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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the the is dw, use lie from by name 3 us troops killed in a drone attack in the middle east defense secretary lloyd austin, promises retaliations depends on the blinds, militants backed by iran for the strikes on the military outpost in jordan known as talent, $22.00 also in the program and in russia over the war in ukraine, wives and mothers, a front line troops quote, for an end to the fighting and the return of that left on the i'm feel okay. welcome to the program. the united states is promising. what he calls, i'm very consequential response to
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a drone attack that killed 3 of its troops in jordan. i'm going to dozens more us officials save us dry comstock, the day 90 states and military outpost known as tower 22 and the other border with syria. it's the 1st time such an attack is killed in american soldiers in the region. a sense the start of the israel high mass for us president joe biden is blind around back to minutes. sense though iran denies being involved. us defense secretary lloyd often use the racing with nato secretary, generally arlington virginia to express his outrage at the attack. good morning everybody. let me start with my range for the depth of 3 brave us from san jordan and for the other troops when president and i will not tolerate attack on us forces. and we will take all necessary actions to defend us and our troops are now middle established daniel guy like is that is,
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are in chief of the magazine 78th, which focuses on the on this nomic. well, he discussed with dw, the strikes potential for escalation, and whether iran may be helping to orchestrate strikes a by around linked groups. while i think, uh, iran is involved in structuring and motivating this a lions, this plethora of malicious. mostly she, uh, oriented malicious in the region i have, i think these groups also work at their own behest and have their own time table. and i think that is also the plausible deniability for the radians is also central here. so this is more, it's a financial, it is in logistics, it's an ideological support. but as we have seen in the past, i don't not think that iran is coordinating every individual strikes. just not at the strategic this, the teacher interest of the rain is to do that and they see how the decent groups
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and these militias also operates independently, but it's actually contribute to the overall deterrents of the monitor the region. however, what happened now is the beginning of 3, the us service members, which probably did not go according to plan because before these munitions made actually sure that they would inflict harm and that they would provoke the americans. but make sure that they wouldn't cross a certain red line. and the killing of us servicemen is certainly a red line that the americans need to respond. and that's uh, that puts also the wrong spot in lisa english. daniel got back and we weren't in russia, a staging protest, demanding the return of husbands and sons from ukraine, so inclined to support the war while others are more skeptical. but they are all united in saying their loved ones are for a long enough. it should be allowed home. determined to do you have to, as a matter fact, marie andre event. and does with us that russians whose husbands, for mobilized one to to least allow us as
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a to of the unknown soldier. this isn't every too old but i protest because they belong to the husband. so i have been fighting the new grade for more than a year to finally come home. they do it. why not? there's a war going on. people are dying, they're just the average people. man who were called up doing the partial mobilization. we can pretend, but they're not dying, they're not the deal with these. so i need some new and you know, she calls a women's initiative the way home, maria, and very, very simply even took it to the campaign office of president vladimir putin. and he has a kremlin in motion. so right now i there should my husband come back for both? your husband is defending our homeland and what will i get back and man without legs and arms isn't, isn't a good man. how are you talking about your husband?
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you don't even know what's going on. the women want to get through to put in with the i protest the president when outage annual re celebrate that also looks christmas with a select group of completely different women. everything is there was how much money is made to move you as you know and seen our brave, who really commends this to our boys to ski. and there's a worry, it's a rush of fighting for the interest of our country even now. so it was during the holidays to do so, and that's listed on the initiative has been around for months, not doing the research dates as a women have sharpened because they are tune at 1st they will not explicitly against the civil only in favor of their husbands. coming back now, is there a demanding an end to me at the symptom, but almost 2 minutes or so it's symptomatic. we see similar ongoing, but the areas of society of young people are becoming increasingly dissatisfied.
