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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 26, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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to the business dw news line from bell in view and stop cause orders as well to act immediately to prevent of genocide in gaza, said israel must do more to protect civilians, but to decline to cold force. these thoughts cause a growing in germany, too bad, a political party that the media report has linked to a mazda people taishan speak. but if i'm setting that up around of the file rights a, if the policy codes when pulled the approval or do anything to dent it's popular, plus leaving livable in a shop statement. you can call for nowadays he's stepping down as manager of the
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english club at the end of this the, the i'm gab office. thank you for joining us. as the international court of justice has ruled that israel a must do all it can to prevent acts of genocide and gaza, south africa, which brought the genocide claims to the i. c, j says it expects israel to abide by the decision these where the prime minister has described the child's as quote outrages. the court also said israel must do more to protect civilians, but did not cold force these 5. the focus is expected to take years before finally, israel must take measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to the members of the palace to
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name group. in regards this trip, the court further considers that israel most takes immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by palestinians in the gaza strip. israel must also take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of article to an article 3 of the genocide convention against members of the palestinian group in the gaza strip. from on this i'm now joined by the i'm just trying to kind of andrew some antonio, what has been the reactions and he's well, so far we've heard now from several is really or officials among them. also prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who spoke and said basically that the country will do whatever you can to defend
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itself. but let's have a listen, a warranty. how to say, or israel has an inherent right to defend itself. the vile attempt to deny is real . this fundamental right is blinking discrimination against the jewess state and it was justly rejected. the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false, is rages and decent people everywhere should rejected. on the eve of the international holocaust remembered stay a gun pledge as israel's prime minister. never again, israel will continue to defend itself against come us he basically reiterated here in the statement again of what was also the line of the israel. israel's defense team as a d i. c j, basically saying that is what has the right to defend itself. you also heard similar statements by defense minister. you are going to also said that is why does
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so need to be elected on morality as you put it to distinguish between terrorist and the civilian population in gaza. so the question is, of course, no bottle is ro do next because of the international court of justice has of course imposed a provisional emissions that it would like to see implemented it a stop short of calling for a ceasefire. but it did say that is what needs to ensure the basic needs for the college student and civilian is a civilian population, needs to ensure that they're not killed or a bodily harm to expose to bodily harm, but also ensure the punishment of incitement. so these are just some of the measures that the i c j would like to see implemented. now the question is, what is the was will do with it. um,
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because also um it was certain to argue that it already does some of these, for example, enabling humanitarian aid of going into garza. but it also has to submit a report to the court in 4 weeks time. so they would certainly be of as expected here. some pressure bias allies to change a course, but the how this will look like is something different now from the posting and stay. we've been hearing that. they see that as a really significant, a step, some sort of accountability that they're seeing and posed on is ro. but of course they're still also the question here. what really changed right now on the ground for the civilian population in garza to kind of that we bought him from jerusalem. thank you, tonya. so that's across to johannesburg. now to speak to all south africa, corresponded diane, okay, diane president. so ronald post has been reacting to this initial routing by the un
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court. what did he say? well, as the president of south africa, the prison fuller, i'm opposed to actually say that the decision by the i c. j. lift the south africa, vindicated. quite a contrast to what was said by israel's president benjamin netanyahu. and he also said that it was an important 1st step, kind of indicating that from africa is expecting to have to go to quite a lengthy legal process and explain why africa actually chose to get involved in this matter. to begin with, let's take a listen to wester my philosophy it after more than a half a century of occupation, this possession oppression and a part to the palestinian people's cries for justice. had been heated by
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an eminent organ of the united nations. today is the right of stands before the international community. it's crimes against the palestinian slate by presidents around a poster speaking that uh, diane, have there been any other reactions from south africa? and indeed, there has been reaction from a number of political parties here in south africa and from the south african jewish board of deputies. the degrees board of deputies has put us a short statement saying that they are happy that the, the i, c, j a x the you know, let me say reinforced israel's rights to defend itself. which is more in line with what was said by uh, israel's president and different israel officials of the statement was quite short . we've seen also some of the political parties were represented in, in parliament,
