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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  January 27, 2024 6:02am-6:30am CET

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all the sudden the a keen interest in india, which is great for us in the us. designers are inspiring the fashion world. combining tradition with the latest styles. we want to know why their success is based on centuries, old craftsmanship. what is india? is gen z wearing today, and in one way is india is national pride rooted in the countries long text time history. all of this in the 2nd part of our documentary function in india, a journey from by, via delhi to tonight. and to paris, we're in indian design or has made it to the pinnacle post code to navigate any found things which of these, if i had an india can be above us and creating luxury because india has was maximum and devoid. the
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1st we had far away from india to europe and the french capital, paris. here we meet up with indian designer mission for the bi annual. what could to a week, where only the very best show the creations we accompany the designer as he prepares for his show. the study design and i studied everything with in design, fix, size, clothing, furniture, design, space, design, food making a bit of really make us. i did so i kept supporting different things. in the end, he found his true calling in fashion design. now even india, celebrities and influencers flying to paris for mistress show the to do, you know, a lot of shame period where anything is to this and where everyone is interested on,
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where each moment each new look that's created the sort of writing the indian history and the evolution of indian fashion and how we take it on the stage. his 8, the parents at the old co to a week is to take place at the mozy, the mooney in the courtyard of the prestigious money museum. the tension is palpable. nitrous journey took him on his scholarship via milan to paris. he won the highly respected will mark prize like east on the hall and car lago, sat before him. this paved the way for rel, who would be sure to arrive at the heart of the international fashion scene. he had his 1st show in paris in 2014, with a ready to wear a collection. then came the lead to go to the the who's who of international fashion is here. those with tickets are hand picked and include influential indian
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celebrities, fashion bloggers and international industry players. we'll run a whole new shows collection convinced the critics this time to donna don and look at the bucket to talking to dig into just how much attention indian fashion has been getting could be seen in room by in the spring of 2023. right. in front of the gateway of india, one of the countries main landmarks renowned french luxury function has to your presented its full collection. the growing number of wealthy people among india is young. middle class is an important target group. at the same time, pride in india is traditional textile industry has historic roots. in 1918 india was under british rule, the colonial power britain flooded the indian market with cheap machine made fabrics from europe. this prompted mahatma gandhi to act. india grew hundreds of tons of cotton annually,
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and yet indians were unemployed half the year. instead of sending their all costs into english meals. why not make their own clot or less began the cottage, or homespun move to the county movement was an aide program for the poor in indian villages. spinning and weaving became part of an ideology in india for independence and self governance. each village was to grow and harvest its own raw materials for yarn, and each village should we what is needed for its own use. the independence movement adopted gandhi's principles of non violent action and civil disobedience, ultimately leading to the end of the british colonial rule in the country. in 1947, you declared, it's independence as a state to this day, guntee is considered the father of the nation. with a spinning wheel at the center of the indian flat piece and the current government under prime minister and the rent promoting promot. scotty politicians including
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murray himself, where connie vests at public events. today, the fabric is produced by small and medium sized enterprises. connie is part of india is national identity. the threat that brought india independence government run potty stores can be found throughout the country. and connie is back in vogue the on our way to new delhi is the capital of india in the north of the subcontinent. 1.4000000000 people are govern from here. since april 2023, india has been the most populous country in the world. and its economy is growing at a rapid pace. in new delhi, the seat of the indian governments, the parliament, and the highest courts. president moody is on the present. his image adorns every bus stop. the rent remotely is everywhere. since becoming prime minister in 2014
