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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:15pm CET

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the, the, this is dw, use my from the land, a huge you with a package for ukraine, clear is a key. hurdle center has back a bill that is on low $60000000000.00. a family needed assistance of a low makers in the republican controlled house of representatives. follow suit of implies and files, international pressure on israel to bring think any ground offensive own profit making jordan's king abdullah in washington bite and says the operation needs the credible plan for ensuring the safety of palestinian civilians and a bid to form a government in pakistan's candidates, backed by ex prime minister, i am on hon. say they'll join smoke parties to create a new combination. and support is one of the most seats in last week. selections
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defying expectations. the big physical and woke up 1st breaking news. the u. s. senate has approved a $95000000000.00 a package more than half of which will go to ukraine. the funding is zane does helping keep restock defense. it says it and has its 3rd year of war. the package also includes military support for israel and taiwan. a strategic outline, the bill will now proceed to the republican lead house of representatives, which is said to reject it as the most his step dw is making a mean of that as kind of a, as in washington. he has more of what happened in the us this wilson all night or that the us senate had it before the slow that happened month of political discussions between democrats, between republic, and there is
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a growing division also within the republican party of, of the role that the u. s. a wants to play abroad. this was priced by both democrats and republicans in the senate where this bill was passed with age for israel, for taiwan, and also a for a ukraine, said majority leader, chuck schumer, from the democrats. he said the senate to class that american leadership will not waive a will not false or will not fail. this is not just a win for the democrats, but also for the republicans. there is mitch mcconnell from the republicans who has been pushing and who has been making aid for a ukraine also has top priority. also considering that there is and not everyone within the republican party also wants to support a you just said. the important thing now is what will happen in the house of representatives? we have the speaker from the republicans to mike, a johnson cost adults on this. what is visible actually passed because there's nothing sad on a tougher immigration laws, any of the us in this new package that needs that. that is not even clear if the
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house will vote on this. there was a previous view from the senate last week and but it, republicans in the house of representatives said that it was not tackling it. and now, so we can expect a showed in the house because there's a growing number of republicans. a said, the 1st, the border in the us needs to be secure before sending 8 to other parts of the world. they don't use an economy has more on how to use is being received in ukraine from keith. we've already had woods across from presidents zalinski and obviously people are trying to see the positives and notice they are looking at the fact that the by parts of majority was bigger than expected than it had been, for instance, earlier in the week when this bill passed 1st procedural of those, but as benjamin said, that no clear cost of his being paused in the other in the house under speaking johnson. so lots of question marks. there is a sense that in terms of finance for ukraine's government to keep the machinery of ukraine's government working, pensions paid salaries,
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especially of measurable paid. that is something that you can can find an alternative for in japan and the other nations. suppose in ukraine with cash that when it comes to military hardware, when it comes to restocking ukraine's picture missile systems that are so crucial to keeping the city where i am now key of safe, there is really no offense to us. so this is kind of near endless psycho drama people here and you find trying to understand all the procedural bits. all the kind of complexities of us politics are basically oscar themselves is the us to in this is the us when he's carry through or is the us i'm more concerned with its internal issues that take the internal struggles then about keeping that of importance troops of a hearing ukraine will us president joe biden has searched as well to protect palestinian civilians in any ground invasion of the gods. and the city of ruffled by them met with jordanian king abdullah on monday at the white house. the 1st face to face meeting since these rounds will we promise began by the says they discuss the possible 6 week break and the funding jordan has been pushing for a permanent 6 fine washington. as the king's 1st stump of the 2 of it includes
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canada, france, and germany. here is some of what biden said in a joint use conference policy focused on these males expected move on rafa, or the major military operation. rather, our efforts should not proceed without a credible plan, a credible plan for ensuring the safety and support. more than 1000000 people. shelburne, germany's farm and assign elaina babble backed biden's comment saying israel has a duty to provide safe car doors for civilians. in rafa. the number of palestinian civilians taking refuge their own guns and the southern border has increased buying fold. the city was declared a safe zone for palestinians by you as well as military is. they carried out a ground offensive, an off upon thousands of palestinians in mount for the have been killed and injured by his way, the compartments he's bought from the german foreign minister. the um, cuz in the one of 2000, if i may have seen hundreds of thousands of people lose the homes in the past
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months, of course they need show to ease into and then they went to the south where they will already several refugee accounts being happy so that's why we made it clear that the over 1000000 people in the area conte just disappear interest in a not as often as they need safe car doors to get to safety like they did in the beginning. cutting. so we'd be, that's not as our responsibility, i've made it as clear as possible. the cannot just be safe places encourage those in theory division. they have to exist in reality, reachable waterford school with all the game was on an open to see i need to to sped off, made the comments after meeting with our palace, the new encounter upon re i don't. markie chief, political correspondent nita has a has more well, he's not the 1st time of close on elena babel and read the analogy. you have met a 1000000 a bad because been to the region fort times since the 7th of october, when from us the terrorist organization loans, there's brutal attack on israel. so
