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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw, and use line from berlin, anger morning, and confusion over the death of alexa in the valley. as police arrest dozens of supporters up memorials across russia. the volume these allies say they are not being told highly opposition leader dyed. his team planes, vladimir cooper personally and you crane and focus as world leaders. whole security talks in munich caves. it forces retreat from a town they defended for years from russian procedures rush, presidents landscape warrants, weakening, western support is costing lives on the bottom field.
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the armpit of funding the us welcome to the program. questions are multiplying over the death of russian opposition leader, alexi, nevada, and the supporters worldwide voice their anger. russian police have detained dozens of vigils for the late kremlin critic prison officials. and i've seen a valid e collapsed and died on friday at the remote penal connelly colony where he was serving a 19 year prison sentence along these close allies have confirmed his death, but say the authorities are refusing to release his body. his team planes, the russian leader personally for it and evolved the staff. it should only be legal, put in killed them. the whole world knows that it was the russian president who personally gave this order just as it knows that alexi was never afraid of him. never stayed silent,
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we must not give up. this is what alexi himself called on us to do because of all someone to see or at least speak now to our correspondents here we're shadow who joins us from rico. dw is fine, is from reporting in russia. so you're good to have you on the show. what are the latest details we're hearing about? no problem. these death? well, tablet, even though they to it's completely unclear under what circumstances and i've only died at all the half is it didn't pull it from the present administration. is that enough? i only felt ill yesterday during awoke completely different information came from the investigation. come meet you over the seats or fairly hot of the regional capital in the arctic. when of all of these prison camp is located, the vase to add to that to the close of death hasn't been clarified until that they would have to wait for the results of the forensic examination next week. it's also completely unclear when the volume is dead. body is at 1st, it was sad that the body would it be transferred to moscow. often that's the volley
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. when the volume is mazda arrived, today in the prison camp, she was told that her sounds body was easy. regional capital, some work fair. however, these information was contract, think that once again we are seeing typical rations, mystery no matter what about this, but it isn't what he died off. there is no transparency of this metal, which in turn could mean is it the all sort is of some 6 to heights here, there are lots of questions being raised by the official line. so what are nevada and his team saying about squab? phone of all his themes and meta is clear. pablo, he's press secretary, sat to that and i look say, has been killed that with just how did he or however, no concrete evidence was provided as an independent russian media have spoken to the inmates over the prison when i finally was held and have learned to many interesting details of yesterday's events. reading all these reports,
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one might get the impression that the official version may not be true. presumably the volley died earlier than the official letter, presumably imagined to doctor didn't arise quickly enough and his former doctor has also sat to visit. he doesn't believe or he didn't believe that. and the volley died because of the broken all loose chromebooks is. if this is, what does it actually stayed propaganda tend. larkey suspected. uh is there a video is from the cold hearing a few days ago when i finally was joking, chief pulled it up to mystic as always. so lots of questions and no answer so far. tell us about the public reaction in russia to his death series, as well as, even though russia's most famous opposition to politician had become somewhat quieter in the recent t. s. as in use of nevada and his dad's shock, of course, people in his home country, hundreds of money. thousands of russians brought flowers to the memorials of the
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victims of political oppression, spontaneously showings, interested in integrity with the valley. this is not without danger and put in structure, but in the volume was something like public enemy number one and hundreds of arrest through all of the russia show. just how dangerous it is with the police taking action against the volume to support this the, this whole situation reminds me of the protests in moscow in many aga, see this is wisdom teeth which were organized to buy. and i've only, i have a report that on many of these protests in russia and have seen thousands of people arrested ironical nodes but to day on day one often of all is this process most famous, that opposition politician seems to be alive. again. thank theory, dw theory, resettle enrica for us. world leaders gathered in munich are focusing
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on the words in ukraine and the middle east. the us in germany have reaffirmed their commitment to israel security. they're also calling for the protection of civilians in gaza, ukraine's president. for a lot of years, the lansky redoubled his cold for support against the russian invasion and nato secretary general young sultan burg set the war in ukraine as exposed gaps in the alliance's preparedness with ukraine's president for a lot of years or landscape delivered, a forceful play for more support at the top in munich, for the year of 2020, for the months, your response from everyone in the world. if we do not know fortune, we'll manage to make the next year's catastrophic, catastrophic and for all the nations as well. intelligence community are aware of this ukraine has already seated miss with leads for us to try to try to cloud reality and reach the world. unfortunately believes they
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miss the drastic good to capture and all that concert in a few days or weeks, whatever each one's your brain is, have been holding for $724.00 days. all right, for a little bit more analysis. joining me here in the studio is dw security correspondent, thomas spyro thomas, great to see as always. so we've just heard there from the training and president of a lot of myriads lensky, the wars going on for almost 2 years. we're entering that 3rd year almost in a matter of days, essentially at this point in the conflict, what does the quoting for? essentially more help from allies around the world in particular, from ukrainian allies in europe and also in the united states. because this comes at the time, you correctly say when we're entering the 3rd year of the war in ukraine. but also at the time when many around the world are getting at least perceived tired of what
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is happening in ukraine and where there's also tensions and controversies around the amount of help that ukraine would receive this. i mean, that's particularly evident. now in the united states, so the plea from presidents the landscape was very clear, more help for the country military help in particular, but also not sustained way. so not step by step, but really a long term support. and he did a chief that's at least from germany and france before he arrived in munich, it did sign with both german and the french governments. security agreements guaranteeing dr. long term health i. so at least from his perspective, he already actually of something from his visit in particular to me. all right, let's talk a little bit about germany. so it's expected to step up with this military age in regards to ukraine. but is it, is it actually ready to do so really well, if you ask german officials from the german johnson who was also in munich to
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a german defense minister, they have clearly indicated time and time again. the gemini is already stepping up its support. in fact, only a few days ago, it was reported to give in germany that germany reached a 2 percent goal, which is a nato target or for defense spending. some of that you have any haven't achieved in many, many years and that had been all so in the past uh, source of controversy also for example with the united states. so that is such and it's something that german officials have stress on various occasions and by the way, somebody, they also stressed in, you know, anybody comes at the time when germany's on the one hand facing very economic, very big cannot make problems. and also at the time when, if you look at several poles in the country, germans are divided on the amount of support that germany should give you credit. so with those 2 cab, yes, that a very important caviar. i would indeed agree to a large extent with what the government officials are saying basically that they have indeed been stepping up the supports to what degree. alright thomas, this is park you crane for a moment. what are your main takeaways from the conference so far?
