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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CET

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the, the, this is dw dues live from berlin. tonight written this king charles diagnosed with cancer. plugging in palace as the monarchy is receiving treatment, that he will step back from public duties for the lives of london. for details also coming up tonight, the us secretary of state returns to the middle east for crisis torrance, on concept entity, blink. aiming for a polls and dividing and hoping for the release of the remaining hostages, held by come all the i bring golf is good to have you. with this,
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we begin with some breaking news from the u. k. britton's king charles has been diagnosed with cancer. buckingham palace has issued a statement saying that the cancer was discovered while the king was undergoing a separate procedure for an enlarged prostate that leads coming out in just the last hour. we want to go now to our correspondence, charlotte, just fill in london. she is going to walk us through this announcement in charlotte . i mean what more you can you tell us? and i think we can say with certainty that a lot of people, um, maybe a surprise, but maybe not shocked by the news. a surprising news suddenly break unsettling news as well. as he mentioned there, it had been clear that the king had only gone treatments. uh for a prostate condition in launch, prostate. the product was very transparent about that at the time. indeed, they said they wanted to be transferred to raise awareness about the issue. now
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though, this news coming out that he is indeed being treated like a council, there is less information on that. less clarity on that the palace in the last hour also has put out a statement. it said that the king remains wholly positive about his treatment. i was looking forward to returning to public duties as soon as possible, but there is no information back on the types of comes the, the treatment or indeed his prognosis. there is a lot that remains on knowing what seems clear though, is it, this counselor is not linked to the prostate treatments that he did receive. in fact, it seems that it was found during diagnostic test during that treatment. so lots on known at the moment. certainly very unsettling for a lot of people. yeah. is very good pointed when they say treat me, we don't know what that means. we don't know if we're talking about chemo therapy radiation. we just have no idea of the palace says that the king will go into what
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they're calling a regular treatment regime a. is there any indication, charlotte, that this will affect his duties as monarch and his head of state as well? there are some things that we do know that policy again, and it's saying that who said, who comes to continue with his constitutional role is headed state. that of course is, is crucial including paperwork and private meeting. but he will step back from some of the, from the public facing roles while he on the go use this treatment probably, and the expected. but this is a difficult time for the royal family. and i, we know that the princess of wales, catherine, she stepped back from public duties. she's been on a hospital. she tugs recovering from a don't know, the terminal surgery is not exactly clear what's going on that. but this clearly a very difficult stop for the, for the royal family to be to king chris as well may just pick is that out of
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action in terms of public duties. and we know the king went public with his condition of having an enlarged prostate, saying that he wanted people to be aware that this is the realities for man, as, as many get older and the public reaction to that was overwhelmingly positive. and now he's coming out letting the world know that he has cancer. have we seen public reactions any way to that? so we have and it does seem that they did want to be transference about this, to avoid any speculation boutiques. you know, that treatment has started, but the pilot historically has not always been very clear when it comes to announcing medical conditions. ultman visit the royal family. so it is interesting to see the amounts of information that is in the statements this evening reaction. yes, indeed, it has come in, we all guessing reports that the king's son uh,
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jacob sussex harry, who, you know, who lives in the united states, has spoken to his father about the diagnosis and is expected to come to the u. k. within days, looking for confirmation and not at the men, but that is some reaction from them. certainly. but of course, as you would expect, there's been reaction across the political spectrum. here in the u. k. u puts the prime minister, where she's seen that he's put out a statement saying that he wishes is matter. see a full and speedy recovery, saying he has no doubts. he'll be back to full strength and no time. and he knows the whole country will be wishing it well isn't actually as well we tucked in the united states, the state department will say things, thoughts are with the king and his family. what is clearly a very difficult find. difficult indeed are corresponding charlie trusting people with the ladies tonight from london, that breaking news king charles diagnosed with cancer. charlotte, thank of us, secretary of state anthony, blinking has arrived in the middle east in the hope of securing
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a ceasefire between israel and from us. it is 5th trip to the region since the homos of terror attacks on october summit. lincoln is in saudi arabia and is also stopping in egypt. guitar and israel to propose deal would allow the phased release of his really hostages in exchange for palestinian prisoners. we can also wants to prevent further regional escalation of this conflict. the united states has retaliated against attacks on its forces with air strikes on 50 rebels in yemen and other militias backed by your wrong. the dw corresponded pencil in is in jerusalem. he told us earlier, what is at stake here for this visit by blink festival. there's the worry about regional spread. i mean, already this is escalating and way of receiving reports uh, through of reprisal attacks in syria on a us backed curtis group with some dates reported there in
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a deadly drone attack that's in response to the attacks that the us and the u. k. has launched the have been us this the 1st u. s. u. s. depth in this conflict, as you know, which spots this response. and the way of saying this is just going to be the beginning of saudi arabia. there's a lot at stake for that nation who wants to normalize relations with israel, and that would be in return for some sort of security packed from the us. and then of course, you've got the security and safety of some 1000000 palestinian civilians all crammed into bron for right. now. the problem being with a being crammed into that region is that israel is threatening to move in there. it's already launched, strikes with schools dying overnight on the outskirts of rafa. whether or not this military operation pushes further into a profit. is the big question so much at stake, not just for those civilians,
