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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 31, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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the, the, this is vito, the you news live from berlin, hopes for a pause in the fighting. that's devastating. garza mediators are upbeat about a new framework for us these fire deal, but israel's prime minister, without any military withdraw from the besieged, cause and strip, or the mass released from us prisoners, also coming up. a deadly raid in the west bank under cover is really forces shoot until 3 men inside a palestinian hospital saying they were members of a terrace south. and france moves to placate it's protesting farmers. the government announces curbs on food imports,
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as tractor convoys block routes into parents, the i'm on e and ease of thanks for joining us. we begin with renewed hopes for a ceasefire and the release of hostages and gaza mos says and studying a new proposal that came out of talks between international mediators and paris. the united states has said a lot of progress has been made in negotiations, but israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ruled out 2 of her mazda as pop demands, the military withdrawal from gaza and the mass released from us prisoners. i mean, hold on, cut my head comments about all sorts of deals. so i want to make it clear. i don't know, we will not send the school without achieving all of our goals. so this means the elimination of how mass the return level. i've talked to use the problem is because
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it will no longer pose a threat to israel on a hold on the it's, we will not pull the idea from the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists know that this will happen. what will happen, my absolute victory, dw is tonya kramer has more about the diplomatic efforts to secure a cease fire as well. we understand that there is a framework that's being a worked out. there was a meeting in paris on sunday of the heads of the caea and the most odd and the a medi i test from a katana, egypt for a meeting there. this kind of frame make framework as it's reported could see a temporary cease fire with some of the as rated hostages that we made. and garza being released in exchange for posting and prism those held in is really a presence. but there are a lot of mixed messages coming out. and you know,
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depending on which reports you're reading uh, the gaps between the 2 sides is run her mouth or either wide or narrowing. her mouse has said that they want to see a full withdrawal of israeli forces and also a full stop, a to the hosting a t's before the release. any hostages, we understand one of them, mostly, this is matt how near was one of those abroad? we'd be traveling to cairo to discuss the proposal, but we also heard mixed messages from the is really government prime minister benjamin netanyahu a set in a speech given and then is really a supplement and you occupied westbank. that is, well that the report to untrue, that is what we release thousands of terrorists as he said, speaking to that particular audience. he also has a lot of pressure from his power rights and coalition partners who have said,
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if this is about deal, they will quit the, the government basically. but there is a lot of pressure in is road from the public. they say the time is really running out for those hostages remaining in golf a and that the government has to come to some kind of agreement to bring those hostages back home. c, d, w is tonya kramer, reporting from jerusalem. israel's military has carried out the deadly hit on 3 posts and in militants inside of westbank hospital, claiming they were putting a terrorist attack is really a commando is disguised as civilian women and medics shot the militants as they were reportedly being treated in a facility in the city of janine moss and his mom and jihad has confirmed the 3 as members of their groups, which are considered terrorist organizations by the us. and the e. u is really false as storm a hospital disguised as medics, palestinian civilians. this
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the aftermath of the shooting of 3 members of palestinian groups. the hospitals direct to describe what happened in the rooms in the room at 5 pm this morning. the occupation special forces needed into the quarters of the hospital. you can see now man, this need into the courtyards come from the northern and southern entrance has happened and they will disguise and most uniformly was in doctors and civic influence. kind of, we're kind of curious just needing the top floor. they rang the bell, and the door was closed. when they rang the bell to end of the department. they cut out the scanner can bet model the slee and the whole guy consumed. israel set the men were planning to carry out to talk. and that this is another
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example of the cynical use of civilian areas in hospitals of shelters and human shields by type of risk organizations out because of the minute to bring a come off claim one of the dead palestinian islamic jihad said the for the 2 men with members of the militant group to the hospital, which tuesdays operation took place is located in the city of janine in the occupied westbank, the facilities just over one kilometer from jeanine refugee comp, wimbledon, 10000 displaced palestinians. lave is royal regularly tories out raids in the camp, which is known to house members of militant groups. the united nation saves more than 360 palestinians have been killed by his randy faust is all set to live in the
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occupied. westbank seems to have must tire, a tux on october 7th. and here are some of the other stories making headlines around the world. stains lower house of parliament has narrowly rejected a controversial bill offering amnesty to cattle on separate this. the law would lock, legal action against hundreds of active is involved with a 2017 catalogue independence bit. amnesty bill now goes back to committee, had a potential new vote. former pakistani prime minister in ron con, has been sentenced to 10 years in jail for revealing state secrets. the opposition leader is already serving a 3 year term and a separate corruption case and is banned from standing. and next week's general election is legal theme says it will appeal this latest sense german airport security staff are planning a nationwide stripe for thursday. that's according to the german trade union, verity. it would be the latest in the series and strikes to hit the transport
