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tv   Gazprom Russias Political Weapon  Deutsche Welle  February 10, 2024 12:02pm-1:01pm CET

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a multi tasking, diesel modern mess. because if we do too much at $150.00 all wrong, we mess things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube, v. w documentary and started we started to understand clearly and watching 2013, the still active pro democracy protest in ukraine. 2022 invaded the country release of the response to your price to ship to west have recognized the danger all the signs. but those who really understand this are easily fail. uh we will lose our concepts euro my done jobs. february 17th on t
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w. the, the old we can be the generation,
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the ends that feel good. malaria must die. so millions can live the the gas business, a source of conflict since the cold war. that's because the gas europe, so desperately needed came from russia. a partnership that creates major political dependency. so this was all seen as part of the overall soviet strategy to weaken the west and to break up data fears that were by no means unfounded goss option, using oil and gas dependencies as a political weapon, was common practice in the warsaw pact. a meanwhile, a young fulton began his extraordinary career. as a case officer,
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you have to be able to manipulate people. so there's no such as things for my country be guy. vladimir put in became one of the world's most powerful leaders and made the gas business a top priority. the russian president recognize the power of his nation's greatest treasure. he said, we do have more oil and gas than anyone else, and people should remember that you know, that says no to richard. i have an alternative. if russia, as an energy, german governments in particular continued their reliance on russian blue gold. it was clear who had the upper hand and this arrangement, given us with the teamsters, which field can we exit? and we'll see what pipelines are available if you don't have any. and that's the case here. so we will have to look for ways to be compensated. what's the other, what? no, it wasn't showing a gas problem set the prices and the conditions. the challenges were punished.
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people someone's turning off the gas cap and the 21st century. you could definitely call it an act of war, despite saber rattling and cutting its supplies to eastern europe. russia's aggressive foreign policy was tolerated. and that's not all right. the idea that you would still build up this dependence on russian energy was thought of is, is crazy. the north stream will help to ensure that europe continues to have a secure supply of gas in the future. so going from rush to remain the guarantor of gas industry stability in western europe. while the political fallout was ignored, gas promise, bundled, as they rushed on. it's one of the sale weapons the, the western side barrier russia. here the regions indigenous people uphold their
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1000 year old traditions and yet are reindeer herders. for decades, marco sort of rate those retinue has been following the same route through the tundra up to the northern carter seat. but then gas from open to gas to be able to cross the herders passed us. let's go to the roots. we used to play the animals through the tundra is becoming more and more difficult. railway lines, pipes and roads. it's a huge problem. pristine natural surroundings. now consigned to history. after the river, the group must navigate the hard concrete roads around the both on. yeah, and cobalt gas feels the provisional solution on this particular day gas problem workers role material out over the road. this protects the wouldn't run or is on the knee and slits hello. hello, i'm headed the group started. please allow me to confirm and what do you think
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they're going? it wasn't that easy. one of the, some of the animals didn't want to cross at 1st. the book around me is just like a red carpet, a cooperation driven by necessity finance and the reindeer can cross the both on young cobalt field for now. but for how much longer. no one here knows gas problem, employees on site are well aware of the conflicting interest. humans came here and destroyed the unity and harmony of nature of the home. they've opened up new areas to extract in guys from nature's resources that also brings good things, work through the st. louis families and creates many, many jobs in the year 2019 gas from employed.