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but also the more than $100.00 hostages from israel that are being held hostage in gaza right now. that was needed has been to do with their reporting from is real donnelly, adults, and k is a senior fellow at the u. c. l, a burkle center for international relations. now i asked her whether a ceasefire deal is possible given that both parts a moss as well as is we all have so far rejected each other's demands as well. i think there still attempts to get a breakthrough. i'm sure this is the highest priority in for secretary, blinking on his current trip. there is a real need to put a whole lot to this fighting, at least for a shorter term by the us still continues to oppose a f permanent ceasefire, but there needs to be a stop in the hostages must get out. so it isn't looking good at the moment, but a lot of insurance happening behind the scenes. and hopefully there will be a breakthrough. yeah, it's not looking good. let's talk a moment about optics here we,
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we've got entity blinking coming into the middle east at the same time on the very same day you brought the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying, are talking about total victory over a moss. are these 2 men talking past each other as well as previous or not? any of his comments are certainly unhelpful. uh it is it going to be impossible to get a deal? so if, if he continues to take this kind of stance, of course, he's taking a lot of the staff is for domestic audiences. it's very clear that he has a, you know, a lot of pressure from his right flank not to get in, not to have any pause in this war. the, as really population is mixed up more than half of the population really focused on getting the hostages out as a priority. but a large part of the population, still very supportive of continuing this campaign, until a mazda is significantly degraded and cannot from is really guess. so it's
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a real bind. but there is an urgency given the humanitarian catastrophe, its highest on the us subject highest on the regional agenda. that is very much back in the ceasefire as soon as possible. do you, do you think that anthony, blinking may be, do it, trying to do the business of a lame duck president? and then i asked that because, you know, we were hearing that we could see that all of these parties of the middle east just by their time until the us election in november, waiting to see if there's going to be a change in the white house. and so that really makes vitamins work even that much greater, doesn't it as well. there's always that a political context, but i have to say this is really a strategic issue and the region cannot wait until the us election. there is really, as you're referring, just demonstrated dire conditions on the ground in god that is really hostages. by last count, i think, a 136. we don't know how many are still alive still in prison in god the,
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in the urgency is of highest order. so i, i think it's important then, you know, i'm sure there are preferences in the region, but this is really a strategic question, not a domestic one. and the secretary blinking, this is his 5th trip to the middle east. sense of the terror attacks back in october. it seems each time that he has come over to the middle east, the stakes have gotten even bigger, excuse me. and that's where we are right now. i'm thinking about these, you know, these tit for tat attacks that have been going on between iran's proxies in the united states. how much leverage does the united states have right now, considering it wants to prevent an escalation of the by it's, it's extremely work situation. uh and is at the other very high agenda item, i'm sure on secretary blake and visit to contain the conflict and the record so far has been mixed up. fortunately, despite this u. s. response to attacks over 160 attacks and its forces in 0 and brock and now
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intervening against us with these in the admin. uh theater are these attacks are continuing. we just had another attack last night on us backed kurdish forces in syria that we're fighting against isis. it's extremely wearing at hard to know this to sustainable ad, everybody talks about calibrated controlled strikes. and the us certainly is not looking for a word with the rod, which is why these retaliations happened in this syrian and it's gonna likely be contained in the sea or any rock and beat or not in the run itself. it doesn't look like the rod is looking for a full scale war, but it's very hard to keep this situation controlled when the proxies and militia forces are so unpredictable as already the us is much more involved. but it had intended to be. so if it's worth selling, you don't see k with easier labor holes into for international relations. joining us tonight from sweden, we appreciate your time and your analysis. thank you. thank you. it was ladies
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nights, last nights at the grammy awards in los angeles. and it was a historic night for one in particular, taylor swift as taylor swift. it's as a new non mocking remy history, perhaps dot taylor swift coming to us before much when the best album of the year award. for a full time. all i want to do is keep doing this, so thank you so much for giving me the opportunity with speak to be with the best pool, the cloud, them where they are and would not have the information they have best african music performance was the title of one of 3 new grammy categories, and this year the prize went to south african cigna tyler, a female to soul. miss swift, simple it's. this is miley cyrus, billy english, and says a also taking home talk trophies with the best me. well,
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just of the year awards going to victoria, monee and women dominate to the stage to the crowds treated to live performances by sousa, olivia rodrigo, the journey mitchell who won the award for the best phone call them in and the funds were not mess disappointing to the, the, you to top of the show with a high tech performance of the hit atomic city, but a total of costs from las vegas wasn't sure that's what you were present. reminder of our top story. he was secretary saying, as we blinking his arrived in saudi arabia on his latest diplomatic mission, seeking a ceasefire between israel and moss. i propose deal would allow the release of his really hostages in exchange for palestinian prisoners. you're watching the w news
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live from berlin. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more of old news, followed by the day i hope to see you then the votes. people have to say the that's why we listen to the story. the victoria, every weekend on d. w. not just another day so much is happening all of the ones.


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