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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 6, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the distributor's live it from berlin tonight, america's top diplomat into char shuttle diplomacy to in the finding and gone to anthony blinking his holding crisis talked a bit, securing an extended ceasefire. guitar says that so far, the reaction by her boss is generally positive. also coming up to an item for donald trump, a possible presidential privilege. the not us appeals court has ruled that the former president has no immunity against charges that he tried to overturn is 2020 election defeats
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the i bring golf is good to have you with this on this tuesday, us secretary of state anthony blinking is pressing ahead with a diplomatic tour of the middle east, in the hope of securing a ceasefire and gossip blinking is in dough harm, where he has held talks with the coach. hari prime minister lincoln said the negotiators that he had received a response from him, also on a framework to a hostage deal, and that he would discuss it with it's really leaders tomorrow, wednesday, when i was last in the region. a few weeks ago, i said that there's a very powerful path that we can see before us to actually get to lasting peace and security. and it's coming ever more sharply into focus. and israel that is
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integrated into the region with security guarantees from its neighbors and partners alongside a practical time bound irreversible path to a palestinian state living side by side and east through with the necessary security arrangements for both peoples. but there are those who want to move the region in a different direction and take a different path and who are actively working to sabotage, every effort to move toward lasting peace and security. i feel like it's now enjoyed by my colleague been for sewland. he is, it is real been let's talk about where we are right now with anthony blanket and he's been talking to the egyptians now to the guitar. as do we know then what he has as he prepares to go to israel. it's willie has some sort of response from us, a positive response,
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according to the category pm. but whether or not that is also seen as positive bye, as well as you have to be seen. he's, as you said, going to be talking to them about it tomorrow he arrives here just after midnight out time full countries in less than 24 hours. this is a real high level shuttle diplomacy. as you mentioned, the egyptians, the saudis, like a tyree's, the israelis now this so much at stake and what lincoln was referring to, that was the attacks across the region. the light is coming from the many who days on us and u. k. ships in the red sea, he was accusing around of being behind these attacks across the region, saying that they are doing this to a, the palestinians. but said robin, this is doing nothing to assure their security. we're talking about over 27000 palestinian fighters and civilians have died so far over
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a 1000000 civilians crammed into raf or in the south of the gaza strip. their lives are at stake. ride nowadays wells threatening to move in to rafa. so this is real last minute high level diplomacy and they've been renewed from these really side. the demand has always been the release of all of the hostages taken by a moss. today the new york times published the report saying that more than a 5th of those hostages in gauze are now dead. has there been any reaction to that report? the families have been told about this, reportedly, and this is one of the agonizing things for his babies. but this information is be coming out bit by bit square over a 100 days into this war. and so many relatives just don't know what's happened to
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that to these hostages. so some of them may have been killed back on october 7, according to reports, way of being told, more than searching to of the remaining 136. hostages may be dead according to confidential intelligence from the village street. more than 20 more could be uh, on top of that number brand. it's unclear whether or not how much is holding those buddies. but of course, this is going to damage the bay bridge of how much, but at the same time damage the political reputation of mis. mister netanyahu, his cabinet and his golf. but uh, folding upon at this hour with um, threats from his fault right wing is that they will dissolve the government my colleague events assuming in jerusalem. but the lady is denied on the situation as volatile as ever been. thank you. we're now to a legal blow for donald trump. today's
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u. s. federal appeals court ruled that the former president does not have immunity from charges that he plotted to overturn his 2020 election defeat judges. rejected trumps claim that he could not be prosecuted because the obligations relate to his presidential responsibilities, any possible case and effectively been frozen while the court was considering the arguments. trump says he plans to appeal the decision. our washington correspondent, janelle dumont alone, told us more about trump's claim of immunity. uh well basically uh, his defense centered around him not being immune for being in the unit for being prosecuted from acts committed while he was president. now this is of course, i know said not the 3 judge panel on this d. c. federal district. the appeals court has now soundly rejected in a 57 page ruling. we pulled this out of that ruling. the paddle road for the
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purpose of this criminal case, former president, trump has become citizens to citizen trump, with all of the defences of any other criminal defendant. but any executive community that may have protected him while he served as president no longer protects them against his prosecutors. and so, in addition to that, despite arguing that he should have the fact of immunity, his lawyers also try to sort of double jeopardy defense. this idea that somebody accused cannot stand trial twice for essentially the same crime. now they argue with that because trump already faced impeachment in the house of representatives for trying to reverse the result of the 2020 election but was not convicted by the senate. then essentially, he already had his day in court and he doesn't need another. now, of course, we know that impeachment proceedings are political proceedings and not criminal proceedings. as thoughts of this argument did not count in the way that tom's
