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tv   Tomorrow Today  Deutsche Welle  January 27, 2024 8:30am-9:00am CET

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films, me to the q one. you have, you have a one, dodge saw the this, of course, the boss and the on expected side to side to choose and send and emoji to someone you only need thumbs. but writing with a pen or pencil involves the entire hand. it's a veritable anatomical wonder made up of 27 different bones. a perfect multi functional tool with close ties to the brain. writing things out by hand, improve. recall how come that topic and much more this week on dw science program tomorrow today. welcome to the show. the newborns will grab what's in their immediate environment. they have an innate grasp reflex. it probably
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originally rose from the need to reflectively latch on to a mother, animals for the pin circle at which involves coordinating with the some only starts to develop around 6 months. the grasp reflex is subsequently lost and training improves dexterity, and daily life. most children can tie their own shoelaces by the age of 4 and 4 and to right. and this 2nd grade class and the small but very in town of old. today's lesson plan includes handwriting. see if i can, i can see that so many of you, the training is really paying off. our side, in writing by hand, is a complex process. during this activity, 12 areas of your brain are active and more than 30 muscles and 17 joints in the hand. has to work together. malia near the d, as my, uh, as
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a researcher in an institute dedicated to the topic. she's here today to observe how individual children use their hands when. right. how do they hold the pin? do they write fluently? or do they tense up it should ivan down and it's really learning to rise to is learning to move on. when we talk about him by saying we're not just talking about finished classes, but the movement that leads to handwriting i'm sitting here. writing by hand creates a memory trace in the brain, different letters lead to corresponding movements to this makes learning easier and mrs. highlight rising cost saved and i find it pretty easy, but it also helps my owns a bit. so for those 2 types of some people, surveys have shown that children are losing interest in writing. now the new ideas
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my are, has observed that as well along with something else. the 300 city comes, warranty is deteriorating, 5 and the children don't write. they write faulty slowly and they tend saw and they write diarrhea led to play stipends, at least at least half of all boy you said elementary school and $1.00 and $3.00 girls have problems with writing according to germany's national teachers association weaknesses can be detected with the help of a special digital pin, a touch sensitive screen under the paper, measures pressure movements and speed of writing and evaluate the data directly along the one in dolton l l l 3 times then one more time. 3 times stop, stop. the test also allows melody and the ideas mile to clearly explain to the children what they're doing wrong. should i say now you're right fox,
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you can do it very well. then it gives you a speed is very good for your age and i yeah, this looks on this, but you pressed a little too hard and we're going to do an exercise for that. now on this, i know on the results, health meyers institute develop freely accessible methods that can be easily implemented by teachers. they also help train kids fingers in a plateful way. and then we do this so that we don't always press so hard on, depend this money to pick them up to you as soon as you like to eviction increases . they write foster when they copy from the blackboard, for example, when teachers come and encouraged us even more in size. but as i have done enough, that is not the best by default to fill out the holidays and the writing down. stories dictated by the teacher is also a good way to practice. even
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a single hour of hand training every week brings measurable progress because it helps many children enjoy writing more. but enjoyment as far from the only factor playing a role. we would like the children to spend less time in front of screens huffman, our less with technical media, and instead do stuff kids like to do experience nature, bait cookies at home, need to play with water. in other words, every thing that's experienced have typically with the hands up to somebody and has not found that bus home. so i haven't heard of writing must not be replaced. it's very valuable for our brains. digitalization isn't down to success, but we should be using it where it's appropriate for sticking moment on. on the digital age has given rise to many programs aimed at making writing easier.
