tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle January 24, 2024 7:30am-8:01am CET
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just made me realize that i am lab itself. okay. be a lot different people. you don't have to fit in anything. i just don't if i can do it, leave me. you can do better than 90 minutes. some of the it can feel like getting hit with a sledge hammer, a constant revising, pressure being squeezed, and the vice it takes many phones, the pain. it tells us something's wrong without buddy or was us to be careful. still many people long for life, that's free of pain. so where can help be found? here and in good shape, the
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fit can turn the most beautiful days into a nightmare. sometimes it emerges all at once and sometimes it just won't go away. what the body goes through when experiencing pain is complex. for example, if we cut our finger damage cells send out a pain signal. the electrical potential of various nerve endings is altered. as soon as this reaches a certain threshold and electrical impulse travels via the neural pathways to the brain, the brain triggers reflects to prevent further injury. but there are also other pain receptors. the so called c fiber is produced a longer lasting dollars. sensation of pain, which causes us to go easy on the affected area. they transmit the signal more
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slowly to the brain via the nerves and the spinal cord. or in the solomon, incoming nerve impulses are filtered and transmitted. this sensory cortex finds out which area of the body they originate from. the lift allow place an important role in the emotional response. pain causes stress and anxiety, that anxiety can also make the pain more intense relief. on the other hand is provided by the pituitary gland here, endorphins or release. the blunt pain receptors in the brain areas under the prefrontal cortex are active when we become aware of the pain. its focus of attention is limited though. if we are distracted, we become less aware of the pain. the pain can be annoying or
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unbearable, but it serves an important purpose. it makes us respond to injury and keep our bodies intact. but this complex system can also go haywire. in the case of chronic pain, it warns us constantly and often without reason. and the brain, like in the case of psycho sematic pain, can cause the problem itself. that's another reason why it's often difficult to treat paint affectively. some remedies focus on reducing the pain stimulus for interrupting the transmission to the brain. others can help us cope with pain sometimes trying out all the possibilities is the only option so that the nightmare eventually comes to an end developed at this university in montreal, canada,
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the mcgill pain index measures the west kinds of pain, including migraines and tim, so tearing headaches, reno college caused one kidney stones block parts of the urinary tract, groves, disease and inflammatory bowel disease which causes bloating and stomach cramps. giving best 1st phase the contractions, then the pressure of the baby's head stretching the premium. getting stung by but it and found in central and south america, it's venomous. so toxic people compare the pain to getting shots and fiber mile to a chronic condition, which triggers constance pain, especially in the joints. nancy geiger was 27 years old when she 1st started getting pain to begin after so kind as to force us. i'm
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told in the beginning i had to few symptoms most. it began with muscular pains on, particularly in the morning and it was difficult for me to get going appropriately and i had problems taking the stairs title. and then as the months went by, i started developing more symptoms and told me i've got problems, pins and needles, all over my body sleeping problems in sonya stuff. okay. and most of those as kites . but worst of all was the joint in deep muscle pain across her entire body. she struggled to do the simplest things. if i to i gosh thing, i was totally incapacitated law. i remember after my daughter was born, the parent was bad on one night and i wanted to get up and prepare some meals for her. we have 2 steps in our apartment, and it was too much for me to go down to steps into the kitchen. but i put on the kettle and prepare her formula and i couldn't do it on to stand on to you. i don't
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wish to my husband. he took us for nancy geiger to be diagnosed with 5 ro, my alger disorder, apparently linked to the rates, the central nervous system processes pain. the result, let's enter sure, the rule ecologist basically tells me to take pain killers when needed on, and she recommended doing something relaxing. like yoga. she said she, that was the only treatment available upon move this case and the one was happening . and then i thought with where will this and it's, it's fine if it's like this at the age of 32. listen, what about went on a 40 to 50 or 60 life place, but the idea of just popping pills and relaxing, didn't satisfy her. she started looking for alternatives and discovered a research project at the university hospital in my book. sure, and i think the pain researchers, cottage cima is trying to change the way her patients perceive pain by using