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$1200.00 staff at this site alone, middle workers surrogate. the vet came, came here for the 1st time 10 years ago, and i want to be there. i'm sure the guys comes from there seems to be at the source and being involved in the process. the 1st time i was here at the cost wasn't flowing yet, but i was overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of pipes as metal constructions. we thought it was immediately fascinated who was the gas problem eventually began production here in 2012. it's a high security zone, a kind of a russian gold reserve that to go out of gas and oil or like drugs were addicted to take them away and what then, but withdrawal symptoms for the woman you can, we can't manage without it. take them away and what's left of our economy collapse . well, but it wasn't just the russians themselves who needed
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a steady supply of blue gold. europe also relies on gas gas from russia, a dependency. the gas problem has been exploding for decades. furthering russian president putin's political power spring, 2006. right after gas problem cut, the gas supply to ukraine is a response to a dispute and price increase. the effects were felt in other european countries. a boon to gas problems, plants to rebuild gas appliance around traditional transit nations and north stream . but it's a good to them. the new head of the shareholder committee. mr. sure to see the vision does via invest a little button. you'll be aware that we have a growing demand for gas in western europe and declining self sufficiency within the region itself. and that's why it's extremely important to build this pipeline to reasonably satisfy the demand that exists and will continue to exist. i gave
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them good enough to feed into the discussions process one of connecting those to one was removing trends flow from ukraine into differential t z o saying it's can you guess was a water line for everybody and boss was already looking at that while the german ex chancellor pursued his lobbying activities, a key pipeline supplying gas to georgia. it was blowing up in the depths of winter . the georgia in government had previously refused to sell its own pipelines to russia. the georgians suspected of conspiracy and felt like they were being blackmail. i think the world to wake up to distract because to didn't was you crying today? it's much worse than georgia tomorrow. it can be any other european country is 2 thirds is dependent on this. it is possible and unpredictable supplier gas prompts counter campaign was already in full swing as soon sleepy and assured find mister
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miller, that there won't be any problems but supplies to germany in the future. i need to hopefully make it didn't. so comes to meet up to sort of home deutschland, so says i haven't been any problems with the german supplies either. he gave them a short time later. alexa and miller struck a very different tone with a masters and moscow money alone wasn't enough. he said, the you would, should stop obstructing his company's expansion. the head of gas problem said, get over your hostility to russia, or you won't get any gas. they thought they were in an imperial position when it came to natural gas, the in 2005. so they took us all to west and siberia. and then we had the dinner with president put and i ask him, is rusher and energy superpower? and so he looked at me and he said, oh, i think you know, energy super power as an old fashion, cold war ton. but he said, we do have more oil and gas than anyone else. and people should remember that the
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germans did in 2006. the chancellor in the head of the south travel decide period to secure access to a new gas field trip dime a even back then. ideas were already circulating about building pipelines to the east. there's a need for gas there in china. you know, another reason why it was, do your politically important for us to secure these gas preserves for ourselves in your own. in the pipeline project continued without consulting eastern european nations, the unilateral approach unsettled roddicks. of course, kate, who was polish defense minister at the time that there's a long history of very ominous direct relationship speech in germany and russia. we count among those the positions of problems. and then of course, they had, let this fall in part, when germany and russia fixed something together over our heads,
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we don't like it. we feel threatened by the europeans know, that says no to read reliable alternative to russia as an energy. but europe should not pick 10 that the russians had to be great for, for being allowed to supply or gusta. on the contrary, new york being should make allowances for the pride, the russian people with one of the reverend deed, of the rush tax. so as a profession, features of the country's history hooton's power depended on the efficient exploitation of russian energy reserves. you could see russian production decline very rapidly with the collapse of the soviet union. it came back very strongly in the 2 thousands for russian production. it recovered oil prices went up and drive me put in the road into
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a stronger and stronger position on the back of rising oil prices. jean to own its international image. the company hosted a british film crew in 2006 gas from the likes of eat or enjoy failed, has made this company. while the wealthy and the laptops have a red glimpse inside the company's net sensor. the tv team was even permitted to film in the control room. the managers oozed with self confidence because the next benchmark will be one thing, the biggest company in the world. yes. ready the british reporter was shown around the entire gas problem headquarters, but this didn't look like a company with a trillion and turnover of the equally modest stem infirmary and the small in house tv studio, the 13 years later, we get the same tour. it's a completely different picture since
