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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  February 8, 2024 12:15am-12:31am CET

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next week, take a look at that, all of this information quickly. in fact, as time selections, that's off to the brick. you could always find one of those on our website, d, w dot com. and to follow us on forcing me to go ahead and do that. it's at the top, your newest member, such as far as thank you so much for being with us. the prices got issues with a lot say what the one on 6 times to be covering t more people than ever on the worldwide in such an one. great
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timing is very hard to say very difficult to find out about time on store. and so my friends, the genuine elections are coming up and focused on experts, fear and inc, please spread of ms and this information on social media platforms, coleman people in boxes that are the victims of this information for missing information. and this information is the shipping the public opinion, hey, i generated content particularly defects, go down to find the so called fake news. like never before that about the sudden substitute brand new study, see garbage in a december address. former pockets on the prime minister in von han allegedly managed to speak to support us from behind bars where he's currently serving
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a prison sentence ops up side. so today only gives the maybe a 100 subset bella, mejia vasic. i'm not just the whole, keep august on the uh, the thought that the middle not made in the about the game with the other head, but it was not really hon. his political party, p t. i focused on that he can solve used, artificial intelligence, 40 i to put together this video. this will allow them under the 1st seconds, are actually part of an older recording. as we can see here with the help of for the voice image search. this was also confirmed by as much as you walk a p t i coordinator to dw. the rest of the video is a mix of deals with an, a i on your, off and on hon. which was also marked as such. and yet many believe that to be true, the world economic forum in its recent analyst risk survey assessed a driven mis. and this information as the biggest short term risk in the coming to years, according to the report,
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the nexus between falsified information and so side to interest will take center stage. this year. more than 2000000000 people will go to depaula and countries including the us, india, and focused on the survey also identifies missing this information as one of the top 5 risk faced by pockets on this underlying piece of the display. this content lack of trust in state institutions, add it up with this narrative exploits that using this information using propaganda using talk to a i as not only be used by politicians and focused on in order to increase their reach. but also for propaganda. according to an article published by the us institute of peace, a vast majority of a i fix defects, particularly are pornographic images of them. and these use real images of the faces and attach them to other new bodies or virtually make
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a person say something that they didn't actually say, but they can also inflame racism and other forms of prejudice. prevalent within the society, vs. the lot of john's women have actually lost their lives. they had been murdered, they had been good. and i would say that there is a connection to the heat and a dog did this information that the piece in the one line spaces. the fear is, know that a, i has opened the gateways for this information in pockets on elections. and this could have a real life impact on the outcome of the connections, the consumer. the board was emotionally charged. we sick and tired of the government, they just want to, he'll listen and consume that content and they don't really care if that content is synthetic media or even if that body sees that this is a i generated content. if that's wanting, such as wise, that water, it works for them. we have also seen other kinds of miss and this information ahead
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of the elections and focus on of this video shows visa piece of that and on politicians from the pockets on wisdom teeth, nevada, being beaten by a proud and see the video was shared on various social media platforms with a claim that looked you've had been attacked while he was in the streets asking for votes, he had a legit and he started bullying people after they have not responded positively to his request. however, the video is older and dates to november 2017. as the found out by searching a screenshot off the video with google lens and it tells a different story. according to news reports from the time the thief was attacked by protesters in a police track down on a sit in by the religious party, sneaking a bike. i think some political parties are better than others in terms of a targeted this information. they are they to organize their collective inputs
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around targeting other people and actually very, very well organized. some cleared good bodies also do the same but they did to do it, you know a baptist and i feel that a, all of them basically said the victims of other this information. they are also correct because the dog and each other one major outcome off. but this information being spread now is already evident, confusion so much actually that the election commission of pockets on has started to regularly debunking claims on it's x account. one of the most widely claims in recent weeks is of election delays. this claim was also made by go ahead on the hon, chairperson of the p t. i am ron hahn's party at a press conference in december. if that shop, by the time to shy the election commission of arch, but of a toby election that he could out of the election commission,
