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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 3, 2024 7:00am-7:16am CET

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the, the, there's an dw news line from berlin. the u. s. launch is airstrikes and targets in syria and the rack. the rates on a pro here on militia come in response to the killing of 3 us soldiers in a drone attack on a base in jordan last week. also coming up, israel's military prepares to move is gone offensive further south towards rough off. this is how mazda is leadership, ways, the terms of a propos, 6 weeks, east fire, and the aftermath of a deadly gas explosion in kenya's capital, nairobi o m. a everett's around the
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phone, doesn't bill. you're gonna limits. i was fond of criminal investigation is opened into the blast, which kills at least 3 people in a densely packed neighborhood. the marietta evans, dean. it's good to have you with us. the us military has launched air strikes on target in syria and iraq. the pentagon says more than 85 sites have been hit on verifying videos are circulating and social media appear to show a weapons. depo being hidden once thought to be rec. the videos also show secondary destinations of missiles flying out of a site that's been struck. the united states strike is in response to the killing
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of 3 american soldiers and a drone attack on a base in jordan. and last week, u. s. national security council spokesman john kirby says that the us response will continue to the signal is the guy r t c and to these goods. and the attacks have got to stop. this wasn't just the message sending routine tonight. this was about the grading capability to taking away capabilities by the agency and, and, and, and the militant groups, these responses began tonight. they're not going to end tonight. for more we can now speak to roger shanahan. he's a military analyst and expert based in sydney. thanks very much for being with us. so as we just mentioned, us officials saying more than $85.00 sites. we're ahead. what's more, can you tell us about the strikes? well, a still working off the information that they've been given by the us government,
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but i said that she said i thought targets at 7 separate sides, said multiple targets at particular facilities. and they were designed to target come out of control facilities, logistics support, elements within stop house, as you saw early in the video day. and it was not even from the us announcement that it was designed to minimize possibility is vision civilian casualties. but also i wasn't mentioning, there is the fact that to dana across those, so i took part in this attack. so from what the us to say, this is the start of a campaign of retaliatory strikes. and yeah, we should mention that the united states announced their plans to carry out these strikes ahead of time. so just how effective could they be? wouldn't you think that there had been preparations for these us strikes?
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it was added to the spices, probably 2 elements to the to establish. we have to evaluate the effectiveness of the us strikes at the end of the campaign, not at the start of it. and it's obviously being telegraphed to some degree to minimize the possibility of a should be in that probably senior writing in casualties as well. um, so that was and the other, the 3rd element is there might be also other parts of the response. non committee elements that we're not privy to, that might have been targeting other elements. so i think we'll have to wait for a little while until we evaluate tell effective that didn't touch ality and not just based on that. so it was nice response. well, it appears that at least one of the main targets was the outcome was for us of the rainy and revolutionary guards. why was this group a target?
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so a pretty face kind responsibility can detect that killed a 3 us. so let's press now. we do use, i mean, i mean rock resistance in rock because number other organization that includes a number of actually a militia groups who are supported logistically in terms of training and financially by a rodney. in particular, the gc could for us, which is the, i would say uh, we of the a, a revolutionary god. cool. and so that's why these targets were selected. washington has been quite can fully and it's justification to selecting tag is to make sure there's a causal link between the attack that it could enjoy and the targets that there's lightning. so that's why there is a particular targets had they chosen the 1st instance. or you mentioned that this
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is only the beginning of the us response, and yet the us government says, does not want of a war with iran. but how real is the threat of a serious escalation? the other thing that i mean, that's a good question and it's a very difficult policy line to how for washington, you're going to have a campaign of responses that are targeting rodney and affiliated organizations in syria and 2 other countries. and hoping that by reinforcing your response geographically, that you're not going to trigger it a direct response from around which is by there's not going to be a kinetic strikes iran side of one of water in one of the conflicts, but around itself. would've understood that the dish, so the 3 us service personnel from these kind of a tech can't go unanswered. so it's
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a very delicate task that washington is playing the trying to have a substances multiple level, multi die in response against or writing an interest. so writing back groups in the region without triggering a why to response, particularly from ryan, but from other groups as well it's, it's a difficult policy outcome to achieve. singleton. honestly, that was roger shanahan, a military analyst and expert. and joining us from sidney, thanks so much for all your insights. my pleasure, as well, israel as military has suggested is planning on moving is gaza offensive further south in to the city of rough off. more than half of gauze as population has been forced to take refuge there since the start of israel's war against him off, which is considered a terrorist organization by most western countries. the fighting continues as homeless leadership ways, the terms of a proposed 6 week