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electrical impulses to influence the battery receptors at the base of the carotid artery that are receptors don't just regulate blood pressure, but also indirectly influenced the way we perceive pain, chronic pain seems to switch off barrow receptors. preventive level that's up to the end of the barrel. receptors are no longer properly active. the brain stem doesn't get feedback about what's happening in the body and stopped at some regulatory functions when they are active bearer receptors pass on information to a small part of the brain stem that regulates blood pressure, pain, blood, sugar, anxiety, sleep, and are stress on them in some water. so she's developed a device that can be used to reactivate power receptors. it creates impulses independently of the heart beat. come, you get something like a little electric shocks, differing strength into something,
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some don't hurt at all. and to, of course i do notice the stronger ones, the maximum they make you flinch briefly for them, but it's bearable a side mission of the sensitivity threshold is raised the little each time country team can see the effects on her screen. you can see the blood pressure and pulse rates here. the white dots are the barrow receptors and each dot shows that barrow receptor is responding. and that means that pain is being inhibited at that moment. the very 1st treatment got results. let them s law after getting home from my 1st treatment. i managed to sleep through the night in the hospital. i haven't been able to do that for months and sight more. nothing. and i woke up in the morning and felt like a new person to investigate, but i know i'm and nancy geiger got the stimulation treatment 10 times along with psycho therapy sessions and the pain disappeared. the detailed upset as far as the treatment has
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transformed my life, and especially when i looked at i was so restrictive thing, i couldn't do anything i have now. that was especially hard with the children had this has been life changing with the best thing that could ever have happened to me is content. and 6 years later, for symptoms have not returned. and for over 80 percent of those who took part in the study, the effects of lasted for at least a year. the, the latex from the seed capsule of opium puppy is the 1st time killing known cements. and the plant was cultivated. and what is today? iraq over 5000 years ago. nowadays there's a range of analgesics available to us. the classic is a c to follow citic acid, commonly known as aspirin. it's used to reduce pain fever and inflammation. piracy some all helps with headaches and toothache. um can also lower
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a temperature. ibuprofen helps relief mild to moderate pain and for as information as an act relieves pain in the muscles and joints it's often used for sports injuries. opium puppy is also still use medicinally. it's chemically converted into morphine making it 1000 times stronger than in its natural form. morphing is the most commonly used opioid for severe cancer related pain. also effective against severe pain, metabolic so it's mainly used for acute injury, co operative pain of comic. but in general, both i am killers have hidden health, with the nicholas hanging on loves to play ice hockey with when he was younger that month led to a space of injuries and 8 operations. he was mostly given my time zone to treat the pain, but it triggered severe side effects. the ones when you're in
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a situation like that, and you're in pain and they give you something and it helps you don't question it. you just take it. metabolism is prescribed for acute severe pain. intestinal colic, abdominal cramps are high fever, but not for inflammation. but there are frequent debates about its usage because of the side effects. it can cause the nicholas hennington initially took metabolism without a problem. but 2 years ago he suddenly came down with a high fever in runs, at some point the fever kept getting worse, and then i was given something for it to call on thing. so and i developed a really bad sore throat and slope was entered difficulty, swallowing and a headache like a bad flew doctor to the doctor's did a blood test. they found extremely few granular sites. a sub group of white blood
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cells, meaning his ability to fight off infection was almost non existent. a grammy will cite ptosis is known as a possible side effect of metabolism. i know i kind of, it's for a granular site. toast is a dangerous but very rare and actually easily travel disease. and if i, if it's detected, it's normally recognized by 3 symptoms with a sore throat. fever and whitish deposits in the mouth and throat. so it should be me getting my one to protect him from infection. nicholas heading, i was isolated and given an fusions to increase the granular sites in his blood. and then come in these somehow a point came that really minute by minute. things got better with drinking, eating then with a headache, cough and everything. um, call somebody else and whose name was wilma after a few days, nicholas henning now had recovered and could go home. the side effect he
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suffered is reportedly far rarer than those caused by other pain killers. dr. say much more widely used medication like ib proof and, or dipole for neck are much more dangerous. the bins. yep. i uh, well, we have only 50 to a 100 cases, a year of a granular side hoses, of which only a fraction di we really have thousands of deaths a year with the other over the counterpane. medications, for example, from gastro, intestinal bleeding from cardiovascular failure, or from kidney failures, that's kind of south facade and orders and me and such a. one example is the narrowing of coronary arteries, which limits blood flow to the heart. raising the risk of a heart attack, dr. see a connection with both. i do proof and, and i close enough people who for years have taken large amounts of these pain
