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tv   Cryptocurrencies  Deutsche Welle  February 7, 2024 4:15pm-5:01pm CET

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what's coming up next on the w, a documentary, looking at whether crypto occurrences convincing the future of the my name is the calls back. say, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. you guys, would it be nosy bay? like good everyone to king, to check out the award winning called call. don't hold back the it's somebody's freedom. it's somebody liberty. it's somebody is silent. protest
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the it has been hijacked, a large part by opportunists. con artists. right? scammers, the big big point can be money the way gold is. but that doesn't mean big corners occurring senior. the society is worse off in every regard. if we haven't used the speculative bit claim level, but it would be if the whole craze past the on the north pacific and central america lies the small town of arizona,
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the salvador, the waves draw surfers from around the world. but these picture perfect moments only capture one reality home to 3000 residents, as on the day is one of the poorest places in the country. but it's the street food is famous. the national dish is called for post up there, sold on nearly every street corner for just a couple us dollars. the money? yeah, i gave a accepts the virtual money as payment via smartphone app. customers can pay with bitcoin, the world's oldest crypto currency, the voice, the way up in your own book or them. yeah. i was a little worried to accept payment in between because it's a virtual currency that's not widely known. awesome. but it's been 2 years separate of the team and i'm still taking bitcoin sign, your schedule as the, the,
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bickley. at 1st, the decision paid off for money, arguing the value of bitcoin shot up to $60000.00. but then, within just a few months, it lost more than 2 thirds of its worth. now money and some $50.00 fellow retailers can only hope the trend reverses the big queen can theoretically be exchanged for dollars or euro's at any time. in fact, holding onto this virtual currency, rather than exchanging it can be a significant gamble. because the crypto market is highly volatile. short term fluctuations happen frequently where its value will dip or search more than 10 percent. the, it's a risk. some retailer is in arizona. they are willing to take, they pay and do business in bitcoin,
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but they don't exchange their crypto assets into dollars, hoping that its value will rise. money again, it is one of them. but at the end of 2022 things weren't looking so good. if it'd be the federal way, i said this is but i hope to recover them soon. better luck. yeah, yep. it'd be since then, the value of bitcoin did rise again. welcome news. not only for money. a social bitcoin project in its own thing is finance through crypto donations. the project is geared towards preventing young people from turning to crime. gangs and murder are a feared part of everyday life and that was on to health house gives young people in the community. the resources to get a better start in life. the charitable initiative offers educational courses recreational activities and job opportunities, the doses, and the really this is yet to them in the seo tool. in 20172018. many people had to
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suspend their support for this project and due to various difficulties to sort of the same time i got the ring and you coverage from one to to help. but as on us, only they use good comments on the between the identity of the donor who offered funding to hold a balance, weigh a lot, remains a big mystery. all that's known is that the person was based in the us. even the initiator of the non profit bitcoin beach and el salvador says he doesn't know who was behind the donation. i mean, it was a 6 a year, some over over a number of years that wasn't injected into the community and in dollar terms. and so it was, you know, definitely something that was substantial have been done or was looking for was not just to give them bitcoin to a project where they would, you know, convert it to dollars which is what most non profits would want to do. that's the easiest thing to do, but they looking for projects that were willing to use bit clients in
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a transactional way. and they believed that bitcoin being used would actually be more important than the monetary value of it. it's been more than 3 years since the project got underway. those involved say there's been less crime plus many residents are now living with sturdy or roofs over their heads. today, not those dollars that helped fund the new construction with bitcoin on behalf of multiple donors. but now the families need to pay off their loans and bid calling to see is concrete. so 122 safe and stable homes in place of flimsier 10 root houses for 100. 22 families. not an insignificant number considering as its own. k only has a population of 3000 the community members don't only mix concrete. they also learn
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how to pay them. bitcoin via their smartphones. they don't have bank accounts, they don't have access to any financial system here. any financial program, they don't have access to loans, they don't have access to insurance, they don't have access to anything, right? so you would have been impossible for them to get a home like this. and sante is considered a test case for the future of money. no matter one's capital. every one here, rich or poor, can conduct business with an a. d centralized system. no dollars, no banks, no bank notes, the is bitcoin a better and more ethical type of money? can it replace standard currencies coded help alleviate the pressure on the world's poorest populations?
