles for the release of las vegas. the house which is families continue to put test out and pressure only thing. i mean it's and you know, the
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i home eddie michael junior and you are welcome to the program in the us florida governor on desantis has dropped out of the race for the republican presidential nomination on the eve of the new hampshire primaries. he has endorsed. frontrunner donald trump. desantis bid for the white house failed to meet the expectations. despite alley paused, suggesting he was in a strong position to take on trump. well, i've had disagreements with donald trump, such as on the corona virus pandemic, and his elevation of anthony bouchee. trump is superior to the current incumbent joe biden. that is clear, i signed the pledge to support the republican nominee, and i will honor that pledge you as my endorsement because we can't go back to the old republic and guard of yesteryear, or of course london's, janelle don't allow and joins us now from new hampshire hello geno desantis says
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he's out. how surprised on his box? well, eddie, it is not surprising at all. as soon as the iowa caucus has ended, the writing was pretty much on the wall for a run design. this is campaign. the fact that he threw everything he had at iowa in terms of time, money, and resources. and he finished so far behind donald trump that showed us that he failed to convince him that his best chance at a strong finish yielded him very little. now we're actually in new hampshire, at the moment to where we had been hearing news of his cancelled t v appearances, his cancelled in person appearances. and so that was clear then that he had affectively stock campaigning. and that it was only a matter of time before he would officially announce that he was dropping out of the race. but just reminding our viewers once again this was a man who was once thought to be a true condemned or to donald trump. many had called of donald trump without the
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baggage, and now we are seeing the end of what had been a particularly chaotic campaign for the presidential nomination. and it marks the start of the beginning of an on certain political future for on desantis. yeah, yeah, you're right, so there's also what's interesting, trump had months, dissenters on numerous occasions, and yet the census has given trump has endorsements. why would he do that? yeah, saw the name ron decided to move in. yes, i think few political nicknames have embedded themselves as much as that has in the popular imagination. that is, of course, of what donald trump liked to call ron desantis. now it's a hard to know what's wrong. desantis has a personal motivations here really are, but it's not hard to imagine that he perhaps and made the calculation, but the nomination is as good good as in the bag for donald trump. and he might as well get on the winning team,
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especially as donald trump dogs all end up making it all the way to the white house . now, in that video that he posted the announcing that he was dropping out of the race. he did say that he signed the pledge, promising to support whoever the republican nominee ended up being and from where the scientist is sitting. he's now made the very personal and difficult experience that the republican base seems to be still firmly in the hands of donald trump. and that could be why he decided to endorse trump despite the various indignities logged in his direction. right. so with that, he puts out all the senses. this nikki haley was now the main challenge out to trump for the republican nomination. what i had chances of beads and trump of the, you know, i'm actually outside a nikki haley event here in new hampshire. it's been typical of the kinds of events that she has been doing here. events are drawing a few dozen at most, maybe
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a few 100 compared to trumps. riley's that have drawn in a few 1000, at least now it's hard to imagine desantis dropping out really giving haley a boost. in fact, earlier we were at an event with trump supporters. when they had heard that the scientists had dropped out, they were very happy because to them, the springs, the expectation that the ranks of trump supporters will only grow trump. desantis motors being more closely aligned with trump in terms of preferences in terms of profile. but nikki haley still banking heavily on new hampshire. nearly 40 percent of new hampshire voters are undeclared voters, voters who neither identify as a republican or democrat, she pulls well with them. if she does, of all the new hampshire, it will be because of them. but of donald trump finishes as decisively as he did in iowa, here in new hampshire, then it's hard to see a path forward for nikki haley under nomination. okay, only time without dental do allow one in new hampshire. thank you. is now in
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germany. organize us the more than 1400000 people across the country have taken pods and demonstrations against the file rights over the weekend. there are, these are full reports that members of the alternative for germany potty met with fire rights extremist, to discuss plans for mass deportation of migrants and citizens with foreign routes . from outside the reichstag in the lien has come to the casino drill of cologne, cities across germany. what other to whelmed? by chance of never again a munich organizes had to cut the demonstration shorts sizing over crowding. protest as had already made the message clear, rejecting the fall rights and any slides back to fascism. i just think about what has happened and that it must never happen again. so the nazi's right wingers
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and flashes will come to power in any form unknown right now. we're already on a very bad top guns. i'm very happy that there are so many people here showing that there is another way i can go get. the nationwide outrage was treated by records that right wing extremists admit to discuss reporting millions of immigrants, and david german citizens with migrant backgrounds and visited field trying to see if the jenn natasha. you attended. the meeting with the state has since distanced itself from the plan. a fall rights policy has strong support and recently came 2nd, do national opinion polls. regional elections are set to take place in just a few months time, including in germany's eastern states where a state is particularly popular. we definitely hope that we can change people's mind. somebody not sure whether they will vote for s t, but after these demonstrations, they simply can't do that anymore. the yes, many,
