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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 27, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the the business need of didn't use live from berlin, so you installed the cards for the rises, the world international courts of justice. all of these are out to prevents genocidal. actually the guys that but it's stopped short of calling for an immediate cease by i. these are eligible with a modest also coming up on international hello cause remember, and today is the bible tells dw news why he's hopeful these are all in all humanity . what about comedy up to about 7, by trusting fees, committed by how my boss, donald trump, is ordered in cost of a $83000000.00 to new york. julie, i was the huge time to ride. so carol, for defamation by the form. i us, chris,
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the i, i'm eddie michael junior and you are welcome to the program. do you disagree with the accounts that will meet next week to follow up on the un top quotes we will in on gaza, the international court of justice on friday. all of these routes do everything and it's part to prevent the genocide in the territory. the preliminary routing, any case brought by sod off a catch, all of these are out to do more to protect civilians, but stopped short of calling for the si, fi. and these are all some of the tree campaign against a mass nicole. it's also all the deputies of these riley hostages, kidnapped by a mouse during the october 7th terror attacks on the outside, the international court of justice palestinian supporters watch a live stream of proceedings and ready to foregoing. some here had been hoping for
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more from the judges, but many are seeing this ruling as a symbolic victory. but the palestinian delegation at the i c j saying it could have far reaching consequences. it is an important step towards justice to the 1st thing that people will not hear for vengeance with you for justice and receive justice for our people. we seek justice for the children who have killed in gaza and all of palestine on the is really side. these campaigners can't believe the genocide case brought before the court by south africa is even proceeding the very least of them that was presented by the user on this side 2 weeks ago. where it was very clearly stated. that user cannot commit genocide because what is being done there doesn't have the intention to commit
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genocide. this is non genocide. israel had been pushing for the i c j to drop the keys completely. and after the ruling, its prime minister gave this reaction the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false is a radius, and this and people everywhere should rejected or mentioned. while the i c. j stopped short of calling for ceasefire. south africa's president, as urging for more to be done to stop the fighting and gaza council, in which they voiced alarm. we firmly believe that following this document should now be a more concerted effort towards a ceasefire. a negotiations should commence on the permanent 2 state solution for enabling is drive and palestine to
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live side by side as independent states, discernibly. now, israel has been asked to report back within a month on how it's upholding the orders from the top you and court. although the court does not have the power to enforce the ruling correspondence, diane hawkeye, as in johannesburg, south africa. hello diane. sorry, i forgot took the case of the call to the 1st place. how is the ruling being perceived in the country or will it be inside africa? the is a lot of positivity around this decision. many sought africans have been posting on social media and in community groups, posting south african flags and images of the president, nelson mandela. you'll know that nelson mandela was a someone who really wasn't support to the palestinian cause. and he said that south africa would not be free unless the people of palestine were free. and people
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have a feeling that this decision and the other side of african governments move is taking that position forward. and in a way of holding work, nelson mandela had 4th full. of course, there's also an understanding here that the decision by the i c j that's place of africa to someone in conflict with some of the international plays, particularly with the israeli government to i'm not happy with the outcome of just a few hours after the decision was, was announced, and the is the, is really carry out. i'll announce that it would be halting slides to south africa in march. and this is the, the in line. so this was as a result of fuel is re, these, wanting to travel to south africa. of course, you know, could be this decision is also given more mo, be to, to produce that have been going on in support of the palestinian people. we've seen pickets and also some
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a protest against particular companies which up with you to be supporting the res randy course. the genocide trial will continue and go take months or years. what else i can expect now from the i c j as well in the short term? so that's what because expect sessions don't really look to what's the i c j. but they look more towards the international community and the report, the pay annual and mention of these they will be towards health at the un security council. and of course of africa is hoping that they will be action taken the they're also hoping that other countries now that the i c j has made this ruling, will start to speak out. and that there will be a change in is riled a. the behavior of these right indeed is, for example, one of the things mentioned in the decision it relates to, to, to the,
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the government stuff in any kind of incitement. and the, the decision also mentioned language that was used by, of use rating the does. so the thought african government is really expecting and hoping that there will be a change in that language and really a concerted effort to preserve lives. okay. you correspondents, diane, hawkeye, and do hon is make, thank you. it's international, whole low cost of remembrance, day and ceremonies are being held around the world to commemorates the victims of nazi era crimes. on this day, in 1945 soviet forces of the great that outfits in nazi occupied, poland, the largest and that'd be asked of concentration. extermination comes with hundreds of thousands of people with tortured and killed under the orders of adults headlong in total the nazis that systematic could be made at i'm estimated $6000000.00 jews and the whole low cost in addition to roma. and since if people with sex roles,