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killers. are most at risk. i'm exec, what's other fine? it is very likely that this is related because we know that these drugs and especially the closer nag, have very strong side effects on the cardiovascular system, including heart attacks and have some talked. that's why doctors continue to recommend caution when it comes to pain killers. continuous use and particular can be life threatening. so it's best to seek medical advice. it's suffering from persistent pain. a headaches on one of the most common disorders of the nervous system. the brain itself can feel pain. there are no notes except is located in the brain tissue. usually, a headache begins in the nerves of the muscles and blood vessels surrounding the head, neck, and face. and usually the causes nothing serious, unless it's accompanied by new or logical symptoms such as confusion or trouble
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concentrating. they could also be something seriously wrong. it's a headache sets in very suddenly or is unusually severe. then it's best to go straight to the emergency room. but however, i'm pleasant. 90 percent of headaches, i'll be 9. these include migraines, tension, headaches, and cluster headaches. the good news is they can usually be treated. stefan teufel has specialized in pain medicine for more than 10 years. so he's an expert on the different types of headaches, one, especially severe form if cluster headaches across the cops. now people who suffer from cluster headaches, good, very severe pain on one side of the head. and usually it's focused behind the eye. and also me, i choose up and gets red. 10 in the hotel this august plus the headaches are
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comparatively red. i'm mostly affect men. unlike migraines. in migraines, the pain is usually on one side of the head, but not always. that's just the classic form on the left or the right side. usually it has a kind of throbbing or pulsating quality. and migraines are usually accompanied by other symptoms, like sensitivity to light and sounds or smells. intrinsic type. migraines can be debilitating, but tension headaches can also be very painful. the spinal tinge and headaches tend to involve a sense of tightness or pressure and guns. patients often describe a sensation of pressure pushing down on their head. like wearing a cap before a hat that's to try and focus one of the tension. headaches can also be accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light, but they tend to be less severe than the migraines of a difficult thing else. can pick up by them with a headache strikes,
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relaxation can help fresh and exercise can often vanish attention, headache, but exercise won't help in the middle of a migraine, a time for them because i know that when it comes to migraines, there are 2 main therapeutic approaches talking about 1st treating the migraine attacks as they're happening and 2nd pro full access. so can you try to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks? in terms of medication, we have an arsenal of drugs available to us. the 1st are simple, traditional pain medications like aspirin, and i bu proofing that's new to me as being in the class of medications co trip chains which can help relieve a cluster or migraine headache, but many patients don't want to depend on medication that's with other forms of pain relief can help, like a must have power to fit us into a few in the clinic, we also use things like mustard powder. for an active migraine. it's
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a therapy that comes from answerable solving medicine. and many people say it's helpful that i think with books on the 1st sign of a migraine. so you'll feet for 10 minutes into chromebooks and mix with must about it. 10 minutes you'll feed to release the oils. doesn't sound good. it's just the must see. just punch and it has a nip to it just from the school to thought it finally ground, which helps release. it's essentially else, and i just, that's the pungent punch. then the shot. when the power comes into contact with the skin, it activates the kind of wounds on pain responds, sac, vomit, schmidt slides, winters, all patients tell us that it feels like it's drawing the heat and pressure out of the head. and down towards that feature, snap austin cops and the whole progressive muscle relaxation techniques can also help patients focus on tightening and relaxing various muscle groups in sequence
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that commit leave tension, which in turn helps release the headache knowing how and why headaches arise can also help patients learn how to cope, but sometimes headaches can be a sign of something. most tvs. failing to think of some headache symptoms could indicate a serious illness. that could include a ruptured brain aneurism, or meningitis, which is an inflammation of the protective membranes of the brain. that's something that a doctor needs to look at in an aneurism. the 1st symptom is usually a sudden agonizing headache, and someone with meningitis will often have a high fever. stop by once other conditions have been ruled out, patients can experiment with things that might help. some people find cold, useful, others move the heat to the head dry if example relieve headaches, that it could, you tend to neck muscles this with it,
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but i would always encourage patients to try to figure out what helps them, what relieves the pain is on headache suffers often find very creative solutions to people who suffer from headaches should also stick the image junk seemed a daily routine with regular balanced meals can help. 2 ends during a busy day meals also a good time to relax and clean your head. the visuals are a range of natural remedies for painting please. rosemary from the mediterranean contains dies or pains and essential oils that can help treat sol muscles. in fact, pain the tumor examinations can help treat rheumatoid arthritis and post office information
