tv The Day Deutsche Welle February 8, 2024 11:02pm-11:31pm CET
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times with the u. s, which is helping to stabilize the economy and has a military presence in the country to have it fights any such as a, by the so called islamic states. so with this attack on others in syria and d. m, and is the united states now effective for instability as claimed by the iraqi military? i'm so game invalid and this is the day the united states does not desire more conflict to the region when we are actively working to contain and t escalate. conflict in jobs and we believe the presence of the americans in iraq, syria, afghanistan, and the region in no way create security. it disrupts the security of the region. the whole security situation in iraq is scary. iraq, indeed, the why to region remain on the knife edge with the tiniest misconception
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threatening a major consecration, tax and american forces will not be tolerated. and we will continue to take all necessary actions to defend the united states, our forces and our interest. also coming up israel prepared to expand its operations in gaza. palestinians in rafa have been on the bombardment for months now there, bracing for a possible ground defensive and a 3 missiles hit. this same place where i'm standing, there's not much to say about the victims. children, the women and the elderly, i wish we could have collected their whole bodies. instead we have bits and pieces . we're all hearing that there will be a ground incursion into rafa. i imagine things will be extremely bad. welcome to the day, iraq has been on. so united states for a drug and strike on its capital bank. that was probably the 1st of photographs. prime ministers that'd be attack was pushing his government to end. the mission of the us led coalition in the country is having the mission as
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a source of instability. the strike killed 3 members of a possible iran back to the nation, including its leader was conducted without private consultation with the rescue services. the us believes the group can tell you, has blah carried out the drug striking jordan the claim. the lawyers of 3 us soldiers is us national security spokesman junk, big responding to me, rocky protests. i would tell you that we fully respect a rock sovereignty and our troops are there at the invitation of the iraqi government to continue to advise and assist their military, their security forces as they continue to battle against a still viable isis threat. but look, if there were no attacks on our troops, were there at the invitation of iraqi government, there would be no need for retaliatory strikes. we liked it states as frequently target safety around fact groups that age says behind we still haven't drug strikes on its troops in iraq and syria. the rest of us knew the 900 troops and syria,
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2500 in iraq as part of an international coalition. okay, so circles is lubbock state group, its basis of co invest. sporadic are sold from around back munitions for years. of the attacks have increased sense of how much the tire attacks of october 7 let's consider they sam with bradley bowman who senior director of essential and military and political power of the foundation for the defense of democracies. you still have to more than 15 years on active duty is that you or somebody else joins us from washington. welcome back to dw, so the u. s. think is any rock guys supposed to be helping to stabilize the country and help fight this? i asked him search and see how does that square with attacking back capital, especially with drugs. i think it uh squares quite easily. uh, i think admin kirby has it exactly right in its factually unassailable. the us
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military is there in a rock at the invitation of the government of iraq, primarily for the purpose of keeping the isis caliphate defeated. when you invite someone in your home, you have responsibility to protect them. the rocky government has consistently failed to do so. and as you and i have discussed before, the numbers now a 168 more than a 168 attacks on us forces in iraq and syria combined with roughly half of those happen in iraq. and us has responded to about $10.00 to $12.00 times. and so the us unlikely islamic republic of ron supports iraq, the sovereignty. but there's also something we also support, and that is our troops not getting killed and blown up. so this is a repeated play bucks moran. they encourage their proxies to attack our forces, they know sooner or later despite our restraint will respond and will respond. you get protests and pushes for the us military to depart, which would be a gift to ron, increasing its power and control over baghdad. increase the chances we'll see
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a resurgence of the eyes is healthy. so what do you think then, all the chances of the us remaining in iraq with this having happened i think this will increase the already underway momentum in some quarters in baghdad to push us forces out. and a process is underway. americans participating as you'd expect us to and we'll see what the sovereign government of baghdad heavily influenced by his long pug around decides. and then i suspect the by the restoration will respect that. it'd be interesting if they asked all the codes for its members of these long revolution and guard court to leave. something tells me they wouldn't leave. but if they ask the united states to leave, i think the volume is racial on or that and will leave. and not really demonstrates the fundamental difference in the 2 approaches. it does and it's, and it's interesting and obviously we'll see how it plays out. it's but how does a very for then play into why the us interest in the region is one thing saying,
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all right, we'll talk about bull home. but then, is that necessarily in america's interests to leave iraq? no, i think it would be directly contrary to american interest. i think we have an interest in keeping the isis calsae defeated the cal face to feed it. the tears organization is not in any ology. my goodness certainly is not. and if we leave, as i just said, you're gonna have further undermining of a rocky sovereignty. you're going to have growing concerned among sunni or rockies about shy predominance in baghdad, which will create fertile radicalization, recruiting ground for isis increase the chances of its resurgence. and just like after the us, we've seen this movie before, the military withdrew in 2011 and it catalyzed a sequence of events that led to forced us to return in 2014. once you have the ice of cal fade on the march. so yeah, sometimes it's good to look at the,
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the pre qual, uh, because you know what the sequel is going to be. okay? and so we'll set lots to one side and to try and look at the sort of how we should re god the presence of these people on a rock, a rocky soil because you have era and the us supposed to be on friendly terms. yet . e rack a p is either knowingly or not to be hobbling these people on its temperature. the whole thing just looks, i'm big us and vigorous. there is a polite word, it's an absolute mess. a rock is a chessboard for the, a competition between a ron and um, in the united states there, there's longstanding, she has so many issues there. there's persian error issues there. don't forget the iran iraq war. don't forget the kurds in the north. don't forget turkey, it's an absolute mess. it's an absolute mess and you know what? who likes to take advantages of massachusetts terrace organizations?
