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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 15, 2024 11:00am-11:31am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is david, we nears line from berlin. germany is for administer warrants. the gaza is on the brink of collapse, unavailable urges israel to delay as planned attack on the city of ruffled but to find international pressure. benjamin netanyahu says you will press a head with israel's offensive. also coming up. does europe now need a nuclear deterrence? your defense is on the agenda at the nato meeting in brussels after donald trump says he would not defend nato allies who haven't contributed enough money. and one
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person is dead and many more injured after about shooting during kansas city chiefs super bowl 3 police the team, 3 people and are investigating a possible modem. plus the race to the moon is fact the privately own moon lender odyssey is a blast into space carrying a payload of nasa instruments its destination. the lunar south poles, the honeycomb fairly. it's good to have you with us ceremonies. foreign minister on elena bab has called for a ceasefire in the gaza strip on her latest trip to israel. germany's top diplomat also urged israel to hold off with its plan defensive and rough on israel was planning to move into the southern gauze and city to fulfill the state of goal of destroying her mazda group considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries. but the humanitarian situation
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across the enclave is already worsening by the day, leaving people unsure of where to go. a c vacuum waiting the master hospital in con eunice palestinians carried their belongings in sacks, as they made their way out of the complex. the as rarely, military said, it had opened to secure a route to allow civilians to leave the hospital while doctors and patients could remain inside. it also said, troops had been ordered to prioritize the safety of civilians, patient's medical workers, and medical facilities. during the operation. this voted shot from southern israel, shows plumes of black smoke rising in con eunice after his railey forces shall be area over night. israel is facing growing international pressure to hold off on a plan to solved on rafa where more than
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a 1000000 palestinians have sought safety. during a visit to israel, germany's foreign minister warranty is real against pressing it's offensive into the city. why don't calling for email? young people are stuck in a very confined space because they have nowhere else to go at the moment. and us vocation if they use really, um you went to launch and offensive on rough uh, under these conditions would be a humanitarian. this off the, in the make came it on is really has about to fight on until that are advocate from us and has made the return of the last hostages, held by them a priority. but how much says israel must 1st commit to ending the war. and withdrawing from guys so many countries warning israel against carrying out and offensive. and rafa i asked, i mean the east of interest on is benjamin that you know, it was likely to listen to so far there are no public signs that netanyahu is seated. any of these warnings he said, even as ano, and
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a bare bach was in the country visiting that israel plans to go through with the ground sold on rough. uh, so pretty hard press behind closed doors, there are some signs that is real, is eating the warnings that it could have already staged and is sold on rafa. but publicly, israel has been a very defiant one of the conditions that germany put forward in order to support the ground. in a salt on russell was that more humanitarian aid the brought into garza? well, just yesterday the far right wing of israel's already right wing government succeeded in blocking a mass of shipment of aid into gaza. that contains about enough food to feed a 1000000 gardens and much needed supplies in the dire conditions in rafa. but it's not getting into gaza and this is even as germany and the us are urging this
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a to get into goals and for any assault on or off happens air off of course, garza's main lifeline. at this point. i mean, why does that mean yahoo want to press ahead with this offensive on rough smith and yahoo has stated goals from the beginning of this war, which began with a how mos attack that really shocked the nation was to completely obliterate from us. and nothing has student, israel's way us so far. i think nothing, you know, who believes that failing to essentially destroy raw for the last real standing city in gaza would show a sign of weakness. and it has to be noted that after the shock of the terror attacks on october 7th is really is the public is very supportive of this, where there's little concern for what's happening and gaza to the civilians. there was, i mean, east of reporting for us from jerusalem. let's take
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a quick look out at some other stories making headlines around the world today. germany over until japan last year as the world's 3rd largest economy, data released by tokyo suggested the re shuffle is due primarily to a sharp fall. and again, japan does now technically in a recession after its economy contracts for the 2nd straight quarter. north korea says it tested a new type of surface to see cruise missile on wednesday, st. media release, pictures showing leader kim jong own at the test. your fortunately said north korea will take a more aggressive military stance on disputed sees. it was the 6 miss el, launched by joan young this year alone. u. s. media reporting that washington has warranty or pain allies about russian efforts to develop space based nuclear weapons. for public interior of the house intelligence committee, mike turner has a president biden, to be classifying the information related to what he called
