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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 29, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news line from the then a drones try and killed 3 us troops of the jordan syria border us president, or if i didn't blamed iran, bax, bax, medicines, and vows to hold the perpetrators. 2 accounts also coming up for you and was that she amount of tearing work in gaza spaces collapse and just key done is to not suspend funding for an agency full palestinians. refugees, the mohammed, thanks for joining us. the united states, as 3 of its troops,
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have been killed and dozens more wounded in a drug attack on a base on the jordan syria border. us president joe biden blamed a run back to minutes and for the attack, he's out to hold the pipe of choices to account media report, say the drones struck neighbor barracks at the base. it's the 1st time american ministry personnel has been killed by hostile fire in the region since the start of the israel from us for the deputies, washington bureau chief, in this pole has more of the killing of the 3 americans in georgia, near the border with syria is definitely a significant escalation of an already precarious situation in the middle east. this is the 1st time, as we just mentioned, that you as troops have been killed, but enemy fire in the middle east since the beginning of the cause of war. and the problems reaction of president biden kind of underlines the significance of this
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attack. he promised to hold those responsible for the tech i quote him to account at the time and in a manner our choosing. and he also said i quote him here as well. we know it was carried out by a red coat. iran bag, militant groups operating in syria and iraq to us officials have repeatedly said that they do not want to see the increasingly high tensions across the middle east fraud and into a regional war. and indeed the has the more than a $160.00 or so attacks on us and coalition forces in iraq and syria since the war started. however, until today, official officials have described the constant volley of drones. rock codes and midsize is unsuccessful because they have not cause serious injury or damage to an infrastructure. this of course, has changed with today and given the increasing political pressure president biden
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is facing from the republican policy in this election year, which has just started indeed doesn't seem unlikely that u. s. will increase the military involvement. and just that, of course, comes an increasing risk that the conflict will spread throughout the whole middle east, as well as china is largest, real estate developers has been ordered to liquidate by a court in hong kong. every grand is the world's most in depth of develop uh, with more than 270000000000 euros with of liabilities. the order came off to a deal was on able to be raised with credits is, but the liquidation process could be complicated with potential political considerations, given the many of pharmacies involved. and that could have a major effect on china's economy and the global financial markets, which he definitely is. phoebe kong is in hong kong and explained what impact the
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costs were. they will have well, the cost just or the property giants in china as a grand to liquidate, jumped in a real way of cause that is a close. they bought a hearing that has been suspended so sometimes and finally what half of the session office liquidation. and we're expecting more details as the cost has schedule an afternoon section. local timing here in hong kong and all that it will possibly layout more details and the details, arrangements on how the process will be um, layouts. and um, as far as we know, um that soon after the court ruling was now the says, all 3 companies related to advert grands how to send that info, consult marquez, and this home from some of my kids. and it says pride test permits it immediately. so we can see the meet that, you know, in the immediate effects of these really now, you know, advert, grand as you say,
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has had a huge debts, hundreds of billions of dollars, just put into context for us in our audience. how it got to this point, the well um and the ground has relied on the chain all of that. 5 and loading following money. um to expand and uh the thing is, this is says uh is the shop to at this time like one in the 2nd you know, um that is what found it by uh hu estallion. um chinese, uh the sofa and then uh, back to 2020 the chinese government uh issue some restrictions on the borrowing money, a policy on the times the benefits and that, that too, um, they're actually like to they, they, they offer, giving off the collapse of amazon because it's live on borrowing money to spanish, spanish, uh, and then uh, like the past 2 or 3 years. uh,
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we have seen the what kind of like a slow motion collapses. many steps that uh, advert from is coming to uh, its business is coming to an end because like it's a failed to overpay, is that of the matter, i always show off. so construction watches and many creditors overseas. and this one was growing, need for more housing across chinese cities. way this is these, the property crisis in china now the, the account, a 25 percent of the time is to the p. so it's a major engine of it's all opportunities, economic growth. so the, because the crisis of the property of markets was like was, and they are ready, slowing economy growth in china and, and that's what the florida to use was like volt this price that we are like expecting that was special to come to, to, to, to contain the damages brought by amazon in other lights,
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property that i'll let him pass, hold and like shop like to pay that, that. so see, become in hong kong. thank you so much. you in chief and turn it gutierrez has a donuts things to guarantee the continued operation of the us agency for palestinian refugees. japan has become the latest country to pull us funding for audra jordan, a major done as long as the united states, germany and the u. k, this comes off, the israel alleged the 12 stoffers, took part in the home off october 7th, tara tax on was a headphones that suspended funding could tracking the lives of those who depend on the agency for survival as gauze. the faces a deepening humanitarian crisis, raising to get a sack of flour. now a precious commodity in guys on these men are a few of the lucky ones who manage to get one others who are less fortunate.