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sector and then costs for better pay and working hours. now human trials have begun in the us in an experimental brain shift developed by a company founded by you on musk company. nursing says the 1st implant patient is doing well. the chip communicates with a computer to help people with disabilities or amputations operate mobility devices . no link has faced calls for more scrutiny of its safety procedures. giacomo valley is an expert on narrow engineering at the university of chicago. he walk us through what's in there like chip actually does. so these type of device follows under their umbrella. i'll also bring computer interfaces and in general, uh, technology in your implantable and they will technology that's allows to break floor back cvt to bring their tv in this case they can patients all the patient to move or to control an external device of the cold with this information,
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and then finally this information in minutes off, for example, the cursor on the screen or an executive party, a lane or a robert. so these technology allows, so in general, you to face the human brain. in, in case of new logic are these, or they're so ranger use a to x, the boxes, the size, the potential to improve the patient's quality of life and, and updated to possibly between the rock that we did set on environments. so data technology is composed by tiny elect implanted directly to the human, caught, to seize, and then this, this chip is able to record the seat mounted and transferred the so you can have, why have this needs to be in other parts of the system is outside scott, i'm sure a lot of people with disabilities are looking at this with a lot of hope. but i think a lot of people, including myself in the general population, are looking at this like maybe
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a bad science fiction novel where things could go completely wrong. one thing that pops into my mind is hacking what, what is the danger of having a chip implanted in your brain? or um yeah, so sure we need to go see the 1st of all the disciples. technology is approved by the, the sd. so that means that the photos, specific rules and past the regulatory protocols at 40 deductible because devices, so the risk the risk factor as being evaluated already using bought the also to consider that i'm like newer of the time i see what the costs and you're running the faces of a line on deposition and processing on your data and the data security standards must be evaluated for sure. these are the requirements in general, of the newer data, especially with those are related to defense or never system, as in this case of a cold brain data. i can see those sensitive and then type into higher threshold of
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protection compared to other sources of data. and so for sure that we use that the possibility to meet the gate privacy and security risk for these type of what i mean to face is a and pass as being proposed at the re, the, to evaluate that, the security jump. these technology in when you talk about security, of course, that would be a need for high level of security there. but is it actually possible to hack into somebody's brain shift or know at this time not, not really also because if we consider that the, uh, the amount of the formation that we can extract from the brain is based breaking limited. so the fact that tween found a specific region of the brain and not the entire brain. so region that are like is purposely for, for controlling and that then the motto, cock disease in this case, or the science such as well. so the intention of motion is, is the cold, the,
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from the human brain, and use to control the next step in a rob up to somebody's after. now knowing interaction back, if we did it with the user to control the intention of doing something with these, with the specific technology and it's not the login, it's not a dis tobin scenario, at least not yet. that's what you're saying. not yeah. okay. joshua valley from the university of chicago. thanks for joining us. it's frances new prime minister gabriella atalla is promising farmers emergency aid and controls on imported food. as he seeks to qual, angry protests across the country. convoys of tractors have been block hitting roads around paris and other french cities. protests have spread around us, farmers demand more concessions for agriculture. farmers and friends have besieged virus with hundreds of tractors,
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blocking highways into the gap. there has been for testing for these against rising fuel costs and cheap imports. the green pressure is one of the 1st challenges for frances new prime minister, gabrielle, a daughter who announced several measures in parliament, duplicated the farmer as well. talk to you or agriculture as our strength and our pride too. so i say here solomon, there is, and there must be a french agricultural exception because i'm clear sighted in the face of the piling up regulations in the face of decisions that come down from on high and sometime from who knows where the farmers have their doubts to are looking for answers and solutions you will be there without any uncertainty. it is sort of because woods having convinced farmers to continue their protest around virus and elsewhere in the country. karen, this out, farmers keep the roads float even as night falls fully to so. so here we are only
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be brief, less and seems we are farmers sometimes isolated, you know, where fields. it's not a job where we work together. the process is old. so way to come together to be in story very d, we the message that this is for everyone. whether it's someone from wine or from serials, no matter what we owe, stays the same, the advisor, monday to on the 5. so when do you think you said, showing up in large numbers, they have bowed to blockade the capital with trucks bearing messages in french that warn their fellow citizens are and will be your hunger. and the reminder of our top story is to see or is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has rejected a military withdrawal from gaza and the mass release of jail militants. those were the 2 main from aust. demands made during recent ceasefire negotiations, mediators had earlier expressed hopes for a deal is really forces disguised as civilian women and medics have killed 3
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palestinian militants and of westbank hospital is real says the men were hiding inside the facility and were involved and attacks. that's all for now. stay with us . i'm on the needs of thanks for watching the discovery issues or thoughts say what the, what experiences worked. i am off the
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is going to be hard, but it's also gonna be very the warning.


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