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welcoming the decision such as the good party and, and the agency alliance. part of the, the is a c p also welcoming the decision when it comes to ordinary soft africans. we know that many sub africans have taken to the streets to support the palestinian people . and many people have tweeted and spoken out on social media about how they are happy that the south african governments and taste was large. the successful press one to dial. how could that be voted from johannesburg? thank you, diane. we cannot bring into ash this is steven tom, and he's a professor of international law at the university of bone and joint is from the professor is where i wanted the quote to reject the case instead of root. it does, in fact have jurisdiction, as we'll look into the dentist claims made by south africa, all the judges that, uh, right, assessable,
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good evening after correct. you hear the court did not find that it has jurisdiction. the court own the found that there may be prime of face each of us sticks at 1st sight. there is a possibility of jurisdiction. this is not yet the final ruling on jurisdiction, but it is sufficient at this stage of the preliminary emissions. now israel is among the countries that doesn't accept the authority of the you until the quotes as a binding. do you still think it will adhere to at least some of these preliminary measures demanded by the i c j? i think it will because if you look at the measures for that, you will see that the 1st 3 hours of the 6 messages actually just repeat the obligations under the genocide convention is wrong. it has argued all alone. that is complying with the genocide convention. so there is only left the
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order that it is to enable the provision of humanitarian assistance and to get his role probably could. all you gotta do is already in a building a, the provision of humanitarian assistance. i think the policies will crawl about this because this will say it, he's already providing humanitarian assistance on south africa. hold. say it is not enough, but this will basically say they are complying with the old. so all that there is left is that this row has to prove the evidence. and again, these roll my roller say that it is preserving any evidence that is not destroying any evidence. and so the only thing left is that israel has to report in the months time that it is actually doing what it is doing. but that was also another demand made by the court and that israel stops and legally punishes, quote, incitement to genocide. do you think they doing enough that i think if you listen
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to some of the statements made by public figures in his role, there is a case to be made that at least these people should be investigated for inside man's project. so now it will live in a take a several years until we see a final verdict in this case. but how is the call going to investigate whether or not there is a genocidal in tent? we're not going to see i c, j investigate doesn't cause that all we know the quotes actually does not investigate itself. the code base, the key rates for the policies to present evidence. so the burden of prove is on south africa. so as africa has to provide the code was evidence that there is genocide intent. now if we zoom out of bed, well this morning, only effect the wall between is right and how mos, or could it also have repercussions on other was i think it will be see that
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there is already a series of cases before the cold. there is the case brought by ukraine against russia. there's a case brought by the gambia against me and mom and the case by south africa against israel is now the 3rd so called genocide case within a spell of 2 years. so i assume that there will be more cases in the offing in the next couple of years. stuff on top of that, a professor of intel international law at the university of bones. thank you very much. you're welcome. time not to have a look at some of the other stories making headlines to the un agency for palestinian rescue. jean says it has fired several employees for the alleged involvement and be october 7th terror attacks by how mos on as well. the organization which has been delivering aid into the gaza strip, says an investigation is on the way the west has suspended funding to the agency
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following the allegations. india is celebrating us national marks, the adoption of the countries constitution in 1950 any 3 years of india, one independence from british colonial vote for this president the cause. this is guest of all fonts as local districts corporation with india. good russia, as president vladimir putin says, a russian military plane that crashed earlier this week was shut down by ukraine. and key of knew that prisoners of war were on board, ukraine has neither confirm nor deny this involvement. and the incident in which $74.00 people died putting says the result of most cost on investigation into the crash and brushes. dogwood region will be published in $2.00 to $3.00 days. a russian cold has extended the detention of the us journalist, evan gosh, garbage. the wall street journal report that was arrested inbox last year on
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challenges of espionage. the faces up to 20 years in prison. gosh, good. which is the 1st us done list to be detained on spite charges in russia since the cold war here in germany that have been weeks of protests against the far right alternative for germany, pa, until a f d shock over media report that some of its members were discussing a multiplication screen as tons of the calls for action that struggle binding the positive and content of its funding. but the question remains of them would actually dent the parties. popular support of hundreds of thousands of people have taken through the streets across germany. they are protesting against the rise of the fall, right, and against the alternative for germany party, the a f. d. the outcry was sparked by reports of a meeting in which some members of the a, the took part, 10 to a mass that potations of people of foreign origin were discussed,