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practically every cell phone now has a voice to text function that's all had, but artificial intelligences taking things to the next level with tools like chat g, p, t, tell it to write an essay on a particular topic. and it will turn one out in seconds though. not 100 percent correct or stylistically perfect. even. so a, i is supposing a tricky di, lemme for schools at this elementary school in switzerland, kids the getting involved with a i at an early age then ultimately is one of the 1st primary school teachers in the country to teach 10 and 11 year olds. how to use a i the constant you can always ask for help, but you also always have to be critical and ask yourself whether it's the right thing to do. if you need to do something with chad abt, there's one computer here in the front. and another in the back is
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the kids can only access top g p t on to school computers. and the accounts belong to the school. because walks on different tasks, one is to us, we talked t t t who am i make a riddle about the level? i don't think i could have made such a good riddle about myself. it doesn't so well from so little information what's thrown up. so what is i just kind of exciting because it's like an artificial intelligence and can do stuff. you tell it to do, which is pretty cool. but when you ask certain questions, it doesn't really work properly yet. it's a sofa piece for finished on the, on the cdc. since it's exciting to see how fast it collects information from the
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internet and how well it can write text as a chaperone on the quiz. so hush even do you have just one version or did you ask several times? i asked twice the 1st time i rose to make a riddle about me. i'm 10 and i loved dogs. and then it said i was adult. and it's good for you to realize that you can make a new version and always improve and change for this soon. thanks. dana, old amount. thanks chuck gpc problems like those being discussed in other schools or in the state police, it's important to provide kids with the right tools for the future. especially when it comes to important technological development. between from when we teach computer science and you might think that means we teach kids how to use a computer or how one works. but at its core,
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it's about media education in media. the student should learn how to use such media and chat, g p t for because an essential part of that. it's also a facet of dealing with new developments and the artificial intelligence behind it, which takes things one step further to gold. what the youngest school kids are still playing around with this already grade more concrete for all the ones that every day school life as all visit to the school in menacing and shows. the goal here is to lead the pack in terms of digitalization and in the classroom chemistry languages, algebra. teach us here right now. incorporating chat g p t into lessons, and practically every subject. in miss smith's class, middle school students are finding out how well chunk g p t can handle complicated arithmetic issues. you think the question is whether the solutions are correct?
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get all this, do i go to different results? what else? the right questions, touch g p t can spit out solutions that help the students solve math problems on that. writing a personal assistant that responds to individual needs, the position comes close to the input. so it's very good at analyzing the tasks, you know, and it's very good at explaining how to solve them and it almost, but it can't actually solve the problems for you often lose the house. i listened these fellows to, that's not to be, especially when it comes to math. it's often wrong. that's a force that it's good. it's suggesting what you have to do and explaining what it's actually about breaking down to suspend, explaining them in simpler terms, is clear that i have to admit that with was the 2nd group. and especially for someone like me who has a hard time with math, it's definitely a help to remove the students even for the math teacher, you're not supposed to go sees great potential. and i, even if it comp the math very well,
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he's especially happy to have some multiples in the run up to find them exams on it . so i don't have time to go over every question individually with each student. it's just not possible. and the time we have available these days ones for thought . so in that way it's sensational memories in a fault. it's like you have a partner who can answer certain questions for you guys. and as a teacher, you know which questions the partner can answer well. and which ones you have to take over yourself and insoluble amounts. and if you understand that, then you can use it efficiently. that's what i think i'm gonna say. so say i can see on things that fellow teacher might notify as a german teacher at the same school deal. so regularly uses chuck g p t. and his lessons you can see, i mean we're in the middle of preparing an essay. and today the amos for you all to get feedback on the draft that you've already written. it should even hoffen on and
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for that we need to talk about what prompt we need to enter. whether it's good to invite popular e style or tech structure. students had learned how to write good prompts, the entries in chat g p t. this time the i a suppose to get some specific tips on wherever and how to improve that recipes. as it fits you, we did check cvt 1st told me that the pros and cons i entered here. it could be structured more clearly i should be think so i did that and then re enter that and then it said well done. well, it works now. i also think that text is better now do the structure is generally better if any suspect it reads better and more clearly it's been cited, improve the flow and made my argument smoke the here is, it's amazingly specific. it took bits out and rewarded them, it was much better than the original. the original 6, the german teacher isn't worried about his people's getting lazy or trying to cheat on the comp trade. lucky alternative for additional causes,
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it ends in plagiarism existed before. now it's nothing new. and of course, if the text is too perfect, if and you know the student comes and how their writing has developed. if something doesn't fit, you can just ask nipple. i also think the students know that they'll ultimately have to manage without charging meetings with them. with the rise of i tools like chunk g p t. it's important that young people learn how to navigate them and use them to their advantage. but there is one aspect of learning where a i can't help you studying for and taking tests for most school kids and students of very stressful process. many feel overwhelmed before hand. let's take a look at what's going on and how to overcome the fear of exams. oh no, i'm not going to make it. i need some sleep. but what if i fail the exam?