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moody has placed significant emphasis on his image. his style reflects the fact that india is floating as the average or part of the country's national heritage is often seen wearing a vast sleeveless jacket worn by many politicians before him. now called the motive jacket by many. under modi's government, there are more and more initiatives to support in the textile industry and to promote global marketing with designers, the residential district on the outskirts of delhi. this is the house of design or re to betty whose brent that as a private audience. the setup of her opulent abode is something of a calling card for various cosmopolitan style. every thing, every object in my house has a story to tell. and i mix different cultures together. this whole set
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thing and i, i like to brief, more per hallmark is an elegant, opulent mix of styles with influence is from all corners of the globe. she's considered the indian queen of fashion. the indian government has even meant to a postage stamp in her honor. in 1989 bury was the 1st graduate of a newly founded fashioned design institute in delhi for label has been around since 1990. she was also the 1st indian designer to show a collection in paris at a time when india was still not recognized as the design center. in 1999 buried gave the french fashion world and inside it's a mystical india. what i presented in my 1st year was completely indian. there was, there was no western element. it was all about or in distance full. i had in dresses, in fact i had the my models. um, you know, best feet with indian. uh,
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you know, the, the red uh foot uh, the paint said was all very, very indian. and people of this introduction to indian culture which i wish i was very pleased with in 2000. barre became the 1st asian woman to had a french fashion house. she designed the principal tay collections at fashion house . she only wished that she was very interested in how western patterns were created and invited western teachers to india to teach indian taylors as a designer, she blends indian in the western style elements in 2010. the french government conferred on her the night's honor not pushing the heat these out. a day later, there followed accolades from the spanish royal house as well as many others. it was a joy to me because i had to break that battery. i had to prove myself, i had to prove myself that indians capable of going beyond just golfing and doing
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things you know, in their homeland barry is seen as a design icon, a donor teller, this sachi of india. she may have peaked in the 19 ninety's, but her influence still holds. she insures that the indian fashion industry is globally recognized. india is fashion design, seen is still relatively young and need to develop. she says, but it has potential very dresses, celebrities and politicians for indian state visits with britons. king charles and former president george w bush, among her clients. since 2015. she's beneficially appointed by the indian government as the and bassett, or for cutty, the hand woven fabric once promoted by gandhi himself. so i must give credit to a underwood prime minister who, who did a lot to promote, called the to the, to the world and, and to india. fashion is not disclose it tube,
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it's the image of the country. but what about india is other fashion, metropolis move by a many faceted city, magnificent old buildings and victorian gothic style. the metropolis of 12500000 on the west coast is the biggest city in the country. and one of the world's most populous like new other major indian city, one by stands for modernity and new beginnings. new delhi is where the country's laws are made. that move by is where its social trends are born. and the center of the indian film industry, known as bollywood, is also here. this is where we meet priyanka beach around noon and the scene is q. the stylus works with indian film stars, dressing them for promotional events and publicity appearances, and styling them for the red carpet style. mister ahmed, con john, put on my haste. ready 1000000 solomon. then the poor guy i've worked on the themes
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which have started on their part and the list goes on. when the styling receive our eyes open as a side effect, what is going to be the trends? and also when you see a celebrity, it's also aspiration and so on who job is to keep them on trend very fashionable and also exploration and, and also make sure that something is on the table that has never been done. i specialize in men's words, timing. so usually every actor that i style the man is partial reading the tuesday, which again is a new thing because it was always believed. then men's gone be ornamented and i my went up always, but you would have had to do. you takes us into the city to the young designers who stand out with their style and attitude. they represent a new indian self confidence. most of the workshops are hidden away in
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courtyards and small industrial. yes. this is the defense in the process that you just sold the entire piece. it's owned by silver. that's one technique that we'll go through see used to making contracts the designer achieve on ends. credo is to create with respect for nature. his collections are produced as environmentally friendly as possible. for him, it's all about respectful recycling of materials and textiles. his fabrics are died naturally. nature's for that surprises. this is green coconuts that are giving us think color the you know, the the which is read gives you the readings alone. onions students which are appropriate. give you yellow color. formal. granted students which are yellow or
