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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 28, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin, us officials, the deal is close to release more ease riley hostages. have by how much press i on these are, i was governments as rise police class with puts us those demanding and end to the fights and in gaza and the hostages police also ahead do you in agency for palestinians. it says it's work is collapse and i'm at the west and in humanitarian crisis in gaza. and these are out on ryland's and onslaught. class spend line to goes to the opposed to relax the new president. we'll see how the process of organs ukraine has transformed the nordic countries politics with
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a new defiance of its pitch. i'd gotten sick, 90 bucks. the i am eddie micah julia and you are welcome to the program. us officials say they are close out to a deal to pose fights and even gaza in exchange for the release of many more hostages held by him us. that's us press i. these are all mountains against the government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and south of these are the police class, but protests as to any and see governments body in categories, but as, as called for new elections along with the media to the needs of all hostages. still held in gaza and the i asked the w correspondents telling. yeah, queen man, if these latest protest mackey shifting white public opinion in the, on israel to what the war as well. i think it's quite a fast moving situation,
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but also a complex picture here. as you said, that the country is still very much united behind, you know, a majority of his very support the board. they support the armed forces and to a certain extent, also 30 to ship. but the longer this goes on, the more questions are being asked to, what are the scenarios for the day off to and one very, very big and very important question here is the issue of the hostages. um that you know that that's what we're seeing here in the past week. so i have been every, so today, a tens of thousands of people coming out to demand a release to, to demand, to hold the government and you, hostage to you, to release the remaining uh, over a 100 and $36.00 hostages, to the believe, to be sending garza to a freedom and to and do you have more groups? no joining uh, those protests uh the, the onto minutes and yahoo protest, it's
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a tough being around, but that hasn't been coming out so much for you've seen done. we have some protest this, the protesting against the war, the says smaller protest, but also a protest says that a know, calling for new elections. and if that is also according to polls for the majority, is rarely spawn to see that after the war. and so, according to polls, what is the majority of is rarely spawn to see that off to the war and they should be new elections. and yet, it seems like in the face of the growing criticism, prime minister method, you know, has remained defiance. but how long can he afford to stay the cost? well, thank you seems to be quite on face, as you say, by the criticism. he says he wants to achieve the goals that he has set to renew from us about from power and also. yeah, that's the war cont, in use has to continue as long as it takes,
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but he is under more pressure internationally by his allies, the united states. they want to see a scaling down of the intensity of the war. a more aid, a more protection of the civilian population and goes about domestically as well. this the issue that he needs to bring those hostages home. that is very much on the public's mind. his popularity has dropped dramatically in poles. and a lot of people have criticized him because he didn't take so far, responsibility for the security failures during the tire attacked at for the turbo tax id on october 7th. you you started touching on. it's a bit spot to tell us more about this uh, the report. studies are all in her mouth uh close to a deal to help the fights any return for the release of hostages. well, there has been a lot of reports here in the past days, but you know, these old folks that are happening behind close stores. so it's very hard to see
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where they're at at the moment. so there are reports now that there's a full way meeting. supposed to take place in a, in, from the, from the, you know, that's a heads up. the c a i the most sod and the cut, the reading, gyptian, mega toast. trying to hammer out a new deal. that would be a phase data where 1st some of the hostages would be released in exchange for posting and prisoners. housing is really prisons and also a longer period of a temporary cease fire. but of course homos has always said that they want to see a full stop of the hostilities under full withdrawal of the it's really on the from gaza. so it's still to see how this will play out. right. do you have any corresponding time? yeah. clairmont thank you to you and chief on sonya gutierrez as adds to dylan i states to guarantee the continued oppression of the union's agency for
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palestinian refugees. key donors including the us, germany in the u. k. health funding for the owner. our agency out to israel alleged twel stuff as to pot in a mazda of, to by 7th terrorist attack. and these are all when with head says the employees on the suspicion have been sacked by that the agencies humanitarian work is about to end a hospital on the brink of collapse, overcrowded with injured patients. the situation in one unit is growing increasingly desperate. the trauma ward is packed wounded people here are being treated on a floor splash with lot of visual, most injured people coming to the hospital or from schools and residential areas. we're not trying to treat them anymore. i mean, we're just trying to keep them alive. i think we're good, but it is all it's really forces have advanced deeper into hun eunice in recent
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days. cause and house officials say dozens of people have been killed in the fighting, which has come very close to the hospital. and the milk formula know doctors to treat the patients, no food or medication for children. a many you had health for things to take a different town on friday when the united nations top court ruled on a case against israel's offensive and gaza. a majority of the judges called on the east road to protect civilians and allow the entry of desperately needed to humanitarian aiden to the strip the case. the court is acutely aware of the extent of the human tragedy that as an unfolding in the region, and is deeply concerned about the continuing loss of life and human suffering. possibly. but the judge has stopped short of ordering the urgent request of south africa, which had brought the case against israel, an immediate cease fire disability of the ruling on. so that for cause allegation