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a realtor and while it keeps hang tough for a f, as in trying to exercise, essentially a bit of pressure on both sides so that these conflict ends on the bedbugs message is always there is suffering on all sides. so she does mention that there are still more than a 100 hostages that are being kept by how mazda and that israel does have the right to defend itself against that sort of terrorism. but at the same time, she says, nobody can overlook the suffering. that is going on and gaza. and today at this meeting, she reiterated again, israel does have the right to defend itself, but he does not have the right to expel anybody from essentially what is palestinian territory and both of foreign ministers express the big concern over an escalation of the situation. in rough up, which is why they stressed so much that they need to be safe. car doors pull the people who have fled to the south of gaza. exactly. because there was
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a big military operation in the north of gaza. we all know that there is no option for the palestinians to free for the south. egypt is not willing to take refugees in from the goal is a strip. so that needs to be safe, car doors and on the babel is going to tell the is really counterparts. he's going to be meeting again later on this week that they need to make sure that the humanitarian disaster is avoided. you mentioned the day off to this conflict and also books trip to the upcoming trip to israel again. did the meeting touch on what the future could look like? full godsa? absolutely. there are lots of negotiations happening behind closed doors at the moment. a katara is an important play, egypt is an important play of the united states, but also germany, which is still one of is rose closest allies. and yet, and on the bab stress that there are certain conditions that israel also needs to
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fulfill and read. all molecules have said that reforms of the palestinian authority of which he is the head of vital so that the palestinian popular. ringback the essentially has a legitimate representation again, we must forget that of course and read the analogy doesn't represent from us. he represents the, the, the bell as soon as far as he that is based in ramallah. so the needs to be appropriate representation of the palestinian people, he said, but that is very much in his interest because they all say this conflict cannot be sol militarily. what is needed is a political solution. and that's essentially a 2 state solution. is the only way forward and that these preparations need to happen not the same time real. the analogy was being very clear. he wants germany to put pressure on israel so that israel also sees the right of the palestinian
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people to have their own state. interesting, and so i'd say for magic political correspondent anita hasa. the impacts down the body of the prime minister around hon has announced plans trying to form a government following disputed elections. chairman of hans p t, i says it's founded by forming an alliance with a small party on himself. seen here in a kind of footage is in prison. his body is accused the state of a crack down against its members and a boat reeking allegations of the state. the knights, despite being bent, peachy candidates, ran his independence, and won the most seats in the election might be at the head last award in a constituency. in the city of top, if indeed but to refuse as to accept that event, she campaigns that the backing of him not hans beat the body. no, she's mobilizing her supporters and protesting against what she believes was evict,
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both count the police disperse, but at least a police cases fight against tub and other supporters for disrupting public or do see might be a it's just one of the many p d. i back independent candidates who said they were not allowed and level blink fee for gap beating before elections. they were forced to do door to door campaigns. they complained that values for disrupted, and then members noticed it. the fact the headed into elections with the detroit involved connie gene and elected as symbols removed, forcing the candidates to run as independence with the election over b t. i backed candidates. no. so i think the courts would, would freaking indications something. the buckets on the state continues to deny. yet, despite the many hurt as b t, i backed candidates still on the most seats of performance that shocked many
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in focused on leaders hold on the phone of the bumper for the military. really fine and adult and success, the candidates likes him up yet that his c, they will continue to fight leak and back and build a good on. so it's from the buckets on the imported. these kind of all celebrations are in full swing in many parts of the world, including of course brazil. hundreds of thousands of people living dining the streets of rio de janeiro to watch the well famous parades is also a competitive element to the festivities with the cities taught some. but schools find for attention miles of sequins and shimmying diginero as well as the famous carnival is well underway and the cities top signed the schools are putting their best feet forward
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competing to win the top prize for sound as impossible to explain. it is an emotion has never felt before. this is my 1st time competing here . i'm doing it with the legends of my school. this 2024 carnival will be hours. so might just this 1st thing with excitement. there's so much enthusiasm here. each school brings a different scene to life from the legend surrounding the catch you fruits and ne and brazil. to attribute to the book, a color defect by brazilian. right to anna maria gonzalez, about the african slave trade to brazil, the 12 sand, the schools from the cities, different neighborhoods, apollo tip, a 2 day competition. each community is reaching for the school to win and be given
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a chance to parade again on site today. they passed the months for the parade, creating had made costumes and practicing complex choreography. so we know that the crowds and hopefully the carnival judges to had a quick look now at the top stories, the ssl in the us senate as positive for an a bill that includes some $60000000000.00 in additional funding for ukraine. and that goes to the republican controlled house of representatives where it faces an uncertain future. and the us president has joined international pressure on israel to rethink its planned round defensive on rafa. after meeting with a jordanian king in washington, president 5 and called for a credible plan to ensure the safety of more than $1000000.00 palestinian sheltering in the southern guzman city of next one of the world's toughest delivery
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jobs. high up in the mountains of stock. yeah, i paid for the link unix down the the the is, it is supple is currently more people than ever on the move in such a base in life when it tries to get it in cardboard, that's almost always find out about bailey story. info, migraines. the high toddress of slovakia, the world's smallest high mountain.


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