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tv   Afrimaxx  Deutsche Welle  February 17, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm CET

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and have a safe place devices presented. do you have any news on instagram? no. follow up today we find ourselves in a truly historic location. unique. so for toria, south africa's capital city. welcome to the women's living heritage monument. the world's 1st academy dedicated to the history of the 5 to women's liberation in south africa. but 1st we embark on a journey from one to 2. cape silence following a fashion designer who is transformed his struggles into a closing label. my son myra. we take a ride with the underground skate boarding community inputs on a who hope to smash stigma is a bounce this forth then we help those 2 legal is to meet the
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toilet. i get in an interior design. i know with a unique i for changing the ordinary into extra ordinary. i found them tango and you're watching at 3 megs the across countries and cultures. these one thing we all have in common music. it has the pallets, it connects us in the most profound way. loved own is a canyon musician with the goal of sharing her heritage, with the music from her to additional instrument, the route to or being a female, a router player, not d. gomez has broken, gender battery has been transformed the role of these traditional instruments in
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the canyon music scene when instead of the flow to it was actually a shock event for me. so i went to a music school of local school, then i didn't make it to the accident class. i was put in a special ed program called wrote talent. my voice is a bit africanized. i think they wanted some kind of thinking which i didn't have. i didn't have that skill, so they told me to maybe find an instrument to comfort him and my wife. and i talked to my uncle who was a musician as well. and he said that he suggested that i play a conditional instrument, and i came across 2 instruments that came across being a t t and or 2. and when i learned that order to is only played right, man, i said, you know what, this is a great idea. this is the instrument that i want to play over to is a traditional stringed instrument from the legal community of kenya and loved dean . this is a to pioneer in many ways the thing that came across the most was meeting people who didn't understand why i was playing the instrument as
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a woman. i got insulted one at the show and i had to fuck up. so now we, i had to plus to do and we're just about to start recording the giving that split, especially with the lab d is maybe she come for the music window. you go into a session. she comes prepared in regards to like, i mean, do you have music q, there's a traditional instrument i d o 2, which is very special to ha, she's one of the few. i do think kenya who uses high traditional instrument. i can tell you can pay is another instrument like i get uh because now even like the receipt security, the very defense. so that's the best place you heard of it or, or here, depending on you said, but if you want to be creative, feel free and the page gets higher, the closer you go to the page as you can see and displayed with the fingers all to i want
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a little kid from wherever to be like i want to play a little to my you, my younger siblings, one to fluid or to really is i think about pride and african ownership. the know who to was an instrument that was played in different times for example have asked and the was, the thing about traditional instruments is that they will or functional we did not sit down and write songs about flowers throwing those owners above us. and most likely sorted by us, no 2 was played by men. and in just these to do this thing called back rock in my community and back rock is, is place. so the play somebody or make fun of them the sounds that indigenous to traditional music. i mean, span by instruments. let's talk from there. for example, to the addition of what the vocals sounds like, what the voice sounds like. so once you, once you start looking at kind of music from that point, you realize that's,
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that's the call of everything. i love about to, to, is that i play the way i want, how my feet would play it, you know, and that's its own thing the to, to on innovative approach to over to love the only she's helping to preserve and promote can use reached cultural sharing age was also inspiring a new generation of musicians to explore the roots and create a new sound about friendship. and sometimes those ties make it difficult to make friends as an adult. before you leave confidence, you have to 6 people out and like i want to be a plan, that's what this thing is. i'm on the,
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the, the, what i want to achieve is to do what i like. not to have to conform to a style of music that i don't like what i spend on branding, but i don't like just to get enough money to live the way i want. i hope at the end of it all, i inspire enough people to take off traditional instruments and that is a key to what i'm doing now. and more so goes. but in general, the young people to take up these instruments because that's across today the, to how music nobody has transformed the route to into a mod done to for self expression. i love the vague send, the very is in the music,
