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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news why from the invalid counting impact response goes into over time for the prime minister. now why sherry's claims has possibly has the largest number of votes and calls on the others to work with him as final thoughts accounts are also on the program. controversial american c. p. general tucker carlson, sits down with vladimir coach. i will bring you highlights from the russian president's 1st one to one interview with western lead since 2019 us president joe biden, types of favorites. these rails campaigns in gaza conduct over the response in god is the guy. this trip has been over the top
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as biden's remarks come as the us ones as well. they was support plans for the major minute you authorized in the southern city of rafa at this time. and you have a chance of the old off shelves arrives in washington for adults with joe 5 and said to you to discuss the 2 major crises dominating well, all of that complex 'cause the raging a garza, i'm the i'm feel guy. welcome to the program pack. the stands for the prime minister. now as shareef is claiming victory in the general election that i'm saying that his policy has the most seats and will begin talks to form a coalition. government votes are still being countered that they have to pose close election mocked by violence and allegations of so trained associates military
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back to practice. done mostly, lee. he had been favorites to with provisional results from the electrolyte. the election commission showed they've taken $62.00 out of $0.26 just by claiming to be the largest party mister surely said they still don't have enough states. the form of government by themselves mandate from the bottom of our heart, you'll say, that's what i'm going to. we respect the mandate of everyone dialogue quite a bit biased whether from other parties, while god, no more independent candidates. how i'm going to then we invite them to come and sit with us. it is up to me 5 years trying to help package them out of this crisis, which is the last and the garden. literally all my the size of bed. i will talk this on the votes, as i've expressed a frustration with the unusual delay in the vote counseling with somebody from casting down over the integrity of the election. it's just the gearing has been
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done in the election. but let's see, we're just going to happen to the people in general. the bombing people had been, you know, went out towards do r t exercise their right on that there do be as well. but let's see, let's oh for the rest. very. but supposed to thinking the same like back in 2018 that this time the results would be and i was much more argued, but as you are aware that the results are getting delayed and delayed. so definitely there's something a problem behind a situation. i really do wish change. i will tell you that i'm really bad about it. deserves a comment has given it's not up to the much every person knows that just what's happened is ready and the better thing give i have done so good for us on for our technician on miss of
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a not a team. let's look at these refunds on a shake. she's an associated fellow at to chance of house. welcome to the w. what's your feeling? what's behind this delay as well? i think you'll click the show um, you know, a country in despair, country in crisis, a country which following much a way to elections is faced with a fragmented mandate with rival policies, claiming to represent a majority. and this really does not bode with the tool for a country that has immense challenges before it. right. lots of people, as we saw in the click that i think of it visits us in some way because of both triggering i'm what's your assessment? where i think i think it is now a by common consensus,
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agreed that these elections were ready fall from free and sad or transparent. i mean those only where these concerns expressed before the whoops, on the 8th of february. but actually on the day there were a whole series of extremely questionable actions such as the suspension of uh, mobile phones. 8 offices, the interruption of internet services, all of which was seen as a blue to the democratic process. so these elections, really all, by all accounts, extremely controversial. okay. folks are still being counted we had in the report. now by sherry, i claims to have the most number of seats. how would likely easy to be able to form a coalition? why do we do know that mr. shelby's out is, is supported and implicitly by the ministry establish folks
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and the intelligent services who were said to have um, uh, who was said to have the sort of attempted, oh, what is known as pre pull rigging ahead of the elections to give mr. sherry's and his spotty, a good job as emerging as the frontrunner. but you know, the, these plans clearly have gone very badly wrong. and what we now have really is a military establishment scrambling somehow to try and salvage mr. sherry and his spotty with what and give it some kind of opportunity and jones a for me, the next government but you know, they are going to meet with step resistance because by all accounts independent candidates supported by mr. comes justice spotty. have done
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extremely well and performed very well despite the hounding and harassment to which they were subjected prior to these bills. and so what, what does that tell us? does that, does that tell us? but mr. collins policy is particularly popular. oh it does this tell us that's the establishment. as i said, that the military presence in the country, a people voting against event of people have enough as well. i think that's a very good question. i think it needs to be said this the best, the best to con, who is, of course, as we know, incarcerated at, at this moment and, and in prison. oh, was usually popular though. i mean, he enjoys it almost out like totally a in focus on everything sent to on miss the comes personality. so i think i think that needs to be squared. you recognize the same time. i think we also need
