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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to life from berlin. new militant attacks and pakistan is millions, cross their ballots in an election marked by deadly violence. tens of thousands of police and military personnel are deployed to ensure security and authority suspend mobile phone service. also coming up, the russian politician barred from challenging vladimir putin in the upcoming presidential election borders. now those names who opposes most goes military actions in ukraine is disqualified for allegedly submitting, take signatures to election authorities. plus israel rejects terms for a cease fire put forward by him us prime minister benjamin netanyahu vows to fight
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on until absolute victory and says the collapse so from us is within reach. at is the point of no return. the use says global temperatures in 2023 exceed the limits agreed to by the world. leaders are science reporter explains what that means for the fight against climate change. the little m. terry martin, thanks for joining us. we begin in pakistan were several people have been killed on the day. the country heads to the poles in nationwide elections. numerous violent attacks have been carried out in the run up to the vote, which has been large by claims a boat rigging and corruption voters across packaged on allowing up to cost the ballot a in an election that has be modified violence and obligations that the contest
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isn't free or pack us. dawn is in the midst of political and economic crisis. and people heading to the polls here hoping for change. every single vote can change of the holy country scenario. you know, we are in very poor condition nowadays our country is visiting. so many problems very, to be very honest. uh you expect ition from the phone? i like the process. but the, i guess the, the things are not going so good. but we have 2 more because, you know, you can say that the democracy, even the voice of democracy, is better than what we can say that i just looked at the or the little casee. i guess the frustration with the political system is one of the reasons that turn out to in the selection is expected to be know. another reason is that the country's
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most popular politician, former prime minister and run con, is currently behind the boss. he's been convicted of corruption and other charges and con, run for office, his supporters and members of his party. so he's, jailing was political and that the election is reached against the safety concerns. also one vote. his minds to explosions, killed dozens in the country, south west in provence, a bullet just on any hours before the vote. violent events have overshadowed the election. hundreds of thousands of ami power military and police have been deployed to provide security on the election day. and the interior ministry suspended mobile phone services. so i think tire concerns as it is proving a controversial move amongst a pack of stone is an adding to the already tense conditions on voting day. a
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report has been his job. it is in pakistan and covering these elections and joins me now from his level about spanish, all eyes on pakistan today. what are people they're saying about this election? i teddy bear with definitely a lot of disappointment before the elections as we have seen in the board to one of focused on most popular and political party b t. i headed the pockets on former crime, mr. m dot han said that they have been completely straight line in the selection process and that's fine. is in june. the parties said these are, he's in june on trumped up charges just politically more debated. guesses are the senior leadership office party is also in g cousins. of the members have a look for being arrested. did elect to those simple was sticking the way and still getting the dates of the d. i basically is running a independence. so on the 5th de monte we did
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a lot of supporters. unpretentious. what does off bpi, but today is an action b and b, c dot. that is an encouraging worked or drawn out so far. in ron hahn from history, you had a given a message. and also i just wanted to confirm that these are asking, what does the do not be doing? what if we did that they should teach at homes and go to the boarding sessions. what's the security situation there banish because there we have seen some attacks or people afraid to get out and vote. it's a security isn't gingerly. uh, an issue is boxed on did, has been an uptick and get it has some and violence in as far as stopping last year . within 1500 people were killed in the address, incidents adjusted for elections widens, has increased and focused on south western robins. also just on and northwest and trojans of keeping it yesterday and it was back to back to
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a docks uh on for the ticket as well. so during the winter day, uh there has been a dock in in northwest and focused on uh, actually to attack the northwest and focused on uh, security is on high hello. i know tens and a cousins of police offer shows military. a better ministry uh offer shows hoffman detroit across the country. uh, some of the portland stations have been, uh, uh, fords, extremely sensitive, and therefore we definitely we see a higher security presence of uh, security options, presence in the country. what built practiced ends military, the, it's a very powerful presence in the country, but it's often played kingmaker in previous elections. but the military now claims that it's no longer playing a role in politics. is that really the case? spanish? a reality is different. i would say, but as soon as i landed in focused on the people,
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i have spoken to journalist commented the people on the streets. that is a very strong perception that this time bach could bounce military establishment if fucking one of han's driver's nevada's to the police. also 3 times a former prime minister of focused on. and we have seen spot politically focused on former dr. mr. m dot han has accused of the military off of blackstone against him and his body. and he blames basically the minute to stop to spend for work the part the has gone to. and when it comes to nevada should, if i would say that he has been involved with any part of this for decades, and even he has a complete kits been difficult history with bucket from the military. he has been disqualified, he never completed his dom. and every time he was disqualified from his office, he had to fall out without the funds to industry. so the reality if this that even amazon han, when he came to baldwin, he was accused of making deals with amenities that has been progress and focused on
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a democracy, but still the military place, a significant joint impact. the funny politics spanish, thank you very much. that was the w spanish job. it is what i'm about to russia now, where the main election authority has refused to allow an anti war candidate to challenge vladimir putin for the presidency orders. now the dean's was told that flows in his paper work meant his name could not appear on the ballot for next month's election. the open critic of moscow's military campaign and ukraine. soon as he no plans to challenge the ruling boys in that district in inspired thousands across russia to break the cold in order to sign a petition that would allow him to run against vladimir boots as he set himself to parts as russia's only anti war candidates actively calling for change happening over here, i decided to run for president because i want to different future for our country.