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doesn't use this sounds familiar. with college slides is no joke. you want to perform your best, but often it's hot to stay focused and disciplined all the time. but it is possible to beat the college stress and face your exams. let's explode the science behind that. a stress hit students all over the it was a number of seem to have increased. for example, do out of 5 college students suffer from anxiety $1.00 and $3.00 even from depressive. symptoms covered has had its own part to play him. but stress for say, is not bad, it can make us do well in exams. stress straps up our body and mind and import into dangerous situations. it increases hormones like ad janelle,
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in dominion and cortisol, which speed of a hot and improve of concentration. a body has been doing this for centuries to coal, put dangerous and important situations. it's called the fight or flight response. but when stress tomlins reach very high levels, the system and then performance and concentration decrease. typical signs and symptoms of high stress levels can be a founding, hard, headaches, nausea and for sleep and problems. concentrating, in extreme cases, stressed into the anxiety that can make you go completely blank in tests. so why does it feel like anxiety swallow is your knowledge field dominates spots. so if i drains communication factories can get low regardless because anything we've learned, even though the information is stored in abilene,
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because when stress hormones are high, brains control center right behind the forehead. the prefrontal cortex stops regulating our thinking and emotions as it usually does. instead pulled about like b, like the last, the center for emotions and compulsive behavior decal. and what we feel is feel all of this feeling it's in now this before the test that's nominated. but besides from being ready to prevent another important sash, the is how and what you think in a stressful situation. thoughts like i'm a bit nervous but that's okay. can actually come you down but thoughts like i never make it. i fail, set off of this just cycle of feel and driving stress time on the the good thing is you can do something about it. the bad thing. you might have to change some general habits in your life. one important aspect is taking breaks even if you
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are under time pressure engenders everything that relax as the body in mind hits with stress and anxiety that are some scientifically proven methods that really work. studies have shown the benefits of practicing mindfulness relaxation, breathing exercises and meditation. there are lots of apps on the market that offer these methods, but be a little careful which one you choose as only a few apps have been scientifically evaluated. see if you can find some information on it before using it. another important factor in feeling been balanced is a good night's sleep. yet to out of 3 students don't sleep enough. particularly during exam periods, they cut down on their sleep. it's really impacts it up to they make performance.
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one is the primary function to sleep is learning and memory. if you don't sleep, memory simply doesn't happen. how much sleep young adults need is not clearly known, but it is thought to be around 8 hours. finally, let's talk about giving your day a bit more structure, set up a good plan defined times for rent and what you learn. and when you exercise, meet defense, listen to good music or use social media, especially in the 2 weeks before an exam. a good study plan has suddenly not tried to avoid last minute cramming and all nighters. and if you feel like you can't manage your stress, so things id, talk to people usually trust like friends, family, or university counselors. don't hesitate to seek professional head. try to find out which of the students help you and that's
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a good chance you'll say that most mostly to college life. even if you fail a test every now and again, it doesn't mean the end of the world. on the contrary, in the long run, it can actually help strengthen your ability to bounce back your resilience. no one succeeds at everything all the time, but some people deal with failure better than others cannot be trained. isabel, it him why she has a psychologist who studies what helps people cope in moments of crisis. resilience plays a key role in their research. she and her colleagues even look into test subjects, brains, that term. resilience refers to the ability to cope with challenges. scientists recognize 3 basic types of cute and so i'm fine with us. and again, i both of us who resilience buttons. i it with me because i think it nicely demonstrates the different ways that people react to adversity to pop things skim
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as i have until they again come to have been matching the. when does life? i found the decrease ways, but if you look at the trunk, it remains every time and stuff and stuff because i worked with some people, the stress bounces off and 110 that's called resistance and that keeps keeps things . other people felt less well and may develop symptoms of strengths of incentives. the, when the wind dies down a little, which is corporate generation, they manage to regenerate and stop growing normally again, i can just look up on this i did before the winds of life started blowing. when done, sony to put them as a said type known as reconfiguration to have on file. this is why the trunk changes that on that bonzai op on. so i didn't do so well for a while. it didn't get to the microsoft, but then it managed to grow in a new direction in my mind by an example with the people who had come. so they also managed to develop new skills abilities and i did in order to be even better equipped in a matter of speaking. hey mike, for instance, realize what's really important to them in the lives in strength. housing