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is one of the few female players all the route to so creative freedom and passion and spies as many showing the transformative power of music. the women's living heritage monument is a tribute to women in various fields symbolizing equality and empowerment. i am now joined by d. u t. taylor, the project manager for the south african creative industries incubator and now runs the incubation program for the beautiful things exhibition. here to you, welcome to ask feedbacks, what is the south african creative industries incubator, and how does it fit in with the women's living heritage monument? so the supervisor doing creative industries and q beta is a creative incubate to that, into base creatives within the creative sick to give them the business skills and knowledge that they need. because um, for the longest time, all industries be known as the song and dance industry of fox and culture and of owing to cease in the country. and what we've serve to do is to lead creatives know
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that you can be creative. and you can do creative things, but there's also a lot of money to be made. so we provide them with the business savvy and the skills to run a sustainable business. you are responsible for the sale gallery. how does the incubation program link to the development of commission, the viable office? okay, so we can release the link to the opposite and the craft for the shop. specifically . it's also just to boost the creative economy as a whole. so we selected a products from around the country products that would speak to what is happening in big submission portion off of the women's living heritage museum. and that ties directly into the store. and that is also just to, to sort of create an income for those creative specifically and also then to provide market access. thank you so much for providing inside and i cannot waste a walk through the speak sufficient. it is time to take a gen, he was a fashion designer who has travelled across africa,
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escape the london genocide and turned his tim will into a line of clothing, meat nimble must amada, the odd, old fashion, the cape town, bass, clothing, designer and young old muscle more exposed and so much more poignant run to my jenny through african continent in spite of my life's purpose and to give them a voice as a fashion designer in youngel also produces performance, all photography and phone. although the session is always at the heart of history to be t, as can be seen at the unveiling, all these like to sculpture. so the more to is that going to be performing around this culture, kind of like preventing it to the public and allowing it to exist and be we've been displaced way it is the models of showcasing and you almost take so and session
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design style from a recent collection to collection is called the back that carried the chosen one. it was a collection that was made in on those who came before us in yellow sculpture was part of the international public on festival in k town and will be exhibited in the company gardens for 2 years. the sudden says, showing the gratitude towards those who worked as before, very few trauma he up to date, clicking on the q on co html reading. he's slated to be ancestors provides insight into the artist and these work no more than eva. we seek for your guidance and these done so that we can continue to be on the strong foundation you have laid before those 2 years old when we 1st left through and we will post to feed the
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country to, to the tri city. but we all know that opinion and 1994 up to the age of 7 boys and rick and to came off of a genocides who went back home. but of course there was a lot of troll model of tensions. up to 5, you as a new one, the youngest mother decided to send him overland to join his brother. in cape town . i was 12 when i left, as a much alone. by the time i go to, i was 13 states with infinity that lasted almost a year. the majority of weston fabric sold across africa originate in europe. same youngblood decided to design his own take styles, throwing inspiration from his experiences. i'll do research from the country that i've lived in all the people that are permit and incorporate all of that, even though utilizing the symbols in the rooms home. you know, in gonna, it's a symbol if you mail, it shows that and you can be as tough as apple room for this one,
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the credit uh for a test period. you know, so a small, like the positive guy does home the local that of designed, it shows the coverage within the sharpening the teeth of the warriors. it shows the constitutions and then it's has like the tickets and you know, the bid i kind of like we need to always think for wisdom. 2 when i'm designing, i always thought to the end in mind, and then visualize that. i do a lot of for king in the city, taking as much as i can, the movement of people defense flying events guides me to get that fee throwing movement that the always try to incorporate in my designing a cold. my brain must sum up, which comes from with a model must, if it runs in saying that saves something from nothing old base 10 was intended.
