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tv   Euromaidan  Deutsche Welle  February 18, 2024 5:30am-7:00am CET

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the surprises i was shoving and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to do you have you have a one to delete it from port we've got a response to an unexpected side to side. the, the when the revision started, i saw that we started to understand who we are and what you could use. the nice, uh, do you find this? i just gave you the dimensions on the items. awesome intuitive it. he must use it for
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the brush. so trying to choose their own jeep bodies for go, they can just cons, allow ukraine, police russians, owners and the terms of things. so towed on the sides, but that reported because essentially been at war with the west for at least the last 10 years. the really understand that if we fail, uh, we will lose our concert. the
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grew up on the solid grain. the city called is a pretty sure the this is my like a night just bought for filmmaker, alina cordova, and many of her generation ukraine is unmistakably, a part of europe. i don't know why rushing people. i don't know why jim needs this for i'm sure that's this. people in care of this to young generation for they don't need all of these they don't needs. perhaps they need stick. clear as of the storage is they need new possibilities. elena started making films and keys might in square in
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2013 the so called utero might in protest, marked the crossroads of what you crean stude. whenever you watch the footage from my don, i just don't. that's really the war. absolutely. the worst stats, it's already there. but you understand it's only right now, or when you see the whole situation from the distance, the field or the northwest love does not fundamental cutnam must see more details on goods. if russia has invaded ukraine by land and senior citizens, your thoughts respect shift. and i get a decline, a level we see a big low, single guy strongly don't go national political doing the come pick or doing them. so what am i doing? here's something great little to no more than what were you in the system? and i see that authority, these off, among the darkest hour and 40 would have seized the end of world war 2.
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the goose learn to meditate. you must do dental sense. try not be cmc or the i think the russian invasion, if you crane is very, very small diffusion, i think actually most well average russians and even people who surround him will absolutely shocked. they really did not think it would come to this. this wasn't something new to the ukrainians, like it was to us in the west. this was something they understood, they understand the weaknesses of the russians. they understand the corruption and russia russian while ago. it's been really involved in ukraine as well. lots of the russian major companies likes burbank, for example. look, we'll go the guess from other guys been working in the full scale in ukraine at the same time, lots of the ukrainian or the gosh, they had business in russia back in the days that was prepared to work this. that's all communication, whole connect to the whole making money, hold involved in some wars between each other related to the is going to control
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what the i started to feel that our country is very corruption on some level we on this. so that's, this is the same regime as in the russia and barrows they wanted to make and union between green russia abilities. we understood that there will be no prism one of the country. when the resolution started, i felt that we started to understand who we are and what we could do. in november 2013 protesters at the might in squared demanded their president, victoria, nicole bitch, signed an agreement with the you. this with sparks, the beginning of the roommate and revolution, the using facebook more and more people gathered in the centre of kit to show their desire to be a sovereign part of the youth. first,
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a group of students thought demonstrating that they were dispersed by rod police that created the reaction. and soon there was this huge occupation by the people of key of all that my down, which is to say the, the independence square in care of and a jason street on the back of the job in the page. the print on 4 months in freezing cold, and which transmogrified into the largest pro e u. demonstrations in history. not just the over ukraine, but of your the,
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your needs. uh, do you cry. the vide decided symbol. i as in boy the so called g, the freestone give help, or the next genital is to ride the e u summit in vilnius lithuania, to meet with heads of the commission pots. and the council council, which was 20 heads of government from the you were planning to discuss the refresh mode of 6 former soviet republics at the face turn partnership summit negotiation. this continued with you train fix the other coverage, hey suppose is actually leading the charge of for the application of ukraine to be an associate member of the, of your opinion, along with a number of other countries like georgia, for example, this fund for item 2 or submittal appears in stock and some must be poor and gone to download for student and how to book the format to commit to that a who and often not once about in the institute soon. and zips about i'm soonest,
