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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 22, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the, the cdw news lodge from berlin tonight, a possible breakthrough in the war in joshua is real reported. we offered him us a 2 month paul's in the findings, but as rejected the terror groups conditions for releasing hostages outstanding and say israel earlier watched the heaviest one apartment on the city of fund unice since the invasion began. also coming up tonight, republican rhonda santas has dropped out of the us presidential rates. he says it's clear that his party wants donald trump to have another chance at the white house and in advance in the battle against malaria. camera. read is the 1st country to use a new vaccine that should save the lives of thousands of killed. the
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bridge off is good to have you with us on this monday, and we begin with a possible concession in the war in gauze at the us news website actually see is reporting that israel has offered him off a 2 month break in defining earlier. however, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejected yet again what he said were unacceptable conditions proposed by him. off for the release of hostages that are being held in gauze of many countries classify him last as a terrorist organization. there has been there led up so far in the fighting in the garza territory. palestinian said that the city of han units has been subjected to the worst bombardment since the start of the war. the last run health industry and gaza says at least 50 people have been killed in more than a 100,
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were the smoke still those other dogs of southern city of con eunice. as israel's ministry continues its bombing campaign is like to strike forcing dozens of the wounded into hospitals that are overwhelmed and under results. children and babies are among those injured or killed. doctors say they're struggling to treat patients another problem, but we'll let it looks like i'm telling you the hospital is on the brink of collapse. but if we will not, we're not. we're running out of medical staff and supplies. so nothing is reaching us. there's nothing in the hospital to treat patients with no pain killers. no, no anesthetics, no medical resources outlet means what your model of the is males minute treat has been focusing. it's offensive on the southern city, where it's battles against from us by to our intensifying explosions. and guns by a echo through the refugee comes in the gaza strip. most of the population had had
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to move more than once to find safety. now, where do we go? this is the 17th time i've left my home. where am i supposed to go to rafa? reference just one street. what did they want from us? do they expect 2300000 people to live in an area that's no wider than 200 meters and copied zone, but then a killing me to what is this good? pressure is mounting on israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu off the he rejected times, offered by hum us to end the war and gaza in exchange for the release of hostages. the as opposed to the creation of an independent palestinian state and relatives of his ready hostages. in garza disrupted a parliamentary committee meeting. quoting for their loved ones to be freed. this comes as you lead as meets in brussels to discuss the situation and gaus us and
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what will happen after the war. while there are deep divisions on calling for a ceasefire, many including use foreign policy cheese still think establishing a 2 state solution is the only way forward. i think that we have to stop talking about the bees bees process. and to start talking more completely about the 2 state solution process, because it could be many different pieces. what kind of would be as you were talking about for let's talk about what we want to do. and we want to do is to build a 2 stage solution, meanwhile, and gone so many a trying to find a place that's not on the siege in order to bury their loved ones as the number of casualties and displace people continues to rise. the shame that low is communications advisor with the norwegian refugee council. i asked her what she's been hearing
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from her people in. gotcha. what we're hearing from our teams in gaza is that the situation in general continues to deteriorate, day after day. we cannot even access con units and have not been able to access time units for days because of the finding that is ongoing there and the challenges in keeping our own staff safe. we do have a handful of staff who have been seeking shelter in places in time units, and it's been very difficult for us to even maintain contact with them to know whether or not they are safe. we understand that many guns are now fleeing, leaving on unison, fleeing to ruffle, and it is their safety for them. they are to know there simply is no safe place in gaza. so long as these hostilities continue, we desperately need a police fire to put an end to this madness, to put an end to the tale that palestinians and guards i have been subjected to for
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over 15 weeks. now we had staff members who lost faith, members of their own family, just in the last couple of weeks and rossa russell, was it remember supposed to be the safe place? now we're seeing milly over a 1000000 people cram into less than one 5th of the territory in the gaza strip. seeking out some type of shelter, there is no space in designated shelters to host these displays. people disease is spreading quickly in shelter in overcrowded shelters, due to unsanitary conditions. sewage is flooding the streets because people simply don't even have bathrooms to go in do use. and so this is a, this is a situation that is increasingly concerning to up and we're increasingly concerned of israel might continue. there is there up around operations further south into wrap up. we're so many civilians have sought refuge. the european union is now pushing hard for a 2 state solution to this is really palestinian crisis that is now in direct
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opposition to what these really prime minister wants. the us also wants a 2 state solution. i mean, these differences have never been so clear and they've never been so public. what does this type of tension mean for your work as well? i think the yahoo statements this week really demonstrate what we've been learning about in the west bank for, for years now. that is really a continued to illegally colonize and settle in the west bank and the occupied west . will bank destroying any offers opportunity or potential for a negotiated to state solution? we've seen palace demand communities for stuff their lands uh, forced out of areas the of the west bank. these are some of the most vulnerable communities. i think uh, the international community needs to continue to put pressure to abide on to blood pressure and israel to abide by their obligations under international law. of course, all parties to this conflict must be abiding by international law. but what we've
