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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CET

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the the, this is the w news live from the late in the growing the cold israel to delay a plans offensive. the world fee is for the safety of more than a $1000000.00 palestinian seeking refuge in the city of rough uh, and southern gaza with no way to go. also coming up on the program, ukraine says it has sunk good enough, the russian bullshit. the vessel was apparently destroyed and knew the occupied crime in peninsula. it's the 2nd such attack within 2 weeks. and the defense, minnesota claims victory in indonesia is presidential election for my special forces. come on, the pro city unto says young people. his most important supports is despite being
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72 years old, himself, the man you keeps indicating welcome to the program. israel is on the growing pressure to delay its planned assault on russell and southern goza. the world health organization says and military offensive would cause an unfathomable catastrophe. israel, since the operation would be part of its campaign to destroy from us, which carried out the october, the 7th terror attacks. more than a 1000000 displaced people of sheltering in and around russell on the egyptian border conditions on de that correspondence mohammed alcohol lute has been talking to some of those scrambling to find a safe place. a head off or likely escalation in the wall between hamas in
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his room. i'll come on saturday is what about what it could mean for the city of norfolk isabel is preparing to launch a full scale round defensive hill. it means a chrome and his family have to be again, this time to central garza of the living and distant for 40 days. but this epic and i started to unpack the tent. as you can see, we are heading to the central region which because it's not safe here in raw fight off. the important thing is that for many days, the israeli army has been threatening to enter rafa. we want to go to the central region, hoping that some of it is left, even though it's not safe, their safety isn't god's hands. i'm on my luck, but inside be is on the rise for more than a 1000000 displaced people who go. many families have been forced to move that dense from alpha to other places and so job safety
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somewhere also left shaking but is very strikes. then let the free of 2 hostages inside the house at the city shall board. a pg come on. we were in rough at tal also tom, they were bombing next to it and many people died. so we thought it would be better to go to the c side. otherwise, where can we go to is real low is is where do we go with israel suites? rafa? where do we go? give us any place that we're asking the home us government or the human beings in charge of the gaza strip to come to us and give us a solution and provide us with shelter. we are here, of course, not going away. as the wall continues to disrupt the lives of people like a crown in his family, those leaving at alpha hold. this latest displacement would be the last one and the fees follow soon. of the german foreign minister and i'm in
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a bad bulk is among leaders judging israel to hold off on his planned assault on rough uh that book is interest live on a 5th visit to the middle east since the world again, she has one that gauze that is on the brink of collapse and says people in rough, a need safe car doors, more humanitarian, 8 and the ceasefire. beveled is due to speak shortly, and we will bring you life coverage of that. meanwhile, ukraine says that it has destroyed another russian war fit in the black sea. the military says the vessel was destroyed of the crime in peninsula which moscow legally annexed. 10 years ago, he says naval drones sunk the seas a couldn't cough. a large landing ship in ukrainian territorial waters is the 2nd time in 2 weeks that ukrainian forces claimed to have sunk a russian ship in the black sea dw alexander phenomena off the nato secretary general in stoughton book,
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about the destruction of that russian warship. do you create an armed forces? so today that they destroyed a large russian ship, i guess you kind of comment on that, but could you tell us how significant to lexi complain of ukrainians is? especially when we consider that there are intelligent services. for instance, the region one saying that the russians now have the upper hand on the battle field . thank you. the dual credit is have been able to inflict a heavy losses on the russian black sea fleet. they, i've actually been able to push the black sea feet away from the western part of the black sea. and this is a great the to minutes a great week, 340 cravens and the fact that i've been able to push away the russian vaccine fleet . and open the quarter or so then our able to export great and another come on. this is the world market. a few believe this was possible just a few months ago,