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2006 gas problem has burned, more than 200000000 euro suburbans gas business with germany alone. searching city on the black sea and host of the winter olympics in 2014 sponsored by gas problem among others were taken around the olympic stadium by a member of staff in st. petersburg to gas. prom maintains a towering presence. when we visited the offices were still a work in progress presented as of the company's new age q. it's the tallest building in europe. but in the year 2021. after years in the planning, the locked the center was still empty. like a movie set. millions for a hollow symbol of power,
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the russia seem to be struggling country economically. but then you know, the big boon for putting was the energy prices then were rising so fast. and that, i think in bolton tend to do a lot of things that he wouldn't have done otherwise. the pollutants global agenda became more ambitious and aggressive since he took office . tens of thousands of people have died in chechnya. a former soviet republics saw an independence from moscow, the one courageous journalist and dare to criticize food for the brutal war. the situation is ongoing. human rights are being completely disregarded. following
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2 attempts to poison the journalist, she was shot dead on the 7th of october, 2006, and the elevator of her apartment block in moscow. it was prudence 54th birthday. a short time later, x f. s. b agents alexander live, been yet unco publicly exposed. the president's displays would show for the move up for us to build on you. somebody has us directly who is guilty of on his desk, who have you, that you put in more detail on. and you can just jump on, i can directly onto you. it is nice to put in the presence of the russian federation who's killed her. 3 days after the murder vladimir putin visited uncle america in germany. in a tv interview that evening praised miracles, ability to listen well. the, a few days later, alexander lifted the end cuz it was poisoned with
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a radioactive substance in britain. after weeks of suffering, he died. the while and dressed in vladimir putin also presented gas from as the new sponsor of chicago for the company promised to invest more than 200000000 euro send the bonus league, a soccer club gas problem needed to essentially chum its way into the house of jan . and football fans so that it legitimized what it was doing. and so it will be just seen as a legitimate member of the eco system. so that people wouldn't ask questions and they wouldn't feel as though that was something strange or insidious about all those days. before long guests from the bonus league and the champions league became inseparable beds, spill is very important to people. people fall in love with spoil, they feel very passionately about dates. and so because of that,
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how people had almost the 7 questioning relationship not just with gas from, but by implication, with the kremlin proxy war that we've lived for the last 10 years using, tended to disrupt divide to see sponsorship on spending on sport as being part of that proxy will. so was many of us may think, well what we want you to, you have to jump easily. games wants to buy gas from. we've been watching chalka sponsored by gas problem. in reality, we've been watching a weapon that has been deployed gas problems. most powerful lobbying weapons was gearhart screwed up in 2019 the fire, the stark gun at the north stream race and to the sporting events itself seemed completely divorced from any political turmoil this month. to do the, the match with disregard to is connecting baltics. and we're bringing together supporting cultures, clothes on, suitors from different countries. and finally, the, and the end. and that's,
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that's precisely what north stream is doing. what else? we can a big contribution to international understanding the front of intercultural coexistence, mit done on that which one. the roots of the long distance regatta took sailors all the way to st. petersburg along the baltic. sea pipeline was destruction. the men can study our gift for should i add for you and another stage for gas problem is if the other ones hands on the let's be honest to ladies and gentlemen. the world is played by a whole host of problems. this is new. sure. the so isn't it nice to have events like these, the door showing us that different ways of living or possible? the police peacefully and friendship and then
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a way that benefits us all use of notes, putting extensive mental spin on things. schroeder did a good job and the partners would please you to have such a precious instrument. you have to protect us from those sites. propaganda is ronald's elements of protection to the states gas problem continues to flex its power, both publicly and on the sidelines. in the year 2007 miller and his team began applying pressure on the next former soviet republics to step out of line. the roofs split through august the from august. the 3rd at 10 am gas applies to butler routes, will be cut by around 21000000 cubic meters per day. it's a classic russian playbook. the debt you had yesterday said that's due today, and they'll be a 300 percent price increase if you don't pay it. and if you don't pay it,
