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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CET

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the unknown past to go the . this is the to the news. why? from berlin garza, on the brink of more destruction. israel says it will help civilians move out before ground are sold on the southern city of rough, but us president joe biden. warranty operation should not go ahead without a plan to protect the population. also coming up, hundreds, march on israel's military headquarters and tell deeds after a 126 days of war, opponents colon prime minister netanyahu to resign. and donald trump,
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for rid of jewels, america's commitment to nato. the republic in front runner says she would encourage russia to attack member states, which don't pay enough for defense. the alliance hits back warning, trump towards undermine secured the i michael look who welcome israel in serious a plan. ground or salt on the city of rasa in southern gaza, will go ahead. more than a 1000000 displace. palestinians are sheltering there and israel says it will help civilians to move out. but the white house is sounding a note of caution. president joe biden has won the operation should not proceed without a plan to in place to protect the population displeased . palestinian is living in makes just tense. in rafa along the border with egypt
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are already facing disease and starvation. now they're bracing for a new threat. unexpected is really ground assault on the crump city. they fled to you almost every day were on the run being displaced as tough because i have 2 daughters with disabilities. i can't carry them around. i don't have a call or a caught. there's no fuel. if there are more displacements, i'm not moving for her husband agrees. after moving several times over the last 4 months, the family now live in a tent that leaks finding enough food and water is a daily struggle. with the wall on one side and water on the other. he says the family is not running anymore,
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but then we came to the egyptian boudreau may come to the display, send him home. we will either die here or we go back and die in our homes. nowhere is safe. rafa has become a last refuge for more than a 1000000, thousands fleeing the fight in further north. now israel's prime minister has declared the next phase and is bid to destroy from us. we'll be in rafa and he's ordered the military to prepare and evacuation plan. if we're going to do it, we're going to get the remaining hamas taurus battalions and, and rock, which is the last bastion. but we're going to do it and then disagree with the americans. we're going to do it while providing safe passage for the civilian population. so that can lead, but it's not clear where the displaced are supposed to go, or when the ground invasion might begin. the aid groups,
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arab leaders and allies have all warned is real, a military operation in rafa, which is also the main entry point for aid could have catastrophic consequences. journalist semi circle in jerusalem told us why is religious belief of pushing to rafa is so crucial. yeah, and the, the, to be very bloody and uh, i can tell you the, the now in santa said the, the if is really not. and uh, rough. uh, then it would be no victory. so the whole outcome of the war depends on the cup. training of alpha alpha is the last stronghold of how much in the gaza strip and ones is really will take over rough. uh, it will be able to say that it has destroyed the chain of command, all the different, the tale and all that how much there are 4 remaining battalions according to these
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were in the military, inside the gun. so on top of that, it's the border between a gaza and egypt and is where it is claiming that their steam, the tom noticed that link the gaza straight with egypt. and therefore it needs to take over this area. so is to destroy any kind of funding that would give any lifeline to eh, i'm us. and so these are the kind of main issues that the is really just talking about the importance of the fi. so as far as the idea is concerned, it is an imperative. israel's close is partners have expressed serious concern as well. no. but none of that appears to be shaking israel's resolve. what's the sense about how for netanyahu is willing to distance himself from israel's alex?