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there are many influencers and advocates who back bitcoin. are they doing? so in the name of economic justice and despise the if for some reason, donnelly are doing it because they're trying to make the world a better place and all they truly believe that bitcoin is good for people. different, honestly, i understand that argument fee. there are many legitimate reasons why bitcoin can be positive, almost positive. find con, the frankfurt is europe's banking capital. here, the development of crypto currencies isn't perceived as positively the european central bank or e. c. b is especially critical of bitcoin. the, at the end of 2020 to the e. c. be published a blog post of land lasting bitcoin. it was regarded as something of
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a declaration of war. the author's classified bid calling not as an innovation, but as a speculative bubble, and wrote that bit point is taking its last stand, while investors stubbornly hang on. one of the authors is one of the been side because i just have this indeed, if we have an use a speculative bit claim bubble which but society is worse off than if the whole craze pass for by vehicle for the be the idea of creating money without its oversight is simply on thinkable. it alone has the right to print the cash it deems necessary. it opposes circumventing banks to transfer money because that weakens the role of banks. with its independence and global reach. bitcoin is a nightmare for authorities. especially considering the speculation on its increase in value. it's called a sign on smith. so big calling it's not suited as a means of payment is fair because it's of all use highly unstable. and
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a means of payment should not double as a speculative investment, investment time. both these factors come together here and people are being moved with a positive narrative that the price of the big claims still continue to rise as we move i, the whole cables are every bit queen transaction is stored as a code on what's called a block chain what's unique is that the entire block chain is stored identical you on a network of thousands of computers. this is what makes bitcoin a d centralized currency. outside the control of the c, b for other banks. the bitcoin was created in 2008 and outline in this paper authored by so toshi not gemalto. the authors real identity is on. no. it's not even
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clear if there's just one person behind a bit coined or several people. the 1st bit coin costs just 0.06 euro cents. in 2021. bit coins worth shot up to over 58000 bureaus. a 5 cent investment early on. what are the gold about $5000000.00 euro so 11 years later, at least briefly, the total amount of bit coins will be cap that around $21000000.00. it's stipulated in the source code that there won't be any more beyond that. which is why many people believe scarcity will drive the price up while leaders at the european central bank regard, bitcoin as highly speculative researchers at the nearby frankfurt school of finance and management to take a very different stance. the why the help inside. why didn't you say the all by the just because mr. vince i, it works for the european central bank. doesn't automatically mean he's right.
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that's the only time will tell if he shouldn't be call. i honestly find it rather puzzling that the c b as opted to run a p r campaign against been going on in my view the speak. courtney is not necessarily an enemy of the euro deep notice. valuables is the researchers don't regard bitcoin as a traditional means of payment. they see it as more of an investment similar to investing in gold hoping that its value will increase over time. the researchers don't believe bitcoin will function as money on a global scale. so how do you feel as a relatively high volatility with been going to a 51 day the price is through the real life and lot the next it takes a nose dive as a school move, it's impossible to establish prices that way. $15.00 plus it's not accepted widely enough if you to be, when you dine out or fuel your car, you can pay on your own anywhere. people i hang with big point is rarely an option . fos newtons. but a recent development could work and crip, those favor,
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one of the main objectives of the european central bank is to prevent high inflation. and lately it hasn't been succeeding, everything is becoming more expensive. the value of money is falling of interest on the job and this stretches on year after year. we'll see that certain groups in society will face considerable challenges as costs will go up. and while wages, for example, don't side side globally. and i think the importance of bitcoin will grow during the same period. time give used food name and con, the very few bits. this is in europe except to bitcoin. critics, a crypto currency enables cyber crime. the buying goods and services in the mainstream economy is, is very difficult using the crypto currency. and so the, the main use case for purchasing goods and services using crypto currency is
