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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the dw news live in from berlin tonight, a russian military plane has crashed close to the ukrainian border. social media video appears to show when the airplane went down, the russian media say at least 65 ukrainian prisoners of war were on board. the plane also coming up to night, angry and argentina over the president's economic plans, thousands, walk off the job and what is honest to protest, drastic cuts to public spending measures president and the leg says are necessary
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to curb inflation and to revive the country's economy. and a huge explosion, rocks, the mongolian capital, at least 6 people are killed and who long but tar after a car crashes into a truck that was filled with liquids. natural gas, the bridge off is good to have you with this on this wednesday, and we begin with many questions around the crash of a russian military transport play. now here is what we know at this hour. it happened in the belgrade region of russian, close to the border with ukraine. as you see right here on this map, a video posted on social media appears to show the moment when the airplane went down. russian officials said that all the people on board, including 65 you, crating, and prisoners of war were killed. the russian foreign ministry has blamed for
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downing the plain keep as neither confirmed nor denied this claim. the w's nick connelly and keep and dw jennifer pocket and riga told me more about the reactions of the russian and ukrainian governments to this crash. no rush to the rushing for its run ministry has called the trash, an act of terrorism harshly bleeding and criticizing key or for killing its own people. the foreign ministries ambassador at large for crimes committed by the key of regina said, quote, he has committed an insane act of barbarism, demonstrating, complete disregard for human life. on quote, the plane was supposedly heading to a war prisoners exchange between russia and ukraine on their shared border according to walk out to you knew about it, and still chose to fire to miss styles as the russian military claims to have seen on its very dar earlier today does that have been that all the senator and former
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chief of the russian airport sat in the interview, that it is 100 percent clear that the play was shut down. he also stated that the crew was able to report an external impact before crashing and killing everyone on board. okay, so that could maybe indicate that there had been a, an explosive on board. and nick, tell us what kind of reaction are we getting from ukraine? what kind of reaction are we getting from ukraine? being a strange day here in cube, there wasn't the real official racks and it hasn't been one from zalinski for instance. i think it's clear that this is an incredibly sensitive topic for us as war. some of whom would be now in russian detention for over a year is something that the president and anyone in the subsistence here is acutely aware of the relatives are making a lot of noise in the democratic sites that ukraine, that has much more weight than in the system, like russia we heard from the doesn't service, is that
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a prisoner said was indeed planned for today. and more lastly, today they've said that they weren't informed by the russian hill to ortiz, that any of these prisoners would be flown to an apple. so close to the front lines, we've had a statement from the ministry of defense saying that ukraine will continue to target russian planes that are attacking them using the used transport weapons to ukraine's borders. have it wasn't that clear admission in any sense of responsibility, but it was kind of up to us in that sense. and people here and give all basically scratching their heads and listening to some of the most kind of extraordinary versions extraordinary. because 1st, if the result that, you know, versions based on unknown sources to try to make sense of what happens. yeah, nick, i mean, if we believe what, what we're hearing and coming out of russia, then you cream possibly shot down a plane that was full of ukrainian prisoners. if these prisoners are found to have been on board, what is the most likely reaction from ukraine going to be in europe in the
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questions they'll say, was this a trap for this? somehow it attempts to get ukraine to down this plane like an offering it up as an easy target where these people even still alive when they were on that plane. all these kind of sent me an extremely versions of being talked about here in cuba. i think it what, what in the way that many rushes seem to believe that this will impact the government negatively. i don't think that this was on how to change the mood in the country. ukrainians were in the well, there was incident in july 2022. when lots of ukraine presented were killed in russian detention in occupied ukraine. you don't yet skimming a tech that the russians claimed your credit card out, but which has since been proven by many experts to be impossible, to carry out by the cranes in the way the russians had alleged. so i think it will turn the mood even more violently against russia, and i think this will worry here that russia is going to use this is an attempt to basically block will further exchanges. yeah, yeah. still have so many unanswered questions tonight. database me. connelly reporting from keith dw jennifer polk from reagan to both of you. thank you. as the
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united nations, as a training center run by its relief agency for palestinian refugees has been show that during fighting and southern gauze of the facility at han, eunice was reportedly being used to shelter, displaced people. arriving on the media platform x, the director of the relief organization in gaza initially said that the building was a blaze. he posted that safe access to the center had been denied for 2 days and that people were trapped. the w special corresponded abraham is in jerusalem and she gave us more details. what we, what we know is what we're told through a un spokespeople. are you when a sources it's very difficult to verify ourselves. this information on the ground as access to the gaza strip is usually restricted for journalists. but what we're told by you one source is that if you went training center, that was housing displaced, people a, supposedly thousands,
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was struck by tank fire. uh and there, then from there we got very conflicting reports about the number of casualties. first, we heard that there were mask, cor, i'm quoting mass casualties, but then there were reports also from the un sources that the casualties are other about 9 of the displaced people. and we've also additionally heard that southern and guys as hospitals have been cut off by is really forces is really forced to say that in this general area, there was a large and concentration of from us fighters. and as such as there was an oper operation, there are military operations going on in the southern guns, gaza strip that in itself is not surprising. these really army has said that it's moving it's operation from the northern part to the southern part in gaza, which now houses hundreds and thousands of people who have