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seen is a complete projection from the israeli government and its leaders of, of the internationally acceptable political solution for this conflict. it's indeed very troubling. should know what communications advisor with the norwegian refugee council in jerusalem should we appreciate your time to night. thank you. thank you . your opinion has reached a preliminary agreement to launch a military operation in the red sea to secure merchant shipping. the use top diplomat, joseph burrell, today announced the initiative as foreign ministers met in brussels. military force will only be used for defensive purposes. european warships and warning systems will be deployed to repel attacks, for example, by humans through the mail was it? the operation is expected to begin next month. a correspondence, rosie bird. george. she's been following the foreign ministers meeting in brussels
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. and she told me more about this plan mission as well. you're, you're trying to come up with some sort of response to this spiraling filings in the midwest. know what burrell side is, that nothing has been fully decided yet. what we've had, this needs to be human history is an agreement in principle, in fact, breton when i asked him. so when will this happen and what exactly what it looked like? well, he actually proceeded to waste of a series of things which still have to be decided, for example, which country would have built this mission a when exactly will be deployed. however, we do have some insights because we've been in, i've been into for me, i think 3 things on the plan this on you to come up to table. still to be discussed over the next few weeks. and what we're talking about here is basically a pond to send you repeating warships through the red sea region to try and protect merchant vessels, so to protect cargo, to accompany them, and to defend that no, not all you countries will take parts. of course, there are so many countries which are long volts and therefore don't have major 80
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sort of been with 3 enabled military assets at the disposal. but there are also some countries that have said they will not take part. for example, state. we do expect belgium to send a frigate unlikely germany will be participating as well. of course here of in response to those ongoing attacks by creating rebels against the cargo ships, trying to navigate and ship goods through the red sea. and we understand this mission the, the military would be used only for defensive purposes. but still, you're going to have, you know, these the ships they're going to be possibly in harm's way. i'm wondering, has there been discussion about whether or not this mission could prompt a possible escalation in what we're seeing in the red sea? yeah, no, right. there has been discussion about that in the to 4 months. i've been talking about this already for a few days. and they're likely to do so until february 19th, which is when we're expecting them to come up with some sort of a final agreement. i think what they say to that, a concern about an escalation is that based emission is, is going to be defensive in nature. but doesn't mean however breton,
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we're not looking at any sort of action. i mean, we are talking about, according to diplomats, i've spoken to the capacity to be, you know, shooting drones and missiles out of the sky. if of, if there are, if there's these shipped to these that the mission is set to protect are in fact in danger. no, you remember states are going to be continuing to discuss this. however, we don't yet have that final exactly how it's going to, how it's going to finally look like. but we know one thing which is that they will not try to make it exactly any sort of replica $49.00 states is doing. we know you member states will not be participating in any us attacks on who we see targets with in yemen. a new fact one you to for me up put it to me the way he said it. he said we'll actually be repeating it. here is more cautious than the us. w corresponding rosie bird charged with the latest tonight from brussels. rosie's always thank you. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines. poland to be prime minister, donald tusk, is about to continue your souls support for you crate. during his 1st visit,
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the keeps ends taking off his last month. tuscan said the country's hopes to produce weapons together. his talks with the grange president zalinski were aimed at rallying western support. the library is the president appeared to almost feigns during his inauguration ceremonies 79 year old joseph bullock. i froze several times and had to be supported by age. see right there during his swearing in speech, the episode was blamed on keats exhaust. that's all the buttons as they rescued for people from the side of a plane crash in afghanistan. 2 brothers were killed when the rushing registered jets went down in a remote mountain in this area in the north of the country, russian officials say the plane was headed for moscow. in the united states, florida governor rhonda sanchez's dropped out of the race for the 2024 republican presidential nomination is departure comes with just one day to go until the
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primary in new hampshire. the santas was once seen as donald trump's biggest obstacle to becoming the republican presidential candidate. sanchez has now backed former president trump over more homer, united nations in basset, or nikki haley. i say we need the w's, janelle tamale orders in new hampshire, ahead of the republican presidential primary. she sent us your assessment on who has the best chances of winning now on the eve of the new hampshire primary, the race is down to donald trump, and dicky hayley with paulding showing donald trump, having a considerable lead over nikki haley and the momentum that you gathered in the past week, so that narrow the gap between her and donald trump for a while, appearing to slow. now that run desantis has dropped out of the race. that could be another factor that slows nikki haley down even further. as the santa supporters look for, obviously inclined to support trump,
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that said if there was an electorate, that would be responsive to nikki haley. it would be this one. this is a state that has a large proportion of liberal voters, of moderate voters, of college educated voters, and of on declared voters. and nikki haley is banking on them heavily to show up for her and tuesdays primary. if they do not, and she does not beat trump here or come close to it, and she continues to like, far behind trump in her home state of south carolina. then this might actually end up being a really short primary race with donald trump. basically being handed the nomination and that was dw janelle devali on their reporting from new hampshire. before we go, the world's largest natural ice skating rink is reopened for the 1st time in 2 years in canada, the southern point 8 kilometer revoke canals. gateway has welcome skaters back, the temperatures are finally low enough to freeze the ice. they weren't that way for the past 2 years. this gateway in the capital ottawa is
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a unesco world heritage site will leave you now with these images of skaters enjoying the on the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day an in depth look at current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is weekdays on d, w. the 40 percent of the world population lives by an ocean.


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