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a plan that code policies of germany's and nazi past. the shock was called all the way to the top of the german government in a video address transfer all of shots issued a warning, and also so i guess, and i'd like this. i'm saying it clearly and bluntly, i think for this rightly extreme is our attacking our democracy to them. they want to destroy. okay, he's and, but all the warnings have made little difference. recent polls show that support for the f, the remains for 22 percent of people are ready to vote for it. it's in 2nd place behind the conservatives and well ahead of the parties and the current coalition government and the sd is even stronger in eastern germany. there it is projected to come 1st and 3 regional elections later this year. so what can be done to stop the a f d that not all dried, some politicians and many protest us the month that but that's being tried
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before with the right wing extremist parties and was rejected by germany's constitutional court. another possibility, cut state funding for the right wing party, a possibility opened up by a recent quotes. decision is happening. i have to wait a 2nd. all the must be using the notary with clear any of them either approved or some parts. those are no cutting or financial results or if i continue to see about way well. but with the constitutional court accept such a move and at a party that has been voted into the buddhist, talk into the old 16 regional parliament one on the other hand, binding the, as the youth wing would be easy. it's been classified as right wing extremist by the authorities, and instruction and association, not the political party. the interior minister could simply issue a decree to diagnose the results of the alternative or rather, coal has been that if it has been proven that they are radical opponents of our
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constitution, that we have to take actions, which was a 100 b a. but that would not stop the a if the militant, neo nazi youth groups. what about the tracking down on radical individuals with in the a f d. this man, dion hucker, is a case in point. he's a nazi, a court has officially found and he has enormous influence within the 1500s of thousands of his critics assigned to petition to banned him from political offers. that might work in a couple of years time. but what it reduces influence that's thoughtful. many of the protest as in the past weeks and the and not early at the a f d. the also cooled on chancellor shots and his ministers to stop the inside thing and to implement policies that would swing boat as a way from right wing populism. and back to the democratic center. and whether that's possible, we're going to discuss now with on, if it was you will to, she's
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a member of the german parliament for the f d p. and also a member of the committee on home affairs and community which mainly deals with question questions addressing germany's security now called several that some prominent a few members can be called nazis. do you support the increasing calls for an all tried buying off the a, f d we are very vigilance, democracy, and with a very strong law till they see. so i think we have to do all of all our protection of our constitution has to be there to learn what it is and also those policies. but on the other hand, and we should know us too quickly for a bad day. if the, the call it is to why is this more and more important to beat them politically with the arguments because they also risk involved with a premature ban of apache because there is a risk that's
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a legal case is not successful. and that would be even worse than anything else. why is it so risky? why is it so hard to take legal action? because our constitution of calls and has a very high threshold and body parts use. of course we are democracy. so the open my other possibilities to express one's opinion and all state wide open. and so anything too is sick. this is handled quite cautiously and we know from the cost. so this is not has always been successful to bend hockey's. and also we do not have, we also have to take into consideration that is quite a strong base of support. so it's maybe not the most us. that's a part of this hockey. as it's such a court case is not successful. i think this would be, as we say,
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john and also on the meals. you spoke about the supports of studies of a found the majority of a f. d vote as all synthesizes. do not have a closed extreme right wing. well, do you, do you think that can be brought back to parties like yours? i think as i have said, we have to be at the ac primarily with political solutions. we have to convince people that the solutions for the concerns they do have. so we have to take people's concerns seriously. for example, one issue which many people are concerned about internally right now is the question, a white race. some people have a lot of people have to you that i the regular and gracie, meaning people coming to them without a right to be here is a problem. so we have to, to look at this and i think the government right now has changed a lot of steps to,
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to find solutions to recognize relate to what is not a regular migration. so the something, what people have to know now do you think the, the most protests that we've seen recently in germany, i'm making any impression on those to support the party? well, i'll tell you one of these protests myself and my home talk, which has 82015218000 people taking part. and i think this is a very strong signal and sign to, to, to everybody in our country that she wants to defend our democracy. because the h d, what they really do want is to undermine democracy, to destroy democracy, to do the switching mas um on the prophecies. and so this is a really strong opinion, a strong sign. and of course,
