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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 24, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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the the, this is dw news live from been in israel suffers, it's deadly est. since the stats of it's offensive. and guys on the 1st, the funerals held for 24 is really soldiers. most of them killed, went to buildings exploded. also, i had a boost for nato, as sweden moves a step closer to joining turkeys, parliament votes in favor of stockholm's, accession to the west, and alliance clearing a longstanding head on. now only hungry stands in its way. and vicky, hey me is backing on a big result in new hampshire battle for the republican us presidential nomination
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. but polls clearly favor donald trump in the 1st state primary on the 2024 election the no, i'm totally. alrighty. but welcome to the program. israel has been mourning the depths of 24 of its soldiers engaged on monday, the deadliest day for its forces since the ground offensive began. most of them were killed when 2 buildings mind for demolition. collapsed after a mass militants 5 at a nearby tank. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu was called at a tragedy. but as of all to push on and keep fighting until absolute victory is a teeth of a hamas, which carried out the october 7th terror attacks. as the families and friends of some of the soldiers killed on monday,
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gather at the national cemetery in jerusalem to pay their final respects. the military says an investigation is underway to determine what causes the highest single day death toll. since israel launched it's counter offensive in gaza, initial report suggests the majority $21.00 reservists were killed after a rocket propelled grenade fire debt and this really tank set off a secondary explosion that brought down the buildings they were in it. okay, hold on. even know what the scenes, it's an op to messiah was fired by terrorism. that's a ton. that was guiding the false william carlo. heave up. there was an explosion of $22.00 story buildings. i mean, the structure has collapsed as a result of this explosion. at the time when most of the soldiers with inside them inside diamonds, nearby the buildings likely exploded as a result of mines at our false. is it planted inside in order to destroy the
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buildings on the terrorist infrastructure in the area? is this really prime minister said it was one of the hardest space for his country since the start of what he called an unjust war about can him or is it we bow our heads to the memory of our fallen. and yet we do not for a moment stop striving for an irreplaceable goal. the achievement of an absolute victory. all coming together, we will fight and together we will wait and then that's it. a sentiment echoed by many on the streets of jerusalem. upon hearing the news of the soldiers, you know, it's our son's, it's our brothers it's, it's terrible. but we've got to do it to do to so that the october 7th doesn't happen. again. it's very said, but i think that, you know, we are a strong nation with a strong army. we're not supposed to, to, to, to be down. i am sick that we're losing these wonderful young men. we need the
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a live in israel. we didn't want this war. we have to fight for israel. but one doesn't have to travel far to find an opposing viewpoint. across the street, a crowd is gathered, demanding israel switched tactics and gaza and reach a deal which would allow the remaining hostages to come home. in new york, the un secretary general has one that the is really prime ministers. rejection of a 2 state solution will indefinitely prolong the conflict. speaking of the un security council continued terrace called it unacceptable. the rights of the palestinian people to be with them fully independent states must be recognized by all. and then a refusal to accept the 2 state solution by any part of the must be firmly rejected . what is the alternatives of all the ones that solution look with such a large number of follow seems insides without any legal sense of 3 of them. the
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rights and dignity like a link teaches in the facts only of law at western university and canada. he was the un special rapid to for the palestinian territories from 2016 to 2022 and joins us now. thank you for joining us on dw, um, what role can the un play in bringing about a 2 state solution? well, the 2 state solution has been a center piece of un resolutions and you and policy since the end of the 19 ninety's. but it's, it's imbedded in un general assembly resolutions and a new and security council resolutions. the problem is, i'm afraid to say, is united states, united states has probably committed to state to state solution. but it ensures that there's no price on israel for its actions, which makes it to state solution highly improbable, particularly with respect to the spread of, of the illegal is really settlements. we now have over 500000 is really settlers in
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the west bank. another 240000 in jerusalem. it's an, it's very hard to imagine how it 2 states solution based on the 1967 borders is going to occur with the with so many settlers would that would have to be removed for agreed to live under balancing himself. and in december, the un security council passed a watered down resolution that calls for creating conditions for succession of hostilities. has any progress being made sense when that resolution was passed on the 22nd of december, the death toll among palestinians and gas, i had just reached 20000. here we are a month and a day later on the 23rd of january and the death toll is now past 25000 daily reports. and the last couple of weeks have pointed out how difficult it is to get him out of hearing aid inside the u and a has said that there's approximately 570000 palestinians in gaza were facing
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starvation. there were, i believe yesterday, 16 humanitarian trucks were able to enter in the gaza to try to address the over whelmed humanitarian need. prior to october 7th, over $500.00 trucks today that were going inside guys. so if the thrust of the resolution, which the u. n. u. s. side of the system on in 2720 was to try to increase humanitarian aid while allowing israel to continue with its war. but the, the benefit has been to israel was a continuation of the war and not to the palestinians living inside with the humanitarian situation. more desperate now than it was when that resolution was passed 5 weeks ago. so would you say israel has violated the resolution? the resolution was watered down, but the resolution didn't assist and several of its key provisions that all parties had to pay and follow international law including international humanitarian law, which are the laws of war and occupation. with the use of starvation as