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it is very much metaphorically what it you present to me. and for me is to pray. what is people who grew up in places like me and if i had voice is so i'm being that she open that voice so that people can find the coverage to me through my creation. it's been a very traumatic jenny, but a look to be on that to be on board as was more of a photographic installation performance in the expansion of my story tenant. and kind of what happens. you know, when one is my great team to get those who comes in health care to give those will comes and take from you. the danger is also, most importantly, the listings. you brave enough to look on the other side and, and we had this cough chose code for us up to this time a travel which was more of like can, we could be rooted in the home africa and trying to make it the best that we can
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make it the function is more about story then clothing function is the motion and passion in your most recent collection at cape town fashion week, silence the guns is we storytelling needs. activism was calling out all the generation of say no tweet inputs and to a to, to the guns to the violence to the killing. it's cost basically the copeland icing one another cuz we have more than just the was the color used to very, very gentle looking at the or we should look a new and green, you know, and also us to process to maybe to re bid traumatized. and you know us and soften it into the soft light pill. when i started function and not everyone rejected my voice ever and said that i was too colorful too bold total out . but now the whole world is fine, at least sending and accepting my voice and my messages. and i'm enjoying such
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moments through struggle and pain, passion, and creativity are important nimble muscle. myra has showed us that our life denise has the power to inspire great things. i am now joined by 2 piece on which side left the project director for now we'll route as a director for the beautiful things exhibition. here at the women living here, we teach monument to research. thank you for joining us. what is the root contemporary arts project? logo is a project that was conceptualize it 11 years ago, and the name of it means i'm a c u and acknowledge you for who you. uh, it's a case study name. and the reason why we actually initiated the project with the department of us and coca plus based on the, the public attacks that are happening inside of africa bit and you know,
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and my experience of targeting the content and that it's actually not just so that she can issue either continental issues that we need to know. i know that she says a and i'm accepting each other for who we are as africans and we use the medium or be sure to showcase the best of african contemporary touring if you come in. thank you so much for giving us an insight into this beautiful excavation and for your time scape porting has always been a sport for misfits and our costs in africa. it is still a small and underground activity, but it was couple running points, one of which sounds good, tyler, c, g a is when it came to chase perspective. and to show that skateboarding is not just an escape for hooligans, but father and life, listen, this is not just about having fun with a wooden toward this is about life goals. i hope that the on the of you know,
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let me pick this. getting staying here is quite small. nobody knows about is like from outside the country side of the got upon myself to show the world you know, see what exists here is not california. it's habit on a bus, one of my name is and if i could tell i think ok and photographer, i'm looking for a $10.00. one of the skate board and community is still small. there are no brand sponsorships or major lead contests and no state parks. all right, now we and how about and about so i know, yeah that's part of the is the, he's comfortable with getting here every week. so it's a pass for us to go out out there in the streets because because of security, so was gonna change the way. so this place has like a safe space for us. people not, they don't really understand what skating is because to them this thing as, as little ruffles. this is also something does kept us out of trouble skating for
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me. so even for music light in this game and bad things. yeah. you can get on good people with an easy way to static. so this i mean is like this mix of things going like lead company bedframe. so what i like most about skating is just the present veterans. yeah. that comes with a like trying, trying again. it's just like a life lesson based. in this case, the numbers going slow. you make sure you are right now. my hope is to see more scale 0 the more skita village coming through the scheme of photography. 2016, and i move to cape town to study photography of city of austin to college. and um, i mean, the main reason why i started photography it was to, to document the skateboarding scene and how, what on being an ex state or himself,
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most soco knows how to get the best shot. and the hard work has paid off. his pictures had been featured in various skater and international magazines, box for the escape photography, and then what size and part of about is i, i get to like, i always have to take like the over again until i get it right. lesson was what i'm telling you about it because you know the skate a might not be the photo might not look good too. so then i have to take the photo again. you just need to have good composition and a good i. and also, the most important thing that you need to have is their own style. do. masako also works for a nigerian skate shop, crucial for the community. their whole said me one day of you know, let me pick and they'll be different. skin fox around the country way to kind of
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like pick up the avoids and start investigating. and i feel like because you know, escape skating as it has helped me to stay out of trouble. and it has really given me like a tray of costs and like just a bit of help from intellectual experience, different things and can go outside my comfort zone. it's not just pictures and it's not just a hobby. it's about showing that skateboarding can be the keys and managing many of lives, ups, and downs. the. we can all learn something from the skate for. it is not about how many times you full it is about getting us and trying to gain. interior design is an off form. we lays for homes, offices, or commercial spaces total. uh, i guess, really an interior designer from lake or is dedicated to transforming ordinary spaces into sustainable centuries. the spaces we inhabit have a profound impact on our wellbeing tele, accumulate a legal space,
