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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 26, 2024 8:00am-8:30am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to line from berlin. israel's conduct in gaza comes under scrutiny . the boss run health ministry says 20 people chewing for food, aid, or killed by is really tank fire or calling it a war crime. israel's military says the report is being investigated and is real away. it's a highly anticipated ruling from the us top court that could porter in immediate stop to his military action in guns. also coming up the us state of alabama, execute a convicted murderer with nitrogen gas. we looked at why state officials approve the controversial and previously and tried method plus unanswered questions loom
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over a military plane crash near russia's border with ukraine. moscow and keep blame each other. un security council says it cannot verify what has hello and jerry martin, thanks for joining us. just a few hours from now, the international criminal court could decide to order is real to put an immediate stop to military action and go. so we'll talk more about what's behind the case in a moment. but 1st, let's bring you up to date with the latest from gaza. the last run health ministry there says, is really fire has killed at least 20 people waiting for humanitarian aid and injured another 150. israel says it's looking into the report. the is really military says it's finding him aust militants at close quarters. and the con eunice
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as it seeks to dismantle the group, which is classified as a tear organization by several countries. named bodies filled the el cheapo hospital in kansas city after news really attack desperate people were waiting for a rare delivery of food and made a growing family. the un says causes are facing the highest levels of food insecurity ever recorded with over 90 percent of the population surviving on less than one meal day. we were waiting for the truck springing flower then is ready tank status with full shells. young people are mounted and others injured, was hitting the fates and hand. meanwhile, in southern gaza is really forces say they have surrounded the city of con eunice. the ordered people in the western part of the city to leave. among them, over $30000.00 displaced causes who had taken shelter at a un facility, which at earlier come under attack. the inside,
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the agent is cooling hon. you nice. where they said it was safe. this riley um it started telling us in las vegas to leave within half an hour we started running and do you know where our family lives on children, where i get this 3 days ago? not where the see and don't know what to go awhile. families are unable to leave. the strip cost is $2300000.00 people are being squeezed into an ever smaller area as battle spread. with no idea how long the fighting will go on or when they'll have to flee again. for more and joined. now by the w as tanya kramer in jerusalem, tanya, we're hearing about new mediation efforts between the warring parties. there could this be another truce and then making as well, i mean, as far as the demo, more reports, but it's the nature, you know, if these talks behind the scenes that nothing is really confirmed and also
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depending on the source of my saying the gaps are still a very wide and of as i say, the gaps are narrowing between the size. but there were reports a saying that the heads of the ca and of the is really most sod are supposed to be meeting uh in the coming day. somewhere in europe with the cut, the re and egyptian mediators um, uh for a potentially a new uh, hosted steel. the is really work having that has ultimate, on thursday night discussing a potential a deal or new a ceasefire. so this would entail a temporary fee for it, as it is reported in the media. a phased release of those remaining hostages in garza, in exchange for palestinian prison. his health is really a prison snow. we also know that thomas has always asked for a permanent fees 5 for guarantees that the fighting will not restart afterwards.
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and that is rarely troops of which uh, withdrawal completely from gaza. so they are about a $132.00 uh, is really hostages that remain in garza, including $28.00 that are presumed to have been killed. and that is a lot of pressure on israel, on the is really government to come to a new, a deal as you know, relatives. so saying a time is running out for these hostages. they're telling you that the international court of justice is due to make a preliminary ruling today on whether or not to order is real to suspend its military campaign in ga. so how does is real view those deliberations that are taking place in the hague as well. i think it's very closely watched. uh, especially uh, you know, today when we're expecting on some a decision later this afternoon. um, there is a sense in israel that uh basically the um you know,
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it shouldn't have come to this court case at all. there's a support of the official line that is one has the right to defend itself. there is a majority that supports the war in gaza and also saying that the boys should look at the atrocities that were committed by hum us on october 7th. and we heard this again also from one of the governments, folks, persons here in israel on thursday saying these are charges ridiculous charges. they are baseless and that they are expecting that the court should dismiss the court case altogether, telling you that thank you very much. that was our correspond atanya kramer in jerusalem. well, as mentioned, the us top court is due to rule on south africa's demand that is real immediately suspend its military operation in gaza. the demand for the provisional ruling by the international court of justice is part of south africa is case against israel