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i'm so badly in designs is just go to the ultimate for the presumed dead fx and then belong to speakers. sagnasti. now transition is that split a vital touch, so non dust and is upside and then nonsense. and once again, will center shelves, the tide is called natural some point after. it's also a 100 when solution to nato and most non to fully coming on to induce them to comment. a student will slide to rush them to westland, the dep permissive, screwed us as document you know, and then is that your husband columbus them to from does the silver rains and inducement china and on as donna, as the age you put festa or a vital unders click on that, and now that is on us and dodge sun is windows level, as on us and dogs fund, i'm seeing the dusty. so if you have to on your own and then cook some more efficient, it's listed on the slide to conduct photo. and i think it was like, you want us to whole pile each different. i'm see it and then picking them. okay. now, gotcha, though, as far as visual as a sign, you go by the single shooting it be would be the $23.00,
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and we get you the original medical new, those storage warranty sheets that we do for cycles is that distorted. feel free to go to part of my job. i see a yes. so crazy not nor yes, because also you push up on you how much difficult but this sign. yes, the gushing it and you can approve it. shut reverse course, closing on opera and ukraine and consternation and you're even actually prepare the, the reading and public opinion including these that he would sign. and then at the last minute, he was partly tempted and possibly threatened by vladimir putin must assign moscow makes it very clear that if you cran goes down this path to the consequences. and you had a cove which, because he is well disposed towards moscow products. and he basically, along with some others in his uh, circle polls back ukraine spent some on this sparks of a whole series of protests. this becomes known as the euro. my done revolution
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protests because it's in favor of joining your opinion on the european union, flags waving everywhere. this is how it is also seen as an expression of national self determination sentiment that doesn't credit voluntarily wanting to join the opinion. this isn't, you know, being a being false in any way this isn't being subject to this is being forced into a block like the erosion economic union all before the, the come off of independent states dominated by russia. i'm or who am i done for the admin? hostage of austin brick, dusty and will test to emission more in kia start funding or the investment that will quite you know, so not just some i'm don't want to get president victor. you on a cool, which is the one for 40 of our ultimate sued austin. this lenders you mentioned by 95 awesome and pruitt, very massive a call to own fund victoria,
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a new coverage team. 14 good toy in a president in denver. you know, on 10 student danielle sneeze because i'm i lost, was he done is no noise. i can on some indic movie these if are going to toilet on august 1st. envelope to so having some this infiniti dish again, when i lived is a dia, size. good, that's a c e mom. i'm the voters here, the look 01 of them. i'll stand getting these in the house a 100 to the ag fuss stores and had a few in the length a knowledge tucked in the midst of yolanda of can be my 1st video show recruits at the might in square expressing their reach ever more in statically against victoria younger, cool, which is drastic decision, the,
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the increasingly violent measures used to suppress demonstrators raised questions about who was giving the orders just getting our, our smallest my team go stands 1st of taught in the oil my done for test. i'm so class and that one time with this new guns for some credit hours. this comes, i enjoyed the so does she not a single flo susan's and as much as we talk also will stand in, in president and general coverage and so highest and not enough for the just i'm going to the protest the need to have subscribing on hot didn't to test to meet if you don't see it. so i don't phillips and it's been done. most of the might um for the long uh, keith on something down even give them give access, tells us be to us, but i'm to go to view the file. and then hopefully,
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if you to initial political of talking to initial up the often to, to on 10 of a, even of deutsche, i opted to for by come, i'm with congressman and political a disappointed for the just naturally of the shared hosting the muscles or death to 14 on think and let them listen to you. i'm like content i invested in dc non c n d . i'm only in the n g o and this is alyssa, i'm see a good light that i love. comments, we have an on up see an inch. i even folks of done sticks dca and stick the economy so you don't want naturally to buy them. my don, i'll listen to it and see me a long day. i'm good. cannot ukraine have clearly become a pond between russia and the us with the us trying to influence the opposition in ukraine?
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an intercepted phone calls and calls the diplomatic scandal. um, i don't think we should go into the government. i don't think it's necessary. i don't think it's a good idea. us ambassador victoria, a new land didn't believe political was fit to govern. and you didn't believe much in the you either the so that would be great. i glued this thing and have the un helped fluids. and you know, the, the, i don't have any other independent details about the origin of the youtube video, your director, right. this is a clearly happened overnight and is relatively new. but this is something nathan, actively promoting, posting on tweeting about the reflex of the russell watch. your machine in the west is to say, what will moscow do now?