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a tool that is realized, insisted upon the blockage of water, the blockage of fuel going into gaza. and with what, what to even present you a blatant as described as indiscriminate bombing of, of gas. so it's hard to see how israel's conduct of this war has stayed within the balance of international law. and as part of the resolution to un appointed a special humanitarian and the construction coordinator for guys a, what do you expect her mission to achieve? as i understand that she use them guys to today um probably doing her best to be able to examine from a point of safety um humanitarian need. and in guys, she is expected to report a week from today on the 30th of january to the un security council vote to humanitarian needs. and keep in mind, this is about the same time, but we might expect a ruling from the international court of justice until the for cause application for provisional measures. you know, there's hope among some of the international court of justice does rule,
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at least in to give grant some of the measures being asked for vice all down for go . this might be the input as a tip, the balance that the us will finally say, israel, this is enough and allow a humanitarian cease fire resolution to pass through the the security council like a link to associate professor of the faculty of low west and university in london, ontario, we appreciate your time. thank you very much for having me talk. he's parliament has approved sweden's application to join nato clearing a longstanding hurdle to it's accession, lawmakers, the voted overwhelmingly in favor of sweden's bid to become the 32nd member of the alliance. after at one the public backing of taxi's president federal tab, but one had accused sweden of being too lenient towards curtis groups that 2nd classifies as terrorist organizations still come responded by tightening its anti
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terrorism laws. tech is approval leads hungry as the only natal member. yes. to rectify sweden's membership, dw correspondence, dorian jones has been following developments from a stumble or well, there was no real surprise about the policy. you know, all of these motion to ratify, sweden's, joining of nato. given the fact the present good ones has a majority in parliament, i'm the may not. position was also supporting the motion, so it easily passed. 287 boast of 55, a massive majority. but still, there was a collective, sorry for leap across nato. the us on the bottom of the turkey. jeff blake, straight talk to the vote, tweet saying that is great news for sweden. great news with touchy i'm from nato. while the swedish prime minister is chris and some also on the suite on the x saying, but this was a critical step for now present node one still have to sign off on off on this uh,
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ratification. he said that he would do that in the coming days ahead. so cool eyes will be now, i'm president of the one to sign off and take. so we move one step closer to joining nato's or the us state of new hampshire has been voting in the 1st primary of the country's presidential race. the contest to become the republican dominy is now between donald trump and nikki haley. haley who was a former, you in a positive, is training of the paul that needs a strong showing in new hampshire before the next contest in how home state of south carolina what trump is also dominating opinion polls. joan is donald dw is janelle de milan is at a trump election watch party in nashua new hampshire. janelle yes, eddie. so i'm in stat. i'm standing in front of these a lot. this line of trump supporters waiting to get into this trump election watch party. now i don't know if you can tell,
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but spirits here are very high. they're very confident that trump will come away from new hampshire with a when they're also hoping that president of that former president trump, will make a personal appearance here later tonight. in fact, the already saw his son, eric trump walker by earlier. now i have to say that this is a race that has been dominated by an air of inevitability. also because of a trump, a decisive victory in iowa that's carried him over here to new hampshire. also because of his big pull the lead over nikki haley. but you don't watch the night is not yet over. voters are still voters are still voting. and in fact, there are surveys out from today that say that a 3rd of primary folders see themselves as moderates. that in fact the majority do not consider themselves as market republicans. so we'll just have to see if that translates to any kind of success for nikki haley at the ballot box. and remind us just how important the state of new hampshire is as
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well for donald trump, it is important because he wants the wind here so decisively and so conclusively that it basically makes, has gotten a sion of for gone conclusion. now for nikki haley, it is make or break if she does not win here, or at least to manage to reduce a trunk. so lead over her to single digits that it's hard to imagine the way forward for, for a campaign. now she has been saying that whatever happens here, she will not drop out of the race. she will continue on to her home state of south carolina. she's been saying that it is a marathon, not a sprint. but given so much, given that to you at 6 so much here in new hampshire, and if she doesn't end up having a lot to show for it, then it would be hard for donors to back for a campaign. and of course, we know these campaigns really do need money. so i didn't. what i'm trying to say here is that here in new hampshire, it is important. there's so much writing on this primary edit is up to the famously
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independence, new hampshire rights to show us what the shape of this race is going to be. whether at the end of this saw donald trump will be the last man standing or whether nicki heavy lives to fight another day. dw is janelle dom alone in new hampshire. thank you for that update. nominations for this year's oscars have been announced in los angeles, and there's a more international flavor to the list this year with foreign films featuring more than usual in the main categories. those good news for germany is cassandra hello, who's nominated for the best actress? award for her role in the french film, and that's a bit of a for it's the 1st time a german woman has received such a nod from the academy since 1937. christopher nolan's oppenheimer is also among the front runners with multiple nominations. the film examines the life and moral bottles of robert oppenheimer,
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the creator of the atomic bomb. i literally go nowhere without looks like the little too much it's. that's okay, that's your news roundup choices. the program choices is coming up next. i'm told me a lot of quote for myself on the team. i know the bees do for fun via do gravitational waves squeeze out body. how do i the drums until the feet? and what's the perfect care for approx side? find the on says get with d. w signs on the tip top channels, we have already made into the site for ridiculous
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a made into funny stigma as meaning to braylan's.


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