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we're going to cut off the supply. it's transparent. bellows buckled to the pressure from gas problem was just too great. maybe jim or yeah, it's like it's just that only we're seeing genuine efforts on the part of the fellow rooster resolve that, that issue is that the so we've decided not to restrict supplies to the nearby massive time. we expect all gas that's to be settled by thursday next week. if you go to the finish and you get the ball, ex soviet republics got to feel the power of gas problem. at some point the world watched, while russia turned one country after another into an example to december 2007, vice chancellor and foreign minister funk thoughts of stein meyer was in moscow to meet putin and has chosen successor. dimitry meant that you, the man opened another b a s f gas feels energy supplies from lucian,
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cover almost 40 percent of german demand in the gas sector. and this is based on a robust, interesting energy partnership between german, russian companies that should remain in place future as a consumer and getting access to the gas feels not just being dependent on pipelines was the right thing. and principal, how dependent i'm i making myself in an article stein my are criticized punk boom box view. the latter had warrant against excessive dependence on siberian gas and a new cold war. that's true to them. so that led to dispute with mr. stein, mark, he said, you know, this isn't the cold war system, it's part of for us to politics, so to speak. and i think it definitely we can't return to a new east west conflict. i just think that's oh, think away thing. we need new think i'm give floss and sacrifice amounts to which we're thinking, and ultimately it's something attend to a collective denial of right? honestly, there was a school,
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the foreign policy that search the deeper the economic relations are the more harmonious, the foreign policy relationships are. but it wasn't about a historical disagreement about the power of trade to change. foreign policy was that this person, his policy, and the risk that he posed it was in due to dependence. all right? but it's the kind of into dependence that you have between roles and sheet. the, the united states has overstaffed its national borders in every way. and the economic, political, cultural, and educational policies that imposes on other nations, even just the, who's happy about the stores and, you know, one feels safe as a result. and i want to emphasize that. so you know, one feel saying that much,
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but it's not least at the time i wasn't the chairman of the conference was good to me that i was sitting in the audience listening to doing and notice how the german american audience reacted to this all each with astonishment scholarship will become, but without really taking it seriously is not a whole new c, vicky answer was the 1st time very publicly at the flat. him air pollutant said my attempts at dina partner to the west star, working with the west. that's over. russia will now follow in pursuit its interest . newton was still reeling from the orange revolution and ukraine were, politicians were pushing for e. u. membership is an orange of a lucian. did have a big english is that was his 1st major med general defeat in ukraine. the color revolutions were beginning and the post soviet space. and it was at that speech of
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the munich security conference, where he said that era is now over in 2008 coach and was invited to a special nato's summit. as he so often was in the proceeding 6 years, we didn't, and unless you're going to use it more, even with the appearance of a powerful military block on our borders as a direct threat to the security of our nation. is even any other claim that this process of not directed against russia will not suffice enough. you know, national security then isn't based on promises or it's, and that is showing you. what do you wonder from the united states certainly was a recognition that you know, the european union, a native would never expand any way near russia's board is when he didn't get that . then i think he prevented forth to truthful germany stood by booty. not some native wisdom directed against any one, certainly not against russia. russia as a partner. and for the 1st time since 1992, put in a loud russian nuclear bombers to conduct training flights close to the us quite
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a mere began long range bombers flights in 2007. and then he began to demonstrate that there cannot be independent sovereign countries around russia. suits and supported separatists in georgia with russian tanks and soldiers. the 1st european war of the 21st century, 2008 was just a greater, warmer back for what he would do when you print the test. georgia did not affect the business with russian gas. it's kind of a new job and that's what the situation is. it was then a country called anti government seriously talking about an energy by car to a boy called fleming that key because the, the talked meanwhile, in moscow gas problem was throwing another party, marking 15 years as a public limited company our energy exports, including those to far away nations helped to ensure international energy security