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and it's the wrong question. it's been the wrong question for some time where it puts all of the momentum. all of the decision making in the hands of the kremlin is get don't feel good. but the ukranian president, again a corporate, she met his russian kind of part of putting it in the kremlin. and the whole financial aid from musket, which was needed to plug a 12000000000. you're a hole in the ukranian state budget correctly. uh no, it was cutting some stuff for no. yeah, no cool that you could not expect any more money from your account after declining an agreement with the use you upcoming with a when she does this decision being driving people in ukraine onto the street. perfect. i'm sure it's probably the most because the i see you going to put it in your skip, but who knows why we're dealing with we're putting it's, it's really important to understand him and a number of levels. but one of the ones that, that's critical, important to me is you have to understand him as a career k g b officer. sorry,
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we have a k g b officer who's been the president of russia for, for 20 years. and he's using the tools of style and his intelligence officer to run a 21st century kind of countries. so he's sort of built up this, you know, powerful kremlin with him at the heart of it. almost like on the modern days, as our russians don't need petitions being charged every time you've have ability issue in charge guns and going don't grow much of a great example. dream are popular is the pollution 1st. and so that research in, in the states, intelligence, or ministry pretty much yield some. so the 2nd thing now when they have fortune and the russians historically, they need to reward each or the worst shift. someone who can run the country with the iron feast and who can achieve and make something happen versus more designed and built as a byzantine empire for one guys in charge. and that one guys pretty much gets we'll
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inches power. he's able to achieve whatever, whatever, with what she wants. i think the, what we've learned from looking at russian doctrine and how the russians have been thinking through what is modern warfare is that these things are all layered and connected. and in the russian mindset, now it is very much information is the critical domain in all phases of conflict. so whether you're preparing for something or an active phase of or information is always a tool that you're using to try to shape whatever the battlefield is. alena go leuva expedience 1st time was a peaceful protest that the might in square turn violent. she sense that this would not only create international tensions, but we'd also market turning point, not only for ukraine, when the you started to fights with zipper testers. uh, we really understand that this is war against probably our future.
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awesome. this is the most important moment that we have to we. if we fail, we will lose our country the the if you cancel the arrows that uh are cancelling the slot and spear came from the 2500 to cancel the drones there for me then. yeah, that was utilities did. yeah, i me. yeah. under happens in using the fire cold done go. when it goes i moved on, came from here on our window, came down again from the mirror to land the
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same line, the protective and the police, the listen, she lives all in minot advice behind. so the mention on to send in android is sweet and if you see and those are very colleagues of to so doing side from state of to my don miss smith, she mentioned that will clinician cause that soft diesel and vic long ist. and george bush as mine, as a shed george dfac. soon the dental coverage is as teams on design as on 9 hyphen t, a gig. and you purchased 2 of them in items that's a full google's involving shore and used for funds. the stuff he bought on february
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20th around the might of the square, sharp shooters that killed on was 100 people missed most with you all on high victims. relative to the suspect said not only were ex president deanna co, which is especially units behind the killings of the company. but there were also a noun, foreign snipers hunting demonstrators. it's culminated in a mastercard stuff, in which around a 100 people got 2 kids from different division of ukraine. i remember that a lot of people gathered. so and also my father came, my father came, i remember getting denied and it was like, um, oh, the sign. you know, because i know my father came and she said like either ukraine young that he's disagree. it shouldn't be in this way. this is unfair to be this students. ok. you could like uh you conduct the past authorities. you could say you're not good to