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a serious national security threat or nato defense ministers or gathering and brussels for a 2nd day of talks on the biggest challenges facing the alliance the war and ukraine and the conflict and gaza, our top of the agenda at the talks. a notable absence from the meeting will be the secretary of defense, lloyd austin. he won't be attending due to health reasons. other meeting has been overshadowed by comments from republican presidential hopeful donald trump in the us who seem to call into question washington's commitments to its nato allies. that has ignited a debates in europe about defense funding and a re think of its nuclear deterrence. this, this is a test of nato's nuclear deterrent fighter jet, seen here, trading to defend europe against the threats from russia or other foreign powers. but there may soon be a new test from within as one presidential hopeful questions us commitment to the western military alliance. no, i would not protect you in fact,
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which countries worldwide agreeing to nuclear non proliferation decades ago. much of europe has long comforted on an american nuclear shield. the u. s. is over $5000.00 nuclear bombs in total. all the numbers are classified. experts widely agree around 100 of them are deployed on european nature territory in belgium, benevolence, germany, western turkey, and a to a fellow nato members. fronts and the u. k. also have their own national nuclear arsenals. fronts has in the past, suggested more continental corporation. don't know what she would need to will always be there. autonomy means having your one destiny and your own homage. we can't depend on the us elections every 4 years. so many can to the couple bought to there's no solid offer of alternative security guarantees. any you're quite new cleared to tyrants would require a whole raft as negotiations, new treaties as an infrastructure revolution, despite the calls from some germany you, parliamentarians, full of the government, says it's a non starter 5 yet essence. and i'm like, honestly from i,
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we have the american protective shield and we shouldn't questionnaire callously on my own initiative. the new to the debate is really the last thing we need at the moment. it's an escalation in the discussion. we don't need to do any qual, eastern flag, nato nations nearest russia are calling on other european countries to be felt, no nuclear capabilities, like their armies and munition supplies. i think what the presidential candidate in america says is also something to maybe wake up, but some of the allies who haven't done that much for no nuclear jewels across you or will continue. and so will the debate miss alexander phenomena following the meeting from brussels and earlier asked her how nervous nato defense ministers are about. donald trump's controversial remarks? well, i think it would be can say so,
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of course that donald trump's remarks are at the top of the agenda here. and we also know that they send a chill across allies in europe. and many governments across the european continent are working on contingency plans. should there be a 2nd, still not strong presidency yesterday, and today as well. we got a quite strong statement funds in stoughton. back at the nato secretary general who repute donald trump, accusing him of undermine the credibility of nato's, determines that is at the core of the alliance. he said that says a deterrence is in the minds of nato's enemies. and prevent them from ms from any miscalculation. and we also have to say that ministers here who talked of course about stuff out funds from ok. know that his statement,
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when he said that he would encourage russia to do whatever they wants to allies who don't pay their bills, is just misleading because there are no bills to be paid at nato. there is no membership fee, but he also has a point pointing out that some nato allies still don't need to target of spending 2 percent of the g d p on defense allies agreed on that a decade ago about she as well. still some back presented us with new numbers and according to them, more and more allies, the majority of them will meet this target this year. mm hm. now you talk about contingency plans. and one idea is the proposal of european nuclear defense shield that has been rejected not only by germany's defense minister whom we heard in that report, but also by native secretary generally in stoughton berg. now i want to know from you, is this the end of the discussion you? thanks for now. yes,
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i think that this discussion is dad's that it was motivated to may be by the beginning campaign he in the europe had of the european election. this thing is that as the german minister pointed out, there is no point about discussing a european nuclear umbrella right now. as far as europe, as long as you are up, has the u, as let nuclear umbrella at a new project would be so complicated. and probably logistically, so difficult that it could take years or even decades to establish a europe labs, nuclear umbrella from europe. that was the, the most brussels bureau chief, alexandra from them and to kansas city. now in the united states were one woman that has been killed and more than 20 people injured, including a children and a mass shooting during the superbowl victory parade. police have a rest of the 3 suspects and say they're investigating the incident and any
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potential motive show spring out in a crowd of football fans sending them into panic. kansas city was hosting a parade on its team winning the super bowl. a day of celebration turned into tragedy. while the only thing i really saw was that i have become a k r and i here down down, down everybody down. and i'm like that somebody is joking. you know, this is what i get about the site type. all of a sudden i see the swat teams jumping over the fence and i'm like okay, this might be a real li tools to docs to be able to kind of dogs here a couple shots, but yeah, basically everyone just really kind of in think leave there of sound the same footage, catch at the moment, police up for him to the suspect. the
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no return. the post ortiz immediately cool and just be area around the cities union station with the shooting took place. the i'm angry at what happened today. the people who came to this celebration should expect a safe environment. we had over 800 law enforcement officers, kansas city and other agencies at the location to keep everyone safe because of bad actors. which was very few. this tragedy occurred even in the presence of uniformed law enforcement officers,
