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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 30, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CET

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin. pressure grows on us, president 5 in the to retaliated following and drone strikes on a us space in the middle east. america says it will take all necessary actions after the attack and jordan kills 3 of its troops and blink around vac militants for the strike funds. iran denies any involvement also coming up. then you, when she waves for continued support for the you, an agency per pallet to me and refugees as more countries freeze their funding for own run after israel point palestinian refugees as more countries freeze their funding for own run after israel plains. some agencies staff took part in the october 7th, come off terror attacks and crypto currency fraud and alleged abuse at the hands of
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human traffickers and crime syndicate. the w. investigate a secret of myanmar scam factory will have an explosive report the article for at least welcome to show the united states as promising what it calls a very consequential response to a drone attack that killed 3 of its troops and jordan and wounded. more than 40 others, u, as officials say the strength on sunday hit the military outposts known as tower 22 near the border with syria. according to media reports, fantome drawn wasn't shot down because it may have been mistaken for a us drones lying in the area. he was president joe biden has blamed around back militants for the attack though iran, the known as being involved, a national security council spokesman john per race of the us is still considering
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of the response. or we're not looking for a war with iran or not. so you can in conflict with the regime in the military way . and as i said in the, in the opening, we're not, we're not looking to escalate here. this attack over the weekend was that school, the tory make no mistake about. and it requires a response, make no mistake about that. i will not get ahead of the president's decision making . was president by laws america's response to be is how can jordan pressure is growing in washington to strike a blow directly at iran for decades are on has funded militant groups targeting the west and its allies across the middle east with more than a $150.00 attacks on us forces stationed in the region since the start of the war and gaza along a missile slide towards the red sea targeting ships and from lebanon into israel, and from a rack into jordan. all fired by groups, backed by a rock their own backs,
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more than a dozen proxies in lebanon, syria, erac, yemen and gaza, projecting its influence across the region. and aiming to drive out american troops . there over 30000 us forces stationed across the middle east, from several 100 in syria to more than 10000 agent guitar and the united arab emirates since october 7th. the us also brought warships that have moved closer to israel and guys of so many us soldiers near so many proxy armies and dozens of tit for tat attacks and counter attacks, but no direct confrontation with around so far. iran says it doesn't control the groups. it's funding the government resistance groups across the region, do not take all to somebody's lovek republic could be wrong that these lemma group probably could be wrong. while it does not welcome the expansion of conflicts in the region. doesn't interfere in decision making by resistance groups that it has to be multi good all the more of a match. but since the as law mac revolution,
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in 1979, iran has built up its support for those proxies, sending them hundreds of millions of dollars per year. it's 1st big success for the proxy for us happened in 1983 in lebanon when it has below truck bombing at the us army barracks killed more than 200 soldiers. the us withdrew its forces from the country. meanwhile, has built built a huge arsenal of missiles since from us as terror attack on october 7th. hezbollah has nearly daily fired rockets into his re or hey, ron also arms the who's the rebels in yemen. after israel invaded garza who these attack ships and the red sea, the u. s. has bombed who the positions, but the group continues its attacks. you have another front, isn't iraq, and syria, or iran appears to be encouraging. it's malicious to attack us military bases.
