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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 7, 2024 2:00am-2:15am CET

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the, the, this is each of the news line from the, the mediation course for gauze, a truce to so a lot of work to be done. but we continue to believe that an agreement as possible . and indeed, a central america's top. the math arrives in israel to discuss time off. respondents to close deals also coming up a possible presidential privilege denied for donald trump. the us appeals court ruled the form of the president has no immunity against the charges. he tried to overturn during his 2020 election and the you agrees on as fast rules and violence against women measures criminalize 5 of stalking ad online
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harassment. but there's no common definition of right. one of the most controversial issues the i'm random, how much, thanks for joining us. last has submitted its response to a gaza ceasefire proposal approved by israel. the framework deal, how it was drawn up over a week ago during talks between the us cutoffs and egypt. the mediators are cautiously optimistic, come, austin, israel can reach an agreement, but us secretary of state and sneak, lincoln faces tough talks to of a come resistance from within israel's government hopes for a do between israel and homos, a growing as the village. and the group has given its response to assist by a proposal or this a lot of work to be done. but we continue to believe that an agreement as possible
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and indeed essential. and we will continue to work relentlessly to achieve it. us state secretary entered and blinking has arrived at israel as he continues his mito is shuttle diplomacy to help seal the deal. it would include the release of hostages, some gaza in exchange for the release of boosting and present as by e's real well not given. many details from us really is the statement saying it's responded to the proposal in a positive spirit, but it added that it was asking for it completes as far as well as the leave to know the cause of speech. that seems hard to reconcile with the goals settled, but he's really per minister benjamin netanyahu. we won't total victory in not only the elimination of the mass, but also the elimination of its commanders and their heads. the pressure on it, then you also to secure a deal is high and of it is israel has confirmed that the to one of the remaining
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hostages being held by hum. awesome garza odette. the i'm. it believes that around $100.00 hostages, us to a live international diplomacy anal scrambling to secure that return. which means that the faced with one of the toughest tasks in the school, helping ease row and hum us find a middle ground. while the confirmation that the t one hostages are dead offering devastating use. now for their families, they were hoping for, they say for ton instead t w's been for student has more from jerusalem. and they've been military intelligence leaked. it said to the new york times, which had been reporting about this over here in the day, then the is why the military came out to say it has informed families of these hostages and that so he, one of the $136.00 remaining hostages, a dead, including 2 soldiers held since 2014 the rest seized in the october 7. how much
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terrorist attacks. it's not knowing whether or not these hostages have been dead since that day, or whether or not they died in captivity homeless. having said that, some of them had died in his way of the strikes. none of that can be concerned though, but the fact is the fuel hostages. the less leverage that the harvest leadership has going into these negotiations in releasing the hostages and bringing about a ceasefire. the more in depth, the more political pressure on is why the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as he tries to find some sort of deal of the dodge of nations, has repeatedly more that pops of gaza are uninhabitable with food and water already in short supply the you and refugee agency for palestinians has these rocks white allegations that some of it stuff took part in the homos attack on october 7th. several countries have couple funding, and the agency says it may have to end is a declaration within weeks. the prices of basic supplies,
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parents of young children need here have skyrocketed, diapers are running low, and high prices means many parents can't afford to buy them at all. while baby formula is hard to come by, a displace mother says she's forced to feed her infant daughter ground rice and biscuits even though it's making her sick. and have a lot of, i think this is the most common knowledge that this has on here will be for babies . so every note that it's causing, you can test the mental distress floating and call it. you can see she's like this around the clock. and the crying non stop the last week we had to take her to the alex, the hospital or 4 times. we know it's coming home, but nothing's available. see, what can we do? so some women are now using close to replace diapers. when are you?
