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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the the, this is dw news light from ballot. israel's military says it's false as have free to hostages. enter right in gauze. israel carried out a series of ass price on the southern city of rough off gauze us how boss run health authority says thousands of people were killed in the strikes. also coming off the kansas city chiefs when american football, so football with pop superstar taylor swift, cheering them on the scene captures that 2nd nfl championship in a row. seating san francisco in over time plus
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ivory coast comes from behind to beef nigeria, and it's really in all they have to be africa comp. both nation. the gulf is welcome to the program. israel says it has rescued 2 hostages during a raid in gauze of southern city over a fall. the 2 men have been taken to a hospital near tell a beef as well says they were afraid as its forces carried out. overnighted raids in rough. ha! i must run health authorities say at least 67 people were killed. is where i launched it submitted to operation in gauze. i'm off to hamas carried out the october 7 turbo tax helicopter carrying 2 hostages out of gaza. non tobacco news, railey soil of the 2 men were rescued by israel's ministry and security forces
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during overnight raids and rough. uh luis. huh. and fernando seem on mom on what both kidnapped from cable. it's new. you get stuck on the 7th of october, but by how mouse, which is recognized as a type of group by multiple countries. now safely back home. the currently receiving treatment in the hospital where they're both set to be in a stable condition. for the families, the sense of relief is mixed with concern for the hostages still being held in gaza . kelly, for us as a family, there are saved through nights, but i must say that the job is not done. we are happy to day, but it's not always the way we did it when it just another step was to bring gig or the 134 hostages back home. and it doesn't matter if it's babies, women, men, and their people. everybody must come back as soon as possible is really strikes devastated pumps of rust,
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the night. flattening buildings and destroying a mosque. a dozens of palestinians were killed and many more taken to hospital with serious injuries. we were at home when the air strikes were going on. i told my mother that i wanted to use the bathroom is she was awake. suddenly all the walls at the bathroom and all the water containers above it collapsed on me. most of the roughly 1400000 palestinians currently in rough or fledge from other parts of garza. they were trying to escape the intense fighting and other areas and the city was designated a safe so in to civilians. by the is ready. the army recent is rarely strikes some
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rough uh, have eliminated any sense of security for palestinians. the that's bringing the sign i. lo, she's the communications adviser for the humanitarian organization. norwegian, rest of the council then joins us from jerusalem. shina israel carried out more and strikes and rough uh, overnight and some say i ground operation has started. can you give us a more insight into the situation on the ground, the as well as far as we know, a grand operation has not yet started, but there were these intense reeds. last night i spoke to one calling this morning who said he didn't get any sleep. obviously, hearing the, the inc into increased intensity of the air strikes in rough uh, cause widespread panic and fear, amongst the nearly 1000000 and a half people who are seeking shelter. there are many of whom have been displaced multiple times. it's just a reminder that there simply is no safe place in the gaza strip for palestinian
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civilians that any place can be targeted. rough. uh, as you probably recall was we're house demeans were told to lea. uh, over the last 4 months because it was allegedly safer. but we've seen through the events of last night that that really there is simply no safe place in gaza. and civilians are tearful throughout the entire got the strip. um, all your people on the ground seeing any attempts by civilians to flee this area to as of now we haven't heard about it civilian slain, but i think that's in part because there's simply is no place to flee to central and northern garza has been the sites of, of increased an intense fighting and northern garza has been basically reduced to rubble. there are no facilities or accommodations they're able to host people fleeing for safety. on top of that, there's the, the added risk of unexploded ordinances throughout all of garza,
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but particularly in the north where there was quite heavy air springs early on in the 1st few months of, of this escalation. uh, and on top of that, people have fled multiple times. they have nothing with the nothing they have very little belongings. and so i think are worried about seeing and having no safe place, no shelter to sleep in. and on top of that, all 8 is coming in through the rough, a crossing and, and terms along crossings in the south. and so people in need of it desperately in need of assistance, clean water, food medicine. i want to be where the aid is, which is in, in southern gaza, mostly concentrated in the rock, the area. now, what are your colleagues and other humanitarian workers actually able to do under these conditions? so you know, it's really limited in terms of our ability to respond. first of all, we have nowhere near enough age getting in to,
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to meet just even the basic humanitarian needs of the population. their entire areas of gaza that are largely cut off from humanitarian assistance because it simply is unsafe or to go there or agencies have been unable to, to coordinate their movements to ensure that their staff will be saved or trying to go and deliver, deliver assistance. and the needs continue to outpace the ability of us to respond to of course, we are doing the best that we can, but so long as they're ongoing hostilities, it makes coordination of, of a distribution, a very, very challenging. that's why the only way that we'll be able to properly accommodate all of these needs is by 1st and foremost a pro long sustain ceasefire. that, that, that, because we cannot be responding well, bombs are falling over our heads. and on top of that, a massive scaling up of the amount of a getting into garza,