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interior designer transforms ordinary spaces into exceptional and sustainable centuries that put them on balance and harmony with is hello. oh, seen people interact to the space on the completion. what do you think of a factory or something where everything is watching and how many? so i think it's just important that you really considering the way the pace is used . i mean, sometimes people don't really want that. so how many might be the thing, you know, uh, you know, it could be in the color, right? is like, you know, makes the holidays happen. so think about, you know, that, but i think we really follow the brief of the clients if that's what they're looking for. that's what we're going to give them, but it's not always the case. it how many is the end result basically working in the investment banking sector for over 60 years in the u. k. moved back home to legal to stop working in the interior design space. so this is one of our projects . we have custody of houses with the bus as they study incentive officers kitchen
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for the for the full into this for the past. obviously for a young couple who obviously quite in session to expose the trouble quite to know the interest of health and fitness and re to affect the restaurant is in the house . to accumulate is a story teller a spaces. cheese is a passion for collecting oswick and to use the empty spaces that she entered into contemporary, residential and commercial spaces. so we do a lot of them until projects and also project projects. so a little the time to talk because it might be like the theme of the space that might be an interest john to american best jobs. so this is chapter one, the best jones that we designed on legal fact you have the space has to have, even though it's an engine restaurant, they wanted something, but it's of fresh and contemporary. we need to restaurant design. we have to think about the weight of a chair and these chairs um, well actually even putting them in from a comfortable down form. it's just kind of moving company. they tend to have quite
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a few events in here. so you have to, to move the tables. it's important that you can set up the day to afternoon evening i think was best on because in multiple let it last and like take, we have that effect going on. these ration is like a big mountain pulse of lots of different facets depending on what we're doing. so sometimes that in spicy, but of course we're based here was by what we see around us 5 by off that we see off is a big part about design flaw. seen we kind of fill it brings into the page and not see it. big that since every space. so the commission for those places are watching, you know, whole creating frequency living spaces taller. recently opened an art gallery in lake austin to further promote my gear in an african. okay. so this is um, so it's a gallery. i'm telling you have an expression on by offending on autism. he's actually a mazda 5. it was, it's a great one to have him showcase as well as a gallery. and then this piece here is by random from
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jamaica. cool down on bash on bush oh. and they can see it absolutely stunning piece. so we pressed the represent him as well. salary. i think it was about 5 success ago. we started our platform. cool. i design out, which is just really college people to start having interesting, you know, what we have looks like we have amazing office lunch here. that's super talented. it's all the odd that sits toilet upon and to being inspired by the me don't the clients in such a way that the space is she creates, reflects the individual vanity of each inhabitant, stable materials. i mean, the bamboo comes into class a little play. this is actually, you know, a tool which is the ritual to, we've actually just sort of be purpose to by using the number of c capital, which is way over the way nice and just sort of done the bumpers, chips over it. something we actually started to take, integrate my business on the t k. he to visit the 1st call subdivision,
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then since i was to be developed. so yes, it's a great way to sort of, you know, up cycle. i'm an old old basically isn't to design is on face. it was best to get us on board when you get the architect got to go. didn't realize that, but it's actually best in terms of the space planning to becoming really early on and making sure that the, the space really functions as well as it should for the use as a bit o top, the office. so restaurant or home that there's actually a maximum um function to that site is probably the most important thing. paula is not just an interior designer. she's an artist who takes inspiration from the unique personalities and needs of her clients to create a better and sustainable future. that's all we had in still for you today. remember to check us out to d, w dot com, forward slash at re max pool until next time. good by the
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the, the, when the listen started, we started to understand clearly and watching the 2015, the still active pro democracy drug test in ukraine. prisons ami invaded the country release of the response to your cries, to see all the signs for the euro. my done in 30 minutes on the w shifts your guide to life and it did to to
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explore all the latest online trend, navigate your way through the digital jungle global perspective. we'll see you guys and show you what's possible. really message to you in 15 minutes on the w, the, these places in europe stepped into a bold adventure. the treasure map for modern globetrotters discovers some of us regular bragging sites on youtube and also into my name is the calls back said wow,
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thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay, like good everyone to king, to check out the award winning called combat to hold back the
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. this is the don't even use live from berlin, anger, morning and confusion over the death of alexi in of ione. as police arrest dozens of supporters up memorials across russia and found these allies say they are not being told have the opposition leader died. his team blamed vladimir putin personal and ukraine and focus as world leaders hold security talks in munich. keeps forces retreat from a times they defended for years from russian procedures. presidents landscape warrants weakening, western support is caustic lives on the battlefield. the .


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