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illegal activity for the most part. so whether it is something like ransomware, uh, or, you know, buying drugs. uh, you know, maybe you want a higher hit man then. yeah, bitcoin is fantastic for that purpose. that's one reason why most of lawmakers don't want to see free trade happening and crypto currencies at all. the large regulated crypto exchanges are meant to oversee bitcoin transactions, thereby deterring criminals. customers identities must be verified before they can buy bitcoin and profits can be taxed. customers receive an account known as a wallet, if the exchange euros per bitcoin, for example, those assets end up in their wallet, you know, don't have to stop in. so this is the point where the state has excess space. indeed, where my deposit in euro's into the crypto exchange rate, some point which wallet or the euro is coming out of out. and if the state has the ceiling, there's a fraud starting the mix to can approach the crypto exchange and say,
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what do you crypto exchange you be good because mr. x or miss y own bit coins if so on. if so, we share their wallet details, and this one we need to see what's going on must be what's called los angeles. california defying norms is the norm. many here love crypto currency because it aligns with their politics. freedom and independence from the state are core. bitcoin values, it plays on contrast outside or is versus the establishment rich versus poor. new versus old. a. bank stocks were double scales, not just in the us. and the drama this too crazy things happening to last night. here's what you need to know. one of inclusion volt, justin f o m c update boxing and bitcoin have a lot in common. at least according to one of the world's most successful crypto influencers. they're both charged with symbolism. to go your own way,
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you'll have to fight for it. about the underdogs and having control of your actions and using critical thinking changes coming. but this romantic idea of a crypto utopia is unraveling. in 2020, to several crypto absent exchanges plunged users into financial ruin. the biggest scandal of all was the bankruptcy of f t x. the crypto exchange founded by sam bank vent free. he was accused of stealing billions from customers. in november 2023, a new york court convicted him. he was found guilty on 7 counts of fraud and conspiracy. i'm not just counting, sam, he did absolutely terrible things, very, very bad things. he lied, he sold you practice and other and that the cold behaviors. but at the same time, we have bad actors in every single industry. and we're gonna continue to have bad actors and crypto. it's unfortunately human nature, but just split into a single him out and not pay attention to what some of the other bankers and what
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the other public servants are doing. would be the service to the american people and people in general on the world. before being convicted bank, i'm in freed, lived here with his parents on a bail bond of $250000000.00 us dollars. his situation, not unlike those faced and major bank failures that collapse is like so many other financial institution collapses that we've seen over the years. right? you have effectively an entity that is heavily reliant on, on leverage, which is placing big beds. uh, and then covering over those pets with with more beds. and any time you have an institution which is, is debt financed that they're going to run into some trouble in the us unregulated crypto exchanges, long dominated the market no authority felt responsible for crypto currency such as bid calling or the number 2 crypto currency. a theory m c,
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i'm in large. quantum gives you asked me you, when you have around 8000000 holders of bitcoin and to see read them in germany and there are only funds. i'm saying that in quotes 20000 f t x victims. i think this shows that regulation has had a positive effect here. who would it be? i would argue regulation is necessary and long overdue in america to prevent further damage to our shop and. and steve many feel the temptation to make big money with bitcoin. the, i'm in the, for the st gets on speculative and ultimately i'd say it comes down to speculative investments. you want the claim holders and vision. that's the volume that claims to keep rising does not suggest that we have an asset class year class that you can invest in on some high, secure, fantastic future you end up in, of course, and from you need to maintain a narrative about what is useful for for the see, it could be useful for payment transaction and it looks like
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a continuance the sign. he's entitled his opinion. however, i've done pretty well with the client with trading it withholding it with using it to transact. and i haven't had anybody really tell me what to do with that. so, i mean, that's his opinion and i'm sorry, he feels that way. but if you look at the united states of america banking system and all the bonds and the traditional financial investments, we have, they're not really doing too great either. there are more than $8000.00 crypto currencies out there. they're offered on a myriad of crypto exchanges. not to mention the countless obscure providers advertised on social media. the industry is a shark tank. it has been hijacked in large part by an opportunist. con artists, right? scammers, i know many, many people have lost enormous amounts of money in these markets. it's a classic kind of bubble. now that's not to say that there isn't right, really amazing technology that sits underneath it. recently, there's been a shift in the us users on crypto exchanges are now obliged to provide nearly as