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but not actually the export of rain from ukraine takes space even with alternate agreement with russia a. so this shows to the skills on the competence of the ukraine and armed forces. this is 1st and foremost a result of what they do. they ingenuity their, their, their, their skills, their, their, their, their bravery or their training on forces. but of course help and support from a need to on was. it's also important. i think it also demonstrates that, of course, what's going on goes on there on the from farm is important on the we are all disappointed that the offense who got the most of the long, smart ukraine and forces last year didn't achieve more progress. advances at the same time, we should not forget that even though the from fine has been changed, the ukrainians have been able to to actually attract a behind the rest of the lines, both on line at destroying the come on the control. arms to oppose
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unimportant. and also the russian capabilities, including aircraft, but also a continued to destroy the parts of the russian back see feet on the on this just shows the skills of the depending on forces the nature of this x ray general and stilton class. now we're going to cross over to mike moss and he's the military on the list from the bowl studies department at kings college london. hi mike. good to see you. i'm tell us how big a blue high if confirmed with the sinking of this war ship to be to russians military mice in the black sea. well, i think in and of itself, the thinking of a single, i mean this was a landing cost is not a huge deal, but when you add it up to all the other ships they have been sunk. i mean, this is the 2nd ship this month. the findings and songs from the black sea and this
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tops and is starting to hit high when it's starting to close the russians to the appropriate and the nato secretary general. we just heard from him diane stoughton bug. he's called this a great victory, the ukraine. so why is this a crucial achievement for keith? well, this is the ukraine in navy that was almost completely captured by the russians in the 2014 taking of this, the best of all poets in crimea. and what they've managed to do since then is $617000.00 tons of russian shipping. that's a 150 percent more than the russians have managed to think of ukrainian shipping. so for a country effectively without the navy to be able to sing a 150 percent more of the shipping of the one of the largest navies in the world really is an extraordinary achievement. so if a pay is in crane is finding it easier to put rougher on the black foot in the
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black sea than it is on, on dry land. why is that? what are the reasons behind that? yeah, well i think that, i mean, obviously the, the ukrainian defensive last year didn't really achieve what it was meant to achieve. and that's because the russians had some time to be able to dig in. so all along the front, they dug in strong fortifications. anti tang dishes mine fields, and the reality is it's easier to defend them to attack. and so that is why we see that the war line stalemated. but of course, in the amount of time do you mind as you seem to this attack? just a few drones and you can have quite a large effect on ships that much harder to defend. and how do you expect russia to respond to this? well, i actually don't think that as much they can do in the maritime domain. i mean, previously ships have been sunk and they haven't done very much. usually what
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russia does, when you train manages a spectacular like this is they just do a slightly larger air raids over civilian targets. so i have a key or either hockey, i'm not say way of making the point and so i would expect tonight's either the next week or so we'll see slightly heavier bombardment of civilian areas by the russians . okay, of the korean army has a new commander in chief, he's cooled, the situation on the front lines, extremely complex and stressful. lease and russian troops are increasing their efforts. they've got more man power. so how crucial speaking about u. s. military aid? now how crucial is us aid for ukraine's counter offensive? it's so obviously we've seen the, the freezing or the drawing down of us i, there is still all the aid going in from european countries. the u. k. recently
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signed those 2 and a half 1000000000 pounds of 8 over the next year also. and so there isn't other right, but the reality is, and this is true within nature, it has been true for decades that the us is the indispensable partner. and part of that psychological. so when you are paying country see the us putting its hand in his pocket or delivering alternately, they feel yes, actually we can do this because we're backed up by the americans and then part of it is just roll industrial power. the us is able to turn out things like artillery shells, and antioch of missiles as a much greater rate than you are paying countries. so it is very important. mike will have to leave at that. i think so much. so it's mike moss and military analysts from kings police. one key of the indonesian defense minister proposed to be unto is claiming victory in the countries presidential election. the former commander of special forces says young people, his case of forces,
