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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 29, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the the, this is dw news line from the, the us bows, retaliation for a drone attack, which cube sort of its troops in the middle east defense secretary lloyd austin says o necessary action will be taken. depends on the flames and militants passed by iran for the strike under basic jordan known as our 22. also on the program, the window is an investigation into its agency helping palestinian refugees is regarding the claims under our staff to pos in the how most of the tax and the subject of oftentimes french farmers loc major routes around the parish, back threatening to escalate that protest by driving tractors into the capital,
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the governments expected to announce new concessions to clear the higher the . i'm so welcome to the program. the united states is promising what it calls very consequential a very consequential response to a drug attack that killed 3 of its troops in jordan and wounded more than 40 others . us officials say the strike on saturday night's face and military outposts known as our 22 and the board was sylvia. it's the 1st time such an attack has killed the american soldiers in the region since the stats offered israel. how much more us president joe biden has blamed around back to milson. so iran denies involvement. us defense secretary lloyd austin, use the meeting with nato secretary general in arlington, virginia to condemn the attack a good morning. everybody. let me start with my outrage and
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for the death of 3 brave us from sin jordan and for the other troops. one president and i will not tolerate attack on us forces and we will take all necessary actions to suspend the us and our troops. laura bloomfield is a senior fellow at johns hopkins school for advanced international studies in the us. i asked about the likely response from washington. well, there's a whole menu of retaliation options here. they could fire back at iranian back proxies which they've already done 10 times inside of yemen. um because it also choose to go directly to i ran um both inside or outside of i ran uh, economic or military targets. um and there is a cyber option which kind of gives you some deniability if you want, but i think that they're more likely to go for a high value target if they take their own advice that they've been given these
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really, which used to be precise to the to check and pinpoint do they, they've had some successes that 2020 when president trump took our 10 most of them on uh, you know, there was a dramatics. right. and they were able to back channel message. yeah. radians to say tit for tat. we're done, do not escalate and, and they get back to job done. right. so that would be your anticipation. a strike in iran against a specific target are not necessarily on iranian territory if you'd be outside of iran, but i do think they need to send a strong message with that escalating to the war. so how does the president walk that line? right, they want to, they want to create insurance with that. and although, or which has been a main goal for the united states from the beginning of this conflict which started back on october 7, primary goal do not escalate into regional battle. and as we're so close now, leasing this week in paris, where there's this hostages for a cease fire, at least a 2 month pause and the fighting and gaza. we're getting close. and the last
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president by and wants to do is blow up, you know, another front in the middle east as we're reaching potential peace between these rallies and ha, right. so the, the group responsible. all that is claiming responsibility for this is one of these umbrella groups for what of why be regarded as a radiant proxies. if the u. s. and iran and pretty much everyone else in the world is saying the last thing we want is an escalation in this region. what process do you think was behind the target saying of this us base as well? i think that these proxy groups actually have a lot to gain, i mean look at the hudy's and in them and they, they, they gain and status and prestige. and so for that, you know, it's all in program. i mean, they're very used to take little bites and nips out of the united states. they like to push them out of iran. i'm sorry, a vi rack and syria. so they're happy to kind of diminish the united states
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prestige and the region without going into all out war. but the small proxy groups have everything to gain, ha, included by attacking the big bad, you know, definitely united states. right. and just, just to go through that and it runs involved with this. iran has said we didn't do this on the actions of, of these various groups, these resistance groups as it cause its that's nothing to do with, with us. so to construe, iran's involvement beyond financing them as well. the inspiration, um, you know, a lot of there is financial backing. there's the technology i ran to the same kind of we did it, we didn't do it immediately. finally, october 7th, they kind of want to have the benefit of taking down the united states and israel without paying the price and it's understandable, they have their own domestic politics. that's what makes this moment in time. fascinating and treacherous, right?