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a ceasefire. and now the strike on han units in southern gaza. an explosion followed by gunshots since people running for their lives. colombia, danger and bombardments are coming from old direction. hun units has again become the focus of israeli air strikes. its infrastructure has been severely damaged. thousands more displaced gallons, a once more fleeing to rough, up for the south on the border with egypt. and already overcrowded reason days, thousands of palestinians have continued to free to the south, which is already hosting a hostile gas us population of some 2300000 people most are living in make shift structures tense or out in the open, proffers
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a pressure of despair we feel for what comes next. then you arrivals in rough, uh, rely on food handouts provided by so many tearing groups or the nation centers like this one. the workers can only feed a small number of displaced and as we are doing our best to distribute as much as we can, little so that as many of the displaced as possible can get food free on the left or so yes, the firearms, thousands of decent place people in rafa. and we concepts the mo, the another be. everyone here is helping the latest attempt to secure i sees fire will pay off. william wexler is a senior director of the rustic, our re re center and middle east programs esse. be atlanta council. he said everyone is waiting for him off to accept the terms of
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a ceasefire. cease fire has been negotiated. all the various elements of it. it's really up to him off right now, whether they will accept what has been produced through the guitar e channel. if they do accept it, it will be a real boon to the palestinian people who are suffering in this war. it will be, of course, critical to get many of the hostages out and it will allow the possibility of wider diplomacy to continue as long as the applause of sustains to, to canada. now where at least 3 people have been killed and hundreds injured in enjoined explosion. it happens at a gas plant in the capital, nairobi which authorities say has been operating illegally. the blast spark fires which spread quickly destroying nearby homes and businesses and forcing levels to evacuate. the double use muriel miller has this report from nairobi a
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massive last week through a residential area. and i will be in the middle of the night. we are entering the seeing with a huge explosion to face the hold of a station of this huge explosion that was caused by a story that was filled with liquid petroleum guys. and the government put out a statement saying that that was what caused the fire people that also reached some slats, some small businesses. people were absolutely terrified when they woke up around midnight. they said the ground was shaking and, and many tried to escape, and they concerned in the process. jet clean teddy, me had no idea what had happened. even though it was on portia when i had this humble ahead that's graphics full sunday. i'm guessing that the my most i flipped deluxe is still comforted myself. i think hungry, ma'am, i'm going. so i may everetts around the bone doesn't bill your well,
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no ma'am. if i were to clean was not immediately treated at the nearest hospital. at 1st they were turning accident victims away to many of the injured what transferred it to nearby hospitals where they are receiving treatment right now. and the government pledged that they will financially support those who got injured . but also those who lost everything, the homes that businesses, which is m a c mine, is one of those who lost his home in the fire. luckily, he was away when it happened. like many people in this neighborhood, he works on jobs earning just enough to survive and send some money to his family. may 30, i'll need the governments help like, but that's so much corruption and can hold up to the government, make, provide health problems, but you won't get to me by the it was, are they done? the deputy president re gabby gosh jaguar arrives at the scene, promising blankets, food, and a thorough investigation. he suggest the disaster happened because people have been stealing and did legally re selling gas at the side. you do before you got before
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this has been happening here for so long. people used to come with the motor bikes, laid them with ceiling. does they fill them up with gasoline? authority say this densely populated area should have never been used for gas transactions. the petroleum recognize the consent. the explosion happened at an illegal gas storage and for stealing side. the criminal investigation has been opened. because i'm a see my hopes that he and hundreds of others will get the compensation they need. snell. we are often told that saunas are good for us, and that certainly proved to be the case for 2 very lucky people who avoid a tragedy. after their car plunged into a norwegian fjords have a look. why to this driver has got that sinking feeling.
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but that's what i'll get you black. as the cod disappears below are the i. c, isler fueled, the occupants find themselves at the center of a very nordic rescue. when a floating sona comes to the right. so uh the woman came out and she said up, there's a car in the water and i was like, well firstly baffled and wanted to be a very strange thing to say. but then i looked towards brush, it was pointing, and then i saw the car in the distance. um and i didn't think that much about it 1st, i just instinctively realized, okay, we just got to head there and help them help them out. so it was just yeah, changed course um uh full speed work for the driver and passenger them. this was a lucky escape. no certainly where they rescued. they was sent straight into the sona to warm up the driver telling local media he bought the car was in park mode
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when he hit the accelerator. and lisa, the electric car itself was also pulled from the water by a more conventional tow truck. happy into that story. you're up to date and dw news. thanks for watching ice cold. patrick, i need an expedition venture is on 2 places that no one has the climate research in the ice, the tasks march 3rd on dw, this is havi. and this is how rich cruise ship to is the relatively few visits get to see it at a private beach on the northern coast. and this is the reality just
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a few cars on the to the way.


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