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people with disabilities and political opponents use, abraham spoke to a hold of course, a viable with a message of hope for the world. for over 50 years after surviving the holocaust, natalie 1st did not speak about his experiences. and now he's found strength in sharing his story is done so publicly since 2005, including in germany, i'm very busy, especially if would disappear. i think it's important to tell because many people don't even believe that the holocaust took place at all. your survey because there are a lot of holocaust deniers. and nowadays in 2024 there are few holocaust survivors who are able to tell what really happened there. she put a list appear. there's a bit of my benefits hash on my insurance. i'm still in a pretty reasonable condition. i feel obliged to tell my story so that the
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holocaust won't be forgotten as a bit of the dish or uh the fish is a sure there's a lunch for the 91 year old was separated from his parents at the irish wits birkenau death camp. he then survived a death march to book invalid and has written a book about his experience together to show how that costly is being told. but nobody can feel what i felt during the holocaust. that's how frightened i was so hungry. i was how lonely i was without parents, only i can feel it. is it the name of this? your enough tale says she's reflecting on his experience differently in light of the october 70 bucks. what for the cause grand daughter and her family were caught up in the terror that day. they spent over 20 hours hiding and a shelter as be a tax on fold it in their to books in southern israel before finally being rescued
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by is really soldiers that gives us a a. so it's a sofa. no, we can say it's a disaster, a terrible catastrophe. unbelievable the but it was not a show. it's got, it's got a good yes. and that's like come with a message that we will overcome this tragedy as well. what seem them she really feel it, that human beings by their nature, wants to continue living and that we have to find a good way of getting along and be good and happy people. to feel that most of you. he hopes that him talking about his experience will serve as a less than a warning to the history never repeats itself. any of jerry has ordered for my us press events. donald trump, to pay right is john carroll. $83000000.00 in damages for defamation. a trial last
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year found trump liable for sexually assault on carl in 1996 and for the fame and a half by claiming she lied about the salt, the rights of egypt. and carol, um 10 legal team lead the court house off to winning a lawsuit against donald trump again. oh, she said her reputation as a jam. this was destroyed by donald trump. because he continued to deny sexually assaulting her in a dressing room in a department store in new york almost 2 years ago. trump was found liable for that charge of sexual assaults last yeah. in the slightest trial, the jewelry or the trump, to pay over $83000000.00 in damages for continuing to attack the rights or on social media. the some was more than what carol's lawyers had asked for to to
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include $65000000.00 in punitive damages. that the rights as low as argued when needed to stop from, from the saving back client in future. it's not clear when trump will have to pay up, though, as his lawyer is planned to contest the ruling. we will immediately appeal, we will satisfy that ridiculous story and i just want to remind you all one. i will continue to try to control everybody's 1st amendment. it's just one of the many legal cases trump faces, as he campaigns to be the next republican presidential candidate that the french government is offering concessions up to weeks of nationwide protest by angry farm is demonstrations. have blocked multiple ways in the country. and on friday, logically cuts powers off from rude access. the government wants it to category or subsidies on diesel used in practice, and not finding the vehicles. farmers and friends have taken over the streets,
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protesting rising costs. unplanned got to fuel subsidies for agriculture. here in parts of north west and friends, they said that they no longer earn enough to produce quality food and are determined not to back off the i don't was the polls do some nice things that if al political leaders do not realize that agriculture is in danger, this could end badly, except with pretty much the movement can last. it can last a long time. then it could be dramatic. would you with those only because we are determined. and we don't want to let it go to google. and after 2 weeks of nationwide test, which i've challenged frances new prime minister, gabriela tal. he has now given into some of their demands and travels to south west and friends on friday to meet with these farmers. he pays big machine,
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which is the focus and to prove to you that i'm motivated to see this work bad foods. i'm starting today and i've decided on 10 immediate simplification measures, most of which are introduced by to increase starting tomorrow about to, you know, part of these measures would include starting and emergency fun to separate from us and an enterprise in cost necessary for farming machinery. many farmers protesting here in south west and from so skeptical and wonder if at all will follow through on his promises. substitute as a reminder of our top story, international called of justice as rude about these are all muscleteo immediate messages to prevent packets of genocide and gas. that in the case brought twice out after gotten a cold stop shots of ordering these routes and falls at some retreat. some team against that to you and use round up for the life is up next
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time. maybe michael junior, thanks for watching states you in for me on use of the top of the hour. there's also more use in our website's d, w dot com as well. somehow, social media 10th disconnected. the people in trucks engine trying to feed the city center the straight pieces explain the around the world more than 150000000 people of we of mine because no.


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