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we've seen that without kind of, we've seen that with ice us. we've seen that with others. and so the but us wants a rock to be sovereign capable, peaceful, and prosperous. and frankly, a lot of americans have given their lives and didn't return home, their families in pursuit of that goal. you know, we respect their sovereignty, but we also respect the wellbeing of our troops too. and they're really putting us in a tough dilemma by inviting someone in your home and then not protecting them while you're in your home is the stuff that was it because for us, calculus has to be about a retaliation. now, against the likelihood that us, the interest in the region will be badly affected at some point in the future. so it's we take out button bull, how i know, but in a year 2 years time, we're going to be back because. oh, how is broken loose? yeah, you're exactly right. you put your finger on the dilemma and that's what a ron loves. iran loves this dilemma. it plays to their advantage, as i said
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a couple of times now. and it's real tough, you know, 81 is just this foreign policy stuff is easy and clear. doesn't know what they're, they're talking about. this is tough. we want to solve unstable rock that's in the american interest. we don't want to undermine their solver to want to peaceful and independent and not a puppet regime of these long repub of wrong. that's the key differences i've said already. but we are going to protect our troops and anyone who's critical of this strike. i would ask them if you've been hitting the face a 168 times, how would you respond? what do you expect us to do? we can't leave our adversaries, but the impression that they can kill our troops and have no consequences. we'll see how this plays out. so neither. thank you so much for talking to. so it's probably bowman from the central and the ministry and political pat. thank you. the us secretary of states on to the blinking, the left is rel, empty, hands it. yeah. he was on
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a tour of the middle east to push for a humanitarian pause in the fighting to a lot of desperately needed into gaza. israel's prime minister rejected bahamas proposal for cease 5 describing the terms of delusional planning as an absolute to victory. he's just months away. we've never ceased far inside. he's right. the forces that preparing for another push it into a guy that's israel says it's offensive as it's offensive is moving into the southern gauze and safety of rafa. but much of the polished palestinian population as fled. smoke rises over the crowded city of rafa is really bombardments and preparation for our ground assault and to what it says is a strong hold for him us, which is classified as a terrorist organization by many countries. us, but for hundreds of thousands of thousands who have fled to the southern end of the strip after being told by the is really army to leave their homes further north. rafa is the last refuge. it's also home to one of the biggest border crossings for
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aid and supplies. israel says rafa also house has multiple tunnels that have mouse uses to supply itself with arms. the shelling has already taken its toll here. even before soldiers arrive. the 3 missiles hit this same place where i'm standing . there's not much to say about the victims, children, the women and the elderly. i wish we could have collected their whole bodies. instead we have bits and pieces. we're all hearing that there will be a ground incursion into rafa. i imagine things will be extremely bad, but is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and says there's no alternative to the military collapse of i'm us. let me look a show like there is no solution. other than total victory, lovely to on, if i'm us survives, and guys of us will get, is only a matter of time and for the next massacre. and the axis of evil, they run and its proxy will continue their campaigns. but to quote you
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a little bit in the for you, when struck the, the army to repair, to operate, also in rough, awesome, and into the camps in the center. the last remaining strong holes of, i'm us, i know a whole name sion with peace making efforts apparently stalled for the time being. the people of rafa will pay the price for both sides on willingness to come to a deal. let's pick this up with marina. i may run a ministry, i'm based with the wolf studies department of kings college in london. she joins us from the gym city of unit. i welcome back to i. d, w. a marina. what does each male hope to achieve with this push into rafa? a good evening sale. well, this is the last phase of the whole campaign because um, the military, the israeli military managed to clear some of the biggest cities in golf as a gaza city for one. they are still tied down in san eunice. and now rafa is the
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last important location as we have for this will be the last major stronghold for, from us. and another important factor here is of course, the cost for their operations. so the idea is to cut off how mazda is supplied to market and then to defeated in detail, rougher of cost, massively densely populated, to say, to the suffering from a humanitarian situation, a described by the un as a business, all more civilian casualties, same inevitable. oh absolutely, and it will be probably the most difficult operation or phase of se opperation for the idea because they have to have good intelligence in or do not to target civilians or at least to minimize civilian casualties. given that there are 5 types times more civilians and the city used to have. on the other hand,
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you have those civilians track there. the egypt has said that it will not accept any refugees from gaza. israel is saying that these people should leave somewhere, save error is a question. and so for the idea of it, it will be a huge challenge because it will be important to destroy it. home, off and rough uh at the same time, to keep the civilian casualties at a minimum meaning a very slow and painful progress. yeah, i wanted to ask you about that. what sort of tactics do you anticipate is round using in rafa? as i think they will try to targets of tunnels which are connecting egypt and gaza in order to cut off all the supply routes for home us . and obviously you will have urban battles from us might be using civilians as