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i want russia to be a peaceful and free country, only so boldly, stone, or not destined claim to have collected more than doubled the $100000.00 signatures needed to appear in march as ballad. but the russian electronics commission says these contain irregularities, including the names of debt people. okay, then when we, when we see the dozens of people who are no longer in this world, i've left a signature. questions arise about the purity and ethical standards that have been used, including bi signature collectors. to some extent, the candidate must also be directly involved, which is pretty just the best and this prove particularly popular among younger or russians surface, se he represents a potential threat to the kremlin. yes, renewable. there is no doubt he could collect 10 or 15 percent of the vote because when you think of some union, you know, way well he become president,
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president of or even be serious opposition and you propose that we sleeping in you start to please young thing with that but this would be extremely inconvenient for the kremlin up as you'd see, the portable because it exploits the idea of the confusion. yep. and the desk didn't have the support of well, no, no opposition? figures like me. so a caught a coffee and the wife of alexi and a valid me as well as it got to the not on salva who herself wanted to run for president, but was blocked by the central election committee. but he's also faced criticism for appearing and propaganda talk shows and called him to warn you. craney, special military operations is according quick and in the special military operation, only with peace towards us together, russia, ukraine, on the west, is up for many boys in that district. in the river sense, a ray of hope when it comes to change in a normal life in russia, a switch to someone's comment phase. i want to broad few times where we can best 2 children in a free country. let them be free for once, but i want
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a normal life so that everyone can have it this normal life. but with an addition to now part from the ballad, their dreams of a different brush up here, deferred once more. consultant who used to write speeches for the russian president vladimir protein. welcome to the program of gallium. up, what do you make of the decision to block the dusting from running against putting so i'll definitely play it was not so look, look, predictable or decision. you know, um, anyone who understands the how russian public opinion is functioning now. uh, what was that? so for sure that they wouldn't go out either doing so when you fold, who was trying to be there and they were candidates as before and who was prohibited by defense election commissions in december and my d as in we were also really let cameron wouldn't allow them to run because
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we have them and the war can to the, to be on the ballot. but it would have turned the election into the era for i am the on the issue of war and peace. uh, even more broadly speaking on the issue all uh, mileage a which would have been the russia versus normality. and so we didn't have no chances the put in was the candy that would be the candid about the war and the candidates all of normality. and no matter what is the name of the opposing candidate, candid or the normally they either doing so or in the day of saying this candid up when it was. so we are and to, and the decision was quite quite predictable. and then it just in says he will
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challenge the ruling just briefly. do you think there's any chance rush or the supreme court will decide differently from the electoral commission? i don't know which are the other sound that old. yeah. institutions are full of controls by putting them in ministration. so no institution what they are to do anything different from what has already been decided. ok, still no judgement is not. the 1st candidate is, you know, we've talked about it already, who's been barred from running is preteen afraid that he would lose the boat to a challenger like not yesterday? yes, this is the most interesting thing. now. it becomes evidence to amory one. previously, a lot of people who had this illusion, the put in was the most popular, which i don't understand of this illusion does to these, the most popular is very artificial. it cannot come to classes with the reality. be
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to an unknown journalist from the province like doing so or the like. as we call systematic liberal, that is not. and the system a position he was quite systematic. see there was no promising to put put into prison that he was not like this. so a, b, b, it's not, they are saying like this, this construction where we say the court in the was an ass and eliza or that the enjoys 80 percent of popularity. well, it's extremely artificial. it, it has nothing to do with real public opinion with a real move in the country. so that's why they have a formally 80 percent of approval. they're afraid of for to face the candidates who have like formally 4 percent of approval and the terms again plan for it. it's, it's just one more question. i really want to ask you because, you know,
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the elections is still to happen. is there anyone left who could still challenge booting in the upcoming election as all the other candidates, be our candidates, all circle? systematic 4th is that is crumbling, control political part is visual so far so forth. it's uh, there's a special needs that are going to use in the war and they all spoke in favor of this more. so now we have put in 3 more, a 10 minute swap pro more another single one, who is n t worth. so basically there is no choice unless one of those 3 changes a changes to use. uh, uh, what, what he says change is this. uh, pm. um there would be no challenge actually at the beginning of the procedure when they just started coming out, you know, scanned it as it was the end of december, the oh, mass and the like. we're not claiming that we're going to we,