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to i think if you look at the hours, the history of his relations with the united states, his relations with the europeans is used to being in this position in which there is deep disagreement on the various issues. if we take the example of the a is rarely supplements in the occupied, the west bank is what it has been building settlement as the united states administration has been condemning the supplements. and yet this project has been growing. so clearly the administration doesn't view on i the situation in the gaza the same way that is views it. but nevertheless, it is riley's, most of them are not too concerned with america the saying that so long that the americans would be sending into munitions, of this kind of rhetoric that we hear from the americans. there's nothing going to
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change the bathroom scene and the, reminding that and the secretary of state was here in november. he said that the war would last to a few more weeks. and here we are already in february and the war is going on. so it seems that some of these statements, at least coming from the americans, are for internal consumption for the democrats, who are not pleased with the way the world's going. a journalist, semi circle once again, hundreds of people have rallied in tel aviv demanding the resignation of these rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. families of hostages, still being held by a ma, say not enough as being done to bring their loved ones home this weekend. an angry crowd marched on israel's military headquarters. dw has been vigilant reports from tel aviv. the battle lines are drawn between the demons,
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strangers and police. people. 1000 strong crowd outside military headquarters. police are now moving in some of them on horseback to subdue the protest as things are raging tipping point here until i be the new taking away well, throughout the day they show to the police shame on you. what they're doing is there a talking focus? there's and a resting peaceful uh, protesters and attacking them. uh, soaking them, trampling them, doing exactly what you would expect from a corrupt melisha in uh, in uh, the custodial country. now they're using to uh, these horses. you do not need to do that in order to uh, see the streets the photos have been de peaceful. they've also been growing every
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week and becoming more and more political. this was a very senate shop just 4 months ago. they were dealing with a 12 or of october 7, dealing with the war against thomas. now that you are, is pointed directly at the is way the government this parliament devised right now is the government of criminals and department of criminals, which are busy, like rubbing the deep army of the states and uh, taken care of the private interest. instead of taking care of the state, which is really what we did right now, just up the road, the families of hostages block a highway sitting phone, flyers of legs. they won't be immediate for leaks that the captives the same message a kilometer away. it had been a square residence of tel aviv tell me about the fuse res, way the end of
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a city and mice. i'm here because i am a i am a strongly against the violence that keeps happening. but that is a street is that is right and citizen i'm, i'm devastated to leave my life normally. while this is happening, an hour away from me, the situation is just unbearable. the government we have here is just destroying the country. is drawing the center of my children. we are in a situation that is so sad and so deeply, deeply disturbing that we just cannot continue to stay home and not say anything. we need to have elections. never ever so many people have died in this role in one war, and this is one government that is in charge for this. and they're not taking any responsibility for what happened. and it's unbelievable. 126 things of how much longer, who's making young? who's coalition last?
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here's a look at some other stories making headlines at this hour fillings, former conservative prime minister alexander still has won the presidential runoff . after his revival conceded defeat stoops 1st big task is to oversee integration into nato. finland is, the aligns is the newest member and the war in ukraine has dominated the election campaign runs president people who are you see has called for israel to be expelled from the united nations. speaking into a ron to mark the 45th anniversary of the islamic revolution. but you see accused israel of committing genocide in gaza with us back. ron has long supported him. austin has praised. is terrorist tax on october 7th, in pakistan, independent candidates jail by backed by jailed ex prime minister in rome. khan have won the most seats in parliament. the rival muslim league led by another
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a former premier and it was for a reef is in 2nd place. both groups, lack of majority and are seeking coalition partners. western leaders have criticized donald trump for threatening to encourage russia to attack nato allies who are not spending enough on defense. the republican front runner, trump has regularly lashed out its members of the alliance for not fulfilling their commitments, especially failing to spend at least 2 percent of their economic output on defense . nato chief in stoughton berg says, any suggestion that allies would not defend each other undermines west and security flowing in or washington correspondent stuff on simon's has this take on drums, remarks. well, here you go, you have a classic. donald trump. uh, you know, it is interesting. he didn't say this in front of a crowd of people who are regarded as really interested in form part of the, of the united states. this was in south carolina and the campaign event. and people,
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they are, they don't care about nato or russia or even ukraine. all you believe at the moment, at least that is they care about border issues and inside the u. s. politics of the economy. is that correct? so why did he say that to it? is astonishing admission after all that is true, tuesday relevant with the outer world and he achieved that. but of course, this is classic trump telling a tale of what he and how tough he was when he was president. and then he told me to offer meaning actually admitting that if he is in power, nato is pretty much obsolete, or at least article 5, which considers that or says that an attack on one day to partner is an a take on all nato partners. and they come in to help them. this is obsolete and not going to happen anymore if you don't pay up according to donald trump, again, classic trump stuff on. so what's been the reaction thus far?
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the reactions from the g o. p senators, for example, is to down play it, they say exactly what i kind of said here. that is donald trump, just talking that he is of course, not in charge to cancel a u. s. membership or stewardship off of nato. that is a decision which has to meet in congress, so therefore you have it. it is a lot of a lot of fostering here of donald trump, they down play. now the white house for that matter has a complete different reaction. they took this 2 years to take this serious and the spokes was 1st, 1st of all, the white house came out saying that this is of course endangering international security as well as the security and safety of the united states. and in so many words, um, the thing is here, this is donald trump trying to stay relevant and to be talked about and being in the media on the weekend. that's the rest of america is solely focused on super
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bowl and taylor swift. we will certainly get to that, but thanks for the to use that. is there stuff on simon's in washington? many thanks us. and we'll give the stuff on the last word. you're watching dw, coming up next sports life meets a gymnast. born with down syndrome who's dreaming of winning gold at the special olympics. don't forget our website dw dot com, a michael logan for me and the rest of the team. thanks for watching and bye for now. the votes, people have to say the, let's why we listen to based on the reports every
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weekend on d w my name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do.


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