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accusing it of committing genocide against palestinians in gaza. when it's k, south africa must prove that israel is committing genocide, defined in the united nations genocide convention as acts committed with intent to destroy in whole or in part a national ethics, ethnical racial or religious group. now the final decision on whether israel is committing genocide and gaza is expected to take years. it's a huge li devices and a multitude of trial. please be seated south africa's case at the u. when's top quote states, but israel act and emissions and gaza. a genocidal in character. i'm not crazy. don't south africa believes that the publicly available evidence of the scale of the destruction resulting from the bombardment of garza and the deliberate
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restriction of food, water, medicines, and electricity available to the population of casa demonstrates that the government of israel, nope, jewish people is really the citizens, so the government of israel and its military is intent on destroying the palestinians because as a group, south africa has filed a move in 18 pages of evidence to support its claim that israel has breached a supplications under the genocide convention. a document from 1948 rights which faced israel and south africa have signed the petition of this quote. israel rejects the allegation, its legal team says the entire case is invalid. the sink of the reality is that the events which are the subject of these proceedings are, according in the framework of a war, instigated by hum us,
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governed by the legal framework of international humanitarian law. they do not fall within the limits of the genocide convention. and the whole, but this limits a home and israel and a prime minister benjamin netanyahu had struggle with spell south africa's move off . it's hard to know, no one will stop us, not the hague, not the axis of evil, and no one else of the hypocritical onslaught at the hague, on the jewish state that arose from the ashes of the holocaust. innocent, both at the behest of those who came to commit another hold of cost against the jews of there's a moral low point in the history of nations. then it turn yahoo, the government, it's lawyers and the military say israel is exercising its right to self defense and response to the how most tara attacks on october 7th last year and that they are doing everything possible to protect civilians and garza but well respected
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international bodies including the un, have caused out a way that the huge civilian death colon garza can be justified in the name of self defense. according to the health industry and how most run garza more than $25000.00 palestinians have been killed during israel's military campaign. most of them are women and children. those who have survived thus far launch the displaced and living in conditions the un has described as a humanitarian nightmare. to make a legal decision on whether israel's conduct amounts to genocide could take years in quote. in the meantime, south africa, his of the judges and the hague, to old and immediate stop to as well as campaign and gaza. drawing praise from the palestinian, joanne and bassett on the lesson of the holocaust is not that you should defend it when it is committing atrocities. but rather,
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that one should stand against the atrocities, regardless of who commit them and who in due to them that quote over to so israel to stop at school or in gaza would be final and legally binding. but the international court of justice has some history of being ignored and standing by the international court of justice in the hague. it is dw correspondent, lucy, a shoulder and lucy. it today, the judge will not rule on those genocide obligations that might take years. so what kind of ruling are we expecting today? yeah, good morning. we expect an order on the provision and measures. south africa has been asking for these provision emetrius, which are also an emergency relief when it has lots the case here. so this kind of emotions to relieve is thought to not make the dispute worse. so this is the idea
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of provision and measures as, as africa as ask for range of these kind of provision. the mattress and a each read has been rejecting the court case altogether. and also it has been, therefore it has been asking for no provision of measures at all. and today, the court behind me the judge on this question, whether it's sure to order israel to do certain things following south africa, or chris or not what, what the implications be for is real if they even judges do rule that it has to stop its military action let us see you know, so one of these crests said south africa american boss to stop or military action. but south africa has also been asking for other provision and measures, for example, to allow more humanitarian assistance, but also to collect evidence for the case itself. so the court ruled today decide whether i would uh ground any of these provisional matters. and what is important
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to see is the or to know is that the court is completely free and which kind of preventative measures it's going to order. so it could photo. so if they haven't tied, could also go for its own provision and address, or it could say there are no provision provision emetrius needed at all. that said, whatever come out today is legally binding for each trail. at the same time, the court has no real enforcement mechanism. it has very little power to really see his provision and mattress put into practice. but as i said, as at this point, everything is start open. so we will have to keep on watching what the quote is going to or that you should be able to do. so thank you very much. thank you. did always lose your shows in there in the hey, still us state of alabama has carried out the 1st execution of a prisoner using a controversial method that uses nitrogen gas through a mask to deprive the prisoner of oxygen. the state insists the procedures humane.