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red, give you like a v. i c. me like the minute i've been exposed to this, it makes me it home with me. i realize that we don't know everything that we think we know like nature so full of surprises, that if we keep our curiosity open, there's so much for us to feel kind of connected. i. i enjoy working when we do with the 2nd question is we we introduce gord along without any psychic cost me honest, with his old co, to our wedding dress line, re ceremonial, the designer made it to the most important in the, in the fashion industry event in 2022, lack of a fashion with understanding of design and fashion is expressed in the name of his label read, which stands for recycling and responsibility. the style is pew introduced as, as to another session designer suit of my gen, study that the n i f t institute in by and in new york. in 2020,
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she founded her label, polite society, polite in the sense of friendly wood, with her labeled gen. doesn't always want to be friendly. she wants to push boundaries. what is male? what is female? what are gender roles, predetermine norms and farms? so one of her best sellers is the course that this was something that was used to like the stream, you know, like, but uh, i wanted to like sort of fix that and how can you set the liberties now, you know, cuz concord is also a big part of the closing brand and uh, if you see like pockets everywhere like much that gets completely adjustable. so like if i need, i think i swear and that is the leasing of the box. if i eat too much, i can just likes you ended up with her. as far as sort of my gym is concerned, her target group is 100 percent young indians. she started her business right at the beginning of the pandemic. thanks to social media and online marketing,
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she and her team now make a good living style is peut shows us another brand. she has a shoe label, makers of ts. there are 2 sisters from whom by they wanted to do something special in 2016. realize customers wishes and dreams. everything is made to measure for the most important event for indian families. the wedding is a problem. solving the company is log just a fast, fast selling fashion or something. we actually helping people to get a full size bed, obviously shows people they have to be on the low to get a view. is it all started with high heels, custom made with brocade embellishments and embroidery to match a wedding gown. then one customer had a very special request and embroidered wedding sneaker. i just picked up a different my phone. i uploaded on instagram. and after that,
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the me like its own 5 bundle designs in that and like you've shipped to 2 or 3000 in the store, you just me go with this thing. just me go with word has spread about test as waiting sneakers, a newspaper from the gulf states recently reported on the festive shoes. the style is pew also swears by ts done and even had appear. custom made a daring 6 inches high, about 15 centimeters. everything is on me, so they have the tools with what the, what it inside and then the stick it on. so yeah, just to sneak or wedges costs between 801-2000 indian rupees that's between 90 and 130 years today. they have more than $10000.00 customers, and it even managed to get bollywood stars to where their shoes in photo shoots.
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back to delhi, india is 2nd major fashion, metropolis, the . we have an appointment and a function district in the middle of daily with the makers of the exclusive street where labeled nor black or white. the makers grew up in toronto, canada, and return to india and 2010 to explore indian craftsmanship. and they stayed, their specialty is a traditional tie technique called bun donnie, which they reinterpret and combine with street where they sell their creations online world wide, with a large fan base in the united states. and among 2nd generation indian migrants, me are both children of immigrants. i grew up in areas of toronto that were having other immigrant communities around. as we grew up with sherlock and die news turned out in jamaica in indian lake. we go up with everybody and we got to learn about
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each other's culture and to get as children of immigrants. we basically express express and have children from everywhere anywhere you express yourself through your style. their approach is colorful boons and haven't made every piece takes time. nor black or white don't want to design a new collection each season. they want to produce slowly and consciously. 6 they prefer pieces the last and can be born for a long time. they've been selling online since 2010. diversity in the industry has always been important to them. and not just since it became fashionable i just feel like it's like that typical like fair skin. you know, we were told in our 1st, you know, for sure we had, you know, shot one of our amazing friends for our, for us look book. and we were told that who was from uh carol, our family was from care law based upon me that, oh, you know, maybe you should use like a white model. you know what i mean?