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even though he himself is 72 years old, on official lead result, put city on to in the lead. indonesia is so called festival of democracy wrapped up without major incident. but there were challenges in jakarta, posters delivered ballot boxes through knee deep flood waters and the sprawling list of candidates called some voters, major headaches. what i'm really not on this election really confuses me. none of the candidates visions, emissions are interesting. why not everything is just normal to have to former general troubles, to be unto says he wants to maintain indonesia successful course, the quarter century after the end of the brutal so hard to dictatorship. the country's economy is growing. and ambitious infrastructure projects are under way. now results from early unofficial accounts suggest pro is likely to become the next president. some have criticized his ties to the dark days of dictatorship. but
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others say it's time to focus on a brighter future the, it's called democracy. people have the right to choose to say it's a political dynasty and so on, but it's the people who vote democracy is in the hands of the people. most of us think all there is no problem if the nation is getting better. so why not? indonesians will have to wait until next month before the presidential race and the thousands of others across the country are official. so what would a victory said pro sabean to me and say, indonesia? we put the question to a correspondent, gail motus. what the subject has been the defense minister here in indonesia, and he stands for upholding the legacy all stop presidential rebuild directly, though is usually popular in this country. he has initiated a number off of a far reaching reforms, for instance,
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starting the production of an electric vehicles in this country of moving the capital to another. i loved to go away from this huge island of java and all these projects are still in the making and probable says he wants to continue this heritage. in fact, i at the chance to talk to him on the campaign trail and he said a pretty bridging the gap between the poor and the rich and this huge nation of indonesia is something he wants to achieve by in, in acting those policies of trick over the utility is a government has reporting that to ukraine now in the town of, of the sky in the east of the country has become the latest all out by full ground between invading russian forces and ukrainian defenders. russia has made capturing the shots of town a priority at a pivotal time in the war, which has now lost in nearly 2 years. so this is what's left of us, steve. gus, once to city of $32000.00 people, nothing but rubble and destruction now. ukrainian defenders are targeting here.
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russia has lost many soldiers trying to cut off access to the ruined city and relentless attacks and it's still and ukrainian hands despite recent russian advance. it's a useful when there's a whole new way. they haven't been able to bring in the serious numbers of troops because they have some success. but the street they've chuck is a gap under ukraine's control. we're pushing them out to are you so one? yeah. but why does russia one of these guys so badly, almost 2 years into the war, the front line has largely frozen, taking up, do you think i would change that for russia? the city is also in the don't yet region, which russia considered to be its own territory after the parliament voted to an exit. the invader also says that ukraine use us after you've got to show don't yet city just 15 kilometers to the south. russian president vladimir putting this broken investigative, get a non, usually detailed terms, making it clear that the city as a priority for him and was about an issue for that. but any one of the most
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important directions where the fighting is ongoing enough, dave, kind of of what the group of veterans overtook our troops there and got ahead of them. the electric ways of bugging over they broke through the enemy's defences and reached the outskirts of after you've got all of them, i don't know, but they captured 19 houses that are holding them successfully is going to do nothing them a few years really capturing 19 houses might not seem worth the of the attention of the russian president, but it's a clue to how badly put and once a victory, analysts say that taking off div guy won't dramatically reshape the conflict. like the battle for the city of bass moved last year in which both sides lost thousands of soldiers fighting over revel, looking for a symbolic victory. but ultimately, for ukraine, it's about keeping its own territory. despite the price by russia it does
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everything it can take. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines today and a paris the peels court has found the form of french president and equal stuff. was he guilty of a legal campaign financing or the his failed 2012 re election bid. it confirms previous ruling by level across the appeal judge is also suspended. costs of socrates original one year sentence police and new orleans say 3 people have been wounded in a shooting incident. at the end of the ash wednesday carnival celebrations. it happened just minutes off the city leaders and police officers have taken part in the closing parade through the city center is ready military has released footage. it says shows come us lita yas and was walking through a tunnel and goza, the video allegedly shows. and while with his wife, children and brother,