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much personal information as they would need to when opening a traditional bank account. a far cry from the independence crypto promised effectively recreated kind of like a traditional banking system on top of these crypto currencies. and i think most people who use them don't, don't realize that, that they're back, you know, using an institution which is very similar to the ones that they think they have fled. the wendy o wants to conduct business independently of banks. that's why she stays clear of regulated crypto exchanges. she ops for the more technically advanced rout of trading directly from person to person, known as peer to peer, the. when you're using a 3rd party exchange, like a buying errands or a queen base or german, i understand that as
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a 3rd party that they are holding your crypto courtesy. if that exchange goes down, you can lose your money. for most people, learning the jargon and inner workings of the complicated technology is to time consuming. crypto exchanges are a far simpler option. but wendy only trusts herself and bitcoin in its original conception. permit cooling is stored in her own wallet. there's no 3rd party that's monitoring you, that's tracking you, that's taking your information and, and selling it to somebody else between doesn't do that. these 3rd parties they deal when d. o is part of a close knit community of between users that distrusts banks for them. the notion that this new monetary system should be regulated the same way as the traditional banking system is out of the question. are public servants? that's what i like to call them. they're just
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a bunch of people with these very expensive pieces of paper degrees, or they come from really great families or they've got connections. they're just regular human beings. they don't necessarily know more than us if you want to buy a home, if you want to rent, if you want to get an education, if you want to buy a car, food, whatever that may be, you have to have a bank account. but will the banks stand idly by as people like wendy or try to chip away their power and destroy their business that they've phones? a business district just outside paris is home to the headquarters of one of the oldest banks in the country associates, asian. it has influence in the crypto business is already far greater than many bitcoin users can imagine. recently associated asian that had integrated, a subsidiary called forge ceos on masks thing of his spear heading a small team, leading one of the banking world's most ambitious projects. and the realm of crypto
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equal to the on a sisters, an ica news, austin. we believe that we're entering a new era of financial markets and money. and when they were on the verge of a very radical and profound change when it comes to block chain less of a, specially in regard to how financial services more supplied to the customer. if it, when it comes to the services that the fundamental revolution is on the horizon, a simple phone, the somebody scheduled with some socio asian, how has long been working to secure its position on the forefront of this revolution. it's allowed to trade in crypto currencies offer wallets and it supports authorities by regulating crypto traitors. the french bank wants to make big money by leveraging block chain technology for equity trades that have well, no security on sale. you know, so please give financial institutions or companies will only issue shares or fonts, digital ideas from the only existing digital form on the block chain. so from and
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that's what interest to our customers, the ability to be faster, it's safer intern cheaper at predict, joyce a more show in the future selling shares wouldn't be limited to the stock exchange . instead, they would be programmed on a block chain and traded from there and the business world. these are known as smart contracts and powerful financial players have embrace to this new business model. the new york is home to the largest stock exchange in the world. this is where big deals are struck until now the field was clearly divided. banks, brokers and hedge fund traders speculated in pretty much anything that could turn a profit crypto currencies are sold outside of wall street's purview. but in early 2024 us authorities allowed
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a bit coined ups to be traded on the stock exchange for the 1st time. now if you told that you owned all the best course in the world and you offered to tell me for $25.00, i wouldn't take it because what would i do is i have to sell it back to you one way or another. i mean, maybe i'm disabled, but it isn't going to do anything. the apartments are going to produce run on. the farms are going to produce the stock market tycoon warren buffett doesn't see any intrinsic value in big coins. so why should he speculate on it? ultimately, it's a series of numbers that offers no immediate benefit. many traditional financial manager is not only in new york, see this as it's biggest shortcoming, but that attitude is gradually changing. jordy visser is the president of