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and it's like, no, well that's on india. so for us, i think it's really important that we also show the people where our close nor black and white fits in with the self image of the young indian generation that combines the traditional with a contemporary and doesn't see that as a contradiction. when i look at the, the industry in india now and just looking at our peers, the younger generation that's coming through, it's so exciting because they're really starting to form their own aesthetic. that necessarily does not need to be your traditional where like, they are kind of dabbling in their street where are there like up cycling and there's a whole new era of designers coming out. and i'm super stoked about in back in paris. rosalyn misha, convinced the industry and the world press the
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the, the show proved a feast for the senses. nations fall 2023 collection we the people is a success. the indian celebrities who made the trip, especially also pleased in just having a huge moment at the moment internationally. everyone's talking about india, whether it's passion tunes, you know, the culture of the food. i just think that there's, there's suddenly a keen interest in, in india, which is great for us. so how do you know where,
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where it's going to in the country? that's 1st thing with a diversity so many different people from different places and speak different languages about different cultures and just waiting to be explored by the rest of the world. so it's, it's just perfect. but, you know, finally the, the world has woken up to us. back in india, we drive to new with a satellite town on the outskirts of daily for the last stage of our journey. it's around 4 months after the parents show and we wanted to see the conditions under which mutual suspicions are created. this is where he operates his dream factory. around $200.00 employees employed or sequin after sequence as even a trans, painstakingly applying millions of glittering stones onto the fine is the fabrics. it's meticulous work. the designer stands by the idea behind his collection. we the people he believes in fair payment for his employees.
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as he wants them to take pride and working for him, he even allows many of them to work and embroider from their home villages. then they look at the people i've worked with. first me do all i really find this profession is going to be nibbler intensive parts station. how they can participate and creating a beautiful piece. but at the same time it doesn't need to boost them to tube or to dream, to, to fulfill the dream. like government off of our investment, right, in the end of the show you knew was good, send his doctor to study new as soon as she is typo starting in london. this allows everyone right to read into effect and due to the theme that they can also do something that for this next generation improving the world with luxury goods that's with nature of the leaves and he pays his employees double the standard wage for their sewing. and embroidery work. just before our interview, his social media posted this latest to us, singer and actress,
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selena gomez. glowing in a row who mistrust laurel dress. celebrities, our door opener's and the go to a business in room by in april 2023. we found out what can happen when a hollywood star wears around who missed recreation. us actress and diana were a delicate starry sky. sorry, by me. sure. to the grand opening of a cultural temple in one by the images went around the world and the, sorry became a sought after fashion peace, a triumph for right who in the strong the custom made peace involved around 3000 hours of hand work and cost over $12000.00 euros for his dedication to ethical and sustainable fashion. he has also been honored by the french governments with a ship buggy days as a lead to award. he's even met french president in monterey mccall design or no hopes to attract attention worldwide with an easy to where line. he
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launched it together with one of indiana's largest retail groups as a sponsor. but the line is still intended to be produced slowly, unconsciously, with lots of hand made items rocking mesh rep remains true to his principles, the fashion india as diverse, promising and dazzling as the sub continent itself. by 2030, the world's most populous country could be one of the top 3 economies in the world . is middle class is growing. the air of western aesthetics, long dictated by the british, is over. the been not running behind the fashions. the rest would have to i could fix some things from indian traditions from add my own sensibility to it and also could be or something which has been completely contemporary
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the. i'm doing a lot of learning that are these called the nice ideas of beauty that we on has been sort of letting go off a little bit. this curiosity in the way that hasn't been next. we have so much talent and in doing that is there is so much to explore. i'm sure they're going to be many in design as well, even in spite of out and the more level rejoining meals and creating different and yes, story on the globe and fashion. the
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st debate from nigeria walters general, think about tribalism. this country will become beach. i wasn't a relationship with someone and i was not allowed to marry this person because people have their own cultural don't be sustained. you need to be a human people. you'd be looking to try the 77 percent next on dw side to traffic down
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in bad traffic like smoke lab. no bumper to bumper. grid lock, lock them out, 3 know road rate. see what we could and should learn something in 16 minutes on d. w. so you don't think do the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts hired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stopping port is nonsense. i want my son to become a doctor. joe, in the clubs. it's time to to vehicle your generation with
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a sleep us. i'm them. when generations class this week on the dw, this kind of fun, it feels like therapy the this week on the 77 percent street debate. and i did not get that scholarship. i looked, i heard that they wanted, you know more people's, more of your back to where trans to like z w. and that was why it must be this month, jude, which means that i am people. i have a try. it is just mine or what i have i tried, i think, well, the duration about what do you know about that? i'm not trying to show you this is doing a lot round to go what she's saying you're doing nothing. the.


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