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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the to the news why, from berlin gonzo on the brink of more destruction. israel says it will help civilians move out before ground are sold on the southern city of russell, but us president joe biden once the operation should not go ahead without a plan to protect the population. also coming up, searching for coalition partners in pakistan, candidates back by the jail, former prime minister, inbound con. when the most seats in parliament. but they still lack a majority and super bowl fever. america's glitzy, a sporting event is investigated even bigger. but it's not just about football, there's a lot of story involving a certain global cost on the
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a warm welcome. 12 years around the world. i'm michael loko. israel in says a planned ground or salt on the city of rafa in southern gaza will go ahead. more than a 1000000 displays, palestinians are sheltering there, and israel says it will help civilians to move out. but the white house is sounding a note of caution. presidential binding has won, the operation should not proceed without a plan in place to protect the population displaced, palestinians living in make shift tents in rafa along the border with egypt are already facing disease and starvation. now they are bracing for a new threat and expected is really ground assault. on the crump city, they fled to the almost almost every day were on the run being displaced as tough
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because i have 2 daughters with disabilities. i can't carry them around. i don't have a call or a called, there's no fuel. if there are more displacements, i'm not moving for her husband agrees. after moving several times over the last 4 months, the family now live in a tent that leaks finding enough food and water is a daily struggle with the wall on one side and water on the other. he says the family is not running anymore. but then we came to the egyptian boulder and we come to be display cindy mall. we will either die here or we go back and die in our homes. know where it's safe. rafa has become a last refuge for more than
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a 1000000 guys is fleeing the fight in further north. now, israel's prime minister has declared the next phase in his bid to destroy from us will be in rafa. and he's ordered the military to prepare and evacuation plan. if we're going to do it, we're going to get the remaining. how mos tells us battalions and, and rock which is the last bastion, but we're going to do it and then disagree with the americans. we're going to do it while providing safe passage for the civilian population so they can leave. but it's not clear where the displaced are supposed to go, or when the ground invasion might begin. 8 groups, arab leaders, and allies have a whole warrant is real, a military operation in rafa, which is also the main entry point for aid, could have catastrophic consequences. journalist semi circle in jerusalem, told me how far prime minister benjamin netanyahu might be willing to distance
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himself from israel's allies to. i think if you look at the hours, the history of his relations with the united states, his relations with the europeans is used to being in this position in which there is deep disagreement on the various issues. if we take the example of the a is rarely supplements in the occupied, the west bank is what has been building settlement as the united states administration has been condemning the supplements. and yet this project has been growing. so clearly the administration doesn't view on and i the situation in y'all's the same way that is, views it, but nevertheless it is riley's, most of them. i'm not too concerned with america the saying that so long that the americans would be sending into munitions of this kind of rhetoric that we hear
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from the americans is not going to change the bathroom for you. and the, reminding that, and the secretary of state was here in november. he said that the war would last for a few more weeks. and here we are already in february and the war is going on. so it seems that some of the statements, at least coming from the americans, are for internal consumption for the democrats, who are not pleased with the way the war is going to a brief look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. a $95000000000.00 us a package for ukraine. israel and taiwan has moved a step forward to the senate, which has a swim democratic majority voted by 67 to 27. to break a long standing deadlock in the package should pass next week. but could still be
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blocked by republicans culture. former us president and republican upfront run her donald from has again called america's commitment to nato into question. trump told the campaign rally, he would quote, encourage russia to attack neutral countries, which did not pay their defense bill. nato says any suggestion allies would not defend each other, undermines western security flowing in finland. former contributive prime minister, alexander still has won the presidential run off after his arrival can see the defeat stoops 1st, the big task is to oversee integration into nato. finland is, the lines is newest member, and the more in ukraine has dominated the election campaign. flooding has displaced tens of thousands of people in indonesia has central java. a province. many have moved to a temporary shelters. the floods are likely to cause complications as indonesia
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prepares for elections. no clear winner has emerging pakistan's election independent candidates, backed by jailed ex prime minister in long con, have won the most seats in parliament. the rival muslim league, led by another former premier no was from eve, is in 2nd place, but both goods lack of majority and are seeking coalition partners. the supporters of him run con, protesting outside an election office in karachi. candidates back by his b t i party were nearly 100 seats in the national assembly with a menu of its rivals. but the piazza complains that another agencies were stolen in what it goes and reasonable matter to order by the. 1 54000 votes and my nearest rival got only 17000 a year. i wanted to take this protest to quote,