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to emphasize that, you know, the 128 registered voters involved, so are absolutely set off with decades of engineering and manipulation by a ministry lead establishment. this was really, i think us much uh you know, an attempt to give them a bloody nose as it was to indicate their support. but mister han and his body. thank you so much for joining us for us on a shake from chatham house. thank you. of guys, a conflict. so where israel is the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says he has asked his ministry to develop a plan to evacuate civilians and defeats remaining homage. forces in rafa. and this comes after the you said it would not back any is ready to be offensive on the city
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without proper planning. this didn't s and yahoo says rafa is a strong home for him. asked which carried out the october 7th, tara tax aid organizations fee, a ministry operation that would, would precipitate a humanitarian catastrophe. another family, left grieving after 5 relatives were killed by use railey strikes law. the almost few k last both have parents. the name we was sleeping and we suddenly woke up to the sound of foaming rocks were above our heads and defy. had started at the end, i was calling for my mother, father and my siblings. and they didn't want to me. well, that's not the net, the southern city of rough or east home to over a 1000000 displaced people who fled to the ball to town seeking safety. people say
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they are living in fear of a promise. these really advance other side of the normal. we don't know where to go . they told us the raft, who is a safe area for displays, people. and we would displays throughout the after being told to leave, han eunice most of the situation, but such guys, me, who do we have to go home? our destroyed houses and we have no other choices. we are just waiting to die. we are waiting for the moment of our execution. us national security council spokes person junk cab. a said a minute, treat operation, and rough or would be a disaster. and that the us would not support that president joe biden also gave the strongest warning yet. i'm of the view, as you know, that the conduct of the response
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in gaza in the gaza strip has been um over the top. we talked to bb to open the gate on there as really so i'm, i'm pushing really hard, really hard to get any manager and assistance. and the guys are a lot of innocent people are starving, not innocent people who are in trouble dying. and it's got to stop streets close to rough as q 8 hospital have be left in ruins. to send off that he's rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu told troops to pass the operations in the states. a few sites every is lifting garza and i also and a threat. i do have insurance with an old off shelves in washington for 12 of lawmakers and the president biden on the agenda of a israel high mass war and rushes invasion. a few cray ahead of his trip, the chance of the shelves gave a brief statements in which he adds the
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e u and us to do more to help you claim let's find against russia. the us senate remains divided on releasing more funds. and last week, the you approved a 50000000000 euro a package, the price, after months of rounding. nobody's chief political edison mckayla kristen is traveling not with the gentleman chancellor. a welcome to hire a few crane. i said to be the focus of this meeting. what can we expect to come onto this? it is, well, we will expect it says here the renaissance, her soul says and enjoyed press conference off the words that once again is discussing with us to buy it and how they can make progress. that means how they can create some kind of consistency in the family, meaning to support that in a crane so desperately. what needs to need to meet behind me in the white house, that's the largest and the 2nd largest military supported of ukraine meeting
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respectively, the largest, of course, my own, the united states. and with, as he mentioned that the bill, so soft, spring code words and potentially taking several rounds of the base and discussing what used to be told by pauses and sit with both sides and actually want to make something happen. and this is rose into valve. the consistency of western crane, which german chancellor sold in a statement to you in washington. cuz as something that's not an institution could be seeing a saying into his own hands. but he could potentially declare as some kind of victory. and that's what needs to be avoided and that's what needs to be. this will be thinking about, okay, to biggest factors for ukraine, also the 2 biggest back as of israel. and it's a fight against that. how most of what do we expect the thing that as well, i think we can expect some tough love both from joe biden. he of course,
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went on the reco. it's saying that he felt that the military campaign was on over the top, that he really wanted to see. and a sewage who's in fighting well, the opposite is what we're hearing out of israel at the corner for the evacuation of a fall that is pointing in a very different direction. and the german concept will not sol two's country has committed itself, is one of its fundamental principles of policy to defend israel to sounds in. so the protections of jewish life says some of that for susan. i think the really interesting question is not just the semantics of how they will frame this, but of course, what will be happening in those discussions both are having with been him and that's on the out on the phone. very, very frequently in here we heard joe biden and had spoken to him that he had told him straight what he thought. and that doesn't seem to be changing the direction