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how can i get dipoles? yeah, my husbands, unemployed, and gets assistance. the spread of disease in refugee camps is creating an even greater need for medical supplies. some 85 percent of palestinians, and garza had been displaced since the start of the war in the doctor's warren, densely populated camps, post even a greater risk of illness for young children. so hard, all that stuff has been what, what we're now seeing going around is hepatitis a and we in the infection resulted from densely populated places due to the war and displaced people in tents, scan it as a pain. in the meanwhile, at israel's care, him shall loan crossing with gaza is rarely protesters including far right groups and relatives of hostages. continue to block trucks of humanitarian aid. they are calling for deliveries to be halted until hostages held in gaza. are released
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well ahead from all of the country. apple staffing the tracks from getting in to god that into the how much this is our mission and today we did it since duke tober 7 tier attacks almost all food production and gaza has been halted for many, desperately waiting for trucks to arrive. humanitarian aid is the only lifeline. let's get you up to speed on some of the stories making headlines around the world . a us president or biden's immigration chief has narrowly escaped impeachment in the house of representatives. house republicans have targeted homeland security secretary alejandro my yoke. us of a surge and illegal crossings across the us mexico border 3 republicans will make his cited with democrats to block the impeachment, charges a call say to and 10. yeah. is facing the charges of measuring
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$191.00 children. full of kenzie is alleged to have motivated for the $400.00 followers to solve himself that he and dozens of other suspects are charged with multiple offences, including torture, to lands or painted tributes to form a president, sebastian pin era don to the helicopter crash in the south of the country, and there was a conservative politician who held the top job twice. college president, governor, as bush's has announced 3 days of national, like you to get it out to this or other european union has reached an agreement and how to tackle violence against women. this comes a despite countries including germany and france, blocking new rules, setting out a legal definition of brake pads defined rates as an acts where there is an absence of consent was unsuccessful. a few years ago, cold source, so full yes means yes,
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low grew following protest in spain. after proof of men were convicted of sexual abuse and not right. if you have known as the wolf pack for a given life to sentences, to using a legal loophole, the deputies jack power ok explains why germany and france blocked the proposal to have an e, you wide definition. all right. they feel that criminal more of this nature is a national competence of it shouldn't be an e you wide definition. having said that, the, i mean pieces that have been the russell to us as sort of leading this file legislative the, through the institutions of the european union facing please say that's okay. then do nationally. this is all about the definition of rate as yes means yes. so that is if a perpetrator of a rape is in a quote, they have to prove that the victim of that rate would then would have given the
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consent. and that's that full would get them off from a rate as opposed to no means no, as in the victim of the rate has to explicitly say no, we know that situations where women and other people are raped as well. it doesn't always a might into a situation where there's a note, the piece here in the european parliament, the they say that they do believe that this can change, that they can continue this fight, that this is the 1st stage in this. and that's why they've, they've got behind the little i'm proposed and put a i that today. the us federal appeals court has rule that full of presidents. donald trump does not have a b and c from charges that he felt a to over time. his 2020 election defeats the judges rejected trumps claim that he can not to be part of the prosecutors. because the allegations relate to his presidential responsibilities. trump pads to reportedly appeal, they say like whether or not. now pockets on is holding general elections on
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thursday. a vote that critics say can neither be free. no fair, full are prime minister and burn con is in jail as contra one for office and members of his p t. i policies say they're facing harassment. united nations high commission for human rights is calling for call ahead of those days poem entry election and pakistan, we to pull all acts of violence against political policies and candidates. and energy authority is to uphold the fundamental freedoms necessary for an inclusive and meaningful democratic process. in the lead up to the vote, they have be no less than 20 full reported instances in which all groups have staged attacks against members of political parties on the phone on service. believe that the biggest threat to pocket funds democracy is the ministry. the army has ruled the nation for round hoff of his existence since pocket son was formed in 1947. and chris explained the ministry has already decided who will take power this
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time. of pakistan's military is on high a lot. this weekend screen holding joint patrols with police in the capital is not a bad ahead of the election of the last year as violence. it's leaving nothing to chance on that side and spell it. the rest of the former prime minister in rank con, in may 2023 even minute 3 barracks were attacked. now that he's behind bars khan is banned from standing in this election con and to support his blame the military for his full from grace judges, vice to power has also been attributed to the military. his opponents in 2018 claimed he was the armies proxy, something con,
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denied this yet 3 times. prime minister in the bi shareef, there's also been in prison is said to be the armies favored mine that solved to a band preventing him from ever standing in an election again, was recently over ton, military interference and pack of stones politics is nothing new. the country's 1st official military crew was back in 1958 when marshall was declared following a period of political instability. just over 10 years later, one general handed over power to another that followed some years of civilian rule . which another minute treat crew we staged in 1977. the eighty's and ninety's again. so a period of civilian government budget was finally overturned in yes, another to general probation. was sheriff serving as president until 2008 in total
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. the army has directly we will pack a stone for move in such he is out of it. 7060 a history when notes in direct control and it's continue to accept huge influence. no prime minister has ever finished that full time with a minute treat always accused of playing a role in rank con, lost the support of the military and was deposed now and the vice shareef has apparently won that military support. back in his reminder of our top story, the solemn or you're a secretary of state, i just me blinking has arrived in israel where he will discuss, come off his response. so i propose garza seized by a deal and says he believes and agreement is still possible, but much luck remain. you watching, the domain is live from vernon reminder, you can find much more news analysis and video on our website at
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a z w dot com. coming up next is dock from looking at people smuggling in march. i'll see you soon take care of the you'll see about the video that goes enabled other data media and legal law. google, i've got it done by get other stuff into that and i'll give you the order. would you, are you able to order it up? joe made any a dog coloring key, more people than the eval on worldwide in search of a. did you have you ever use man at the accounting method, the godaddy? how do you get find out about all the story in from icons it's.


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