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which up until now has been holy and sufficient talking about the a, getting into gaza view and agency populist in his own. rob was doing the bulk of tax you went to shoot me an it's aaron aid work and gaza before allegations emerge . the 12 and stuff is what involves the october 7th, tara tax on israel. many donations of subsequently cut the funding. all these cuts being felt on the ground there as of now, it seems that they, that the cuts have not been felt yet. but my understanding is that under one tis a page that they will only be able to carry on their operations through the end of this month or early march were on or what to, to seize operations. there would be a, a massive gap at, in, in the ability to deliver aid. not only is under what providing the both of the assistance to palestinians in gaza. but they also provide logistical and technical support to humanitarian agencies. they pick up our aid of it comes in through the roof of crossing and deliver it to our warehouse. they provide all humanitarian
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agencies with the fuel that we need to be able to, to run our trucks and, and distribute our assistance. so without under what i think that there will be a massive gap south and the people who will suffer the most are of course, the innocent civilians who have been suffering over the last 4 months. shine a little that communications and why the for the no region rest of g council in jerusalem. thank you very much. thank you. let's have a look now at some of the other stores making headlines today. coll top that has a freed east indian, the ex naval offices of the previously dropping that death sentences they would jailed in 2022 on on specified charges. but news reports say they were charged with spying. for israel demand, we're working for a gulf based engineering and security services. as the pentagon says,
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us secretary of defense lo, the austin has been admitted to a critical care unit in washington, dc for a bladder issue. austin has temporarily transfer due to students deputy last month's austin was criticized by lawmakers for failing to disclose it cancer diagnosis and hospitalized ation that occurred to you that russian flooding has displaced tens of thousands of people in indonesia central java problem. many of move to the temporary shelters. the flats are likely to cause complications as indonesia prepares for the elections. the madison world record holder kelvin, keep them and his coach has died in a car crash in wisdom. can you get the most of the 1st man to run the mass on it? on the 2 hours, one minutes, the set the new world record at the chicago marathon last october and pockets down the leaders of the top 2 parties off the last week selection. and i was sitting down for coalition talks about the bid to form
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a new government is clouded by the fact that the election has a bigger winna than either with the independent candidates loyal do form a prime minister in front cons potty, he's been in presence of the party beside, lined in the pool the 1st formal contact between the pakistan muslim league and the pakistan people's party since the vote. despite placing 2nd and 3rd and thursday's election, the parties are sitting down for coalition talks in lahore in an attempt to form a government a lot to see what we are. right and so but candidates backed by jailed ex prime minister in ron khan. and his p t i party won the most votes
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p t i supporters say they would have won even more seats if the voting had been free and fair met. adored by the gold around. 1 54000 votes and my nearest rival and got only 17000 a year. i wanted to take this protest to quote, we have faith in the judiciary. we hope bill declared candidates victorious as the people voted to that demand down your phone. go to the other thing is we got about one of our electronic over sensitive p t. i supporters say the jailing of party leader in run con on corruption charges is an example of foul play. the former prime minister and pakistan's most popular politician, was unable to run for office in the election. this demonstration is a protest against the forces that have stolen the people's mandate. against those forces that do not accept the public opinion and think they can impose their
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decisions on us. ok. with pakistan in the middle of a political and economic crisis, a coalition between the pakistan muslim league and the pakistan people's party still seems the most likely outcome that would mean the con backed independence would have to join a formal political group to become an effective opposition block in parliament and i'm not doing this duty a by my college, or if i'm off top uh, who wasn't pockets on during those elections. coalition folks i know underway. what do you think are the main talking points the, the moment politically concentration is high impact as fun as we saw and report that the female and then b, p b leadership they made lahore initially. they agreed that they are going to begin dialogue to form a guardian government. but if you, as far as main topic is concerned, i think the main question would be,
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who will lead that government? and also who is going to become prime minister next prime minister, because if you see beloved, put, those are daddy, you solve this part of funding mr. oven. to watch that he was prime minister in pakistan. and he is who election campaign was like his body and nominated him as a, as a candidate for the, for the problems associated. so it did it just going to be really hard for him to back down. and on the other hand, 5 me so no, i should leave. he saw 3 times, but haven't finished a split system. like any other problems and focused on unfortunately, i would say. and this time, he would definitely would like to lead the government and, and, and also serve people because it's about his legacy. and also these body would like to have followed it within the family as though now these independent candidates, web, backed by amazon khan, who is in j own, that they have the most votes, but no potty, what will happen to them now. but for them. but this is kind of a complex situation to have a number of people, majority of seats investments. emily, but it seems like they're unable to,
