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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  January 25, 2024 4:15am-4:31am CET

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more animals back from the brink of extinction. okay, that's it for the news. the thought coming up next planet, a looks at how little notes essential super magnet came close to setting off at damaging freight. one of these munoz, a. d, w. com. i have told me all logical for myself on the team. thanks for watching the people in trucks engine trying to see the city center and the straight people's screens the around the world more than 130000000 people us. we
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ask mine because no one should have to make up your own mind dw may feel mine's in the. ringback on september 7th, 2010 seemingly small incident in the middle of the eastern us change the course of history. chinese preaching trauma and to japanese coast guard ships collided in the disputed waters, the japanese coast guard team to skip the tensions between the 2 countries have been rising over here and the chinese government was it canceled high level political meetings with japanese officials reportedly reduced exports of crucial re of elements to japan, china has denied this, has happened and is paid by how much they reduce their exports. but what is clear
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is that the small events mock, the stock of an incredible price search in a world wide frenzy to secure these rare elements. arguably, the most important of them being this new to me is a weird little element that will power. i'll shoot you, the new man is hidden away down here in the politic system. it's one of the 17 read elements which are actually not that where at all, these metals were 1st considered rad, because they have never been seen before. but really like new demi and quite abundant in the us crust. it's just very hard to separate them from the material around them. what it was discovered in 1885 by this austrian scientist. nobody really knew what to do with it. from the 19 twenty's onward, it was used to color the last couple fancy, but still not very useful. but in 1983 researches from general motors and the japanese conglomerate. so we don't know independently announced
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a huge invention at the same conference. if you combine new demi em together with boy on an iron, you'd get really, really strong magnet today. now to me, i'm itself is also used in special protective last and for lasers, and one of the things, but the magnet is what turned out to be a game changer. this is a regular affair, right? magna probably what's in your normal fridge magnets? i mean, they're super easy to separate. no problem. this is what's called a supervisor. and they are super strong. oh my god, the, i swear to god, i'm not that week. now do me a magnus can be up to 10 times stronger than fair, like magnets. normally, the 9th is ation of breaks up into the different domains punching in different directions. this is michael cohen, a professor who has been researching magnets for over 50 years. we don't want that
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to happen to have a good use use of a permanent magnus. we want them all to be in the same direction. and the way you do that is allowing the on with another element, which is new didn't mean, which is the best one. for this purpose, that makes me now do me a magnet, crucial for things like electric cars, wind turbines, or even your phone. so a quick refresher why we need magnets for these things in the 1st place, store and making the simplest electric motor from these monuments, a battery, and some copper wire frustrates for this battery on couple of these magnets. so and then you need to form your copper and a type of cool service. now do me a magnet already creating a really strong magnetic field. this factory is the energy. so the top of this corpus board needs to touch the battery. and the bottom pop needs to touch the
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magnet so that the electricity can flow through the when this happens because of a principle called the lawrence for that, you may remember from high school, this is how we convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. so this is a basic principle of how an electric model to works. and that's what we use also slow electric cos, the same principle guys for wind turbines. just the other way around. this mechanical energy is then turned into electrical energy through the magnet inside here and the called the school. so in the bigger versions of these, instead of the l, a. d being looked up, that's the electric energy that the generator gets fed into the grid for the stronger the magnet, the better, and these now do me a magnets of the strongest commercial magnets on the market. they also relatively
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cheap and super hard to de magnetize the invention of now do me a magnets pays the way for more efficient electric motors. they're more compact and light to, because these magnets are so powerful that even comparatively small ones get the job done. today, many electric cars contain an average of about a kilogram of new do me a magnets. wind turbines use much, much more deposit tongue turbine. these are also really important in order to equipment like these headphones or big speakers inside these broken headphones. this still should be something magnet, so let's to get all that was easy. in these headphones, you have a cup of school and a magnet. the electricity is converted into movement, which then is converted into audio waves. in the case of your phone, there's a tiny magnet in here,