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lawyer is wanted. already heard from the trunk campaign in response to this ruling, this from campaign spokesman is even strong. prosecuting a president for official acts violates the constitution and threatens the bedrock of our republic. president trump respectfully disagrees with a d. c circuits decision and will appeal it in order to safe guard the presidency and the constitution. that's where they stand on that. so what's gonna happen next in the me is going to appeal is, is there a guarantee that the supreme court will, will hear this case that mean? do we know what will happen eventually as well as we heard their trump is expected to appeal what is on what is unclear at the moment is whether he will exercise this judgment of bringing up this option of bringing it to the full dc circuit for review. he may do that, or he may appeal to the supreme court directly. now, if he's going to appeal to the supreme court directly, he has until monday, february 12 to do that. so that is a very quick turn around that is just in
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a matter of days. now, if the supreme court does agree to hear the case, however, then really a lot is writing on how much they will be able to get done before the general election in november. because we know that citizen trump, of course, is also likely republican presidential, nominee trump, he has every incentive to see this trial delayed, to see all this potential trials move till past the election and election that he might potentially win. in which case, you might also ask his department of justice to junk the case. he may even potentially part in himself. so a lot is going to depend on whether the supreme court decide to hear this case and what happens from that, or yeah, still a lot of unanswered questions that you sure, janelle, in washington, thank you. all right, let's get you up to speed now and some of the other stories making headlines this hour to ritual. rain has triggered mud slides and flooding across the southern
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california. much of the us state is under extreme weather advisories. at least 3 people have been killed. hundreds of thousands of people are now without power. at least 11 people have died in a fire at a fireworks factory. and central india authorities in the state of the body of products say at least another 150 people were injured. in the blast. rescue crews are racing to find potential. so by to germany and france have blocked a new rules setting out a legal definition of rape inside the european union. the eu has been negotiating for weeks now and trying to establish new guidelines, but plans to define rate as an act where there is an absence of consent with those plans to fail. the calls for a so called yes means yes, law group following 2016 protests in spain against the sentencing of a group of men known as the will part. i'm to now
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bio correspond to impaired. he is at the european parliament, instruct bird france with the story you gave me to you jack. so why have germany and france? why have they blocked this proposal to have an e, you wide definition of rate, this sort of simple answer buttons to be honest, is the fact that they feel the criminal. more of this nature is a national competence that it shouldn't be in a you wide definition. having said that, the, i mean pieces that have been the russell to us just sort of leading this file that just relatively through the institutions of the european union. basically say that's okay, then do it nationally. this is all about the definition of rate as yes means yes. so that is, if a perpetrator of a rape is in a quote, they have to prove that the, the victim of that rave would then would have given the consent. and that's that for would get them off from
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a rate as opposed to no means no. as in the victim of the rate, has to explicitly say no, we know that situations where women and other people are rates as well. the. it doesn't always a mind to a situation where there's a know you have a piece here in the european parliament the they say that they do believe that this can change, that they can continue this fight, that this is the 1st stage in this. and that's why they've, they've got behind the law. i'm proposed it and put it i that today. yeah, i'm wondering jack, why given you are being permanent? why did they pull back and the they had been in favor of getting this through this definition included. and then it seems they retreated, this big did uh but what the piece that of that have put this on the table. this is positive. a broad uh, uh, piece of low code, the e u. gender directive um within it, what we've got today is a finding of female genital mutilation. in the your opinion, an lining of, of criminal behavior related to, sorry,
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but flashing and cyber stool king especially of women protections of women's rights in the workplace. this is the 1st time that women's rights have been enshrined across the european union and they wanted to make sure that those rise would be collectively assigned in the you didn't want to get hung up on this one issue of the definition of rate. and as i say, that cooling on the member states of the you to make these definitions themselves if they don't want to do it, you white. what they also interesting the did was get a 5 year revision cruise into this. and also in 5 years time that you can push for this to try and be involved in the little with this with this yes means yes, close. and a little bit of background here. jack did this movement only. yes. means yes, it started after a huge controversy around the rape case in spain and madrid that brought in this law that we're talking about. but is it fair to say that it's been rather problematic there?
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so yeah, it really has so space the only country that has it. yes means yes. so, and it was off to this move pack goes back codes, set of gang rape. this rate to women at the running of the bulls in pamplona. in 2016. and during that trial, the defense showed a video of the woman where she was immobile with her eyes closed and said that because she hadn't explicitly said no, it couldn't be a mind to to rate. those perpetrators initially only got charged with sexual abuse and not with rate spain and brought in a yes means yes, a little, but it kept became very complicated because the defense lawyers for rapists that had already been imprisoned, managed to find loopholes. because the definition was a straight, which live 1300 sites are defend the sex offenders to be released from prison. and that's part of the reason is why wife's so many people are being complicated. i find this a complicated role to bring in. but the european parliamentarians to say that the
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rule that the, the identification, the clarification of what they're proposing, ok, they hope it will be for within 5 years. jack, there for us in strossberg, jack is always thank you. or you're watching the w news. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news hope to see you. then the last name is the calls back. said thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud, as would it be nosy bay like good everyone to king check out the award winning called called the called back
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the if somebody's freedom and some of these liberty at


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