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who again ran towards them and took them into the investigation into who is responsible for the attack. and the motive is still ongoing. it could be history in the making a private mission to the moon has blasted off from the kennedy space center at cape canaveral in florida, a 321 ignition and with the american aerospace company intuitive machines launch. it's a, this is the lender on a rocket made by e one less space x company. it's trying to become the 1st commercial spacecraft to successfully land on the lunar surface launch was originally planned for wednesday, but it was postponed due to a technical glitch. this time everything went according to plan. well, if the landing also goes well the, this is, will search for water on the moon and what some are calling
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a 2nd space race. the american movie land just use for use up to set of into space. it's aim is to bring a camera and newly develop nasa measuring equipment to the moon. its destination. is the luna south pole? there are this. here's what's called a spot to lend softly on the moon stuff. a new race to the moon, his own satellites have discovered water and its poles. the most important resource for human space travel. this race is not driven just by scientific curiosity. it's a quest to develop the best technology, discover resources, and to secure future markets. nasa wants to build a station in the moon's albany and outposts on the surface in the space agency is
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working together with european japanese and canadian partners. many u. s. companies are hoping for newport test contracts and income from space tourism china. russia and india also have moon tourism in this hides. in order for any of this to happen, it's mission critical to find a way to land safely. but this is no easy task and many help pay rushes. luna 25 mission crushed into a luna cradle and power green. the 1st commercial american movie land software, the fuel leak and self destructed over the pacific ocean. japan slim rowboat actually landed upside down off the field from india was able to put
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a robot on the vehicle on demand. meanwhile, china was the 1st nation to land on the far side of the me it's or this is mission is successful. us will be able to came the 1st commercial newsletter nasa also plans to build a new schuman step station there. in the document, the luna self cult sales storage is, was the london school of economics. she is an expert on the politics, ethics and a lot of space, exploration and exploitation, and i asked her, what makes this private space race so different from the 1st one? the 1st i'd like to highlight that of space commercialization has been around for a long time. so it's the 1970s we've seen, for example,
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the united states try and push some space development activity to the private sector. what's new here is the amount of commercial activity that we have going on, and that they're starting to participate in these really big and exciting projects like going back to the main. so it is something that's different, but there's also not so many similarities with the 1st space race. how concerned are you about governmental space agencies like nasa now relying so heavily on technology provided by private companies? again, i think it's not so much for concern because it's something that has been going on for a long time. and in a way it actually spreads out the risk of these technologies across different stakeholders. and so in some ways, i think it will sure up our abilities to access space. having said that, i think there's some interesting legal and ethical issues around even having more commercial entities going into space. these entities are still largely getting their funding from government contracts. so i think sometimes we see it as
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a dichotomy between government and commercial activity, whereas in reality, it's much more blended than that. but we do start to see commercial entities that are able to place things on the moon. we've seen companies that are, are placing things that could be construed as advertisements on the moon. and so i think we also want to think about what we as a collective want to have placed out in space on celestial territory. and what all of that means for us. yeah, let's talk about the political, legal, and ethical questions. the ones that you focus on in your research, which are the most pressing ones, if we're setting our sites on the moon, okay. as there's some complicated legal questions that i think we're gonna see as having to deal with more and more. so there's a preexisting legal infrastructure for outer space that has existed all the way back to the 19 sixty's which says that outer space is neutral territory. and that no country can lay claim to any celestial territory. now,
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these were written before we were engaging in, in a potentially establishing settlements on other planets. and so as we get to the technological capabilities of having a potential basis on demand, they're going to be questions about, for example, the extraction of resources and who's allowed to do that. and also a simply who's allowed to occupies spaces without technically constituting ownership of those spaces. so there has been some activity in trying to unpack these legal issues, such as the arguments of course, which was drafted by the united states and 2020, which is sought to overlay the preexisting infrastructure with some ideas about how we could use resources and such. you and coordinate are activities across different bases, but there is some controversy around that. and there are some countries that have notably not signed out to the are to as a cord such as russia and china space tourism is