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and that causes the phone to vibrate to mess up in the mean wild life is going to be use for electric, causing wind turbines without popping up everywhere. this is why the mountaineer do me and it's only projected to grow and could out strip supply. but let's rewind back to that boat incident for a minute. it wasn't just depends, that panic did little when they realized how dependent they had become on rent of mind and china and the price of narrow to me, i'm showing up dramatically after the collision. it's all born out of this, this fear from the, the, the concentration that you see race and it's been 20 times with china. this is michelle bustamante. she looks like critical minerals and their impact on land and natural resources. i have seen the concerns around these types of materials lead a lot of countries to become more resourceful, naturalist and i solution s and want to mine all of our own stuff and only,
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you know, produce everything domestically australia way re, uh, so relatively abundant has scaled up its production significantly. the us reopened . it's one rate of mine in 2017. yeah, ma has scaled up. it's mining but exports. a lot of it's rare us to china. india once to quadruple it's domestic production in the coming decade. but scaling up near do me and production is still far from easy. the problem is getting this element out of the new domain is found jumbled together with other similar elements purifying. it takes a lot of steps that process use as many acids and solvents that are detrimental to the environment and hazardous to work as not only that, whenever unique challenges associated with rare or mining often is that they're mixed up a lot of the or is mix stuff with highly radioactive elements. that's why even 10
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years off of the rent as prices, china is still the main producer of these elements. and they would do me along with other writ of elements has been pop tockets during recent trade. tensions and prices us starting to says again, the problem is that these new demand magnets are so great that it's really hard to replace them. people have tried to find other ones, other combinations of on with different rats. and some of them have been somewhat successful. but nothing as good as meeting them. all these details about the metallic g. much, much to what does work though is using less of it more efficiently. for example, in electric motors, we found that b s you could actually replace 50 percent off from your day ma'am. with fair, right, marketing without compromising in performance. this is a can on livid in he's a chemist, developing new methods to recycle and substitute new to me
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a magnet the so is it mother off all the time of these and substitution, but not re power replacement. recycling always seems like the most obvious solution, but when the very early stages still in personal electronics, these magnets are small and hot to retrieve because they're built in with other materials, making it easier to just use new now to me. but since the wind turbine and electric car markets are also expected to keep on growing, it could incentivize more recycling. and since the magnets use there a bigger it could be more cost effective. i can tell you that we are making version for this approach is to recover these rest elements in an environmentally friendly way. using that process, we call the assets free, the solution office. with this method, there is no need to pre sold and separate out re magnets, one by one instead of toxic assets. the process use is called the sold and selectively lead to our rent us. and these are examples of rare elements that we
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recover from. be it would make it even easier if manufacturers already built their products with recycling in mind when we create the currently sustainable supply chains a that involve a high degree of reuse recycling. that's when we're really trying to solve the problems that create all this fear. not just by trying to mind everything ourselves as individual nation. so it's unlikely that this obscure element is going out of fashion. any time soon. did you know about super magnets in there? do me m, please let us know in the comments and subscribe. we post videos like this, every 5 the
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into the conflict zone with sim sebastian. i guess this week is alexi gunter, unco ukrainian. m. p. angelica parliamentary assembly council of us, hello,
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is this the best time for a year ago? going to ronco had post price because the landscape and reservations about him because he still believe this president will lead you crying to victory. come 6 on dw, did use in to as a come the mega c of dictatorship member entering a 2 year history. but also for the world representatives were elected to compose the draft. it's relationship between the economy and the date would be changed the 1st time that indigenous peoples were put on a level with everyone else is today in society. reading the change in 45 minutes on d w. the
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shannon. the award winning offer is available. language learning gentlemen have never been sent to go. can you get a 9 we are all set of what's in place. we all seem to ring of the story behind the news. we all evolved unbiased information, feel free mind due to name done are you ready to get a little more extreme? these places in your, at all smashing over just
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gripped the treasure map for more than glad to gather some of your ranking sites on your macs, you choose the ukraine approaches. the 2nd that of us say, of russia is full scale invasion with some alarming uncertainties. will the us be able to restock the items? and i munition supplies which drive out a month ago, have the big promises from the west about staying with ukraine as long as it takes time to dust. my guess this week is alexi considering co ukrainian. m. p. angelica to the parliamentary assembly of the council of your one thing should be clear for everybody. ukrainian people are fighting. but who we are losing people every day. and we come to wait forever and we can fight forever for
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a year ago. going to run co head but.


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