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washington has responded with its own strikes. the drone attack on us forces in jordan was the 1st since october 7th to kill american soldiers. 3 people lost their lives. the attack was claimed by the islamic resistance in iraq, a collection of militias, backed by around the us says it will mount a consequential response entail. now the us and iran has been locked in a war of words, careful not to attack each other as military's, but the fatal strike on us troops has created pressure from republicans on president biden, to hit iran itself. bringing the 2 countries even closer to direct confrontation. and i'm pleased to welcome christine, how like she's a middle east expert, enjoys us from berlin. now kristen group to see it running back militants. are the main suspects in the jordan attack? terran doesn't deny funding. as many proxies in the middle east, but says it doesn't control them. the documents here as well. these proxies
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strongly lied live, and they are supported by uber on, but they do take their own operational decisions. so there is an overall, i would say strategic coordination between iran and these militias. it supports his bullet and living on the who is in him and the groups in syria and iraq. but not every attack or a sold is ordered into around. so none of these groups obviously would be able to do what they do without the financial and military or support that they receive from yvonne. and we have to consider that these munitions and not only some terrorist groups here and there, but they are political play. us with considerable influence in the countries that they operate and for example, his bullet and depend on the who these indian, but also the a ring and big release just in iraq and in syria. this is that make resistance in iraq. the umbrella group that claimed responsibility for the attack on the u. s. outpost. they are a pro, everything and media shows and they have
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a big influence on yvonne key internal policies. because the rocky government has only limited control over these going to recess and a prime minister as to dani meets them because he created his own governing correlation with the hub of these iranian melisha. so they do have the political role and this is why they can not only be fault with military means. how would escalating military attentions in the middle is serv? ron's interest you thinks as well? yvonne doesn't have an interest in the direct confrontation lived this way and over the us because they can only lose their interest is to take advantage of the board and gaza to showcase uh they are excess of resistance. this is what they've been doing. but when, at the same time, not paying the price. so this escalation, because by acting through these proxies, yvonne can always deny its almost sponsibility, while maintaining pressure on its enemies, the us and his right in the region. so the idea is to detour them and to sent
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messages here and there. and i think it's by now to run is still banking on the by didn't administration that does not want to see the boss perhaps. and obviously this is a dangerous gamble, but it has worked on so far for yvonne. well, let's look at what a u. s. response lines look like what effect chords a major us retaliatory strike, have on the ongoing tensions in the region. as i think the big dilemma is that ventilation, the end deterrence has not worked so far. the united states have carried out those of the tax invitation, but they have only created more attacks from the who these, for example, or from the rain you back when he says in the rock and celia. so the turns doesn't work. this means it needs a great a response, but obviously the stakes are very high because an open conflict between the u. s. and t, one would diminish the possibility of a ceasefire between is right. and thomas could, could even trigger an old alt,
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his bullet attack on is why you, which would create a direct confrontation between living and, and is related with all the costs that come with it in live. and it could, i mean, it would definitely dist, of disturb, lies. other countries likes to run and rock that have already been very instead it's david, but even maybe egypt and jordan and the goals could be drawn in this conflict. so i think biden is well aware of the need to deter yvonne but, but at the same time, voiding this major wall for the stomach republic, i would say that what is more probably would be subject to you as strikes against you radians, think assets outside to run not direct, keep bumping, yvonne and we should not forget that behind all this collection. fist war in gaza. this is the main reason for these groups to attack. and in order to stop to have them stop the military activities, that the best way would be to make an end of the board and gaza. they make it a condition actually for to escalating it. and this would be the best way to resolve the conflict in the region by really attracting,
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by really taking care of this as amended, sharing catastrophe that we are seeing. and also this is all behind its very complex scenario that was middle east expert christine hubbard. thank you so much for breaking it all down for us. i present a dozen countries are freezing their funding for the united nations agencies for palestinian refugees and will follows as rarely claims that some un style were involved in the october 7th and lost her attacks. you, when she, when, when you good terrorist has pleaded for continued financial support to meet the dire needs of follow stadiums and a set to sit down with key donors later today. this trickle of you in a to is oh, meaning thousands have to 8 right now. an estimated one and full people, stopping in the palestinian geometry. but even these live saving supplies have been throwing into doubt of to israel accuse relief workers for the u. n. agency on risk
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of being involved in how must is october stevens attacks of the $13000.00 staff is in gaza. 12 have been implicated during the countries accounting for most of owners funding have now pulled payments. the u. n. has condemned what it calls the current alleged acts, but it is urging donors to reconsider the funding freeze. the diary needs of the desperate population this or must be met. at this point, the outlook for underlining the millions of people it serves not only and gaza, but also in east jerusalem in the wet in the west bank. jordan 11 on and syria is very bleak. the united states was one of the 5th countries to suspend funding, but sees it could be restored depending on the you in pro, into the allegations of certainly we, we've not had the,