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it's not only, it's not only been about creating, obviously the war in the middle east has also played a key role in munich, how to find a sustain piece in the region. several high ranking officials from the region are actually attending the conference and unique so that's one very important topic of discussion. also at this munich security conference, i would highlight another element as well that is also high priority for those who organizes conferences. and that is to have a dialogue between different regions of the wells. in other words, to avoid having just a discussion among western lead us and you will have seen throughout the munich security conference in the past. but also in particular, the discussion of the meaning security conference, all sorts of officials from africa, from asia, also from nation america that's in america, doesn't necessarily pay an important role in the munich security conference. but in this particular case, it has. and i think from the organizers of the munich security conference, having that dialogue basically means that these challenges that we've been talking about also have an impact beyond the united states and beyond europe that they also
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have an impact in african countries. the nation also nation american with thomas will be keeping a close sign. i'm sure you will to dw security correspondent thomas bar, as well as the landscape warns against waning western support. he crane's armed forces have withdrawn from one besieged time. after months of heavy fighting. your brains, new army come under head onyx under seascape, says troops are being pulled out of of difficult to avoid being and circled. the retreat is rushes biggest success on the battlefield. since it took the city of buck mood last year. marina me, rone is with kings college in london, and we asked her a little earlier whether the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from, of difficult could open the way to a wider russian advance. i think it's a huge boost for the russians, both in terms of gaining military strategic ground in
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a fever and also for them are all of the troops, especially considering that this is happening pre election in russia. and this is also happening as president polanski has changed the commander of the forces. so i think that the russians are sensing here is that there was a reservations within the government. and the military um ukrainian troops are exhausted and them were all is not as high as it was at the very beginning of the war. and they also lack artillery shells. meaning that they will try to push in or to, to break. and according to what the russians were saying, the capability of the ukrainian armed forces to offer any resistance. so we might not see very fast advances. it might be slow. however, the idea is to grind the ukrainian military. let's take
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a look now with some other stories making headlines. sizes of indian farmers or staging settings on the other protest actions as far as each block them from taking their grievances to the capital tally. the farmers are demanding guaranteed minimum crop prices and long reforms. security forces of setup metal barriers against the tractor convoys. president victor or bonds as hungry as part of the can ratify. sweden's membership of nato. later this month. hungry is the only nato concrete which has not yet backed the swedish bit to join the alliance or bonds party previously claimed sweden was accused of undermining democracy. that even the key rescuers in india have retrieve the body of a 5th construction worker, folding concrete beam trapped workers building a new supermarket, and florence 3 were pulled after life and taken to hospital authorities of open an
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investigation. and finally, archeologists and brussels have made a rare discovery. the remains of a prehistoric minus the fragments include 2 fingers and a task they were found during an archaeological dig, a construction site for a metro station. the bones were of the 29 meters low ground and set of entry layers . from the ice age, archaeologists hoped to make more such discoveries during the excavation work. the duty under i'd, here's a reminder of our top stories. site police in russia has made dozens of arrests as memorials for the child's opposition leader and actually, and evolving close allies. say the authorities have not released from the found his body. and they're blaming president vladimir putin person for his desk. right. that's all from us for now. coming up next shift our digital magazine, looking at
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a chunk of change, p t's ability to write text and even computer code. that's after a short break. and don't forget there's plenty more news on the information on our website, the www. dot com and you can follow us on our social media accounts are handled, is detail, but your news. i pop up sonya. yes for me. i'm the team here in berlin. thanks roger. take care. don't seem to get the books. people have to say the that's why we listen to based on the reports every weekend on d w. can you we are all set. we are watching close.


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