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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 14, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin. officials say progress is being made towards the truth between israel and thomas in gaza. fresh talks to bring come and a to millions of palestinians of the territory. and exchange for a hosted communities are under way in cairo, also coming up pakistan's political establishment joins forces in a bid for a government. former prime minister ship out sharif is 9 points to had a new combination. to move follows elections in which a rival force candidate loyal to the imprisoned name. ron hahn took the most of the seats and poles open in indonesia, selections and a race to succeed. presidents of joke, oh, we don't go 3 times
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a day. are buying for the top spot in the world, 3rd largest democracy countries current defense minister is favored to win the popular phone really as welcome to the program. egyptian officials say mediators have made progress and towards aimed at a truce in gaza. representatives from the us, egypt is ro and cat. our. our meeting in cairo is international kohls grow for israel to pulse a plan to sold on the southern border. city of rafa. more than 1000000 civilians are crammed into rafa. many sword refuge there from his ready attacks in other parts of the guns. a strict israel says rafa is the last boston of how much the munition group that committed the october 7th period tax agency say the people in rafa would have nowhere to go. if it is,
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riley grant attack took place. the one according to god's as health ministry, which is run by home us more than $28000.00 palestinians have died in divine and so far. and currently for the living, there are no good options. the few remaining positions are packed the road to an uncertain future lies the huge. this is the reality for hundreds of thousands of golf and refugees, and the disparate search for safety. but not knowing how to do it, we hope to go and quickly with tired of fleeing from one city to another west, so tired, i swear to god people natalia. and i hope the world stands with us and looks at us with a kind of mazda full i, where it's high, it was crying. malta is shelling, destruction, death, salvation fast, or there is no food off us. for sure. i can some 1300000
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gallons head found respite from the fighting here in rough or following is rails old is but israel's plan defensive in the city, threatens what little safety rough i can provide. there are a few options available to the people in rough, or they could travel north to central gaza, elmore, the o'con eunice. but here be financing has much of those areas in ruins, of leaving civilians like these faced with a desperate choice. there simply is no place to flee to central and northern gauze. i have been the sites of of increased an intense fighting on northern garza, has been basically reduced to rubble. there are no facilities or accommodations they're able to host people fleeing for safety. on top of that, there's the,
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the added risk of unexploded ordinances throughout all of garza, but particularly in the north where there was quite heavy air springs early on in the 1st few months of, of this escalation. uh, and on top of that, people have fled multiple times. they have nothing with the nothing they have very little belonging to united nations, the european union and the united nations have age. the id have to do more to protect civilians course out them. the fine thing, but it's rough, it comes on the increasing fire. it remains unclear if any, which is safe for the people of gaza. now i've been mubarek l. fanny is a lecture in the field of international relations and defense. he's also a former director of defense intelligence operations and contract earlier he told us which gump still need to be bridged in these negotiations as well. obviously the escrow, the story i'm seeing right now from industry standpoint has to be
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addressed the problem situation bluff is uncomfortable. it is. uh right now the last uh place where a huge ease of some sort of calm uh, relative, obviously it's been shot to it right now with the bombings and the fear of a landing connection just to me. so i have to know all of that. so in that situation right now and roughly looms over all negotiations that one might expect office to says out for guys asked the international court of justice to consider whether israel's actions in rough or breach orders have the time. but the court, last month of africa, brought the case against israel, electric genocide. in a preliminary ruling, last month, the court ordered israel to do everything possible to prevent the death of palestinians in gas to pack us on our 2 major parties have agreed to join
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forces to form a government that's after last week's election failed to produce a decisive winner, former prime minister, now was sherry's party, has an ice that he has nominated his younger brother, sharp as for the top job, they'll partner with the pockets on people's party and other smaller parties. the move appears to end the impressions of former prime minister in ron cons, p t i party. the former government cons party was barred from elections with independent candidates, boxed by him, one the most seats at bar image, a professor at the american university in washington, dc, and a former pac hasanti ambassador to the u. k. and ireland spoke to dw earlier, and he told us more about the new coalition and the armies involvement in the election. the u. s. t. major parties, one uh, lots of seats in the fall event, but none of them can form a government on their own. they have to form coalitions. so no,
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i should have to head to the most indeed is aligned with the fbi. i did buy a list as a body and belong for 2 to form the government and he is nominated. his brother, chava schafer, was prime minister previously to be the next 5 minutes. so you have, no, why should he respond to the most indeed omega comment, but it was, remains of fever government because of the constant. huge rely on its good issues, but the people who are wanting inside demanding the presidency. so if somebody becomes a prime minister, then mr. somebody who has been present previously becomes a present again. and these of the same figures that him wrong time has been attacking as corrupt and incompetence. the army indeed does get critical disorders visible, but it does remain a potent force and bucks on politics. but the people are focused on have, i think i have an understanding of what's going on and then for the army,