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shields. they will be using their tunnels again to surprise the idea of so the idea of who have to go house by house and literally fight for every one of them. and it will be a huge effort, as i said, in order enough to have civilians in the way. so it might be similar to what i've seen in gauze and city right now. i'd like to apply you a clear person about mr. invested yahoo speaking and get your reaction the this evening i want to tell you one thing and we are on the path and total victory. victory is within reach. will this the guy, it's not a matter of years or decades. it's a matter of months. then you're answering for the she ran model and how do you assess that play minutes hurley? well i think militarily id f has the capability to destroy from us. the problem here is, what will happen after and yes, and as a problem is,
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what will also prove, such as has blood do in response to that? because as we remember, a hassle of sad that if it sees that from us is losing this war, they will stop and say if we focus just on, on how much it is possible. and the fact that from us wanted a complete ceasefire shows that it doesn't see a lot of prospect for a military victory. and just to look at the, the why the picture is rails a has the most sophisticated on the, in the region. what if we learned since october a 7 about is arouse prosecution of war. in particular, it's, it's ground defensive may have we have seen from what, east ro, hillstone, and sundays a lot. um, what has happened during the battle of multiple so this complex urban warfare
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operations that the idea of has undertaken, combined of course was an era strikes. so they have not only use our ground components, it was used in the quarter. the needed matter together was their error and also naval assets. it is quite a complex operation, but i must say is that also it, you'll graphically speaking in favor of israel because her moss could not flee from gaza. and i, i think that they have performed except for several cases, obviously of a civilian casualties and friendly fire. they have done the best they could in the given time cost, i think as over. thank you so much for that, but i think those are that i'm ready to meet on from the board studies department, kings companies, and thank you for having me. the
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us, the war in ukraine and president savanski has dismissed his talk, ministry come on. the general validity is allusion. a had been commander in chief of ukraine's armed forces presents the landscape set the time had come for changes in the ministry leadership, but the general would remain on his team. general civil, his name is regarded by many ukrainians as a natural here of overseeing the countries war. but then for us as full scale invasion and february 2022, the president says he will be replaced by the commander of the frames of ground forces. alexander c, escape cousins that lives here. she had faced the video after meeting with general zillow. she navigation isn't that i'm grateful to generals. illusion need for 2 years of defense. i am grateful for every victory we achieve together. and i think all the ukrainians soldiers who, who rightly contribute to our successes in this war, we talked frankly today about what needs to be changed in the army version changes . i suggested the generals illusion,
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they continue to work together with us in the ukrainian government. i would appreciate his agreement. do you agree with the job you able to have jasmine is a it was let's bring in a correspondence and they come late into your welcome nick. so this is 10 days after this has happened after 10 days of speculation. what reason did present? so ask again of the we are still waiting for real clear explanation. we probably would ever get to it. there was lots of very general talk about a need for fresh thoughts and new management strategies, new approaches. but what exactly that means is especially given this illusion in his late stucco for cnn. i made lots suggestions and things that needs to be changed or improved isn't clear. i think the kind of charged for the explanation that you'd may probably hear from some of the zalinski supports would be that the president comp be too specific for operational reasons for 60 reasons about the illusion. these failings and potential, you know, things that he's done that haven't worked out, that he can also be more personal,
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more direct, full fear of dividing, psyche way. so there's a, has a lot of support. i think the more kind of cynical, kind of negative interpretation a little this is that simply the learning was too popular. lots upholding showed him to have more trust in this country than the president. and there is certainly lot of fear in the kind of landscape of the school counselor. this is a man who could have a future political career ahead of him. he's never expressed any political ambitions. the certainly that as something most people do, he has. so there's really a difficult moment here in cuba tonight. right. and does this dismissal bring any political risk for the present? well, i think it's important to kind of take the pictures, look at the statements and come out as a really both putting on a brave face. this has been kind of presented as a kind of compromise or a kind of consensual decision without slamming of doors, without any recriminations in public, at least directly. we have as illusion. he also putting out