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but critics call it cruel and experimental collect eugene smith was sentenced to death for a murder committed in 1988 need already endured an unsuccessful execution to attempt by lethal injection. in 2022 us states which impose the death sentence have been seeking new methods of killing condemn prisoners due to drug shortages. author kaplan is the director of ethical ethics at new york university's language and medical center. he told us why the use a bunch and gas for execution is so controversial. it's usually called reversal because we don't have any data or comments about what its impact is on a human being in terms of how to administer it. kind of masked to use the kind of time that one can expect for it to be lethal. twel moment nitrogen gas is
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suffocating. the person who gets it there, substitute oxygen which we need and giving this nitrogen. but there are no studies on the animals. there are a few people who used it in europe for assisted suicide, but no publications. so i would say quite simply, the state of alabama, there's no what it's doing was arthur kaplan from new york university's language medical center. so now let's catch up on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. 11, a security sources say at least one person was wounded in is rarely shelling of targets in southern lab and on the is rarely military said, the latest strikes were in retaliation for quote, to hezbollah, hostile aerial targets, which crossed from 11 on into his barely territory. india is celebrating its national de hit marks, the adoption of the countries constitution in 1950, nearly 3 years after in one independence from british colonial rule print pressed
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the tomato of michael is this used guest of honor, france. it is looking to strengthen cooperation with india while a man well not called controversial plans to reform immigration law in france, have been dealt a blow. court ruled parts of the new legislation were unconstitutional. judges upheld much of the bill, but blocked additions made under pressure from the far right columbia. as president gustavo petra has declared wildfires devastating large parts of the countries for us to be a natural disaster that freeze of funding to help combat the blazes. storing temperatures associated with the all new phenomena are helping the claim spread response teams and put out more than $200.00 fires this month. united nations security council says it's unable to verify the circumstances in which a plane allegedly occurring dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war crashed in
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southern russia. the kremlin says ukraine shopped down the transport aircraft, taking $65.00 ukrainian soldiers to a scheduled exchange of prisoners. moscow says ukraine was given a 15 minute warning of the flight and that both of the plains blackbox for quarters had been recovered. keith says it has seen no evidence of the aircraft was carrying ukrainian prisoners of russia is called a meeting of the un security council to discuss its claims. member states agreed. they were not able to determine what happened, but called them both sides to allow prisoners of war to return home. to avoid further escalation, we urge all concerned to freeze reign from actions, rhetoric, or allegations that could further fuel already dangerous conflict. the fate of prisoners of war should not be instrumental lives. we urge the parties to continue pursuing exchanges of prisoners of war. families of both sides are waiting to be re
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united with their loved ones to that music. connelly and keith told me earlier if we're any closer to knowing who is on board the aircraft as we are. and i think the biggest question that's being us here in ukraine is a very dark one where the bodies so far we have seen some very limited features, some pictures of wreckage that is alleged to being from the crash site end of one bodies. supposedly it's a picture that's being blood, so we call it see the detail. but if indeed, as the russian side claims dozens of ukraine prisoners will work on this thing. and this is a plane that crashed will see me if i let this guy from a very low altitude that it was flying on to avoid radar. so we would see more. this is a place that is not far away from human habitation is not some remote crest site. so this is all very strange why we haven't seen more in previous. it does also has
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previous downings of this kind like image 17, very soon had locals taking pictures of things they were seeing, you know, things of the full inch that gotten that in full in nearby. so the idea that we wouldn't see more, they wouldn't have evidence of this mass kind of day of these preserve or is very strange. like i understand it keeps response to the crash has drawn criticism from within the ukraine itself. tell us more about the certainly we have been living here in a bit of an information vacuum, especially when it comes from in terms of you guys leadership presence lensky. he had said in the immediate optima that obviously the lives of ukraine's presence of war in russia is his top priority and called for an investigation. but beyond that, he hasn't said much. we've heard from the ministry saying that they would continue attacking targets in that part of a russia that these will legitimate targets some read that as an admission of
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responsibility. others say that this is just ukraine, not letting itself be intimidated by russia. and it's kind of campaign, and we do know that the present change was indeed planned for that day. but we still have no charge about whether indeed ukraine was informed by the russian side that this plane was caring to double use as russia says. and there's a real worry here that you, given that rest control is the crash site. it's unlikely to allow a full and free international investigation. there are reports of rushes plans to move bits of the debris to moscow. so the stuff would be that in situ full outside is to verify and lots of families here, even if they're not convinced that the families what all of their family members were on board. the same very, very worried about the fates of these prisoners of russia and fear the rest could use as a project to basically hide these people are not to transfer them for an on clear period of time. could this incident nick jeopardize future prisoners wants?
