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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 12, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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the the, this is the, the, the news line from brother is ready for his free to hostages and the writing, gaza after 128 days in captivity and the res, hot and fernando mom and over united with the families following medical check. that's also on the program. nato launches is biggest military exercises a new order since the cold world, some 19000 troops from the alliance on account of the country. sweet. and i think the
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i'm so we can hear welcome to the program to bull hostages are back in israel after they were afraid in an overnight writing. gaza as well says they were rescued in a special ministry operation in the southern city of rafa. the 2 men were kidnapped during the october 7th terror attacks on israel by hamas, which is regarded as a title organization by multiple countries that were flown by our by how they come to to a hospital near 10 available for medical checks. the united with the families, louise hall, and fernando see more mom on will rescued by israel's military and security forces during overnight raids and rafa of to $128.00 days held captive by hamas and gaza. they are currently receiving treatment in a hospital where they're both said to be in a stable condition. for the families, the sense of relief is mixed with concerns the hostages still being held in gaza.
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stock healey for us as a family. there will save 2 nights, but i must say that the job is not done. we are happy today, but it's not the way we did it when it just another step to was bring gigs or the other 134 hostages back home. and it doesn't matter that it needs babies, women, man, and are people. everybody must come back as soon as possible. is really strikes devastated punts of rough uh, overnight. flattening buildings. and destroying a mosque. dozens of palestinians were killed and many more taken to hospital with serious injuries. we were at home when the air strikes were
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going on. i told my mother that i wanted to use the bathroom is she was awake. suddenly all the walls at the bathroom and all the water containers above it collapsed on me. most of the roughly 1400000 palestinians. currently in rough or fledge from other parts of garza. they were trying to escape the intense fighting and other areas, and the city was designated a safe so in to civilians. by the is ready. the army recent is rarely strikes some rough uh, have eliminated any sense of security for palestinians. the let's take a look at small stores making headlines today. well, sought in the netherlands, but of course has ordered the government to stop delivering pods for f $35.00 fights, a jets to israel. now there's kansas prime minister, a mock rosa is in jerusalem for tulsa and benjamin netanyahu. the dutch government says it will appeal the ruling which cited concerns that israel is violating
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international law and gaza. me that you farm policy chief, joseph burrell, says ending supports the u. n, a agency for the palestinian refugees under would mean a great to hear monetary and disaster in gaza. the you is still reviewing its funding policy for a new asked. israel said some of the agencies workers were involved in the how much the tenant attacks on october 2nd, guitar is free. 8 indian form a naval officers after previously dropping their life sentence bet. death sentences, they were jailed in 2022 on unspecified charges for the financial times. and reuters news agency says they weren't charged for x. 5 is right. men were working for gulf based engineering and security services company. a fi has broken out so as a swedish amusement park in the city of dawson bad. no guess what are the more to off which is under construction and due to open in summer hotel than office is that near by have been evacuated and people have been advised to stay in doors and keep
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the windows closed and will directly withheld a kelvin keep them on his coach of the county and i comp crashing west and can you captain was the 1st man to run the madison in under 2 hours. one minute he sent the new world wrecked. both of them are from chicago, madison. the last of the nato has stopped at its biggest through your pin ministry exercises for decades. operation steadfast defender would include more than the 3 months of naval and ground maneuvers across much of the content. military alliance is largest. you'd pay an operation since a cold war will deploy $90000.00 personnel from all $31.00 member countries plus suite and it's designed to test the alliances. readiness on its eastern border is to look at what's in store and how russia is reacting to nato chauffeur's flane's war ships. tanks. it's been 3 years since the last operation steadfast
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defender. this year's version is happening on a grand scale. meant to demonstrate how fast forces can move from north america to europe, and activate defenses there against a near peer and nato has $31.00 members participating, plus sweden, which is in talks to join the alliance. more than 90000 soldiers, sailors and era personnel will take part in more than 50 naval vessels and 80 aircraft are involved, as well as more than 1000 combat vehicles. it's a significant step up from the last that fast defender exercises in 2021. those involved about 10 percent of the personnel taking part this time around nato says that's due to changing realities on the ground in europe. especially following russia's invasion of u frame in 2022. and the ongoing war there. the security
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situation in europe has, is dramatically changed over the last couple of years. we have to exercise a larger scale and with more complexity, then we, we used to doing in the era when we were basically focused on, i'm at overseas, at operations. so i think what you'll see this year in 2024 is the new tools that new normal does not please russia, which sees nato as a hostile alliance. as mentioned, i was putting in my head. rustic considers major nato exercises as a threat to its security. in our understanding, the alliance was conceived, formed, configured, and managed by the united states as an instrument of confrontation. consumer beautiful. steadfast defender will shift from naval readiness and southern europe. the ground based exercises in the alliance is northern and eastern flanks over the coming months. it's set to wrap up at the end of may. so all these large