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that is relative and again. and if the united states con, chose that nobody else on the gym, and johnson also met the amount he calls, he's the whole gang. who is this man who makes the normally quite dower chance? the smile on uses have a member of congress who knows that maybe um have remarkable, let's say some of the has so as to the drum units on site. and he made a bit of fun of that, which is very useful for all that sold, to really engage into that much humor because it is very dry and load it out to be so. so he thinks of these are the united states exactly. for that, the dw chief political edison, mikaela christmas in washington. it's a russian president vladimir post and has given his 1st one on one engineer to wes and media since the 2019 a to a controversial right wing. us talk show host, talk a call, send is a form of fox news host,
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a key ally of 2024 election candidates. donald trump and the vocal opponents of us ministry aid for you. pray you traveled to moscow to conduct the interview, which was broadcast on the tucker costs a network. the russian president to use the occasion to push for recognition of moscow's interest, depicting he's country as a victim of the west and betrayal and fear mongering with the cost of the left. mister fulton, largely unchallenged in that exchange and video from that can cause a network of some questions. net to jokes, rather than the lenses who blow up north stream with you for sure. i was busy that made it and you have to have uh, i did not pull up your last name. uh, no, it was. it was there also some most serious exchanges that during the 2 hour interview in which mister fulton repeated his claim that his invasion, a few crate was necessary to protect russian speakers that on to god his country
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against nature. he also said it was impossible to defend russia and i do cried and pointing to key refusal to conduct talks. and with moscow enroll a video from tucker, coughing, network. mr. phillips, he said, russia would never attack poland or the politics. you imagine a scenario where you send russian troops poem which is a sense of napoleon, one case if poland attacks russia. why? because we have no interest in poland, latvia, or anywhere else. why would we do that? we simply don't have any interest to do this, but it's just the trip monitoring. well, the argument, i know you notice is that, well, he invaded ukraine. she has territorial aims across the continent and you're saying unequivocally, you don't send,
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you know, it's absolutely split, you know, it is absolutely out of the question. you can, i mean, you just don't have to be any kind of analyst. it goes against common sense to get involved in some kind of a global war and the way in the state, and i'm going and a global warbles bring all humanity to the brink of destruction. it's obvious. within the u. s. the ends, if it has been written killed, i'm dismissed by many as a useful propaganda tool for president primitive is former us secretary of state, hillary clinton. i mean, he's like a puppy dog. you know, he somehow is after having been fired from so many outlets in the united states. he . c i would not be surprised if he emerges with a contract with a russian out west because he is a useful idiot. he says things that are not true. he parents, latimer pollutants, a pack of lies about ukraine. so i don't see why putting wouldn't give them
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an interview. let's look at this with that database. russia. i'm this konstantin. i got to joins us from vilios. welcome back constantino. um, what do you think that did talk of costs in the home, the russian president of propaganda or opportunity as well? i think to some extent yes, feel, but this is not about talk a call some. this is about loving to push it. and frankly speaking, i'm slightly surprised that from century clinton is so dismissive of what we saw. actually, i was get someone who lives in the universe where what happened in the 17th century. poland is more important than what happens today, or rather what's happened then directly impacts evidently hooton's decisions. well, this is a dangerous man. and frankly speaking, this fragments about not inviting poland, but 1st of all, he admits the keys,
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thinking about the possibility of a nuclear war. and secondly, we know when photo says he's not going to do anything very frequently, it is exactly what he's going to do. just that he has no designs own georgia and he invented it in 2008. he said that he doesn't want the crimea, and he took it in 2014, so there will be no invasion of you crime. he said to joe biden, new 2021, and here we go in 2020 to the invasion grand, full scale. so i was actually not to told them used by this into right. so poland unlocked van balkan countries, they need to be a waters at this stage. what else did you take from this interview as well as well as this many in this story? man, uh and uh, what else did it take from it? first and foremost of all, uh, we have just only one specific uh, thing that mr. fulton touched upon. actually this was the only they've ever had
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moment. the specificity, when he suggested that he can exchange the captured hostage a double. oh, but it was the journal revolting in russia. i haven't guessed. creech extension for red russian. g r. u. keep man who's serving a life sentence for killing attraction, warlord in berlin in 20. 19. uh, everything else is pretty much familiar, stuff, uh, puts in, went over these kind of grievances about nato and the cold war and things like that that he should, that, that he's ready to talk to a to ukraine, talk to him about the medicine, ask you that's no news that's been about many times. what is important here is what are the conditions under which he is prepared to talk of these seemingly doesn't want to stop the war now. and you said that she wants to change his final goal. the so called dnc vacation of ukraine, which is a very vague and completely artificial cost, right. and you can try that and then the cheap uh,