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the same day gas problem threatened ukraine and use its own media as a stage to do so. as of to, we've already prepared an action plan for tomorrow in connection with restrictions to our gas supplies. i spoke with actually because the message was received in chief nothing will change until ukraine meal. before rush out of the election, miller invited the head of ukraine's gas company for talks. he publicly accused ukraine of stealing russian gas. the man wasn't allowed to defend himself, a meeting with boots, and that the president's official residents outside moscow. miller reported back his proposal for tail gas supplies to ukraine by the precise amount that you craney into allegedly stole boots and gave the green light. and the plan was implemented
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immediately. i have 80 percent of rest, his gas expos. so your risk goes, i pipelines which run through the ukraine settlements. coldest dave windsor, 3 of those have basically been shut down. romania has a 75 percent reduction. and i have a austria is 90 percent down at this point if someone's cutting the gas off in the 21st century, you can certainly describe it as an act of war. i can't think of another phrase, i often appease this situation is obviously very serious and needs to improve rapidly. these will kind of change the ukraine story back then. the cutting off of supplies raised certain questions about the reliability of gas problem as a supplier. i didn't like it this type of industry. i also spoke to alex miller about it because you probably said yes it will pass. i was personally,
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is there room for mr. miller? why she was clearly down in our delineation. ever seen. you want to discuss you telling me she was the phone. i call there, she tells me yes from home. if it is about ukraine, put you besides put in wage the gas for, with ruthlessness dismissing all the arguments from ukraine to book a cable, mike doesn't matter who presents walks, you could simply toss all these papers in the fire. where's the, what's important is this a good defensive no transit nation has the right to abuse. it's positioned and take your pm customers hostage and this way with menu. but those need to be able to russians or brilliant propagandists and ukraine did not help itself in those days because the suspicion of corruption was quite high. and ukraine was not always a sympathetic case. and so the russians were able to leverage that to say you poor
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europeans are suffering because these irresponsible ukrainians are not paying their bill. russia has actually been very successful at framing those disputes and blaming ukraine blaming ukraine. suppose it's fast of the gas, and i think that there's a lot of people in germany, especially who buying into that and agree that actually the problems with the ukraine uh transit, amol, ukrainian then by all russian. and there's a lot of sympathy, i think, for the russian point of view in germany, not necessarily anywhere else, but i've seen it very much here. dismissed all the mistrust with directed that crane and not russia. you please give the ukrainian state. i would like to explain that you claim, despite all claims made by the russian leadership, has the stone of a single cubic meter of russian natural gas green on the ground. the ukrainians put
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up a defense, but germany wasn't really listening. my thing is that that particular view deals upon perhaps some pretty good german narrative use of ukraine narrative. and would you crane is invisible. i think it is feasible. it's only visible to stereotypes. the you eventually sent monitors to run checks on the gas flow boots and continue to feign innocence. jo, especially, that's why i'm asking you to take all the necessary documents with you, including the contracts go with and we've got nothing to hide. these aren't classified documents. my country a strongly condemned rushes, actions in georgia. we also are very troubled by using energy as a, a tool of intimidation on the front again to front boots and began to lose ground on a visit to gas primate to be continued to blame ukraine. to
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this may well be that the ukrainian pipeline network is in such a state that it can't pump such quantities of gas. that's also quite possible. but then you have to be upfront about it because it finally puts in turn the gas tank back on it is only just, this is a tab loves the senior dispatcher, a gas problem headquarters, asking you to restore the gas supply by others, a gas metering station at 10 am mosque out time, you need a new one of the pieces. so we've seen the substrate improvement got concessions from the ukraine and government that they would not try and push for nato membership. she got the black seats lee, which was on a lease basis to got the ukrainians to extend at least 2017. it was very clear that he would see got those as part of the gas deal negotiations and boots and managed something else. he kept to germany. sweet miller had made sure the gas supplies to
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germany remained unaffected by the crisis. judgment, germany and didn't suffer during the ukraine gas crisis, not at all. on one occasion, there was talk of maybe reducing the, relying a little but nothing happened. and relates to the business we played with this up on the ceiling. that was never a german problem. now, when did that to the germans? they did as to the others. hurtful andre, we have such a big guess market and then options would look mess with that. the kremlin has weaponized energy over the years and such a dramatic fashion. so many times that it is astonishing that there had been no policy changes in the land or in vienna or, or by other governments in, in western europe. germany did nothing to adapt it strategy. it wanted more and more russian gas as cheaply as possible. so both sides of we were grateful to have access to russian gas and the gas deal spend on this was of long term significant.