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you. you could one. yeah, you want to buy sort of just you want to build your system and sides of the country . but you could, once bits, these children might in square remains and important gathering place. and keep to this day a place of morning and remembrance when i was under my da no, i had only like a hopes and expectations for the best best future for our cons. withdrawal, now i understand that's what's kind of the way we should to go through. you know, to achieve this, you started to do my, my own and yet, but yeah, it should, that as the cross at the metal gasket, see if it's up with enough body to cover that's already pretty. is that enough to make sure, so could i just get by said see tim settled that what it got on to have to meet or
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still practice to me or me know, is that what's up with them? uh, last night when this one is that's why you started off. so i'll know if that needs to go out this semester. i think that in the course i bought the i've saved a lot but, but it's just capable and i'm watching i d as an will i be speech it's that'd be missed. but i knew i've been in the book, but at the school i b as in boy, and he's treated in a pretty secrets explain these most of mom, he was that child care system phrase. what is it? the stuff we've gone for years? now let's get you. it's used to the issue, you know, for sure. but you know, to us that are you trying to achieve their own? sure bodies go go. they can just count the low ukraine police russians own or for instance, they can lead to ukraine, the part of me to or join european union because they do consider ukraine is pretty much the russian backyard in this case, if you wish. again, unfortunately for ukraine to have a really huge neighbor and all the major countries, large countries, they are naturally, historically of where you paranoid you bought their neighbors and rushes of
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exception in this case. let's imagine that russia or china this hypothetical scenario put its own military bases or decided to bring mexico, for example, into the breaks or something like that, the racial or decided to put them in the translations all around the mexico. how quick united states will react them to americans got a whole lot of challenges. russia is a regional power. that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors. not a sprint, but out of which the ukraine has been a country in which russia had a normative influence. for decades since the breakup of the soviet union, us and we have considerable influence on our neighbors, we generally don't need to invade them in order to have a strong cooperative relationship with the in march 2014
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russia antics the crime in turn into a southern ukraine i'm pro russian separate to sees the done best region in the east of the country, the because it is global of stuffs. and so it doesn't fits in to put things live with a concussion. there's a human kia find it and it does a give miss owens. i'm still tied to but also i'm not the, the bbc cons independently verified just footage. but video has a moves which appears to show president data k, which is on to raj, fleeing from his luxurious mansion outside of 14, not speed. and we have them present confidence in the valve. i know the bites.
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logan left us even just i just got to the state month fozzy fund to the judges of funds. list each bar on the summit. this to be quite, you know, table cloth and stick it to me or cloth of us to put you locked oven is a void. nadine, moody, gold, c e o. i think it was the very 1st shouldn't be an option. so indeed, i know 5 was able to join, be done much vitals and fee and it looks like you know, v in a job as an often in egypt to get to a house of mine to find a mind, a colleague, medina is miss reagan, music press on the oldest house on david, the man on the van ein festival from folk is still good. so you want me to start i this is you gotta sweating that things and thoughts on the 1st 10 digits of it. i know other than that for me. but it's of, it's not in the shops i'm calling the ones i need to in or submit to the whole
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problem and i just and the size, the geek 90 not there's not much do you need to know which one the other grandson put them on hot for the day i was pulling in and the steam from that it and starting off the boat and the proof of the keywords. that's the next. the key granted uncommon router and buttons are assignments to minutes. when i come with to know that off important, you want me to fit and one of the important piece of professional muscle. i know what her spirits and about truly the for she and then as we shall have a volume on all the tools and d as oh, nice them ended as kind of and they just got on the do not to us as hard to a psychiatrist or 14, so tools like and the whole slums as who are effective. and it is, it would soon d o some sites and this guy thinks he gets pushed, complete best on sources as well. z a and foss. this is not a teeth bite. that's a spinning onto design, and he has an answer to as soon as you have session, if i end up getting times it helps us you'll find to also obtained is a bargain. no. 95. it is wagner. no, no. yeah. what can this find?