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which besides on the date, rejected these claims on various occasions as being baseless and misleading and even announced it would take legal action against those spreading misleading news. however many and focused on are worried as the announcement of the election has been delayed for a long time period. but this information campaigns head off elections are not a new phenomenon impact. the sun disappeared around to mid fake news. basically started in, in our previous elections, in the run up to the 2018 elections. political parties also used coordinated campaigns on social networks to spread this information. one example was the artificial pushing of politically motivated hash tags on twitter, no x to turn them into a trending topic, an investigative report by the local newspaper, the harold in 2018, explains how pockets sounds traditionally was targeted. using hash tags on social
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media, they've used predict drains against their part of the blueprints. and that got picked up the content they have promoted to those trends. got picked up and sent to what's up and have actually change the opinions of people after the 2018 elections, an old photo of den. and actually when our inbound hans family went to our room with a caption suggesting it had been taken in israel and those in the photo were wearing traditional jewish attire. jeremiah hon. him don. hans ex wife was quick to respond . that it was a photo taken on a family holiday in mexico, not israel. and that they were wearing ponchos and not jewish religious stress ever since and were on han's marriage to do my mom. her jewish heritage was used by papa sunny conservative and politicians to accuse him ron juan of catering to the is there any state anti semitic sentiments are widespread in the country? but why are mis and this information is such a big problem in pockets done exclusively that one major problem is the low
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electricity rate in the country, which is even lower in rural areas. in addition, this information is spread mostly online and many do not know how to deal with this property. definitely have to start thinking it on those lines. i didn't include media, are they to see more and more at our school level because he that is the time, especially at the high school level where young minds are getting political consciousness and understanding the load and started reading and consuming media, especially with digital media. but it's not only the lack of the to see and specifically digital literacy that is needing to focus on is being at a higher risk of falling for this information. well, i think the major problem is distress on the, introduce the media of the younger generation. they tend to, uh, you know, disagree with most of the opinions shared and created food or traditional media
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experts say the old or a i, as a major phenomenon is new. it would still be a potential threat to democracy and political parties impact us on. many of the countries seem to have lost trust in the like to our process being a fair and democratic one. and this is also reflected in volter turn out in recent elections with only around half of those eligible actually turning up to vote lives they get the benefit of the fed as the other forces right on democratic. so democracy fins in this entire process have using facts about the upcoming connections and focused on send them to us. at fact checking at the w dotcom the
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in a pressure cooker or get out clergy, you take
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a public stance against rushes warren ukraine are receiving their freedom. alber traction is a fax, as pastor who is being put for now under threats of imprisonment. because in russia, places of worship are now under heavy surveillance. focus on your next on d. w. conflicts with tim sebastian, 4 months into the browser wall and there is no end in sight for the killing of the suffering. how long can, is there a continuous ministry campaign of his allies would increasingly, but too many policy news? i died my deputy police are there in front of the former head of an intelligent service from all sides, con, 60 and 60 minutes on d, w. the,
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every jenny is far less surprising. we've gone all out to give you some time one day in the course of the right people in your northern most count the police, the free time. but still very much alive. your guy to the special in germany recognizes where exactly it was fun. i have learned a lot of our culture history. all their travel extremely worth a visit. get training for an exciting hobby and tell you when those surprise hi,
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i'm shopping out and i'm ready to dive into the hands of children to have you have a wonderful port gift card via included in the deposits from quarter key indians to i'm gonna keep customers that even local press vehicle we've got a response. this for and unexpected size of the words people have to say to the that's why we listen because every weekend on d w. but i wish i could have done more to save. you just a click away. find the best document on you to really
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see the world. never seen it before. the dr. know to dw talking entry, the hello, and welcome to focus on europe. thanks for joining us today. february, march 2 years since president vladimir putin launched the invasion of ukraine. but now russia is witnessing growing resistance against the war in moscow, the wives and relatives of soldiers protested demanding the return from the front of their husbands, sons and brothers. tens of thousands of men.


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