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the thing is if you think back to the beginning of the war, it was fairly strongly given how intense the viking was, that people were being swapped very, very frequently. most people would spend a couple of months in detention. and then in the fact that families, these sorts are happening basically every couple of weeks. and that where you have slow down. the green side says this is russia trying to put pressure on ukraine, finding reasons to look and to delay and see if there's a sense here and key if that these prisoners getting stuck in russia weighs more heavily in ukraine, in democratic sites, where these relatives can go out and protest that it does go the way around in russia, where in these families of russian persons, you're going to have a lot less than the way of ways to put pressure on pushing and his officials. so there is a real worry that russia will use this as a predicts, will blame ukraine. but for now, we'll just left guessing. next. thank you very much for now. that was d w. as nick connelly, n t. here in germany,
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the government has expressed concern over a rise in anti semitic incidents since the october 7th. how most hair attacks on israel. germany's commissioner for at least semitism has called the number of reported incidents. shockey. felix flying is the man leading the fight against anti semitism in germany. and by his own account, he has his work cut out. it seems the october 7th. how must her attack an alarming picture as a managed, sold you looking more closely at the shocking numbers by more than 2000 times and this was more than 100 days here in germany, a jew was attacked, threatened in solitude, frightened. oh, there was an to submit to catch speech. i'm a pull that the fax only read the find the way into public debate and media reporting that song, the same number of incidents as for the whole of 2022. among them. i'm all the
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tough cocktail through and they send a gordon central palin. for many a grim reminder of germany's not see past. but jewish leaders say much of the daily threat now is driven by opponents of israel. because he's medina. these stories are reminiscent of those days and we need to empathy with those affect it in order to stop this development. many of them with ladies and gentlemen at this time, this is especially true of the threat of islamist anti semitism in our society. but not only we should nationwide protests against the far right till tentative for germany have drawn huge crowds, sparked by reports that if the members discuss the plan to forcibly to port millions of people of foreign origin, the de flying high in the polls of the ac and others with our left maxine motivation, expulsion plans,
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cannot be and electable alternative for responsible citizens. and the crap is about the program is right. we extremist to democratic and the threats of prosperity which done school officials are calling on the government tights and criminal laws and increased funding for education. but above all, their message to germans is not to forget. now to southern europe, the spring like warrants has been sweeping across spain, with temperatures and some areas topping out at 30 degrees celsius. that's 86 degrees fahrenheit. some are welcoming the bombing weatherbook forecasters warren. it could spell trouble, now is slowly disappearing from spain's mountains. in the mid red region, mountain peaks are nearly bare. it's a little said about $31.00 must have the highest observatory in the community of
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madrid. love you by 1700 me. tesla's come by something by the usual thing is that they would be a lot most know then we have now of course say, mean the peak is covered with continuous snow. not like we see now any which is very cool. more or less time was even though it. okay. good. um we both there's usually covered in some 50 centimeters of snow this time of the year. but the country's media or a logical agency says some areas are up to 10 degrees celsius above normal temperature levels in 2024. as the country heats up, some are happy to shed their winter coats and soak up the sun. is that why it's great that it's january and it's hot and state of code, but at the same time, it's weird because for me it feels like much right now. it shouldn't, but we'll enjoy it and we'll see what happens. but what happens next could be alarming. experts warn there's trouble ahead in the country that are ready,
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experiences driest march into decades last year. and i think the thing we create a very critical situation with very critical because if there's no snow, if it doesn't rain and there's no sore, the rays of was instead of growing and get smaller and smaller. so under look into authorities and 2 of the worst hit regions, catalonia and under lucio, are considering declaring a drought emergency in the near future signaling the country may soon brace for unprecedented controls on water use your watching dw news. just reminder of the top story. we're following for you this hour. the last run health ministry and johnson says 20 people doing for food, a for killed by his really take fire on thursday and dozens more with wound. israel's military says the report is being investigated coming up
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next year on the the news business looks at why sanctions are doing little to stop brushes, war in ukraine. i'm terry martin for me and all of us here at the w. there's thanks for watching the or the
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to the pull in strong opinions. international perspective. nato is running it's of biggest military roles rehearsing. how it would respond to a russian attack. what as the alliance aims to determine, can it also keep up with support for you. pray, join us this week on to the point to the point
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next on dw, the new will tell here we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and the for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d. w. the inside gaza. it's been more than 100 days since the last tier attacks on israel dw reporter mohammed loot lives and works in the gaza strip. he has been documenting life there since the outbreak of the war. the humanitarian situation is
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catastrophic. the war and its consequences. now on youtube, the for nato, a worst case scenario would be a russian attack on one of its members states. and now it is for her sink for exactly that possibility it's running. it's the biggest military trail since the cold war to practice it's response. the exercise is called steadfast defender and it see some 90000 troops from 32 countries taking part with fighter jets tanks and warships. that's all shortly before the 2nd day nursery of russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. since then, cube has fought to expel its invaders with help from western weapons but will the support continue.


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