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they're going to, they're not going to able to follow the government bit because in order to form a government independent against it, have to formerly to find a group so that they can start pollution dialogue, a consultation performer policy and government, would they be able to do that? i mean, all they, are they a unit of the united in a way? yeah, that's the best to me question. because hosp fitting as being the is nothing new football, hasanti politics. if you have seen before, an independent candidate is changed your life reduce. it was data elected, vintage wine, other parties. similarly, the icing at the moment as well as some independent can do to induce already teen to lot of d withdrawn, con, enjoyed and other bodies as well. so he was me see more of them joining the other parties. so for them it's, it's at the moment the situation is not very good, i would say. but let's see if, if to minutes to, to sit the position block and then play the about a very briefly please elegant aspen allegations of irregularities. you've been that
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what have you witnessed, but the international observers from you and, and yours also or short expressed consent order if and taking that piece and infections. but as far as being on the ground, it was very challenging because the moment pointing the started mobile phone service internet service was down. and even for us, we were not able to to communicate with each other. we spoke to many people, voters, and they weren't completely complaining all the time that they are not able to reach for the station and same for pulling stuff as well. they're not able to perform their duties on the ground. so it was very difficult to be some of the convent back to the landline phone. and so that was mentioned anything, but at the same time, the body of the folks that, that again south the whole election campaign was also relying on digital platforms . so it affected them definitely did not use their front of top. thank you very much. and back here in germany, the munich security conference has just released that security report ahead of the
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annual gathering of defense and security lead us in munich. this weekend's conference jack christopher's going presented uh the reports of the press conference here in berlin. he had a message for the russian lead of letting me put he was trying to cost doubts on nato and european union solidarity with ukraine. i mean, let's we prove last year at the conference that the international community is standing united way and i'm expecting the same this time. it's all down the halls from min, cindy, sean. i hope that munich will send the 2nd no that there is no fatigue. i do not do me a brute seems political calculation, is that we're soft these and that will reduce our support to when it comes to ukraine, teen as the vice i, as in the city a district. so i believe, and i hope that the exact opposite signal will come out of munich. i'm optimistic all of this and get on this being tied to get an acknowledged funded mention. i'll ask you to has been the zip to fish. and from on this, we are now joined by g w as chief is national, it is a richard walker,
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which is at the conference time is saying he's confident because he have good reason to be as well. i think, i mean, the fact is that there are some pretty serious just it is going on right now across the trunk. the atlantic community, if we just take what's been going on in the last few days, we've seen military support from the united states for ukraine. getting completely caught up in the vortex of american politics in, in what's going to be a very major election year in the united states. you've had the german chancellor who was in washington saying to the press that ukraine, you know, cannot do without that military support from the united states. the clear implication bank that if that was a full away then ukraine would lose the war. and you had donald trump over the weekend, saying that he would encourage vladimir putin to attack any nato members. it in his eyes was not spending enough money on its defense. so you've had a lot happening really just in the last few days to contribute to this of
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a sense of justice. and i think it was, can be really interesting listening to the new security conference at the end of this week. because it means lensky, the present ukraine has been invited. is there a great hopes that he will be there? how is he going to navigate that? how is he going to get the level of confidence that he needs to project to try to kind of re kindle that confidence on the other side of his supportive. now tell us more about what else is in this report. yeah, so the quote does explore these issues and it seems to it comes up to the header of lose lose. it says that there's a risk of the well kind of slipping into a dynamic with there was so much competition so much contestation going on, particularly between the major or for a terry and power. so russia, but also china and the liberal democracies have sort of rule the roost to pretty much since the end of the cold war. but there's so much competition in contest ation going on. that is beginning to eat away at the possibility for
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a constructive cooperation to even happen. and they are warnings that if this dynamic can continues, then you might get into what they describe is lose, lose a situation where competition comes 1st and any kind of attempts that cooperation comes 2nd. and that, of course, could be very damaging for the world in a whole host of areas. so it's going to be interesting to see whether that seem is picked up on to the extent to which that seem really is picked up on and, and echoed throughout the conference. i think one thing in the report was really interesting to see is they have an overview of risk perceptions in many western countries, but also important countries in the so called global south india, brazil, south africa and so on. and there's a big gap in levels of confidence in populations between western countries and particular india and china on the other side. so a very telling little detail there by the shifting power that is going on in the
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world. and one that i think we'll be talking about later this week. good up is richard volk of that. thank you very much. which is us that some sports news for you now starting an ivory coast, which is celebrating off the securing it's the epic. a couple of nations crowned the f calling hosts came from behind and as truly final against nigeria. dalton and striped them save us. do you know how those fairy tale finish sealed the glory as nigeria and this star strike a victo or 2 men fell short? we are off for good champions, i bori, and celebrate their turn. i've gone title on home, so that's hosting the tournament, ivory coast, where the heavy crowd favorites for the final which is, plays into brand new stadium and not be john or mexico. thanks for everything to all the people that took part to every country that came to drugs. so