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it's not as we're going to buy for victoria. so unless something unexpected happens, they already know speaking as possible because this people, they all see the, the wheel publish mode, the growing sentiment and the more sentiment. and they put in a 2nd and 3rd, i think it was taking nothing and possible. of course it's just um, so yeah, yeah, but we still do remember that my d as in by themselves who are just 2 months ago, he was quite more. oh, i see was no place to absolutely. all i can to put in the suggestion change towards him just because it's the growing demand very month create. so the position. okay. of us kelly, i'm of a former speech writer for blood. am i putting? thank you very much for talking with us today. thank you very much. i of israel's prime minister has rejected a modest proposal for a cease fire saying an absolute victory and gaza is just months away. this and you all who describe the plan as, quote, delusional,
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as he insisted that there is no alternative to the military collapse of a mouse, which is designated as a terrorist organization. by many countries. the evers take with angle and hot break intel of eve. after renew deals to secure the release of hostages is rejected. many here will hostages themselves health by homos for weeks and released during an audio deal whereas my government. so thank you for guessing me out of the bringing me back to israel. but what about my father, who is still the english, if they are not returned? every person mother and father will know that they can be next. their life is in the hands that they live in the country that does not take responsibility for the security. is rarely prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu projected the deal saying that his military's campaign and gaza will continue nothing. but we're on our way to absolute victory. the victory is in our reach. it's not a matter of years or tens of years. it's a matter of months. so the she, us officials believe there is still hope of a deal between israel and thomas. these things are always a negotiations. it's not, um, it's not flipping a light switch, it's not yes or no. there's invariably back and forth. and as i said, we see that we see the space for that. you mean violent garza no deal? no seas file means no let up and is rarely a tax close to 28000 gallons have died according to the how most fund hilton industry. hundreds of thousands are lacking food and water show to n medicine because it's enough, it's enough. we do not want wars. we've been displaced from guys that for
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approximately 115 days today, we've been abandoned number one. we have children now we're infected with diseases and the model without to cease volume humanitarian situation in gauze, i will likely work with people here uncertain if they live to see to maureen. so i'm in may been is a lecturer in international relations in middle east politics at lancaster university in the u. k. earlier we asked him, what hope remains for a deal to be reached that could end the fighting and gaza and free the remaining hostages. there's always a hope, there's always a chance given the, the scale of this humanitarian catastrophe, that's affecting people and as well people and gaza people in the diaspora. so there's always a hope. granted that hope right now is very, very small. given that area is precious on this, right,
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the government on benjamin netanyahu, on how much on the us, on the various mediators involved. there's a lot of different moving parts. there's a lot of different pressure and not makes, getting a deal over a line, incredibly difficult. iraq says us strikes on their rambling to militia in the country are pushing the government to end the mission of the us led coalition. there the statement follows us drone. it struck drunk strike in the iraqi capital, baghdad, in which the pentagon says the senior commander of cut you post. paula was killed. us believes the group carried out a drone, striking jordan that claimed the lives of 3 us soldiers, number of groups back by to around have stepped up a tax on us basis since the beginning of the israel. how much more in god. so let's take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world today. us lawmakers are working to salvage billions of funding for ukraine and israel after
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a 1st vote on the package failed. it also included tight security for us borders at the request of republicans, but they withdrew backing after pressure from ex present. donald trump, lawmakers will hold another boat on thursday. this in japan, more than 5000 leaders of radioactive water have leaked from the focus. shame a power plant. its operators says that the event was left open during cleaning. the company claims, no signs of contamination have been detected outside the facility. the plant suffered a nuclear meltdown in 2011 after an earthquake and so no authorities in rio de janeiro are scrambling to contain an outbreak of den, get a fever. more than $300000.00 cases of the mosquito borne disease have been reported in brazil so far this year. 4 times more the normal rio has declared the