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we have to convince people with good solutions, and this is what we're looking for. so these, i think is a toothpaste. it's a signal and also signal to people from other countries within an hour in germany. and that's uh, they are possible off the side too much feel very happy to have them here. or let's say you wish that member off a germany's parliament. thank you very much. thank you. i'm supposed to use from the world of football liver pool manager. you're gonna, cloth has in the else. he's leaving the club at the end of the current season since joining the reds back in 2015. the german has over seen an error of success, which has included premier league champions league titles. he is want, he had to say earlier today to relieve the cloud at the end of the season. i can understand that it's a shock for
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a lot of people in this moment. it is that i'm talking as a to, i'm running out of energy. we are running out of energy. i've got so much going on here with me in the city of from us both department. uh so 1st of all, did anyone see this company? i don't think so. i know it's a real shock. you know, using soap has become part of the furniture independently and such a figure of continuity or both or it's a of carries mat for little boys being that now for nearly 9 years he's been, it's really been love to. absolutely. yeah. they really adore him. and, and he's the longest serving manager in the premier league by quite a distance. things have been going pretty well for the vote, especially the season. so this is certainly a bolt from the blue and, you know, difficult issue as he mentioned, they really love him. i'm gonna have a hard time getting over this is because these days when we think wants to fail, i can imagine now how would you sum up his time at the club? he's become quite a legend or yeah, absolutely. i mean, there are
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a few things that stick out. first of all, obviously the longevity and you know, use of a 10 year for premier league manager that likes those cap is in terms of life. if you want to get a sense of how impressive his staying power is, you know, you multiply it by a factor of kind of 7 know knowing that whatever, and then you would see what that would be transposed into a different professional space where the, the revolving door doesn't swing with such kind of how you know, many from the lead manages, manage a time of knowing use that is really impressive on top of that business and being the success because you can flip as one, everything that is possible to win the livable april then the 1st term things we talked to in full team use that was they tried to use the funds will really came to get their hands back on people within that 1st domestic, that 1st english league championship types of info. it's news that was one that livable fans were really desperate to get their hands back palms. and that's the other thing that love story between him and the simple it is because right from when he arrived in 2015, they felt that he was somebody who really understood the club. they really don't
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sit on him. he, you know, spoke about livable with such esteem. am and, you know, paid that back to me. suppose there's back something i think with what it was i live long in the memory and now it, what do we know about the, the, the reasons for it and what's next football. well, you know, upset area today obviously have, as we have just had that he was running out of energy kaylee 9 years as a premier the manager take that toll. he said also earlier today that he would not mind in another class or another country for the next year. and he said that he would never, ever manage and not mix up in england. so strong was his bond with the livable support as having germany though they would obviously be questions in the future about whether he will take the job as jeremy the coach. now current incumbent union august 9th contract runs into off to the european championships in the summer and it's back to him and doesn't go swimmingly. then the gentleman started if they might be looking for replacement and yoga and cups name will be very close to the top of a list of preferred candidates. he wouldn't be of the west. i know you can do that
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for that post and i'm sure that lots of germany friends would appreciate the absolute tom general the same the same at duncan i d w sports. thank you very much tom. you're watching how dw news. he has a reminder of our top story in the international court of justice as rule that israel must take immediate measures to prevent acts of genocide gonzalez'. it was responding to allegations rolled by south africa. the quote stopped show us of ordering these routes and polls and its military campaign against loss which carried out the october 7th tara attack. that's it from the evidence team phenomena. don't forget, you can always get you to use all the goals. just download our app from google play on the apple apps store that will give you access to all the latest news from
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a holocaust survivor. at the age of 19, she decided to return to german a country. she never wanted to set foot in again. her home. she fights for remembering here and feels like she belong to tell margaret friedman in 45 minutes on d w. the . so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and want different things from life and your parents. i just want to pursue what that's nice on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable stuff. i want my son to become
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