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the army says the footage was filmed on a homeless camera. the mass smoother and pro palestinian not in to this of interrupted a foreign policy to base in the swedish parliament, the old makers were discussing the support. so the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees sweden put payments to the agency on hold in january following allegations . the several of itself were involved in the october the 7th attacks in israel to garza now with the boxes at the main hospital in hon. eunice, in the south of the strip of release video, which they say shows the facility being evacuated as a not for hospital has been the focus of intense spicing, between israel and hallmarks for weeks israel. what are the evacuation of the hospital last month adult to say it is impossible to move hundreds of patients and thousands of displaced. people sheltering inside also has health ministry, which is run by homeless, which carried out the october 7th. her attacks says more than 28000 palestinians
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have been killed in the will. so for many more have no safe place to go. of the few remaining possessions alpax the road to an uncertain future lies ahead. this is the reality by hundreds of thousands of gulls and refugees in that desperate search for safety. but not knowing how to do, we hope the will ends quickly. we're tired of fleeing from one city to another west, so tired. i swear to god. people are tired, i hope the world stands with us and looks at us with a kind of mazda full i. with tie it was crying. malta is showing destruction. death, starvation 1st, or there is no food or bus fish. i can some 1300000 gulls and had found rest bite from the fighting. here in rafa, following is rails old as israel's plant offensive and the city threatens what
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level safety rafa can provide. there are few options available to the people living in rafa. they could travel north to central garza, i'm a was the or how do you need is. but heavy fighting has left much of these areas in ruins. of leaving civilians like these faced with a desperate choice. there simply is no place to flee to central and northern gauze. i have been the sites of of increased an intense fighting on northern garza, has been basically reduced to rubble. there are no facilities or accommodations they're able to, to host people fleeing for safety. on top of that, there's the, the added risk of unexploded ordinances throughout all of garza, but particularly in the north where there was quite heavy air springs. early on in the 1st few months of, of this escalation. and on top of that,
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people have fled multiple times. they have nothing with that, nothing. they have very little belongings. the united states, the european union, and the united nations have uh, the idea of to do more to protect civilians quote off in the fighting. because rafa comes on the increasing fire, the remains unclear it any way is safe for the people of gaza. of the world between israel and thomas is also playing out in the world of culture with fits of projects helping palestinian children to express the feelings they don't use rebec rebecca versus went to jeanine in the occupied westbank young people in the city and in a neighboring refugee camp a being offered a new way to think about the cost and to plan for the future. in here, it's 1920. these young palestinian act is a hosting
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a play telling the story of this region. 1920 of to world war, one of the production recounts historical displacements and occupation told by the youth who are living the consequences. it's the latest in jeanine's freedom unplug it. did for me it was this name was done this in 2002 during the 2nd palestinian uprising. these righty, military destroyed is now the war and gaza intentions in the west bank a threatening of the game. and by the best in the side of the after the events that took place on the 7th of october, everything changed. indeed, the whole region, the tunneling gauze, but also in the west bank and the old police teen in territories will uh follow spam. in december, during an incursion on jeanine is randy faust has rated the caea to painted
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graffiti on the walls and arrested to have it stuff. one is still in detention without charge. project late is try but cannot take their mind off. what's happening in this city that they're stuck in the other half of the nice ordinary life may smoke more and about what could happen to all of us. because since we hear the sound of drones in the sky and the summer get despite the fear and the pressure organizes continue with that part in what they call the stuff. but when the feeling hope that one day that we in the west bank boosting and sleeping and is through and those leaving and gaza loved because they find the freedom and independence with supply to the end because it's impossible to keep leaving this way. everyone deserves freedom. and peace and has the right to leave as they want, has the right to decide their own destiny. when it comes to the field, using culture to look back at the past, with a clear emission to try to affect the future. ukraine says it