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and indonesian chose oil can help suit sol, friends, and to say the and what about this kind of a sense? it can be addictive so many all wary, but it's also effective encompassing chronic pain. what does the signs say? the canada is a psycho active drug with medical uses, but recent hyper about it's an additional benefits appears to be over guns, feeling that many patients in our clinic expect too much of a total amount of items i skipped until the very few patients actually benefit don's guns when you go. this is the cannabis plant. it's flowers produced, a group of chemicals called candidate noise. the most important r t h c, n c d. medical cannabis products come in the form of capsules
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as boil or spray. even the dried flowers can be prescribed. they contain varying proportions of t, h, c, n, c, d, kind of a noise affect our body and our mind, or body has its own candidate annoyed receptors. that's why there were high hopes that kind of this might help tackle a whole range of ailments, not just pain, but also inflammation, muscular tension, and anxiety. pain, therapist, maya flag and back has tried cannabis products on many of her patients. she can recall when the prescription 1st became legal and there was an explosion of interest. but often the results have been disappointing. in schisms um how to if most of our patients wanted to stop the treatment again because it wasn't good enough and reducing pain, dish maps effect and the plans mission, all size and quick core results. little scientific proof pain experts have
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grown skeptical. the maya fi conduct notice from the few studies that do exist. that's kind of annoyed or most effective in treating nerve pain. but by no means do own or right, but he suffers benefit as a so does yeah, we need to treat 9.5 patients to find one who benefits. and that's a pretty poor outcomes. just don't want to restrict the 2nd and yet there are cases where medical cannabis works amazingly well for the could peep costs, for example. she's been suffering from multiple sclerosis for 50 years now, and recently had a mild stroke. she doesn't react well to strong painkillers. just ignore the cannabis drops now help her to get by in her everyday life. a dr. young stock often uses cannabis products on elderly patients because they have
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both physical and psychological effects and can improve their general quality of life. kind of annoys, also have another benefit. they're easier on a liver and kidneys than many other drugs. fish live as we do gen to prescribe it more frequently to older patients with poor kid me or liver function too much. or in those cases where we would have to give very high doses of other drugs for them to work. and then when you come in and d 0, but also to 0 them does equal to the cannabis plan to remains mysterious. sometimes very small doses are effective, they're often it doesn't work at all, and it's not easy for doctors to predict who it will help and who would want the picture remains hazy. would always help is keeping fits today. ok, i was going to show us another easy bus effective exercise,
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the warm welcome to you. lets me show you an exercise for your arms. it's called handbook to push out, bent over. bring your hands on the ground. walk forward to the height of your shoulders. lower you need, do a push out, and then return and spend with this exercise, your strength and your shoulders, your arms and your end. do this exercise for 30 seconds and then rest 30 seconds and repeat these 3 times. the
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inside gaza. it's been more than $100.00 days since the home aust. here attacks on israel dw reporter at mohamad, collude lives, and works in the gaza strip. he has been documenting life there since the outbreak of the war. the humanitarian situation is catastrophic. the war and its consequences. los the incessant minutes on the
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w go india. one to known as a city of a 1000 leagues. now the water is scarce and the sources that remain are polluted. now the water is scarce and the sources that remain are polluted. but nature may be able to provide the solution. address pollution coming home based. want to have to be equal in 90 minutes on d. w. the eater. insane. and feel the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue
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what that's my thoughts or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port in those nonsense. i want my son to the doctor. joe, in the clubs. it's time to to see the vehicle in your generation with a sleep us, i'm them. when generation as class this week on the dw is kind of fun. it feels like therapy, the, the,
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the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. donald trump, scores of the size of wind in the new hampshire primary truck sort of celebrate the victory, the 2nd in his bid for the us republican presidential nomination. but nikki haley has only rival, says the race is far from over. also coming up the 1st funerals or help for 24 is really soldiers killed in gaza on monday it was the deputies day for israel since the star temp. it's offensive in the territory against the background of a rise and anti semitism in europe. and the israel thomas war,
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