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we haven't had the ability to investigate themselves, but they are highly, highly credible. the same time as you indicated, henri has played and continues to play an absolutely indispensable role in trying to make sure that men, women and children who so desperately need assistance in gaza actually get it. you in is the biggest aid provider in gaza. in addition to food volta and medicine, it's facilities, a sheltering 1400000 people displaced by the financing. like in them in has sort of num in the have a food is from one room. i wanted was from into another matter. zip code of my for life is from is that i suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure in my head. why do i get my statement from on the pack them end up the way to the pregnant women going through the clinics to do tests and take medicine but can be get all this if the aides don't send one said from where most 10 were waiting for the hour,
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but i'll see you in one is it's crucial, aid could be caught within weeks of funding isn't restored. another blow to palestinians and cancer, who already paying a div, a staging price for the some us israel war. former pockets on prime minister and run con, has been sentenced to 10 years in jail for revealing state secrets, according to a spokesperson for his party. one of cons, deputies uh, was also sentenced, or his party deputies rather cons. legal team has said that it will appeal against the judgement from was ousted from power through no confidence mode and parliament in april of 20. $22.00 is not allowed to run for elections set for february 8th, but continues to have significant public support and is currently in prison serving a 3 year term as part of a separate raft case. and
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i'm joined now by the w spanish. i'm in the midst of this just happened. what do we know what this point? nicole, in this case in voids indications that iran han when he was prime minister of the country. he shared secret diplomatic gables sent by bought defense ambassador in washington and oregon, hung basically share this document and the cues basically lighted, spits of basically confiding with for the patients and focused on to oust him from his office to a no confidence worked. and he continued to file occasions for a long time. and today he has been sentenced because in buck this time, it's illegal to share the government secret to provide the campus from sure of progress. and of course, a hugely polarized country. what does this mean for the way, for what do you think the consequences will be of a sudden. so in not hon entrepeneur because by d. c,
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that all of these cases are particularly more to be that gives us because enron han had to fall out with bach, a sense of a full military. and he, he basically said that it's the entire space mission v backed by pockets and military establishment. that once him out from the printer to go see for this either thousands of the members are in jail and on have him says present to long corruption charges as of now. and he, and with all of this, he has a lot of st. board and bucket is done before the gospel level to support him. so this, all of this was happening just before february, 8th elections. so focused on it, it's just, i think, on the ground it would create more political scales on a bit of uncertainty as being a charlotte, thank you so much. and a quick look at some other stories making headlines around the world today. the hong kong is government has begun the process of passing national security laws and
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rules bills upon sweeping legislation imposed by amazing and 2020. the fresh measures will target state secrets, espionage and foreign influence critics of the national security laws point 2 and erosion of democracy and civil liberties. and hong kong. near to your government shut down in northern ireland could soon be over follows a deal reached between the pro, british democratic union as party and the u. k. government on post breaks and trade rules for the territory and union s boycott. i have blocked the restoration of a power sharing government with the republican champagne party. human trials have begun in the west for a long lost maryland brain implant chip must said the 1st patient has already been implemented and is recovering well. is chips act as a brain computer interface and are intended to help people with lim, disability, or amputations control devices around them. now survivors of alleged abuse
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in myanmar have been speaking to the w of other horrifying treatment inside a secretive so called scam factory, held against their will and an operation law in crime syndicates. these victims of human trafficking are forced to execute crypto currency fraud. our reporters joined a rescue mission to find and save them. the names of the interviewees and this exclusive reports have been changed for their protection. and this compound on me and most boda with thailand, thousands of people a working to trick people in china. the us and europe out of the savings, but the people inside doing so for personal profit. they've been traffic from across the globe and being forced to work in a scam factory and slaves like conditions. or if there is no plans with no, no lunch. if someone checks and you didn't reply to atlanta the be to or make you
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stand for hours, lucas, this part of the group that managed to escape a scam factory known as k, k punk. it's one of the around 12 such compounds in this area as me and most current state. and it's one of the most notorious, secure to us taking our computers, seeing if we are the natural or plain. we walk $17.00 a day. no complains, no holidays, no rest. and if we say we want to leave, they tell us they will sell us or kill us. so they did what they would told make contact with people on the internet when that trust and convince them to invest and fake crypto currency thoughts. once the victims have sent enough money, the website is shut down and the money gone. this sophisticated form of scanning is called a pic, butchering and the united nations office on drugs and crime estimate such scams,
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generate mold revenue, then the drug trade in southeast asia k. k pocket alone makes tens of millions of your as a month, apparently enabled by soldiers of me and most buddha, god, and on the backs of helpless victims of human trafficking. last message says we're in a bunker after the river. and what's down the end of that river on the tie side of the boat to a team of 8 workers is on a mission to help them escape to. so timing is critical. victims are sometimes transferred and taxis to other compounds by a thailand because the rates there are foster one sofa. that's when do the initial act. i am looking for a tech to see what the license plate, 95, the yellow and blue coming up on that side of the ride. it's a dangerous mission. they don't know if traffic is out in the car. they turn down a side street for like