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has destroyed another russian bullshit in the black sea. the military says the vessel was destroyed of the crimean peninsula, which must go legally annexed 10 years ago, and keeps as naval drones sang the seas, a qu, nicole for launch landing ship and ukrainian territorial waters. it's the 2nd time in 2 weeks. the training and forces claimed to have sunk a russian ship in the black sea cdw alexander phenomena aust nice. so 6th street generally installed and bug about the destruction of the russian bullshit the korean armed forces. so today that they destroyed a large russian ship, i guess you cannot comment on that, but could you tell us how significant to lexi complain of the ukrainians is especially when we consider that there are intelligent surfaces. uh, for instance, the region. one thing that the russians now have the upper hand on the battle field . thank you. the dual credit is i've been able to inflict
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a heavy losses on the roof from black sea fleet. they, i've actually been able to push the black sea feet away from the western part of the black sea. and this is a great the to minutes a great week, 3 or 4 ukrainians. the fact that they've been able to push away the russian vaccine fleet and open the quarter or so then our able to export great and another come on this of the world market. a few believe this was possible just a few months ago, but not actually the export of rain from ukraine takes space even with alternate agreement with russia a. so this shows to the skills on the competence of the ukraine and armed forces. this is 1st and foremost a result of what they do. they ingenuity their, their, their, their skills, their, their, their, their bravery or their training on forces. but of course help and support from a nature on laws. it's also important. i think it also demonstrates that,
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of course, what's going on goes on there on the from farm is important on the we are all disappointed that the offense who got the most of the long, smart ukraine and forces last year didn't achieve more progress. advances at the same time, we should not forget that even though the from fine has been changed, the ukrainians have been able to to actually attract a behind the rest of the lines, both on line at destroying the come on the control. arms to oppose unimportant. and also the russian capabilities, including aircraft, but also a continued to destroy the parts of the russian back see feet on the, on this just shows the skills of the, depending on forces to say, no, says x ray general in spartanburg, speaking earlier that now i spoke to mike molson,
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who's the military on list of the will studies department at kings college london. and i asked him how big a below, if confirmed the sinking of this will ship would be to russia. but i think in and of itself, the sinking of a single, i mean this is a landing cost is not a huge deal, but when you add it up to all the other ships they have been sunk. i mean, this is the 2nd ship this month. the finance and sunk, and the black sea, and this tops and is stall things they have, and it's starting to close the russians to the appropriate ins. the nato secretary general. we just heard from him day in stoughton, but he's called this a great victory. the ukraine, so why is this a crucial achievement for keith? well, this is the ukraine in navy that was almost completely captured by the russians in the 2014 taking of this, the best of all poets in crimea. and what they've managed to do since then is
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$617000.00 tons of russian shipping. that's a 150 percent more. and the russians admonished the sink of ukrainian shipping. so for a country effectively without the navy to be able to sing a 150 percent more of the shipping of the one of the largest navies in the world really is an extraordinary achievement. so if a pay is in crane is fine to get an easy, it's a put rough around the black foot in the black seas and it is on, on dry land. why is that? what are the reasons behind that? yeah, well i think that, i mean, obviously the, the ukrainian defensive last year didn't really achieve what it was meant to achieve. and that's because the russians had some time to be able to dig in. so all along the front they dug in strong ations on the time dishes, mine fields, and the reality is it's easier to defend them to attack. and so that is why we see
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that the war line stalemated. but of course, in the amount of time, do you mind as we seem to this attack just a few drones and you can have quite a large effect on ships that much harder to defend. and how do you expect russia to respond to this? well, i actually don't think that as much they can do in the maritime domain. i mean, previously ships have been sunk and they haven't done very much. usually what russia does, when you train manages, like talk to like this is they just do a slightly larger air raids over civilian targets. so i have a key or either hockey and not say way of making the point. and so why would expect tonight's either the next week or so we'll see slightly heavy at the bottom of civilian areas by the russians. okay, and the current in army has a new commander in chief. he's cooled, the situation on the front lines a.


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