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pension is, are increasingly worried about rising food prices. so, the walrus causing more a mall constant nation intentions of the show. and, but that doesn't mean that people are ready to take to the street from us suite to know what it means, you know, facing the situation that russia is currently in a different place to. so thoughts, if that's what i'm suggesting, cause i'm stuck with this turn into a big a movement of most of the problem is, is that russia is a very large country that those to, to organize in all russia movement. you need profit infrastructure process. these women have me the infrastructure, nor lead them. you need to, as they refuse to give up the women. now it takes to the streets every such a day. not only he in moscow, but also in saint petersburg limits. we have to come back again and write lots of protest letters to exert massive pressure. now is exactly the right moment to
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add these to it's that to moment is the presidential election in less than 2 months time. the crammed and has to get intervened in the protests about the fed. quick change quickly, and let's get more on this from dw reporter alone. i'm going to show a welcome alone. so these women, why they speaking out now give them that this was been going on to me, is just feel so because of disappointment. this women say that they're disappointed in the russian president. and that's the main sentiments that i got while reading all the messages and this telegram group, this women say that there is this dichotomy between what the president says and what's actually written in the decrees that he's sized. so they also say that they had been lives to several times. so the 1st time when they were told that they would be no mobilization the 2nd time they were told, well,
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that reasonable ization bought your men will be gone for 3 maximum 6 months. and right, and all this decree is still in place, and it says explicitly that this man can only come back the mobilized one when the mobilization is announced. and i also spoke with some women and people that in russia, and i asked them about what they think about mobilization. and some of them told me, but there was no mobilization anymore. and i asked them why they think so. and they said, well, it's been quiet, and that's a very tricky situation because just because it's quiet doesn't mean the decrees not the, the decrees that and this boom and say that, please join us to pull to us right now because tomorrow, today's off, but tomorrow it can be and if you fly to what you might, i might have face criticism have a as they have faced criticism from both sides of the all i would say. so obviously the 1st side is provo activists. and obviously they blame to spin traitors, the brenda most traits us, but also it's very interesting from this onto work groups as well. and there are 2
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main points of criticism that so the 1st one is that this women, so to say, let them go and slides and this thing and say, well, who but a political before. and this are the consequences so that we know that sort of read that and we didn't really know what was going to happen. so we were basically lied to with the 2nd point and it's very tricky shit as well. some say that this women and not brave enough, so i read them on a festal and they call for demo boost ation. they call for normal seat to be brought back to the country. but they don't specifically say that they want the war to, and they allude to that, but they don't say specifically. so some praise the bravery and the same time there are people say, well, why can't they just say we onto while we're onto points and well for all this reasons because the political climate and russia is very, very dangerous right now for that. so how dangerous all the have and how scared or thoughts his advice could grow into something. this movement. but i would say there were awesome signs of that to be on a so at least according to this women,
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some of them had been approached but f as b actions. and they say that this spit engines, they try to exhibit some pressure on them. but they was surprised as well that this pressure wasn't as strong as they expected. and they have their own theory for that . they say that a source just might be scared to put too much pressure on the spinning because the men right now are fighting the so they already fatigued and tired and they of course, they would be outraged when they find out that the swimming a being basically put on pressure by the government that back in russia. so the sooner say that there are this a storage of us kid of the reaction of the man on the battle ground. so the may a goal of this women right now. that's what they say. they say they want to be seen by the russian president, and they want demo validation to be, to actually become a decree to be real. so they say that the longer the worse on going, the big of the group is going to grow. and right now it's more than 40000 people
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day and this telecom, chad, so the president has to see them at some point. okay, thank you for the alone, dw alone. what a show. thank you. but take a look at this little stores making headlines around the world that will stuff in south africa away demonstrates is have paid tribute to the gen this that killed in gaza. they held a vigil in the city of johannesburg on sunday rights groups. the site at least $8381.00 because they've been killed since a stock of israel harmless conflict in october. danish warships on his way to the website, to join the us like mission against who steve miller since rebels, backed by iran, had been attacking commercial vessels along the maritime route because of the war and gaza. there was this claim to be targeting ships linked to israel. french province have blocked one of the main highways into parish that demanding higher pay and less red type. in the face of environmental regulations, government fund to phase out tax breaks was dropped the following weeks of similar
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protests of your opinion. and you said, well wait for the results of you. an investigation before deciding whether to suspend contributions to the un agency for palestinian refugees. yea, the organization does own right. is facing intense scrutiny since israel a q some if it staff of involvement in the october 7th. how must tara attacks? several countries including 8. so each of the, of the us of already suspended funding, i was a condo, so one of gulls as last lifelines so many here. these blue and white bags of flour, a little bit stand between them and still vacation. but with more and more of the agencies don't, is cutting off that funding. people here in the southern city of rafa, the other west. and that's what i worked with, told me in the stopping. and ross, 8 distribution is a catastrophe in the gaza strip. you know, like is it was
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a handout uh main supports and if they still, there will be a famine, like the one that didn't know that color is going to be much as i'm a thought of somebody. what i can isn't what kind of a photon ross don't helping us. then i'll people will face death a minute by minute. who was helping on people who are hungry and suffering. if they stop him, but we'll have no one on our side other than go to the details of these really allegations against monroe stuff has been slow to a much according to new york times such an adult ca provided to the us government. but he is really secret services. 12 workers were involved, some said to have participated in kidnappings and killings, while others provided logistical support. the agency has already filed several people and is about to thoroughly investigate the claims. but the un says that funding needs to continue while that happens. palestinian officials and occupied
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westbank have also urge donors to reconsider. for the companies that have, i know the suspension very paid amounts to 70 percent of the time you wouldn't budget of the united nation. but if you find what agency this measure is extremely dangerous, i mean, it is our hope that this would be for of us with most calls and snow falls from the homes. but the fighting people here, i'm more dependent on the agencies help the never the head of own rule as well. and that is money doesn't start flowing again soon. it's what will grind to a hold in a matter of weeks. just have to remind you of our top story this our us defense secretary lloyd austin, has promised retaliation for the killing of 3 american soldiers, montrose attack, and a base in jordan known as towers 22 defends account is pending bill against,
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backed by iraq. next on b, w, a close up exposes flights of thousands of people in me and mom were forced to take part in cyber scams against consumers in the us. i'll be back over to the trast fashion as an environmental 9. a clothing graveyard, immature land desert. this is where things well the industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile ways get stranded fashion, watch now on youtube. i was hoping to go and when overseas and one d i.


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