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that israel is committing genocide against palestinians in gaza will likely take years, suggests palestinians broadly welcomed friday's ruling. but it offered no respite for the people of gaza. let's look at some more stories making headlines around the world. police in the us state of indiana has rescued sec, has animals after retract from sports and democrats via the trailer and indiana highway. it was a hole in zebra is coming. i was in a small hose for 2nd performances, when it caught fire, dynamos way of roaming the road, some mansion on grass when police rounded them up. thousands of demonstrators uptake into the streets of dose of the gulf to protest against rides when guest premies them. in the fights alternative for gemini poxy, for this copy and taking place across germany as the reports that members of the,
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of the met new nazis to discuss plans to the force. millions of people with an immigrant background, including german citizens, processed have been taking place in kenya for the when a wave of killings of women, communist international says more than 500 cases of the me side or the killing of women and girls. okay. between 20162023. thousands of people marched through the streets of my will be calling for an end to the violence. there's anger for victims on the streets of my robi. hundreds of women and girls have been murdered in kenya in the last 5 years. and the killings continue at least voting. women and girls have been killed since the you'll begin women's rights activists say it has to stop. now we've been out the majority in this country. why do we have so much in the life and the political social, economic structure? so we have, then we have that. and that's where to go. we have much to say add for besides,
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and women was martha, martha, what the government sometimes it helps out to do some doesn't have not been able to solve the engineering department. here is a mind because my country's most safe prices. they're gonna say my wife is not saved by cleveland by delta dental. say, i'm here because the vision exactly how sons of men and women have much insight data to be the victims of family sites in the country. the routing quoted has been the needs to solve the keeping of women and dollars. actually, we do not have any time to ask for the government. ok, now that the field has that very you can in the week of the reasons came in for just as much to the office of the president, the parliament and supreme court calling for justice for the victims. they want all forms of gender related violence to be punished, listening, and an end to the environment affinity. those on the streets today, hope the voice has the push the government to create
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a safe for kenya for women in finland, both as go to the polls on sunday. so we liked the new president. the position is mainly ceremonial about the past and who was the job is in charge of foreign and security policy studios that have gone massively in importance. as soon as the neighbor nebraska launched its war against ukraine, finland's reactions to the war was to join the nato military alliance which and get moscow did of use that type of shooting forth from the finish capital helsinki. finland, a new president will lead, is markedly different from the one of elections, past society, both inductor negative to understand that we have a big neighbor, we'd better take that interest into account and try to be named by a positive way, cooperating with them, and doing basements and everything, so the meanest was elected to run this, finland in 2012. the finished president is in charge of the nation's foreign policy . and meanest earned to the nickname,
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the proven whisper for his ability to communicate with his kremlin counterpart. but after russia launched war on ukraine, he shepherded his country quickly into nato, a once unimaginable, and became a fruit and credit. you cost these look up the mirror with me mister having served to the maximum to 6 year terms. 3 men are topping the poles to be the next tenants of this presidential palace, former prime minister, alexander stewart, from the liberal, conservative national coalition party is leading close behind are the green, former foreign minister pick a hobby sto and you see hollow from the right wing bins party, but due to national unity over russia policy and solidarity with ukraine. they haven't had the usual array of issues to argue about your call and have differing opinions about nato anymore because we just entered there. you can be of deferring of differing opinions about national security so that these are kind of big,
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big questions, which kind of have obvious answers. so there is no differentiation policy without huge policy differences, voters are looking at other characteristics like candidates ability to communicate of careers. my um, sales promotion, having typically been things bins are looking for in their presidential hopefuls on serious issues. they've always been expected to walk the talk, but never before on tick tock. the intimate social media post, a former prime minister son, martin dancing with a huge controversy for many reasons, but it's still broke through societal barriers. candidates have put a lot of effort into online campaigns. the things that you use to get criticized about or things that make, took away your credibility. they are not the same things anymore. or at least among your younger voters, you have to go to their level. but regardless of whether campaigning has occasionally looked lighthearted, the new president has serious issues or waiting like thousands of migrants report
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at least still massed on the russian side of the border, waiting to cross into finland, presumably without visas. a tactic hybrid warfare expert and you've solved a line and expects russia to continue using to test finland. we would say this off the summer because now we have that big border guard called winter. belinda is due to reopen the border crossings that closed with russia. the same day, the 2nd round of presidential voting takes place. february 11th, the world's largest crew ship began its maiden voyage on saturday from the us city of miami. take a look at that royal caribbean. the icon of the seas is about 365 meters. that's long got on the heights of the eiffel tower. the ship a space for almost 10000 passengers and crew members. it's 20 decks also house more than 40 restaurants and boss 7 swimming pools and i'm ice skates and bring the
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what did you like to be on that? well, that's all the news will now save this. i've next with wow, brings love in minutes of back. i am a michael junior, thanks for watching states you and we have more news coming up on the top of the out the rules when we say they're about never giving up every weekend on d w because problem sponsored 0. so it's one of the sale when he knows how to use this not, i mean this guy knows about energy in
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a way that these as much stuff.


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