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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the, you news live from berlin, a new is really onslaught in the southern gaza strip. residents of the city of con eunice college, the worst attack there, some israel's invasion of the palestinian territory. health authorities say that thousands have been killed and attacks that began over night. so coming up india's prime minister inaugurate a hindus temple on a sides with a history of bloodshed. the temple and adapt is built on the ruins of ancient mosque destruction in 1992 on friday, which thousands died. and rhonda santa's drops out of the us presidential race. the
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republican says that it is clear to him that most parties foreigners wants to give donald trump another chance that the white house the i'm sarah kelly. welcome to the program. we begin in the southern gaza strip where residents have been describing what they call the worst is really bombardment there since the start of israel's invasion. israel's military is seeking to destroy him off since the terrorist attacks of october 7th, in which some $1200.00 people in israel were killed and hundreds taken hostage. now strikes in the city of con, units began overnight from land. sea and air is rarely tanks have moved toward 2 hospitals near the city. cutting many people off from treatment causes health ministry, which is run by him off says that at least 50 palestinians have been killed over one under wounded since last night. the attacks come after is rarely time mr.
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benjamin netanyahu rejected demands for a 2 state solution with the palestinians over the weekend. and dw special correspondent abraham is in jerusalem with the latest on what we know at this point about is really tanks cutting off to hospitals and gaza. the information is still very thin, but nevertheless very disturbing. what we know, and that's according to the reuters news agency that too is really tanks have cut off the 2 main gates, 2 of them, one of the main hospitals in hon. eunice. and that as a result of patients that need critical care have been cut off from a that care how, what are we hearing? i lose hearing anything from from either the idea. c for the israeli government about about the move and how they're justifying it so far.
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we haven't heard anything specifically about that hospital. however, ton unit is in the southern part of the gaza strip and disregard is really government. and the idea of have been saying that they are going to be concentrating their operations from north to south for a while. now, having, as they claim cleared, how much infrastructure in the northern part of the strip that's where the ground operation started forever. the south is where now most of the civilians are a, are crowned, literally we're talking about a place that before the war was already, it's one of the most densely populated spots on earth. and it was actually the, you know, the prompt of the is really government for civilians to go south. many, many, many of them did to places like hun units and then further south. and now that
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south that was supposed to be safe for them has become it appears the new focus of this offensive. and so it can be expected that this will continue to be tragic for the civilians and gaza. and why is that a, can you tell us, you know, what the is really army, the idea that government is saying about wipe this area in particular is, is being targeted. they claim that, well, this really is always maintain that what from us has done over the past 16 years is in bed itself, systematically under civilian infrastructure. that includes hospital schools, places where it is, of course, a violation of international law to hide weapons or fire a rockets. and that is how they have been able to justify the storming of
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hospitals, which has caused huge international condemnation, maybe reviewers. remember the storming of the l. she for hospital, and after these really has been showed the did the quote unquote evidence that they found in that hospital. that in some sense, cause even more outreach because it was deemed by many in the international community, simply as in sufficient to justify the storming of a of something like a hospital where people are receiving critical care. abraham reporting from jerusalem, thank you. i, the indian prime minister in the rental modi has inaugurated a hindu temple, built on the ruins of a mosque. the opening of the temple in the city of gilda comes as modi campaigns for a 3rd term is prime minister. it for fills a key campaign pledge to hindu nationalists for whom the project has symbolic value . the destruction of the 16th century mosque in 1992 sparked religious writing in
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which thousands of people, mostly muslims, were count me for many can do the bodies, the construction of this temple. for since a long time dream. this man in the powerful prime minister net and then would be, has meet that dream come to that is not a monument to mark the birthplace of the drum. a god to him does believe was born here 7000 years ago. i got my heart is over joyed, i'm really happy. i don't know what to do was to have back this temple the the gems little of little bit almost. lisa. i'm thankful india it. so something amazing. but for a dash, for tim produces reminder of a violent episode, the chip, the foundations of secular india. that on the boat has been constructed on the
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disputed side of defense. the school would be most devoted to see about 500 years ago. almost in mpeg beat the most overcomes birthplace in 1949 through years after, in the us, independence from british through lupin offer shields loose the most after non descript east. insight. many hindus believe i just appeared by define intervention for tickets after movies. put a ticket about the pope kids and the body joints campaigns for the construction of with them. but on the most site, tensions over at the site came to our head in 1992, when the bought the mosque was destroyed by him. dom up to demolition cricket tribes that get at least 2000 people. mostly most plans across india. sorry god, me. sometimes when you are deeply hurt, you need to speak more cry. we have not emerged from this situation. the pain and