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this does the supporting mining the feel and focused on commodity because he was part of the k j b as a sword and shield of the soviet state. but even in a role where he was trying to protect the state, she was unable to do anything. is there state fell apart. so you can see there's a series of events that stopped to make it very clear. that person of the people around him because he didn't feel crime one way or another. but of costs to main turning point is the conic section of crimea. in 2014 russian president vladimir putting cast his shadow across the boundary of europe and russia. this morning for on identified pro russia arms militias. rolling the streets of premier's capital heavily armed wearing camouflage uniforms of what kind of yes or to the russians. philip drake. up the turn of troops deployed this morning around the main air force and crime in this is suffering ukrainian territory. these were dogs ukrainian troops,
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despite having removed all identifying the box from the uniform that much was set. my tried to ask whether they were for brush or your cray scale clients. they simply turn that box. there is this green man, as you may recall, the show up in premier. and i remember at the time, i think i was an ireland for some conference or something, but i was sitting in my hotel, the only english language non local irish tv channel was of course r t english. and they were covering what was, what, who, who are these people? what is going on, who we do not know what is happening in premiere? and if you look back at even real news coverage of that time period of the 1st few days of the russian invasion of chrome. yeah, there was this, you know, the buying into the deniability. we do not know who the man with no insignia is are . it's like who also is it going to be? it's a chinese like clearly it's the rest and it's one of them practice kind of think about a one bedroom. it's a no show or falls when people clean and it's
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a good blocked cream. since i've gotten the roof and you just sorting, as i know the fast on route to get the button on them and have inside. and i know it's each puts out on as many as 20000 restroom searches has been on the moves across from me in the past 24 hours. they have taken over without firing a shot. and then in the skies above came a flight of russian military helicopters, heading south towards the festival, flying praising the new train in space, and then very quickly rolling into the fake boat for independence and joining russia. so this was all in the period of 3 weeks. you've been working for the largest the russian internet and use website. it was huge. this in terms of the audience, you could compare it with the national television, few weeks before the crimea annexation. our editor in chief was fired. it was,
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it was done because the kremlin wanted to fire her, and the owner, you know, decided to do. and it was, i would say, was the spark of the preparations of russia for the crime in events because normally in russian before, huge historical events, the authorities are cleaning up the media environment. see if the instead of meeting the phone, you can use that. i go to thumbs thoughts, and that'll dream of what you're going to be seeing. any crises configured us. so your junior, it'll be always on your don't store as these will be. why did you still get your sofa? you guys haven't even the most full scale of email moscow, speech language voice. i think you need to be super optimistic if you do media in russia and also you need to reach tribute enough to do media in russia . because if i want, if i, if i could predict what will happen next, i probably wouldn't choose this way. this is
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a hard way to go. and, you know, of course, we understood that it was, it's not going to be easy. but i found that i sent it over and over to me and all the, some of the on the 4th, and it shows for those it surprises the concepts. what city it should a position and go. so i, you know, so i'm not sure list of it as of the security deposit. i have an estimate of posting at some stage sort of thing. yeah, of course the stuff i see is that enough money, if the who is the question i'm done with the everybody was watching russia indeed, and annex a neighboring countries territory with no consequences. and no one could come up with anything else to do except like waves or arms and maybe some sanctions. i can't even remember when the sanctions were 1st connected, but no one tried to stop meeting like this. the g 7 made a physical statement and issued a political one to we were consulting and putting in place, the framework, the architecture for additional sanctions. additional costs should russia take this
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next step? and that will probably also owns the site in the email which will sluggish as post and office wu, teeth and image is full. this portal the looks of this ink from within the last part of the business. so none of this big, even this space or the space to start dealing with gig dish delta display excuse to mac. uh, and just on my i was naturally listing guns at side and that's kind of movies. yeah . advise him off and just forced out to see now that you will just see all right, and didn't often in the initial session, click on shot. the mistake was that the west advise ukraine not to fight. ukraine doesn't have a president at the time who in your credit is come under and she's a and so uh, fortune was able to uh, uh, do an honest, lots of crime, you know, without having to fire shot it off to the us. doesn't excess on the pauses,