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i mean, let's not forget the gas was really cheap. if i can make an analogy of this buying russian gas was like going to the discount or out of the it was so good visual discount id in early 2009 chancellor. uncle americal wrote to you commission president joe's a manuel bro. so, outlining her arguments in favor of north street, secure links were needed. an issue once again highlighted by the ukraine crisis. when it did, natalie? cool. there could have been major obstacles to this, as indeed there were at times if this august is. yeah, that's why progress was so slow, and that's why political support was crucial in europe. meanwhile, gas problem continued. it's a huge charm offensive. new pipeline sections were open to with great fanfare. at one such event, german e u energy commissioner, going to urgent go, gave the pipeline is blessing a mavita list of all the time. and again,
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we've actually had to intervene and provide support above all politically and brussels by it. and that's true deemed gospel gas. tom didn't do the lobbying work on himself and couldn't. and i mean, it's just too far away. you need european partners, he is your problem, the truly we lobby together. of course we all a lindsey, how are you today? if you want to build a large wind hark in the north sea, you'll come up against the similar issues of the day. some are quick to sort out while others will take longer. late 2010. berlin boots and pokes fun at the you and the sluggish progress of the pipeline project. starting at 14, the, which think one thing, i'll never understand other. what do you actually plan to heat with? i don't want our gas for our nuclear energy. do you plan to heat with wood even for
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that you'll have to go to siberia, sun, those east. what else? the show me your perspective. this was certainly a hint of all you need me more than i need you to come on. the amazon disrespect just seen by so we can say there were sufficient indications that should probably have taken more seriously and just outside the perhaps when taking a seriously off they should have been in the must ask them and was in the us be nice old vintage could be as a dinner date later that same day in berlin, boots and in vondik met with the ex chancellor at a partial restaurant owned by mathias bindix on the which was that you've, i don't know how many french presidents, how many british prime ministers have been photographed with 2 telephones and probably also in hers in restaurants, which was i don't know, these are they bought this debate to say in hindsight and set them on the last one could have done this or that these photographs showed
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a special closeness of everyone in your office happy that the germans were insuring a high level of energy security. because that was muslim in that easy shot, the government and suite, and then box strongly against is a pipeline to, to the environmental problems and also to, to, to political problems. the sweetest military intelligence came out the statement, a warning, a thing that this pipeline could be used to a spine on, on tweeting is reading a used to good basis from the residence of maureen's. they were very concerned about that could happen again. they could use non stream some of the platforms from the pipeline to, to activity to us by on. once we text chancellor schroeder was once again deployed for gas problem. he contacted a man who was once prime minister of sweet young person and the old body school was
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one of the 1st top level partitions to talk about the climate crisis and see can be used in 2007. he received a phone call and sorted, i invited him to lunch 10 after the lunch date and been public and told that he has now signed to pass on some at the public affairs bureau in sweden linked up to be on the drum and the child. and one of the ceos of not the gas problem also saw the need for action in finland showed at home. then on a senior finish politician, the they really needed a person to speak in the favor high level person. and they found probably one in cleveland and lead the social democrats and been serving as prime minister for 8
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years sleeping in was invited to other than he was received by trainer and much hispanic, the former style as a copy leap and started working as a paid lobbyist for north street, you as a key person by meeting called your patients in finland to to convince them that this is a very good thing for finland and 1st country navy. for all you are able to secure the gas supplied. so that was his task to convince the finish government about the population to succeed. now that it may put and was able to visit the pipeline construction site in the gulf with finland and show the world he was advancing towards europe. it was very, very clever from the russian side to recruit on the home on the top level for the positions and to fill the pockets with any consequences we living in the best way. today,
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the pipeline project became unstoppable in september 2011 fusion intruder symbolically turned on the gas. the germany had finally thrown its weight behind gas in response to a catastrophe that had just the fall in japan. the focus she made a disaster, terrified not only japanese, but also european politicians into fear of the security of, of nuclear power, the city. and we will completely phase out the nuclear energy by the end of 2022. so please don't let somebody know exactly the time we made it clear that we needed to invest more in coal. and especially in gas, this configuration of the energy transition was entirely focused on gas guns of costs. it was that creating an enormous vulnerability for germany entered only