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trauma of demolition with i was like honestly there is no one to protect us or give us justice if this feeling has been there since december 1992 until today. hit the button with us. okay. of the legal processes for the construction of the temple went on for tickets and that'll be made to the site was handed over to him to groups. it's one to fit. remove that mix menu from diaz. 200 beginning most kids feed under tripped, especially since move, you can do national. his body came to board in 2014. the, the fear that this given me and, and all the affiliate is they want to wipe out all traces of most of them. i style mix civilization from the country on the one side of the world, which in names or fall to do usually take the most live sounding name. on the other side, they want to get rid of what attribute every musk and the course that heavy objects of petitions on what they were per text. the 1st how many gums just months ahead of
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a national election. which movie is widely expected to win? and here are some more stories making global headlines. tiny save media say that a landslide has buried dozens of people killing of these 8 in the south. western province of new non authorities have evacuated hundreds from the area where temperatures are below freezing. land slides are common and you're non around this steep mountain range. the usa, vh and regulator has advised airlines to inspect the door plugs on an older model of the boeing 737 aircraft phase says that the design was used on a newer model. the 737 max, 9, a defective door plug on this model. phone by alaska airlines flew out mid air earlier this month. and elastic storm has battered ireland, leaving thousands without power for them. $150.00 flights were cancelled at dublin
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. airport storm isha prompted doherty's to declare the highest alert level for parts of maryland, northern england and scotland. a trained drivers in germany are going on strike again in a pay dispute. georgia bond staff will stop work for 6 days. it is the 4th strike within a few months, calling for better wages. and working hours for the governor, randa santas has ended his bid for the republican nomination for president of the united states. the santas has endorsed former president donald trump. trump face is just one last challenger to run against president joe biden in november, dropping out of the presidential nomination, race, florida governor on descent. this has endorsed former president donald trump, even though early polls suggested he wasn't a strong position to take him on the. it's clear to me that the majority of
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republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance they watched his presidency get stymied by relentless resistance. and they see democrats using law fair this day to attack it. while i've had disagreements with donald trump, such as on the corona virus pandemic, and his elevation of anthony bouchee, trump is superior to the current incumbent joe biden. that is clear, his farewell to him, the scene left us to folders disheartened very displayed is very upset. this is not good news at all. um, i'm very upset, but it happened in it's very deflating, upsetting for some, but up lifting for others. campaigning in new hampshire where bubbling comes will get their 1st chance to gust ballots for a nominee, especially donald trump and his supporters. even though he's been endorsed by defense, this comes to places one serious challenger. nikki haley, drums farmer,
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you invested or comes down to this? do we want more of the same or do you want something different? and more of the same is it just jo biden's, more of the same is also donald trump. but even if hailey can defeat trump in new hampshire, it will take a lot more to losing his grip on a party. he's dominated, says 2016. and for us, for man is professor of politics and director of the politics section at bard college in berlin. i asked him why the census is dropping out now, especially it's a little bit surprising after you got it. and 2nd in the iowa caucus last week, it's on his speech like he was determined to, to keep fighting square his chances. but i think you must have seen that in iowa, even though we put such a great effort into the, into the call cuz she didn't,
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she wasn't able to go really compete with, with trump. and i think that probably toner's turn started to turn him away from him, and he saw that even his greatest effort didn't work. he didn't have any good expectations for to have sure he was pulling on the 8 percent next week. so i think that that's the way you, you put it in the speech she didn't see path forward. and now it's a 2 person race. we have to say nikki haley versus donald trump. so what do you think that this means? does that mean trump's inevitable nomination? or do you think that hailey could surprise everyone? theoretically, she could surprise everyone, but it really doesn't look like it. if you look at the policy s as a double support or the numbers douglas versus november. also since chris christie dropped out a lot of support, a came her way. but at the same time, most of those who have a back to centers have pulled as a 2nd choice for trump. so it looks that most of them would go to is to his
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election. so it really doesn't look that good for that was for us foreman speaking with me earlier before we go, the world's largest natural ice rink has reopened for the 1st time in 2 years in canada. the 7.8 kilometer widow canals, gateway was welcome. has welcome skaters back as temperatures have now dropped sufficiently. this gateway in the capital ottawa is a unesco world heritage site but has previously been too warm, leaving now with some of these images of skaters enjoying that ice the
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and is coming up next. the changing view of marriage among women that is on the magazine. her. so do stay with us if you can for that. i'm sarah kelly and roland. thank you for watching dw news. take care the in many countries education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in minecraft instead of going to class others can attend classes, the minions of children of the world. and we also want.


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