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public health emergency just days before the start of the carnival celebrations. the eve says that for the 1st time, 1st planet, earth has had 12 months of temperatures. 1.5 degrees celsius hotter than the pre industrial era. in the 2015 parents agreement and world leaders had pledge to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees. and pursue efforts to limit it even further to $1.00 degrees. well that target is still within reach. they say as the number, as the average temperature is measured over decades and not years. well for more i'm joined in the studio here by dw environment reporter louise osborne, always uh we're looking here at an average temperature that's been at $1.00 degrees above the pre industrial times or even higher during the past 12 months. that sounds alarming. is it still possible to get back below that threshold in the
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coming years? i mean, it's getting more, more difficult because we, we are getting closer to the target that was, or the limit that was set in place by worldly doesn't. that has been recommended by scientists, but this is a temperature that is gauged for decades, not just one. yeah. so one year at $1.00 does not mean that we've reached that limit. we're actually looking at temperatures around $1.00 at the moment, but it is a stock from mind to that. if we keep going the way that we are going and we don't take action they, we are quickly going to reach that limit and go over and experiencing the consequences that that brings. all indications are that the, the planet still is warming at this point. what would permanently exceeding $1.00 degrees that threshold mean for the plants future? i mean, we've already seen the taster of that, or we are at the moment like the extreme weather events,
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but we are seeing more more of heat waves, for example, that are leading to drugs that we've seen in a northeastern spain for example, that are worsening wild fires like those that we're seeing and chilly is also leading to heavier rain full in some areas leading to the speed flooding that we've seen last year in greece and then libya. and if we continue, then we will see more of those extreme weather events that will affect our agriculture. obviously our excess then to food and water, it's likely to dr. migration as people move away from areas most affected. and it's already leading to conflict in solar areas of the world as well. what are the main strategies that are being pursued now to avoid the worst impacts of climate change? can we still do something about? we still have the possibility to stay above the start to stay below be 1.5 degrees
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that we've been talking about. action needs to be taken quickly. world leaders in december of the global climate summit said that they wanted to transition away from funding fossil fuels for our energy. they need to do that as quickly as possible, because then we can prevent the greenhouse gases of being admitted into the atmosphere that are leading to this woman. we also need to look at protecting our carbons thinks of for us preventing deforestation. and we also need to think about providing money for areas of the world of the poor areas that have done very little to contribute to climate change, but a feeling the west impacts. making sure that there are early warning systems in place, for example, to help people to make sure that they are not so heavily affected. and also making sure that they have the infrastructure in place that can cope with the changes that we're seeing. we thank you very much, that was the w as luis osborne from our environment unit.
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and i'm okay now here's a wrapped it in iceland for the 3rd time since december. love a lit up in the sky in the nations south. west crews are working to stop it from reaching a power plant and the town of green w. the community was evacuated in november, a head of imminent interruptions and residence are still prohibited from returning to their homes. iceland has more than 30 active volcanoes. the it's there watching dw news, just reminder the top story we're following for you this, our polls have opened in pack is done in a general election marred by claims that the vote rigging and a wave of files. tens of thousands of people in security forces have been deployed at pulling 6. the next focus on europe looks about the punishment faced by members of the russian
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clergy who speak out against the war in ukraine force. you'll find lots more on our website at w dot com. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching the
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in a pressure cooker or get out clergy, you take a public stance against russia's warren ukraine, our senior freedom. albert direction is a fax is taska who is being put for now under threats of imprisonment because in russia, places of worship are now under heavy surveillance. focus on your next on d, w. the future of money or a dangerous bubble. crystal currencies option inside the global financial system.
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this cooling, i'm maybe trusted by potentially high rates of return. but what of the benefits? and what are the risks to investors? is just you to really set price in 45 minutes on d w. the nice to be at the end of the world. how's it going to be difficult to access an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the data. why is the ice melting? the sign it research in the i,
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c d, w. the hello and welcome to focus on europe. thanks for joining us today. february, march 2 years since president vladimir putin launch the invasion of ukraine. but now russia is witnessing growing resistance against the war. in moscow, the wives and relatives of soldiers protested demanding the return from the front of their husbands, sons and brothers. tens of thousands of men were forcefully recruited during the partial mobilization in 2022. at the.


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