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and we've got this military calculation. how do you respond without over responding? you've also got the domestic policy, which in the united states were in campaign season. now, you know, biden is thinking about his re election and that pressure from capitol hills or a republican saying that there's blood on president biden's hands and the uh, president trump also running through the electric calling by them aware domestic us topics, domestic iranian politics. and then there's his regional fragility because it's tremendous fragility because israel is about to, is threatening to go to war 11, not to push back on his box. so it's got 3 things happening at one spitting up by the got a very, very fine line to walk, but i think he can do it. he's a key goal is to a ser, i am in command, i am the leader, not be you sort of nuisance proxies or frankly, domestic political problems. okay, thank you for that. talk us through that. so laura bloomfield from johns hopkins university. thank you. i think that i think nations has begun. i'm
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investigation into its agency for palestinian refugees. none of those under the organizations facing intense scrutiny since a israel la q summer had staff of being involved in the october 7th. how most attacks, several countries, including a survey, jeremy, and the us have halted financial contributions. the agency says it will have to suspend operations in casa, unless that funding is restored. a cell phone ross, a condo, so one of gods as last lifelines the many here. these blue and white bags of flour, a little bit stand between them and install of ation. but with more and more of the agencies don't, is cutting off that funding. people here in the southern city of rafa. yeah. the west. that's what i looked with. oh, me in this doping, moonrise 8 distribution is a catastrophe in the gaza strip. you know,
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like is it was a handout on main supports and if they still, there will be assignments like the one of the no colors going to be much as i'm a thought of somebody when i can isn't what kind of move on the ross don't helping us then i'll people will face death a minute, 5 minutes, ros helping on people who are hungry and suffering. if they stop him, but we'll have no one on our side. others indulge the details of these really allegations against monroe stuff. have been slow to a much according to new york times, so i think adult ca provided to the us government, but he is really secret services. 12 workers were involved, some said to have participated in kidnappings and killings, while others provided logistical support. the agency has already filed several people and is about to thoroughly investigate the claims. but the un says the funding needs to continue while that happens. palestinian officials and the occupied west bank have also urge donors to reconsider to
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the companies that have i know the suspension very paid amounts to 70 percent of the time you went budget of the united nation really fund work agency. this measure is extremely dangerous. i mean, it is our hope that that would be provost with most calls and snow falls from the homes by the fighting people here. i'm more dependent on the agencies help. whenever the head of own rule has wound that, if money doesn't start flowing again soon, it's what will grind to a hold in a matter of weeks. shame and lo space for the norwegian referee jean council asked whether the pledge of henri was major donor countries, defend other humanitarian organizations in gaza was likely to be enough to you know, no other organization operating garza has the capacity to do what owner,
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what is doing on our well right now is providing around 80 percent of the region palestinians in garza, i, that's not to say organizations like the norwegian refugee council where i work are doing all that we can. but just to put it in scale and our see where i work, has a 48 staff, local staff on the ground and 5 international staff there about 50 people under what has 13000 employees, 3000 that who continue to work. there's no way that in the 5 weeks before hon would have to start suspending. it's operations that any of these and any of our peer organizations or we could manage the burden of, of taking care of all of these people and providing assistance on or what has the expertise, the experience they've been working in gaza for, for over 70 years. and, and really as much as we, we, and many of us organizations are also reliant on on or what, especially the low from the, you know, we do refugee council, but take
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a look at it. so most doors making headlines around the world. danish warships on its way to the red sea to join the us admission again to the miller, since rebels, backed by iran, had been attacking commercial vessels along with the amount of time because of the costs of war. who says that claim to be targeting ships linked to israel, august down underground have agreed to cooperate, to improve cooperation and following across the board of strikes between the neighbors. less than 2 weeks ago around struck what it called militant targets in pakistan is not about launched on the attack in retaliation. so, the least 5 minutes of georgia beloved is hosting an african summertime to the hosting economic ties and coming migration through does an african leaders of gathering bro, if there's pledging 5 and a half 1000000000 euros, how energy education phone jacks on the content to deepen demonstrate as buffy engines through mexico cities a positive as told us, the wells and lodgers,
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the bullying, animal rights activists been and good by supreme court decision to lift a suspension on both sides as an investment. even though as the opening door has prize proposed a referendum. whether it should be back but the front web protesting farm is a blocking major mode twice around paris. as police deployed to prevent that attractive entering the topical, they say green policies, low food prices, and cheap imports, a threatening their livelihoods. a complaints are active by farmers elsewhere in new york. the french government is expected to announce more help for its agricultural sect. after days of regional blockades, front of farm is a headed for the capital in what they calling the siege of paris. stopping traffic along a to me to authorize into the states a nova to tyrese's the capital. so going, there is
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a powerful symbols. and if you go to paris, that's where the head office is, where all the ministries are, where all the politicians are up there going. there is the final act, elective nurse, one way at least you know, these protest slogans have become a common science across the country. they read. oh and will be all hung up. and i love my job, but i'd like to make a living from it. it's the pharmacy they are being strangled by french and you regulations, or the oper testing against the removal of subsidies by agriculture, the diesel, a low tax fuel use to power attractive. i'm calling for reversal on pesticide funds that make producing goods like these more expensive in belgium. pharmacy echoed the demands and tactics of the french counter pops looking roads near the capital brussels. the
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scene that was starting up and other countries we said to ourselves, maybe if we all get together all solved and will be stronger in the eyes of the people. and we would like you to take its responsibility, swap a considerable dispos, somebody to farmers in germany, also demonstrating they say the standing against what they called tax and bureaucracy madness. similar protests of also have spread to other countries including insulate under romania and based on good could be expressed at the bottom volts when the you repeat parliament elections take place and you stand to remind you that top story of this uh for us defense secretary lloyd austin has promised retaliation is the beginning of 3 american soldiers and a drug, the tax on a place in jordan's. notice our 22 depends on the timing benefits packed by the next on the w documentary meeting,
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a survivor of nazi germany inside the u. s. which has since returned to homeland, to town and story. world news after the tone, the good news is for thought see who the the.


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