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a post saying that it is easy expressing thanks to his team, the all me and so everyone, then that kind of consider it to offer from the present, saying that he wants solution and stay on his team will be, i guess, you know, less a role at the motion of thoughts, but certainly there is a real danger and there's worry here that this could undermine ukraine's credibility right now. remember where it's desperate for instructional aid needs to show us and european partners that it is a good that this is a country worth investing in. but for now, it does seem like the disney is not going to go out and create, publish the present. he has basically implied the hills report, whoever comes in his place now says key and a new team. so for now we're waiting to see what this goes on. but certainly this was basically just by a 1000 cuts to something that has been room is about spoken about speculation about for the past 10 days. and this certainly is a sense, and maybe that was part of the rest of your loan to rent this being such a shock to prevent this taking people by surprise sunset. we've now had what basically we've been expecting for a good time. now they've got
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a w corresponded economy in chief, the german challenge of a hold off shelves, who's heading to the united states for tulsa with president by and their leaders are expected to discuss the situation in gaza, add more military and for ukraine on wednesday. republicans status has blocked a financial aid package that included $16000000000.00 administrator assistance for k as in 5 and had been urging them to approve the extra funding for your training which has been sold in congress for months. republican lawmakers, the one for the aide tied to stricter security on the border with mexico. the rejection of the package has not been received well in your folder, as prime minister, i don't know towards got to ex, form the notice to where to defend cease frustration. he wrote the republicans sentences of america bottle reagan who helped millions of us to win back out. freedom and independence must be turning in his grave. today shame on you. the
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german chancellor. this response was more measured at speaking to be purchased before bought and his play. oh that show said you cranes defense can just on more ministry supplies as if it's invested in quite a new crane is defending itself with everything it has tied is a body needs support to ensure to continue to do so you will do that. so the what is being played so far by europe and the us congress is still not enough to be closer. so we need to find a way for us all to do more together. the hyphen via alex was on mid to well the w space political correspondent became a cosigner on the washington bureau chief in his pole have more now on what's at stake rent the chancellor meets the president of when u. s. presidential biden and german chancellor, or not shots, meat, and washington, the stakes can hardly be higher. the danger of the conflict in the middle east escalating into a conflagration seems to be increasing every day. the russian aggression against
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the graeme shows no sign of stopping a fight in coal salts when he wants to talk to europe, particularly on the 2 big crises, ukraine and the middle east. sol, just help get a 50000000000 euro aid package for key for cross the political finishing line as an e. u summit in brussels. and just like the united states, germany is the one see at israel side. the you as president and the german chancellor will come together to reaffirm the strong support for ukraine renewed off shots will be meeting joe biden here in the oval office right behind me. he will not only be meeting a president who is unable to get any further funding for ukraine through congress, but also the president who was just at the beginning of an election cycle. on which end we might see another president in the white house who promised to cut off funding for you create. if donald trump wins this visit,
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offer to them and transfer the why tell us might be the last one for quite some time. and the former president cas little about the trans atlantic relationship and even less about a good relationship with germany, putting the future of us german cooperation on the phone. he is global issues very much in doubt to and that's today. you can follow that same on social media at dw news. as a licensed headlines you're looking for, there's always dw, don't come close to d, w a good the,
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to the point. strong opinions, clear positions. international perspective. vladimir putin has his eye on the upcoming presidential election that has been drumming up russian support for the war in your brain with the old soviet slogan, everything for victory. but how far is he willing to go join us this week on to the point to the point next on d w, conflicts with tim sebastian, 4 months into the gradual and there is no end in sight for the killing of the suffering. how long can, is there
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a continuous ministry campaign as his allies one increasingly that to many policy news i by my definitely leave for my head is as far an intelligent service from my side conflict in 16 minutes on dw, the visa used on a couple days in the note sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow. we're bringing an environmental conservation to life with learning facts like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world
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and how we can make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing. download it now for the as americans argue amongst themselves about continued aid for ukraine. russia is pressing ahead with it's offensive. now while it's made some tactical gains and the don bass region that has come at the cost of many lives, and now some russian women have been protesting the deployment of their sons and husbands by the head of russia's presidential elections next month. watermark pollutant has been drumming up support for the war and ukraine using an old soviet slogan. everything for victory. but how far is pretty willing to go. welcome to this week's edition up to the points the.
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