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this is the amount i got today. this is for 7 people. look at how little this is. it's a rare day in gaza city. very few a trucks make it to the heart of the strip. this one operated by the main you an agency and gaza was empty 10 minutes. some people got 3 bags of flour and some got 4, and i didn't get any. i have 3 children and i don't know how i'm going to feed them . the situation could get even worse. several countries have temporarily paused the funding to owner of the united nations agency for palestinians that softer israel accused. some of it stop of being involved in how much is attacks on october 7th, on raw,
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has fired several m to use in the wake of the allegations, details of which have not been made public. the agency has opened on investigation and other countries to keep the funding flowing. they are as hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people in gaza who rely on the watch. humanitarian work who rely on humanitarian assistance even more now than they did before. it is the work that on the wall uh does. the remains critical. uh, today and as heavy rains in winter storm slash the strip of further disruption and aid could have catastrophic consequences. let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world's negotiations have met in paris to discuss the hostage release deal between israel and tim, off the could see an extended c spar. and the goal is to strip these where the
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government has described the us that talks as constructive, but the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu says there are significant gaps between the 2 sides. and the discussions will continue this week. protested in south africa's capital. so how does the kind of how the vigil to honor the gen this kills and the conflict between israel and thomas, john, this call for back to protections for the colleagues on the ground in concept rights group say at least a c 3 media. well, because have been killed since since the conflicts dotted in the october feelings center rice candidate to alexander stew about the national coalition party is one of the 1st round of the countries presidential election. he will face level green party candidate. becca how vis, due in the run of boats. on february, the 11th japan space agency says it has re established communications. with this move alonda off, the power was restored to the croft. the small rover will resume its mood admission
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to explore the surface, the prophet touch down on the surface of the moon earlier this month, but run into some technical issues when recharging it's solar battery, a west african nations nisha molly and to book you know, fall, so have announced that they are leaving the regional economic block. echo was the ministry root is issued, a joint tv statement, calling the block sanctions against them in humane they were implemented off the cruise over through the 3 countries, democratic governments. all 3 countries were a founding members of a cloth in 1975, a month of the deputies. only such a kula is in lagos and has low on the timing of this withdrawal. but the impact some of these movies, it is clearly one that will raise the eyebrows. so don't forget some of these countries as opposed to being transition towards that. perhaps the democracy will enroll countries like money that it doesn't look like it's going to be happening.
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we've seen the likes of football cannot fast so having, you know, a good relationships with russia instead. and the relationship between that new j, which had is cool about 6 months ago, july 2023 countries would be for the echo. as in fact, we saw the an agenda on june, the prime minister bloss in echo us out on size the out that meets in between the 2 did not happen. a russian broken f as a have, you know, i agreement signed last year to be with the, another big plants a day for electricity. and also a couple of days ago to confirm receiving about 25000 tons of weights from russia needs a looks like a crunch that i might follow to got started school on monday about also i cannot be, i'm not certain to either way up. i have some russian influence so, and these are the 3 countries which i've for my french calling is a pretty member, have clarity several times. we differentiate it and also insist about friendships leave the country, which we so i know the process that happened last year. so many might say, i don't expect that, but we're waiting to see why that's why might be the reaction from equity, which maybe will say,
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will come very soon. a or to talking now with the interior minister says to match the suspects have been quotes after a gun attack in a charge and this then bolt, one person was killed. the sail installments, the santa maria touch in the cities. so re, a district police blocked the road to santa maria church and this bundle of the 2 was sealants, took a lifetime during the sunday service. it was not immediately clear what the motive behind the attack was, but the victim's nephew has spoken since saying that his uncle was likely not a direct target sense of these are in the day. this is, he has a mental disability and was invited to attend to judge who this is 10 chips was the target. he was not the top of the movies. that if you had no connection politics or an organization, you went to church, became a victim of faith, a model to get your fish will have launched an investigation. the tragedy in
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disclosement community drew quick sympathy from the male bush themselves to, i'm sorry for our laws. there are no minorities in the city of this country. we all say to send you all living together. the only thing, even one of our lives brakes are hot type. it just image him is the on us the attack being at the roman catholic church has also drawn quick condemnation from the pope to from so well laid out a defend. she's well famous painting. the mona lisa, as we to tax by act of us to protest as through so at the price is off work which is protected by sick. but it proof plus in the live was even paris. the museum says the painting was not damaged and that the exhibition is again open to the public. a group called to re post alley martin's had claimed responsibility for the attack, and they're demanding sustainable food and
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a fair agricultural system. a message out the dates. i'm bringing them, i'll have it. i'll see you soon. take care by the secret live you discover new adventures and 360 degrees and explore fascinating. both heritage spelling w world heritage. $36050.00 at no cost about why does that most because like now i'm lease i'm under the new host join us for an exciting if.


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