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a hedge fund that manages over $4000000000.00. he sees himself as a pioneer and is very interested in bitcoin and other crypto currencies. no one, no one can argue with the fact that the concept of the block chain. this is a great idea as a technology, whether we're able to use it in the manner that we hope is an argument that people can debate. but i think it's certainly going to be here and i think it's something that we need. so i see it as the birthplace of innovation, which is going to help us get more authenticity to a world that has values on assets that are really hard to prove that they're worth . what they are. many of jordy visitors colleagues advise against investing and bid calling because of the dramatic fluctuations and its value. but surprisingly, evaluations made by his financial advisors tell a different story. because volatility has been declining last year when people talk about the volatility of the quinn. i forget the final numbers,
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but us technology stocks were down almost as much. amazon was down almost as much as bitcoin last year. so what's the difference between people having a large weight and amazon that was down significantly and didn't big coined? i think we've gotten to the point where the volatility has been declining for years . it will continue to decline as a becomes a more accepted asset class. in 2022 bit coins value dropped 60 percent to around 15500 euro's in the same timeframe. amazon was down 47 percent of the dow jones industrial average and index of 30 major companies in the u. s. was down 9 percent in 2023. the coins value recovered and fluctuated between 20 and 30000 bureaus. leading experts from the world's financial hubs, at least degree on one thing. the technology behind the big cooling isn't genius.
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and it's well on its way to becoming an investment that generates a return bitcoin is very much like gold and, and what that, what i mean by that is that it's a terrible medium of exchange. but it's a wonderful the or values and, and i do think that we'll continuously bitcoin. the plattsburg is a small city in new york, close to the canadian border. the 20000 residents harsh winters, and no major tourist attractions. unless you count this building, a former discount retailer in 2018, it became one of the largest bitcoin mining operations in the world. big going is still mind here today. the somewhat rundown building houses thousands of computers
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all day. their sole purpose is to figure out code. ideally, every 10 minutes, each block they crack is worth $6.00 bitcoin. the validating each block is so complex that a single computer would take a very long time. so countless companies set up thousands of computers to increase their odds. it's an ongoing race. whoever cracks the code, the fastest gets the reward. in 2018 miners were generating $1800.00 bit coins per day. but the problem is, all these computers constantly, mining, bitcoin, consume massive amounts of electricity. that's the pacific calling price when the price of that claim was higher. and it was estimated that as an electricity consumption world wide, right to buy was equivalent to that of the netherland miss on the sunday. and in times of climate change in energy scarcity,
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a simply not good for the thing that's value to society is unclear, is because it's so bad for the environment. it is so dangerous. well, so it's printing money. so is driving a car. so is the lighting here, so is you and i breathing existing? yes. between those leave anybody? carbon footprint. but so do a lot of these other things. is the environmental impact of bitcoin, mining overblown. or is it a serious concern? plattsburgh can provide some answers on a global scale. electricity here is extremely cheap. it comes from a hydro electric power plant on the niagara river. that's what attracted the company coined meant to set up, it's huge mining operation in the 1st place. the new company promised jobs and a boost in tax revenue, but gradually, people learned the reality of the businesses impact was very different. so basically it's all about this. it's all i know about it. i don't like it,
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it's an ugly place. i can't go in there and shop. they use a lot of electricity. it has raised our, the price and electric. and they didn't say that's the reason, but it's the talk. and also it has caused the family dollar here used to be over there. and they went a whole winter without heat because of the operation in the back that always had the door open because the machines working with the bit queen, you know, they have to constantly run to do the crypto currency. around the time coin meant setup, shop call, and read, became mayor of plattsburg. he teaches about banking and sustainability at the state university. he was appalled to learn that on sundays, this building consumed one 3rd of all the electricity in his city of 20000 residents. these machines run 15023000 watts, very similar to a space heater. turn the same amount of heat to control that heat. if you have,
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you know, 3 to 10000 machines like that. and in this room, you need to brian a bunch of uh, of cold air and expel a bunch of hot air. so any big coined mine operates and have a lot of holes in the wall on a holes in the, in the roof. fans everywhere in the summer time generate a lot of noise because those fountains need really to run continuously. when the weather is fine. the big coin mining operation proved to be a massive disruption for the residents of plattsburg. the cheap power supply generated from the niagara river was not enough. the price of electricity suddenly shut up for local companies like this paper mill production became untenable. calling re been forced to the bitcoin mining firm to pay for the extra electricity on its own. the company responded with a p r campaign. i've seen the many pictures from some very sophisticated with a hundreds of millions of dollars of wall street venture capital money behind them