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a professor that's about the best time they're lucky. they all know um traffic is inside. there's no opposition from the taxi driver and judah and michelle managed to, i should the great into that. i caught my name's through the nice to meet you. the group a brought to a safe house for a much needed rest. the next step will be dealing with immigration authorities. but you know, not an easy experience. and i hope i can go back to my country and find a job that i was credited to for to start a new life. aaron and lucas with eventually recognized as victims of human trafficking and re petri a to to the home country. the thousands of victims of still trapped at k k park and other scam factories somewhere on the me and my thailand. buddha,
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joining me now from our studio in bon is louis sanders, who worked on this investigative report lose good to seeing you. and this is an extremely complex and such an important story. how did you find out about it? it must have been so difficult to get access as well. the question is quite difficult to answer because it effectively goes splits into 2 different parts. you have the kind of investigative side of the project and you also have source development. and the story really begins with us kind of starting to look at this scamming pandemic. that is, that we're kind of seen in, in, in the us and europe, but also in places like china in japan. and as we were digging deeper into the story, we realize that there is a human trafficking crisis triggered by these gaming operations on the border with me and more and thailand and the further and for the you dig the, the more you start having this kind of information you start reaching out to sources and kind of trying to figure out what's happening and painting the picture
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. and it is in this process that you start kind of getting better access, better understanding of the circumstances on the ground. and, and that's when we also met michelle and judah, and i think what was really key and also getting access to be able to embed with them as they go on to one of these intersections. i think what was crucial is that we weren't seeing them as a means to an end or as just the story. but we really kind of walk through with them. got to know them, you know, spoke a lot about what they were doing and better understanding how people get trafficked into these kinds of compounds. how do they get rescued out of them? what happens if they don't get rescued out? right. and, and i think it's, there's kind of, uh, you know, months long process of really getting to know who your sources are. but that really kind of, uh, you know, really benefits this, the story and, and the investigation that we're able to commit to conduct. let's talk about what
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you found out there. how do people end up in these in these compounds k, k park in that case that you investigated? and how do they get out to subjectively? a lot of these people in particular, a lot of them are coming from either southeast asia or africa and they're university graduated there, you know, young uh, you know, young men women who are just graduating out of university. they're kind of bright. i, they're looking for something uh, you know, a job to kind of, you know, filled their life, their emissions, their dreams. and so you and, and they often, they, they're basically being recruited for speaking for an english in fort mandarin. and they'll get head hunted. they'll be told, hey, look, there's this really cool job in thailand you, we're gonna give you tons of money will pay out your ticket. you'll come out here. you'll do this job a little. do they know when they actually to bangkok they're effectively taking to me? saw this board to city and then traffic to, to kick you park where they're effectively told. now you have to scan and if you
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don't, these are the consequences which are often either, you know, torture. and we also have reports of murders to now there they realize they're there in hell on earth. and oftentimes it's impossible to escape because there's a, you know, surveillance everywhere. there's armed guards, all of their communications are logged. so they're not able to kind of communicate with other people outside of this. um, but what usually happens is that one day will come out after a few months. maybe they're not performing well and they'll be told they're going to be released or their contract has been completed. but actually they're going to be sold off to another confound um, sometimes in the area, but also sometimes in northern myanmar, this is effectively that one opportunity where they cross into thailand in order to reach better infrastructure traffic infrastructure to get to northern me and my or whatnot, that's the kind of like small little window that they have to kind of reach out to people like jude and michelle and say, hey, we're going to be out here. can you help us? can you save us?
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yeah. who's profiting from this? who's behind these factories? so this is kind of a, there's a lot of people profiting from this situation. you have enabled is on the ground. so we were able to find out that soldiers of myanmar, as official border guard forces of care and state are, are present on the compound. it appears that they are providing security for the area, but we have also been able to speak to scam victims court, scammed out of skimming operations from kick a part and been able to trace the crypto as it went from their wallets into a wall. it's managed by kicky park. now we're basically eventually see direct payments to people who are involved in that these vast crime networks that effectively link to chinese mafia. and it looks like me on more as military is at least in part involved in this, our authorities doing anything to tackle this problem. but it's
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a little bit tough because the official border guard forces their former rebels and they made this deal about a decade ago. with the military, june to and said, okay, we'll stop fighting you if you allow us to kind of do what we want in the areas and territories that we control. and this, you know, what the june to is gain from this is now they have a fighting force that is allied with them on the ground fighting other uh, you know, as think rebels that are against them. and it's unclear whether there's some sort of chick back a system, but they haven't done anything. we spoke to law enforcement also in taiwan, who are likely we reach out to our colleagues, our colleagues in law enforcement on the online. and they don't really know that they don't want to share. they don't want to do anything and act on the kind of criminal enterprises that are happening in k k park as low standards of the utilities investigating department. thank you so much for your reporting. thank you . i and i can watch the entire documentary here and do that with you at 1015
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central european time or on our youtube channel, just search for the w documentary and that we've reached band commercial. thank you so much for your company. the
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