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completely new direction that i'm familiar with is like they might quit the job, i hope to see very specific activities and hoping resilience used to be viewed as a kind of inborn characteristic. one person might be more resilient to another less so. so research has shown that how resilience you are can change over the course of your life. how do i enter team want to understand exactly how it works. that in this case, we look into the brain because we found the term resilience people. some struck to the fact that develops in the brain to put them into connect to it and the next 40 i'm lucky and mikaela the son to for processing emotional side to the tool. so another important structure of the prefrontal cool toxic in the full brain. it's, it's responsible for thinking and planning this. and of course, these are also structures that can be trained on. and because the ability can be trained, isabella homepage and her team have founded the resilience, outpatient clinic. he or people can learn and develop specific resilience factors
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and courses or an individual coaching sessions. for example, they learn to confront and take on situations that they find challenging. and that even failure at times can have its positive sides. a little shy, it doesn't have to say here is of course no fill up the phone, but the test positive line is no one gets 3 life without some crisis, right? so you have to practice failure and we should teach people. it's good to fail because you can learn from itself now and let us read. why do you have a science question? send it to us in a video text or voice message. if we answer it on the show, we'll send you a little surprised as a thank you. so come on, just ask this week or a question comes from jorge enrique from el salvador
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the what can we learn from spiders? the spiders and most of builders that help a lot to teach of the they can produce so many times find the human thread low enough to encircles a globe which weigh less than a bar of sorry, the, the european gotten spider. we've subscribe from several different types of threats . spider silk is free of bacteria and also my crates more elastic, some night long and ground for ground, much stronger than steel. prey, tangled up in spite of silk doesn't stand a chance. a single threads contain up to 1500 strums. the material force is
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produced in the animal's optimum and was the cold spin over at the spider slowly shapes this thread out of these glands. re such as have been working for decades to replicate the price i saw sufficiently. ready ready ready to do so, they fast copied the dna segment from the slightest d 9 that provides the genetic recipes to soak. then they transplanted it into a box area. the bacteria modified in this way, start turning out the protein acts as a building block for spider silk. this rule material is then used to produce almost official threads, even more or less stick and staples and then not tro counterparts. manufacturers warranty makes me cuss from spite of salt and coating. so medical implants, some cosmetic products also contain spite of salt proteins. the elastic material
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is even used in across the twins and reset to see many more potential future applications for spite of silk, the we imagined about science and technology. that's like d. w signs is now on take talk. funny. why do gravitational the way that that is when the people begin getting high and laughing gas out the drums boogie to the beads and what's the perfect kid football find? find the on says gets most dw signs on new, tick tock channel. and that wraps things up this week on dw science show. thanks for watching and see you again next time on tomorrow. today
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the the
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me a landscaping with aspiring germany's volcanic mindful region. about 10000 years ago. the volcanoes went quiet. com is something green again, underground. in 15 minutes on the w. in good shape. what does our blood say about our health?
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what is the correlation between blood type include infection? how is potentially life threatening fences detected? and who we be able to synthesize part of this old was in good shape in 90 minutes on d w. the doctor, why does this? because now i'm leaving the new host. join us for an exciting explanation of everything in between. the most is the video and audio production by
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d w. i hope video with unit so you don't think do the same way you expect. and one different thing is from life. when your parents do, i just want to pursue what that's my thought or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop and part of those nonsense. i wonder if my son to the doctor still in the clubs. it's time to get on your generation with the sleep us. i'm them. when generations class this week on dw is kind of fun. it feels like therapy. the the
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business dw news life umbrella in the u. n's top cards full arises, the weld international court of justice. all of these are out to prevent the genocidal acts and gossip, but it stopped the shots of calling for an immediate ceasefire. and these are elsewhere with whom i also have an international across a member, as they survive, hotels dw, and use why he's hopeful these are all in all humanity. one of our com to the, of 2 of my 7th atrocities committed bypass the .


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