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. now you know, the, the, to tell you and shoes and suits and all that kind. the stuff, uh, they've got a trade association um that uh, helps them uh do the talking points when they go into communities. after all, there is a norm is potential in the business calling read, calculated that the puerto rico based company earned up to $50000000.00 a month at the start of its operation. plattsburgh, a lower income city, didn't see a dime the sort of the making tens of millions of dollars of profit every month. surely there's going to be lots of flow back into the community. but these are profits and bitcoin that can be essentially cashed in anywhere. there's no reason to believe in for any reason
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that this money will stay in the community. in the in plattsburgh did not break and the promise to tax dollars, nor were jobs created. instead for a time, residents were saddled with expensive electricity bills. meanwhile, the bitcoin mining firm moved many of its computers to the next town where electricity costs were lower. calling read is no longer mayor of plattsburgh. he wrote a book about crypto currencies. he was initially excited about block chain technology, but he's been disillusioned to look at who controls the wealth of bitcoin is large. corporations has multi millionaires. billionaires has venture capital is wall street to complete entities, the big coin as a toshi, where designed to take out of the equation now dominate the market. large companies are involved wherever digital money is replacing cash. u. s. companies especially
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are at the forefront with google pay, apple pay and paypal. the european monetary authorities are facing pressure on 2 sides from big coins and from large private us base companies. that's why the european central bank is turning its attention to developing the digital euro. the thing that ticket tyler, are you home leasing additional? you must also be there to continue to limit the market power of these global companies, ultimate package, just as it works with cash on, we need to ensure the strategic independence. so if you're over position, so the c b also wants to get into the business of digital money. the digital euro, however, would be very different from the decentralized bitcoin. that's because the are radically, every transaction, bye citizens could be monitored by the c b. the only reason why they want to use watching technology only was a why they want to create the cdc is they want to monitor people. they want to have control. they want to implement credit scores. they want people to do exactly what
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they are told and still fear that if you don't do what i say, i'm going to have access to your money that the guy come into associates who comes with. yeah. and we have no interest in controlling people. so design and designing the digital you about, i mean want to make it so that we don't receive personal data in the euro assistance team because instead of anonymous transactions in our goodness, it soon, we don't want to know who has a particular account to a volume of who is that person is just going to have my cellphone, as long as there's deep mistrust on both sides, banks and states. fear that a decentralized currency without state supervision will lead to crime and the chaos bitcoin users believe. the state and banks want control the you believe in the courts and laws, then you shouldn't be too worried about or this potential visibility. if you have
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little face since the courts and laws then yeah, perhaps this would be something to be worried about as on today, has had the nickname bitcoin beach for a while now. but actually, all of el salvador has become something of a test case for bitcoin. the tier human rights are not guaranteed, and the judiciary has very little power. in 2021, it became the 1st country to recognize bitcoin as legal, tender. a move spearheaded by populist president, now you boot kelly. this was this unique opportunity for them. they saw this is, wow, how else can we literally overnight and have el salvador known throughout the world be and all these articles have people change the narrative that even if people are speaking negative, they're talking about the money in the tax rather than the gains in the murder,
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the beginning of the big coin, era, and el salvador was celebrated with great fanfare. thousands of crypto enthusiasts cheered on their rock star leader. now you book a projected himself as a cross between a baseball cap wearing wrapper and a savior. and he made his stands on bitcoin clear. so he's just not a good a good, a cool and nice idea. is there but illusion of human kind. so we're going, there are, you can stop evolution. this evolution was heavily promoted in el salvador. every citizen who downloaded chico the state run bitcoin wallet app received $30.00 worth of bitcoin as a gift. a controversial means of winning people over the last 100. it'd be punched on for like maybe he understood bitcoin and stuff. maybe he's crazy. like maybe he's running an experiment like we just don't