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accelerate the dependence on on russian gas. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome on the american chancellor of the federal republic of germany. the north stream will play its part in ensuring that europe also has a secure gas supply in the future. closer miracles, along with the french and dutch prime ministers, were also invited to turn on the tap gas, then flow to north stream, one to western europe with less and less being channeled through poland and ukraine . i would challenge you to find one example of how any of these pipelines or any of these energy deals with russia, made russia a more open, more democratic. it's never happened. and it was never going to happen. and i think that german leaders knew this and went along with it anyways. actually. i also think they knew and do it because i don't think you see it wasn't able to it was great. this fundamental attitude didn't change in the years that followed. the
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german politicians went on pilgrimages to russia in 2019 the state premier of saxony, michelle, crouching, matt concluded a new gas contract and lobbyist, shrewd, defended the next russian pipeline. he left no doubt as to who the opponents were danish, it forwarded to the danish politics has been jeopardizing a timely conclusion for month, the ceiling. and it was fun. whereas instruction is already underway in the rush at all. we do finland in germany. danish approval is still pending by day, knows what does that's doing mid product, and that's because of political pressure from the us. and of course, ukraine. oh, you know, robinson is a strategic tool of the kremlin in many ways it's how rush says system works in many ways. they're exporting how it works inside russia. and i think they were
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surprised how easily it was that imported into the west. the board seats a very lucrative contract. when you consider what is at stake, a nation's energy security, a nation's national security. it's very cheaply purchased or you have the former econ minister of austria being a senior advisor for north stream to h e. you have former foreign minister of austria, karen tonight, so with whom i put in was invited to and she danced without her wedding. dear bride and groom, i congratulate you with all my heart on your marriage and the formation of a new family. you have former french prime minister francois fiona, nominated to not one, but 2 russians. data on oil and gas, trading firms in the list goes on and on. who to never took as i of one nation,
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ukraine. sorry, edge i on t worked at the us embassy and keys, and experienced russian influence had 1st hand a fair amount of the corruption ukraine. is russia as an malign act or animal line influence? for example, in the gas sector and ukraine's main protagonist was dimitris fair to us, the billionaire lives in exile in vienna. he made his money in the gas business partly because gas problem offered him special conditions. demitrix fair tosh is one of the all the guards if you crane. he has his fingers in every single cookie jar. he has media holdings. he has energy holdings. he became rich among other things by stealing from ukrainian gas sector and by siphoning off very large portions of the gas gas problem. let him get away with fear. tasha is always denied any wrong doing us authorities want is extradition from austria.
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demetrius here, tosh has been indicted by the us government for bribery schemes. he has extremely strong connections to russian, organized, crime and to person. aren't you afraid if you want to the economy? don't be afraid of piece. fear tosh had found it a company with russian partners gas problem had over $160.00 subsidiary companies. money to move around, change hands and, and you'd never be the wiser as to where it was. in my estimation, a lot of those companies existed so that they could take money off the books and by politicians. and we all knew who was kind of, it was established to cut off, wanted to pull the dishes. so they used the revenue from the gas, basic, the corrupt the frame, and take money themselves. yes. or that's myself. in the early 2, thousands and even beyond that, the way that much of the gas was imported into ukraine. and then we exported to
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europe with through a very opaque company called russ. okay. and there go, which had russian and ukrainian business people involved in that fear. tash supported the pro russian candidacy on a cove which after winning the 2010 election, he steered ukraine towards moscow. these people had political influence in new crime, and some of them were community agents of russia. it was very clear that russia was using its money from gas problem to influence the crating and politicians. and i long thoughts bad, just like the trading guys corrupted, ukrainian politics. so it would corrupt jim and miracle did not back away from putting in russia. and i think that's right to europe and russia are strategic partners that is certainly not yet exhausted. their potential for cooperation, also subsystem changing the constitution allowed food, and