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probably just as se, germany's democracy is a state officer, a weekend of mass rallies across the country. coals is growing louder. a if the to be bent opponents cold correspondence, the spiral was not the demonstration in berlin incentives. this report was ends on thousands of people here in by late in thousands and thousands and other cities of germany as well to protest against the far right party. the a f d to protest, especially after it was revealed that members of the, if the had met with our rights extremists, to discuss a so called mazda plan, to the port, millions of people here in germany. this a so totally hits on of here in the country. this has concerns. many people who hear say that this is not acceptable in this country, that this brings back painful memories of germany is difficult past. and it has worried many who say that this cannot continue the big question that many are asking here. the big question that experts are also discussing is whether something
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will actually change in the opinion polls, whether something will actually change and regional elections that will be happening in germany later in the year. and this has to do with the fox. that'd be a if the 2nd now in nationwide falls and it's even leading the poles in the eastern part of the country. experts have stress that it probably won't change the minds of those. we have always voted for the a, if the but that protests like these ones here in berlin and other parts of the country could actually convince some people who normally don't go to the polls. who don't about to actually do vote this time, especially vote against the far right part to the f d. the menu drain kremlin installed. officials say 27 people have been killed in thousands wounded in the eastern states. you have done yes, which is occupied by russian forces. now, russia is foreign. ministry has accused the premium forces of selling a busy area with many shops and a market. the government in t as yet to comment the aftermath of a strike on a sub. often yet,
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a city on the front line. this market area is always busy with shop has even most so on weekends. local authorities installed by moscow said was challenged by ukrainian forces. there were strikes here and then there was a drone or something in the air. a woman was walking, she was wearing this in petticoat, which was all the holds, 2 months ago, condemned what it called a terrorist attack. key if has not commented on this strike recently need of side has made much progress on the front lines. in the past weeks, russia attacked ukraine with hundreds of missiles, killing many civilians, and damaging infrastructure. keep responded with strikes and rushes for the region. u. n. chief antonio gutierrez has
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come down such a tex, including today's telling, often you ask correspondence and that kind of the empties gave us this update earlier as well. first of all, we have, as you mentioned, not had any official comment from the ukrainian government that have been ukrainian new travelers. people who occasionally will, can translate couple messages who have accused the russians. this being kind of failed rush and strike on ukrainian positions. not that far away, this is the western fringe of doing it successfully. the front lines are not very far away. and the version with, which is one of many for now is it could have been a russian project on me. so, or shell that didn't reach its target that felt earlier that it was meant to. but for now, there's no way of verifying this either way. the subsea russian control chart treat that we can't access. but it is important say that this is a fairly rare occurrence for the fact that done yet has been on the front lines
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basically since 2014. and you don't often see lots of life on this scale. we've had a word from the russian authorities there before the 20 injured. it seems like those numbers could still arise. pretty gruesome images doing the rounds on social media and compared to place like how to give, wouldn't approach you creating controls that use, that all the sites of regular missile strikes, the disk has been comparatively safe and certainly when they're all shillings, the loss of life isn't on this scale, so this is pretty unusual stuff, get them you correspondence and they kind of lean keys. he's ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected conditions set by how mass. but it really is a more than $130.00 hostages still being held in gaza. that's in yahoo statement for loosely we tend to protest against as government's handling of the war with many calling for any elections. these are any lead upset that have mass, the minds amounted to surrender, attends, including the withdrawal of these are the forces and leaving the slab missed when
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it comes. group in control of casa, a mazda is classified as a terrorist organization. by most western countries generally is that so many so called in jerusalem told us more about these are the prime minister statement. so so this statement is a very clear. he's saying that this is when would the release the, the prison is the how mouse is demanding, would stop the war would withdrawal and take out the forces from the gaza strip. and then that would mean that all the soldiers that have died on pins now and back to their death would have been in vain. and that is what i would not be able to protect its borders. but i must say that we hear it here is room a officials that are saying that israel will engage in talks. and we're talking about books that according to the wall street journal,
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it will take place in cairo as though for a countries that are behind them, which is united states, the egypt, and the cut, the. they're trying to push the mouse and the israel to reach some agreement. according to this agreement, there will be 90 days. they would be spread over 90 days and it will include the ceasefire and the gradual exchange of a prisoners. so we have the where this will lead to gentleness to somebody. so cold in jerusalem. we in the show with some spectacular footage. yeah, you can see on the asteroid branding of a bell in india, the hours of sunday, creating a fiery trail across the night. sky, i saw them as discovered, the space rock and its trajectory just hours before it ends at the, at the optimal see, some fragments of the small asteroid may have reached the ground intact and could
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be scott, with a few kilometers west of ballad, or that's all for now, right ball tires up next, looking at the crisis in france's territory of my yacht in the indian ocean states and we have them all coming up the world in progress as top calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic . second son of about this story is beyond the headline world in progress. the w cuts out the only way i can be on the top is to create my own empire, discover stories to just to click away majority of the destinies.


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