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the russians to spark off uprisings and insurgencies all over you credit on the tower, ship the south, and the hope that on possible follow the same path as crimea and enjoying with russia. yes. get investigations for statements for you to miss flushed in the surgery, but to you quite, you know, on these are nominated us do is to clean it on the spice. and this land is possessed of canady volume on team on i was forced on for see you on the voice or on desktop mavita from bluebook seek and know quite english class and this won't include them done by skid windows. this is even mr. and mrs. guns club and then and must associates in stoughton, wisconsin creek king. you will come in on this kind in town. a conflict, especially for she, the cloudy scene, yet an admissions cloud solution will w 9. lovely young loving hands this morning. i've been back to the inhabitants or a weekend by the noise of the bottle. this man too is that his wits end that's
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garage be coming to kind of dogs. tom is forced upon a site in bed creek bodies to sleep with shot, but soon as the skirmishes seem to be escalating into a real civil war, ukrainian soldiers use helmet cameras to document what happened. if not, this separate is attacked. an army check point and tank was exploded, the, the army is combat. helicopters came to the rescue, but too late dispute and heavy losses on the side of fighters. loyal ki, i continually defaults was that some type of money, but the other ones come, i do have some punch i got. so we had a couple of us. what's months? the, the conflict in the east of ukraine has been marked by armed fighting and bloody confrontations. lena cordova has been filming the everyday life of the people here for 10 years. and every day life, steam by war in summer we decided to go to the bus and to assume there what's going on,
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which was foreigners run some food sports going on with them right now. i realize it's, it's in other words, because i was done by c 20 from 2014. even this work sounds in another way. i mean latham in other weapons and other types and other like the amounts of bathrooms, the, the war zones in the east and the capital of ukraine have a long felt like worlds apart the since february 2022. however, the war has come to keep clearly after
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to talk to don boss region and he took, try me after 2014, there was some diplomatic talk amongst your opinions and ukrainians to try to make some sort of agreement this at least cease fire and stop the fighting, but i think this is part of the value of a tale of the west, is assuming that you can actually make an agreement with vladimir, put in a diplomatic agreement with vener put in the something that is just a waste ation on getting to where she wants to go, i was surprised that the russians didn't go into ukraine at this moment because most likely it was one to be able to resist them to anything. can you create image force when look prepared, a country was extremely divided and then back into they lots of ukrainians will, which might should no trouble for restaurant in this case, especially of the south and east. so i was really surprised why didn't happen since where you was it was use words, strange and future why they didn't do it. i recalled my last meeting with us. i get
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loved growth in 2014, with some friends out. the stein might have, who was not present of germany, which was already off to the next session of crimea. and we were trying to persuade him, look this, this will not stand, this will, this is a mistake. we can help you to get out of it. and i was sending him look, if you take on the west, like the soviet union did, you will lose the european union and the united states together, 80 times bigger economically than russia. you comes with this, i think the 2nd level of the store, the question in my mind is whether he had the courage to, to, to put, put such arguments to present thoughts. and i bought that in june 2014 1000000000 near chocolate producer petro portion cool. one. the election in the 1st round became ukraine's president elect. bush rank is all about himself, right? people this thing was tending to give you the full, the gar solve the whole political system in ukraine is good idea. great idea. she
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really didn't talk like them to um, for the 1st time i became president, that was kind of strange shooting that. okay. using guys been standing for let's get you the full the gars, and now you will cut the, you elected the order has a president. so what's the difference? i'm put you on a one pole in brussels tonight. something has changed with power shank goes election. and with the state sky high for the entire region, i sat down with them to us with a she's the one to deal with vladimir putin if it would be some negative because nomic reaction of prison fortune. unfortunately, this is possible given, not take into account that to not him and the president promise not to undertake this steps are not like a vis advisor. then conflict. i think a form of putting him on a flight doesn't come for of a is not the a list
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a came bob of spies inside. mm hm. and that's one good thing to do is i'm going to see it means kinds this download some of the talking. go ahead and switch and don't cut in the woodlands. that was said e own stain, so it will not zip about. just do you have those i'll meet with there she is on you haven't done one of those will pop up with you on the minutes i'm shy, sad to definitely find them all via was long provides i instruct and some shopping for that. is it 41 sided set of agreements and which really russia was trying to use your opinion, powers, particular the germans and the french to hold ukraine accountable. whatever it was that russia wanted to see implemented on to actually make it impossible for you credit to be able to take back any of the time to see that. is it last to russia and the cost of those bottles in the don't boss regions? the main issue was western economic interests, especially the 1st for gas bought cheaply from russia.