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a 3rd term. we won after an open and honest fight on the day of pollutants and all the ration tens of thousands of people protested in moscow denouncing the president as corrupt. he ordered the brutal suppression of the protest. the west was telling itself its own stories. we didn't want to change our business, our behavior, our agenda, and mister putin kept telling us, i'm going to disrupt you until you've take my interest seriously. more and more russian money was being flowed into the destabilization of ukraine. in 2013 the nation found itself in a dangerous crisis. when president you on a co, which had to decide on a rock post mode with the, you know, cover each time and some of which attended a special summit of the european union. because uh and you told us that the theater
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side is offering more, your patients thoughts will take into your thing. the heads of state said to him, that's our limits. you won't get any more metrics set from the attempt to times on, but i will assign the association agreement. so stuff was bought, the people wanted to go and the result was, might under that phone or that my, the it was the spark that triggered an explosion. you on a co which was forced into russian eggs on and in august 2015, i started at the u. s. department of state as european energy security advisor. i took over the job about a year after russia legally invaded eastern ukraine, the done das region, and purportedly can next to crimea. the idea at the time was north spring to have been shelves, right? the idea that you would still build up this dependence on russian energy was thought of is, is crazy. but less than a year later, north string to was back in, in the ghost of pollutants pipeline was once again haunting during the contract for
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the construction of north stream 2 was signed in september 2015, which they go kind of talk to you because you don't see any strategic track there. i mean, the current situation is very much defined by the more with you frame, which is bad, really bad for me, you can actually be justified. but i think it's an exaggeration to say that we've fallen into a strategic trap here. you finally get guns patrol shortly before the annexation of crimea. miller visited berlin. once again, he blamed to ukraine. does not okay. you know, she continued is in deep political crisis, but the guy still has to be paid for. and miller had another surprise, obviously. even though i didn't think the gym and you would be so nice as to sell gust from it, storage capacity of the assets subsidiary agreed to this trade in 2012 to dance.
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said at that time i'll just get everything needed to be authorized to the fontas to the state could have said, no, we don't want that. we want the storage facilities for ourselves. but that didn't happen on the contrary, because we need it even more in candles. economics minister gap, the approved the sale in 2015 the most we received an increased sharon production facility suicide. we continued to expand and acquired more gas feels that was the goal. it was also full steam ahead for north stream to in accordance with the wishes of chancellor mackerel and her deputy schultz guy clearly on a couple of occasions, souls of data or which was prepared by gospel inside german ministers. yes. and those people who chopped french people in the trim administer of the call. i mean that's with me minister and the state secretary. yes. they were very high. the propaganda machine had cut deep into the system and congressional was
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a reliable energy supply or even in the cold war. some of the police. this is a purely economic, a purely commercial project. you'll find that this is a private sector project that i have german interest to represent. in particular, since this project isn't directed against any of our partners. yep, it is. you well, so i'm worried about you trying to get that idea because by relocating gus transit routes pushed through to this paving the way for a large scale military operation. that's what ultimately leads to the appearance of russian tanks on the eastern borders. poland, the hungry slovakia and romania boys. the i'm going to slow like you, you're only you are who brushes forgive me for interrupting you, but you really believe that's a feasible scenario routine. we're good. i am just like you to know why did you say that? because it is true cost for on the spot. so it was the russian on it's one of the sale weapons shortly before put in order the invasion of ukraine north stream to
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was completed sooner than i'm additionally today. the 2nd nord stream to pipeline must also be filled with gas to 7 months after the initial attack on ukraine. the north stream one and 2 pipelines were sabotaged. one pipe remained operable just to me as you want, it needs me and it appears that one of the north strain, the 2 pipelines is still intact. on short, the ball is now in the used car. 2 of you put see me is the will there with me as well? no later than they should turn on the top cut yet for stuff. good. cut on the the
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this is the, the news line from ballot. the leaders of germany and the us push for more aids to ukraine across the board of charlotte's meets with president joe biden in washington to urge us lawmakers to approve more military aid for keys. the us president says, not doing so would be criminal. also on the program, competing claims of victory and pockets stones election, the full, the prime minister, and it was shareef, says, whose party has captured the largest number of seats, bought his jail rival, him run con, uses a all right to announce his victory.


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