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a big buzz word and it has been for a couple of decades not as item is mission plans to establish a permanent base on the moon, how much closer would that bring us to seeing people like you and i go to the moon and is that even a desirable goal? so again, space tourism actually started in the early 2, thousands but it's becoming more accessible now. for 2 reasons, for one, initially people were going up to the international space station for huge ticket prices to stay on board for a long time. now we see these low orbital emissions that are only in, in and in outer space for a few minutes, as well as some that are, are going up to orbit and discussions about potentially bringing tourists, for example, the, the surface of them. and i think that these are probably a lot further away then we sometimes see the timelines projected as they're going to be a lot of safety issues. and also it's going to remain the domain of the very wealthy, even as the price point comes down right now,
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these supp orbital flights are costing just under a $100000.00 per person. so it's not something that's going to take off, sorry for the bad pun too too quickly, but it is something that i think we'll see in the future. but i think i'll continue to be sort of extreme tourism. that's very expensive. encouraged with that some risks as tell story from the london school of economics. thank you so much for those insights. and in other world news, tire authorities have issued a 2 day work from home order for bangkok, city employees over high smog levels, and air quality. next showed the amount of dangerous particles as 15 times higher than w h o recommendations. the city smog is caused by crop burning, industrial pollution, and heavy traffic. the indian government ministers are set to hold talks of farmer groups after 2 days of mass protests calling for guaranteed prompt prices. security
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forces have deployed, wrote blocks and tear gas to stop thousands of farmers trying to reach the capital daily somewhere in protest. 2 years ago, pressure the government to repeal agricultural pricing or forms and many in australia are saying good on ya. elbow after anthony albany became the 1st australian prime minister to get engaged while an office albany is proposed to his partner, jody hayden, on valentines day. albany said they were both thrilled, but have yet to set a date and in an attempt to give more people, the chance to say i do, greece is parliament is preparing to vote on a bill that will legalize same sex marriage as the law is expected to pass with support from both the majority center, right, and left us lawmakers. this would make race the 1st orthodox christian country to grant marriage rights to same sex couples. i do see that a change in greece is marriage most would be life changing for constantino's ends were loc,
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as he currently lives in london with his husband and 2 adopted children. but if laws allow in his native greece, if he wants to take his family home, the minute this bill gets voted in parliament and fingers crossed the well. we are planning on registering ourselves as a married couple. so we can just transfer our march certificate over degrees. i know were interested in the kits, and on that opens up the path for us to move back is approved. the bill would from same 6 capitals marriage rights as well as parental rights. it's lisa, right? it's been a long road to get to the stage with the orthodox church. family opposed representing greece is dominant. faith, the church, i use the marriage bill would confuse parental roles and we can the traditional
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family. the previous governments have shied away from confrontation with the church . the bill looks likely to pass and despite the loud opposition, public opinion is narrowly supportive of the change says the dynamic evolution of society, societies, progress and interpretations of the constitution must be made on the evolution of society. the arguments made a game all contrived, and there is, in fact, a political disagreement that have any part recognizing marriage for same sex couples is not unconstitutional. and this subjection must be rejected. debate on the bill began on valentine's day, a time to celebrate love. and the final vote, which is expected to pass with lift wing and seems respecting, is sick to take place on thursday. and with that is are all up to date up next our
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environment program eco. india asked what effect chemicals in the earth, soil, or in technology have a nature's ecological balance. yet as we'll take over at the top of the next hour, in the meantime, you can take a look at our website that is d w dot com. thank you so much for your company by the the,
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the, the eco indian this child has given me so much peace of mind. ready while i have the confidence that i can face slight. ready send for my says because i have this child . ready in the 1st all women waste management team as cleaning up their, working for
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a better environment and fighting against male dominance in their eco india. ready next, on d, w rushes, more of the commission on ukraine has raged for 2 years. 2 years of people being separated from the families and have some defend the country on the funds. while others are trying to start over in a foreign country. living either in constant danger, home sickness and then focus on here in 16 minutes on delta v, the ice coat patrick,
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i need an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has to to explore. why is the ice melting more rapidly in the ice fields and pass it on? the balance is key to the existence of this was that the, the scale is one way or the other and the damage begins. hello and welcome. i'm sorry, got the body and you're watching equally. in today's episode, let's try to understand this balance. and what happens when the equilibrium is disrupted by let's say too many chemicals in the story, for example,
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or too much fix knology. even if it is the dream and how does all of this impact


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