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these go for as long as you have the be an issue. what i will also say is that's having spoken to put in personally having all some questions, having watched him many times in public, i am quite surprised at this interview. but he definitely seems not to care much about the audience he wants to go on the list of our topic. awesome. he also doesn't really care. and that's important for me. you really doesn't care what the russian people think about. there is a growing peak with the wall in russia and put 10000 both to sweeping it through the russians. he says, well, by the way, i'm going to rob this one machine until i see that the goal is, is achieved. then we don't know is going to be achieved, so be prepared for that. so i would say that this interview told us a lot about the current state of mind and loss. the dangerous policy is the continuation of dentures. policy has a lot of improve. okay,
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thank you for that cost between dw russian. i'm just a constantine, i got a scientists in iceland, psych, volcanic activity have subsided after i'm eruption about that one in the area. i could experience that more emergency crews working through the nights to be pat, broken pipelines of supply hot water to thousands lava had been threatening the nearby town of glen to big it's residents will move to safety. in november, the adoptions also enforce the closure of the blue lagoon. a tourist attraction, show surface of the earth, correct for 3 kilometers in south west iceland. the volcano erupted sending tourists of running to safety. yeah. woke up to the siren going office and we tracked this stuff up, went off the parking lot and there's the, there's a volcano going into the fields. amazing. there just something once in
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a lifetime you will see most of the residents in this region had already been evacuated in november. been a series of interruptions began. at this time, the lava has damaged a major hot water pipe interaction is peninsula. it's applied heat to nearby homes . now thousands of people are rushing to buy electric heaters with temperatures outside falling close to minus 10 degrees celsius. is heavy for us because now we don't have any hot water. there's a lot of uses over the pipe. so it's not the moment it is also fuel, but the fast moving level might reach smotts and the problem which has no pipes supplying heat to one of the 30000 people all the way smoke could be seen at iceland international apple f would stop. so there was no impact on flights,
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but tourists won't block from visiting one of the items most popular destinations, the blue lagoon. the what a few options and the see just off the central and nothing happened for the. ready 800 years and it's been a bit of a shock, is come back to life. i thought a piece of hope in the lava speed will drop off and the next i was and not destroying more than just structure in the land of ice and file. as well matchmaker of soul 2 towers above the rest, a frenchman has won a place in the guinness, was records for building a giant and replica of the eiffel tower of match sticks, which a cloud spent. s h yes, and use 700000 matches to build a model which is more than 7 meters to originally gets rejected these attempts because we used custom made masters without the required probable to reco kick. this change their minds saying that that original judgment was to
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as reminder about top stories of this i of the time is that i know i should rephrase claiming victory in pakistan's general election and honest. and his policy has the most states moving in talks to form a coalition government, as well as a catholic day approaching across the country in which several people were killed. admission attacks on the government suspended by phone services and russians. president vladimir putin has given these 1st one on one interview to west and major since 2019. it's a controversial right wing us t v. house doesn't cost that. it presents a travel to moscow to conduct feeds in which was broadcast on the type of concept network. the russian president use the occasion to push for recognition of most cuz we have next here on the w offering max that visits an old residence from the 19 process which has been renovated to accommodate at the bottom. i'll be back at the
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top of the most used assignment, of course around the clock on the dw d, w dot com have a good the
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the the actual partial to the last thing waiting, big diesel partial skied on my shelves. there is nobody needs to watch a computer to buy for smartphones conquering the film industry and 9 jerry and he's at the full front j o. u. i don't know the budget resolution in all the words, a free man. next on d, w is china using the food and agriculture organization to pursue its own interest. insiders are making serious accusations against the chinese director
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general. the claim that being support under developed countries is just the smoke screen to implement. it's a global ambitions. china power in 45 minutes on d, w. the in many countries, education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in minecraft. instead of going to class others can attend classes, the minions of children of the world. and we also want because education makes the world
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make up your own mind are made for mines. the view is unable to hand as birds most desirable and historic suburbs. but this expense of trees and lush parks. it is surely one of the most alluring places to call home today and visiting the remarkable mod house. a modernist residents from the 19 thirty's parish, the top, the palm be rich that has been renovated to accommodate contemporary lifestyle. so before we turn through this auction, textural mazda piece, we see how as procedure is in ms. bold plan with them to be seen by his designs out of south africa. we made some allowances female when they won't go ahead. oh, instructed that.


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