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a ski from the north to the south. but this is information that is extremely, extremely difficult for us to verify. that was abraham reported from jerusalem. let's take a closer look. now some of the stories making headlines around the world. us military officials say who the rebels from yemen have fired 3 anti ship ballistic missiles at an american flag container ship. and the gulf of a vessel appears to be one of 2 heading from the gulf into the red sea, which were early reported to have turned back after explosions in the vicinity of the ships. so walk in prime minister robert feed, so is in germany before departing for berlin. the pro rational leader met with ukraine's prime minister near t. it's talks with german transfer. all of shoulds are expected to center on ukraine feed. so says he supports keeps bid to join the european union, but not native trained drivers have started the longest rail strike
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in the german history. only very limited time tables will be in operation for the next 6 days. many services have been cancelled. the walk out overpay and working hours is due to end next. monday. now to south america, argentinians are holding a large demonstration in the capital when his artist, over controversial economic reforms announced by the countries new president javier malay. thousands of workers are taking part in a 12 hour stride, also boise, their opposition to planned reforms that are expected to amend labor laws, leads government to have slashed public spending and the value of the country's currency, arguing the difficult overalls are necessary after years of overspending. that have left the country in debt, but the protesters say that the changes have made life for those already struggling
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even harder. forcing many to ask for help. this is the largest shantytown in buenos aires. alejandro lopez grew up here where she runs the soup kitchen financed by the city council. in the last month, food prices have increased by nearly 50 percent so many people now want to each year. but other hunter had to start a waiting list. people who haven't been here before, ask if we have space for them. and those already here ask if they can have more food. some neighbors say they come to the soup kitchen because they can only afford proper meals for their children. once a member of the opposition party, alexander says she does not regret voting for how'd you emulate. don't come yet, but he was
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a candidate who spoke about what the future could be like the in one or 6. but nobody believed he could have such a big impact on this. i've got to put in such a short amount of time ada, and apple left him. the kitchen cooks with donations from the authorities and windows aries. the central government does not make any contributions. louisa, up and down you. it was a cleaner sheets at the kitchen with her husband and grand daughter. we don't have enough money. how you, when we have to do with the milk and yoga class, and only buy it once in a while. but i have no nice thoughts on louisa did not vote from a lady who came to power on a promise to turn around the economy. danielle, he's right on many things, but not on the other. we don't agree that we the workers, the pool should pay for the mistakes of the politicians, the police because one of my legs 1st moves was to remove price controls and certain products like food and fuel. they had kept them affordable. that's an
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installation soaring that got in yet so many to buy influencing argentina's entire pricing system. in fact, you know, we would inevitably have new prices. so what if i noticed the expectation is that by we forming the countries from a macro economy, the economy would stabilize and yet, and india and also the prices and they don't well, experts agree that prices have to be adjusted. they say it has to happen slowly, not suddenly the government sees the initiative. it took the bull by the horns, and it seems to me that by doing everything owners once and not providing quicker help to those who need it most. the shock was too much. and perhaps the reaction was too slow. many families experience dine questionnaire which could perhaps have been avoided. so i mean, i think excessive building on every day. in january, the malay government released more funding to help those suffering under the reforms, but that is not stopping to cues,
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find rolling at kitchens like this in mongolia. at least 6 people have been reported being killed in a massive gas explosion in the capital of it. was on but tar. the blast occurred after a crash between a car and a truck carrying liquid natural gas. is it in the set of machines? the hub blast rocks, mongolia is capital lamba. tar. before dawn, give it a car collided with a natural gas tanker setting off a series of explosions. the fireball spread engulfing this apartment block. some residents barely made it out alive. just as soon as we realized our apartment was on fire, panic set in and we tried to reach the exit. but one of the doors was already
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engulfed in flames. we had to forcefully break through the other door to escape. dozens of others were able to escape, but fire fighters died. battling the blaze. and official says they were hit by flying debris. that's up to the war. well, fire fighters were trying to extinguish the plains. another explosion went off, the pots of the tongue blew off with great false, resulting in a tragic loss of 3 firefights as a loss. many here know could have been much worse if the blast had happened during busy day time hours. in a world, the 1st scientists have successfully managed to artificially impregnate and endangered white rhino. the ag of a southern and white rhina was fertilized in the laboratory and then successfully
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transplanted into a sarah good mother. the breakthrough is being held as a chance to potentially save the northern white rhino. now this mother and daughter, they are the last of their kind in the world, there is new mil, dual life sciences, are hoping that they can bring this bases back from the edge of extinction with the surrogate mother. are you watching dw news more news at the top of the hour? so you the, the sometimes the show right. how that you out to the highlight for every week? nothing else and doing you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't go down 65 full was last those top 5
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