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it said for the 1st time in the history of books then has gone in for a lot of criticism. so unfortunately, but that is a dividing something that software is not being divided, not being exposed to a lot of the army generals. in fact, of being personally attacked. if you go online, but in the video you will see a lot of a vitriolic. what do you have circulating? so the armies dab invisible as it 12, but at the same time people understand it's a, it's a strength and important member of the sites. it's a huge ami, a sofa. it's a very well organized me, that oppression taught me. and unfortunately, speed as far as the public is concerned, used in these are an extensive, negatively. here's a look at some other stories making headlines. the 2 boats have collided on a river in western congo with sears. dozens of people may have ground residents watched from the river bank after the boats, which were loaded with passengers and goods. colliders officials have yet to
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confirm a debt to 2 senators. us republican lawmakers have voted to impeach, homeland security chief alejandro my your customer over at the us government's border policies. republicans in the house of representatives approve the impeachment by a single vote after a previous attempt last week failed us president joe biden close the vote, and constitutional pentagon says us defense secretary lloyd austin has been released from hospital and he's resumed his duties austin, to austin's doctors say the health issue is not related to the defense secretary. his reason for cancer diagnosis was austin. i've kept his hospital stay for cancer treatment in january, but my secret analysis farmers in india have demonstrated for hire gar, guaranteed crop prices after towards with the government broke down farmers squared off against police who brought their way to delhi security forces,
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setup concrete barriers across major roads to prevent protesters from reaching the capital as a pose of opens in indonesia as presidential election, 3 candidates are facing off. but with one care favor, provo to be unto has the backing of current president. joke a we don't go and is leading the pulse. provo is also a controversial figure accused of human rights abuses during indonesia is dictatorship. as rivals say, they will offer the country a need to change. india hurting the biggest single day election on february 14th. looters are electing a new president and vice president, members of parliament and local legislative bodies. over 204000000 indonesians are registered to vote the election as a massive logistical undertaking. the papers have to be distributed to more than 8 100000 falling booth across the archipelago. assign 17000 islands. in this year's
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election were feeling less concerned about the printing and distribution of bennett papers and other logistical issues at the district was the welcome to over the past month. please effectively manage to track the movements of pallets and other election materials from production science to the posting stations at the city and district level before me leaving light. and the other challenge is the oval and a number of the papers each containing hundreds of names to choose from. as folders must elect president and vice president as well as roughly 20000 legislators at the national provincial and district level, from approximately a quarter 1000000 categories. about 55 percent of voters are age between $17.40. these young voters are likely to determine the winner. but many of them appear confused about the electoral system. i know most of it is kind of confusing. actually, i do understand a little bit about the difference in the system. in the past you have to pay for the prostate. now you have to kind of that. but maybe if it's the,
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let's just that you think it's more complex, most confusing to. yeah, i'm still confused about the pallets what the different colors mean. us spend a bit confused about the candidates on monday, the hedge data with their plan to build boats and flags around. but i can't quite tell which ones are competing in my area. i don't have that, so i'm confused that she, daddy, we like apple people see all 3 candidates are vying to become the next president. opinion polls. so just kind of administer problems of angel is enjoy a considerable lead over the other 2 candidates. the new president with the knocker read it in october, dw sharon mark read sumo lang, told us about the core issues in the, in the nation election to yes, so experts see that the court issues us and this year's election in indonesia is still about the economy multiple survey shows that
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a top national issues that needs to be prioritized and needs to be tackled on our job creations and also, and the issue of eradication of poverty reputation. it is not surprising because of, of the entire $200.00 and millions electorates are millennials and also jen z. and that has been the issues that they have faced in the past and also that they will be dealing in the future. for example, unemployment especially after depend demik and also um there has been mass layoffs happening into startups in indonesia as they call it tech winter. so all the candidates on his, on his bus way done going to a panel and also problems have you until has put a creationist, a new jobs as part of their agenda. all right, well probably will. oh, so bianco has been leading in opinion polls ahead of the election. so what would a victory for him looked like for indonesia and the wider region?
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yes, so provost would be until, with his whining may have to keep it under a couple of me. rocca, who is the eldest son of the outgoing president of georgia. we do or joe coley, they're the front runner for the election approval will a former general is in famous for his a legit involvement in the kidnapping of pro democracy activist and also human rights abuses. in the past and critics war and that victory for the spare would mean eroding democracy, ignore and destruction of democracy which already had been done during the administration of presidential colby and a victory for that would also mean a continuation of 4 jacoby doors and vicious economy policies, attracting investments from abroad, which expert also see that could be a benefit for uh, introduce just china is 100 parts because of a joke. always positive relations with badging. alright, you're up to date,
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