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thanks for everything back to the elephant. scraped their way up to the group stages after 2 defeats, including a 4 nail right by equitorial guinea before finding their form and then knock out rounds. but things didn't go the host way in the final dive. orleans were behind after 38 minutes after nigeria, captain william trustee kung had to decide into the lead. the i've already ins are resilient. frank has equalized early in the 2nd half of the ivory coast with the powerful header. them at 9 minutes to go, came the fairytale finish for sebastian, holler. it's ivory coast 3rd title after wins in 1992 in 2015 and to american football. so football now in the kansas city chiefs of defeated the san francisco, $49.00 as 2 in the 2nd straits national football league championship. to the delight of the famous fan taylor swift quarterback patrick holmes. in spite of the
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winning drive for a $25.00 to $22.00 tribes in las vegas, it was fixing the 1st super bowl to be held in las vegas would be a stylus to the the fed on and off. the field. pops out, taylor swift flew in from japan to be there. she was chewing on boyfriend, travis kelsey, and his kansas city chiefs in that bid to become the 1st team in 20 years to retain the title. but it was the san francisco 49 as he started well, and this trick play finished off by offensive play of the christy mccaffrey. setting them up 100. kelsey was getting any major on the sidelines. but by the time osha performed the half time show, the cheese was still down. 13, the title held is improved and the 2nd toss with patrick my homes, connecting with mark was valdez scheduling. for what touchstone, the chief most famous band does it come back, was on. but job one, jennings became only the 2nd player as a fro and the catch and touch them fast. you know, super bowl to put the 49 is
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a getting to man to the homes and kelsey kept pushing to keep the chief in the game . and harrison book because phil goes into a super bowl into over time for only the 2nd, the cases $49.00 is only minus 3 points of the round in the extra water, leaving the homes to find the co hoffman for the winning score. i mean it special i think is attributed mindset. i mean whatever stuff isn't going great, we're going to continue to fight and i'm just game wasn't, we had times we weren't playing great, especially off. and so we were able to step up to settle the case while defense making those stops. and in the stands, taylor swift celebrate you didn't have a great day just a week after more success at the grammys. ma'am, it's on top of the world right now. baby, it's a good feeling. and america's new power couples made sure the victory received the case that from hong is about
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the game at about say this with mark might have just been out from dw sports at dance, which seems to be a message. and if it must have nfl fan now, that's great news, isn't it? it's good news for this full. yes, i mean there's been studies don't saying lots of women, lots last night's game because of taylor swift. lots of sleep. these even boys, male friends, watched it when they might not have done ordinarily. and she didn't really goes like the sport. i mean, it's not just this famous game that she's been to, she's been to many games since september since getting together with, with travis kelsey and she had a little pendant on yesterday with these, with his number 87. so she's, she's very much behind it. and obviously she wasn't doing the half time show or she was doing the half time show. i think we might see a do the half time show at some point soon, but obviously not with a boyfriend on the field. yeah, but it is great for the full and the commission or the nfl, roger go to he said she's a dynamo for hospital and she's, you know, she's not even play. yeah. but then let's,
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let's look at those actually are playing. it's kim that saves become the 1st team to win 3 straight super bowls. i think with the 10 this with effect behind them, they possibly can. obviously, patrick the homes you have mentioned that he didn't have a brilliant game, but he finds these little moments of magic just to get themselves over the line and the read as well as is a great coach. they some told that he might retire now, but i think know, he'll wanna win that 3 in a row that no one's ever done before. and you know, but american football is done in a way to try and make dynasties know what happened? because the, basically the rest system gave us the best players and called into the woods team. so it's very different to europe in soccer boat. i think if there's one team in the will hold it all in nfl that he's going to be able to do 3 in a row. it is these kansas city chiefs and say this is part of the reason knock meadows dw sports that thank you very much. for your inside
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and that's it, from mark and to me and as a whole, new stream don't go away. a global us as of next, looking at how the, how the bonham band music making and shut down using schools. enough kind of stuff that's often i think just a short break. i'm gab office from the embassy, thanks the
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music from the new home and to, to go to young musicians a touring through the, especially since a rita this is an important active research. young cousins fled from baton on d. w. mass tourism is putting
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a strain on soft to roll and its residents. sedona nights went viral, millions of wanted to visit the netscape world heritage size. no, no cause one to re name. the number of side is a world heritage site ending to south to old fights for the future in 45 minutes on d, w. the nice to be at the end of the week. how's it going to be difficult to access an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the
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why is the i smell to the signage research in the i c d, w. the eco friendly bio chart. how agricultural waste can make the air cleaner. the sustainable learning, new jersey has made climate change a compulsory subject in schools the and tune of resistance asking musicians in exile the .


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