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scale maneuvers about operational effectiveness or a show of strength for russia. i put that a to raphael law sees a policy fellow, either your pin council on the follow on foreign relations. most certainly about both exercising nato's ability to reinforce eastern plank of your life. to demonstrate to rush out that it is capable of deploying dotcom, as of course has now not quite the scale of some of the core exercises before the return of the forces to journey to western union. the 1980s had up was a result of troops from all of them are coming to west germany. and now we're looking at roughly $90000.00 troops moving from the west to europe and within europe, from west east. and presumably, if it's, it's safe to assume that russia will be watching these exercises very, very carefully. i mean, that's the whole point to some extent you want to demonstrate as an alliance,
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your ability to reinforce your more wide eyes and to demonstrate that you weren't able to do so effectively in a timely fashion. made wrestling the 1st time since 2021. since i shut off the whole state of the nation, all eyes are on needles, ability to reinforce the most lower wise and so for you to gather the allies, the capabilities to be put to the table. in such a reinforcement exercises is something that pressure most certainly is looking at. meanwhile, we have of us presidential hopeful donald trump, but bringing up the issue of nathan contributions again accusing some countries of not pay when he calls the fat share. what's the truth of his claims that you guys are certainly very nervous about bone and trumps, needed to more upset all was encouraging adversaries such as russia to attack the la quinta. allies that i said don't pay up. and donald trump's work,
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this is something that the life is not built around it's, it's, it's sort of guarantee it's context of defense and security. and there is a common commitment towards defense spending be seen as soon as 2014, when russia 1st and they are the don lawson, maddox crime. yeah. natal defense funding is going up now roughly 2 thirds of allies in europe and north america are at the 2 percent mark. but that certainly use that europeans, regardless of whether it's daunting, somebody sense of the wise how i need to do more to strengthen the you repeat opinion within nato. right. let's, let's talk about that for, for a moment, because that has been in the past talk of our european army with the prospect of a 2nd, trump presidency, and the likes of the turkey and hungry also throwing various bits of uncertainty into the works. um, how do you anticipate the, let's say the next 5 years for the 97 lines. and i think you're being made to
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analyze who shared interest in maintaining most positive the alliance if the united states on the 2nd term part of the c. besides, the following was drawn out of to us a strong congress, the west side of the recently put out a an effort to require says, why any such withdrawal, but he's not undermining by trunk latch sweets, for example, off the political support by the us to watch the lines undermine the credibility of us security guarantees, and therefore the unity alternate on as an i s. europeans look at this and awesome . so what they can do, i think not this on the table already in terms of natural defense capability plan, nato. and i know very clearly what kind of capability, so united space is contributing to the lines and what kinds of capabilities won't be lacking. and therefore your page will have to wait to the table. thanks for joining us. and we'll go through that. so rough i have boss from the european
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council on foreign relations negotiations to form the next government of pakistan on the way after last week's national elections failed to produce a clear, with the most states for one by independent to conduct a slow to form, a prime minister in ron tongue, but they haven't been invited to join these tools. this economy itself has been jailed. the 1st formal contacts between the pakistan muslim league and the pakistan people's party since the vote. despite placing 2nd and 3rd and thursday's election, the parties are sitting down for coalition talks in lahore in an attempt to form a government, a loss to see what we are. right. and so. c but candidates,
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backed by jailed ex prime minister in ron khan, and his p t i party won the most votes p t i supporters say they would have won even more seats if the voting had been free and fair mattered or by the gold around. 1 54000 votes and my nearest rival got only 17000 a year. i wanted to take this protest to quote, we have faith in the judiciary. we helped build the clear candidates. victoria's out, the people voted. that is on demand down your phone, go to the other thing is we have about one of our electronic oversight settings. p t. i supporters see the jailing of party leader in ron con on corruption charges is an example of foul play. the former prime minister and pakistan's most popular politician, was unable to run for office in the election. this
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demonstration is a protest against the forces that have stolen the people's mandate. against those forces that do not accept the public opinion and think they can impose their decisions on us. ok. with pakistan in the middle of a political and economic crisis, a coalition between the pakistan muslim league and the pakistan people's party still seems the most likely outcome that would mean the con backed independence would have to join a formal political group to become an effective opposition block in parliament, a thousands of people have turned out to enjoy rose monday. the highlights of germany's carnival season, trying to grab it in color. dozens off too much, right, so the city's streets notched flood search condition with the was in training and gaza. i see. see, they see the roles of jobs and gym,
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and politicians and international the, this. what's to be the lice on lucas? i said you're up to date. i'll have more at the top. i'll be out next on the w 3 single mothers from different asian countries tell us stories on us and just the ukraine was like a stepping points, you know, 5 or 2 into that warranty wants to be finished. your studies. now you have a significant from the train, you can just go back or somewhere else currently, more people than ever on the move in search of a place in life. yeah. give me something that is coming very, very soon and yeah, can we learn more about or know when a story info, migraines can use this. what caught tires have to do with the production. here's a hands on.


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