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we have faith in the judiciary. we helped build the clear candidates, victorious as the people voted to that, as our demand was gonna do that on your phone. the other thing is the electronic oversensitive p t. i support through say, the jailing of the pots, the leader in run con, on corruption charges, is another example of foul play. the former prime minister in pakistan's most popular politician, was unable to run for office this time. this demonstration is a protest against the forces that have stolen the people's mandate against those forces that do not accept the public opinion and think they can impose their decisions on us, on the beach as main rival, the muslim league run by another farm, a prime minister now was sherry and backed by the army, gained around $75.00 seats,
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both sides are seeking call, leasing partners. and some voters are also looking for a compromise or with pakistan and in the middle of a political and economic crisis, many voters were hoping for a measure of searching to without a clean winner that for now is still out of reach. that's briefly bring you back, you to germany, where tens of thousands of gathered in the city of munich in protest against the rise of right wing extremism. the sea of lights rally is the latest in a series of demonstrations organized by civil society groups to counter racism. anti semitism and hate speech transfer. all of schultz has previously spoken out
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against the rise of the far right in germany. well, sport and pop music or a band to collide in american football, super bowl returning champions, kansas city are facing san francisco. the players proud are selling the field always attracts millions of viewers. but many more will tune in this year. thanks to the romance between a kansas city player and the queen of pump. it's the american sporting event of the year. and she is the pop superstar of a generation making tailor switch to analysis this you had super bowl a hugely anticipated occasion of the person size. i think what she brings, the bigger picture and yeah, it just brings women and men together. normally just football and music in the
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camaraderie of the fun of just football and music and like but it's not sweet music taking who's of the game. it's the boyfriends, kansas city chiefs tidy and travis kelsey. their relationship is taking the sport by storm and seem to be racing earlier games sky high. the super stop based a new ranking turn around to make the las vegas contest after a concert in tokyo. a private plane believe to be here's reportedly touch down with plenty of time to make kick off much to the joy of the fans. hey, i tell you what it's big. good. big go for our team. some people want to call tailors with a good luck charm. i just think she's another member of the chief kingdom over all the big family. so i'll welcome her in. it's fine, fine by me. i'm from brazil,
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everybody. rosie was watching through the city right now. so so, so being around 500 private gates, i estimated to be flying into las vegas for the big game with around 300000 people defending on the city. this year's super bowl is expected to be the most watched american football game. eva entertainment journal. this k j matthews from los angeles, told me taylor swift is most likely to make a cameo as i would say, and i have to bet on it. yes. i mean they're saying that that's her private jet. that has reportedly already landed hours ago at a l. e x and remember it's just a 45 minute flight from l. a. x to the las vegas airport. so she should have no problem being at the super bowl today here in las, in las vegas on sunday to get ready, she should,
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she should have no problem being in the v. i p section for the super bowl. got it to be fair as a major fan myself, let me clarify a football. this is shaping up to be a terrific match up, but this year clearly they will be lots of new viewers. some of them called them. um, well, wait for it. swift ease. who is the bigger winning? sure. the nfl or taylor a taylor don't bet against taylor taylor always wins. there's no person on this planet that knows how to market herself better than taylor's with. she's just the consummate market. i remember just a week and a half ago, she was at the grammy's and when she won her award and made history, she's been promoted. her upcoming album, which is supposed to release in april. so nobody can market themselves better than teams with us. what that is, but saying that she has definitely helped the super bowl. she is definitely held
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the can cheese and she's definitely helped the nfl. there's been a recent survey saying that 12 percent more americans are now interested in football. and younger girls are now in football. the kansas city chiefs, which probably the right may not have no. what about now know the kansas city chiefs here in america. so yes, she's done just a lot for all of those parties involved. and interestingly enough, i'm hearing that she's brought more than $300000000.00 worth the brand exposure to the kansas city chiefs. what that means is that if they were to advertise on pretty radio television, it would really come really to about 300000000, and that's what she's given them in terms of exposure by putting them on the mac to entertainment journalist k. j matthews. in los angeles, they're coming up next reporter. don't forget our website at dw. com for all the
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latest, anytime you need it. unlike the logo for me and the rest of the roman news team, thanks for watching and bye for now. the rules we say they're never giving up every weekend on d. w. cost about why does that mean? because like now i'm lisa and the new host to join us for an exciting.


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