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know. and under this i'm, you could have been any country to live on. honestly, for me, it's not relevant that it's el salvador salon. what's important is that a country somewhere in the world to dare to take this step taught, and i'm fairly certain that other countries will follow even if it takes a few more years. and so finally get off at the ones with the reality is there are only a few stores in el salvador is capital that actually accept bitcoin, especially after its value dropped at the end of 2022. most people use the dollar plus tax and one paying big cards. no, no, no, to w hard. i never tried everything from the audi, not at the moment, but no ones come to explain how it works. less the most. i mean, they knew that unfortunately my children's school fees or my sons university doesn't accept payments and bitcoin, i will have made, according to a survey 70 percent of el salvador is population. this trust the new legal,
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tender. many businesses that accepted bit coined immediately exchange for dollars, but the big cohen community abroad remains into the aspect. i absolutely love what he's doing, because i'm making between legal tundra, he's essentially taking power back for his country and telling everybody else in the world. this is what we're doing, and i'm trying to improve the quality of life of my people the best way i can in reality, look at a wants to make his country independent from the influence of foreign institutions like the international monetary fund. if salvador ends by bitcoin, without the state run cheapo app, their assets would be safe from their own governments influence just anyone's mindful of you know, dimensions. we live in a country with one stable institution, some tools. and i have 5000 currency units in my account and still not necessarily in europe, dr. phil just mistake doesn't like it to come to me to schedule, what does it do that can mean it could potentially take the money away from it? in other words, it's
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a kind of expropriation or confiscation as possible. if the value is determined from the outside and for a state or a banking system or government or a central bank on the 10 top. but it's not possible with big going to be coined which book is el salvador has become a place of pilgrimage for bitcoin believers. there are even plans to build a bitcoin city traders, crypto miners, and entrepreneurs with live and work together there. the president's cousin is trying to attract investors and started up so far. a huge crypto city at the foot of a volcano is still a pipe dream. the building this new financial hub would cost an estimated $1000000000.00. and one of the poorest countries in the world where the average annual income is about $4000.00 bureaus. now able kelly is counting on support and funding from abroad.
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you know the definitive what's all it does is we will just beat us, we should be contradicted. i'm fully convinced if it, sooner or later they will be bitcoin city. community is there are people who want to be engaged in this community. as long as they'll, they'll pack up and suddenly start moving to el salvador. it's a bit like religions in the past where believers would gather in monasteries or elsewhere and live and do things together. and if you want it on, talk to someone who would think that can lead time. one thing that came off coming money is based on trust and belief crypto currencies have added a new dimension to how we think about money. el salvador is reflective of the fear and hope surrounding bitcoin. about crypto currencies have already changed the world. and in all likelihood, it's just the beginning the, the
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show india into an i architecture coming up with new ways to make houses more sustainable by re purposing folder structures. the reason why we advocate is the data. and you can actually more dislike. want to see some examples. eco indeed, impressed a minute on d w, from slave trading to smuggling. they cross people from west africa to
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europe. human traffic has emory, tanya, they make fab profits because they helping the suffering country people. oh, are they just modern day slave traders? in 75 minutes on d w, the these places in europe stepped into a bold adventure the treasure map for martin flow to describe it as some of us wriggled, begging sites on youtube. and also the, the, the,
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this is dw news line from the 2000. instead, an engine informed blast and pocket expense, the explosions, half of the day before, parliamentary elections already bought by obligations of vote. rigging, over the half a 1000000 security personnel have been deployed to cable and also on the program from us posts for the plan for a new safe fire and release of hostages. as us secretary of state mates is right. the latest, on the last day of his license, diplomatic admission to the middle east, ukrainian little make us back a bell to boost the countries for fixing the controversial proposal was sent and more troops to the front line and lower the age of conscription.


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