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the ministry agreements for it was the conflict inclusions favor, at least for the time being the the, you know, what, the, what was the doing to deal with the delay and somebody kind of showing you how can you manage the knots if the children, i think what we've seen with mens one and 2 is that they were all was just meant as, as a means for letting reporting to sort of hold serve until he can attack again. and let me give you some details which i took to restore security in the disputed territory on the ukrainian president propose an international peacekeeping operation in accordance with a mandate from the world security cancel. and that's 100 votes except to publish
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angle. but as it was on condition that so nancy hide scots and keeps on the many digest, however, that weapons would remain silent after the ukrainian army withdrew to the body. fall system on the sweden's upcoming fun means no 2 had shot. but either on the go out to the as a routine finding the man to our shops. so putting the genius nice to don't pass through, we can guess the meanwhile on do you train on the sphere? said mine in deutschland tab, and he's inside the desk. these are standing damaged by noon, have i to the good for that as a big gun? you have, i don't one that one took a shot, the scale my initial so it was, it was done house. now has this went up on this big deal, as we've seen that cutting to kind of to be by the conflict for time students is getting about. and so i can give us to another sort of systems for how to get these
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and find balance didn't come in under the form of offering funding to participate in formal salon. the village is a solution and this means cops come hudson, these are the interesting thing. let me know stopped a sphere, the other unit on the bus, the funded and the participant visits. this exists in pad because it's the cut. you know, i've gotten other items out in this month. the news so long it is kind of interesting buffering students don't get the french from the germans, on some other of the european powers, but very concerned about their own long term relationships with russia. many european countries are very complex, complicated historical, as well as more contemporary relationships with russia. certainly for germany, that investors and enormous amounts of political capital, but various different german political policies. and trying to reconcile this question. because of what has happened and we'll go to there's a lot of gifts in german political circles about um, not just the invasion, poland and the rest of you. but what it actually happened in the soviet union, the,
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the, well, there are people who didn't know which is the punch and was waging war on us in the propaganda field. he was sending a death squads to britain to berlin, to kill his opponents. she was building not streams of many, many people and country is uh no chest and uh we will on the german friends repeatedly. i did it myself on every occasion. so it's a little surprising that they did. and that's just yeah, them hard to. and so i guess placing it and it was fun to put that image, which method was an awesome to start demolition because it didn't fuck because that's don't get enough. there's also for analysis of killings or thought i know combines of getting into all kinds of a come well the, the, there is an explanation for why uh, germany was listening to our warnings, namely grade the one that has a my gas guns needed to call one of them to us are you still gross loans are
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coughed down, gab as a and their high f one for died in july and then politic on das, the sister i there are to light father and sure if you don't ship, we need to give a desk the swap between when she is up to night. yeah. if you'd like to give discrepancy here fide. when we do in the inception of issues, now i've done. yep. this, if you have 30, he's been in the form of jim and thompson that has been working for years with the substance you, me, of russian stay tuned. oil and gas problem site that has a close relationship with the russian president vladimir putin. vincent go, how soon is the icon in the system and say, you know, but you mind safety has to be done on deck up and squeaking, been to say, is this sufficient level of bush bits here to door general essential extra things. and the school site or putting using these economic relations to try to benefit
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russian behavior to benefit the kremlin and sorted to weaken the west. a good example of this is former chancellor schroeder, you know, he's been put on the board of, of large oil companies. she's been shredded by putting as somebody like whole you can help us build this relationship between the 2 countries. all politicians, you know, maybe one, is there a chance to make some money think this is a great idea and to, as an intelligence officer understands that by using those relationships, by using money, he can get his hooks into people. there's a term for this among academics is called elite capture and sort of trying to to use money and relationships to get people to serve your needs. and he's been spending money like a, like a drunken sailor around europe in united states, hoping to take advantage of these relationships when he needs them. say i was using this, i guess i get the time with a senator for an hour, a cool to that which is most of the one girl that she was having contact with asian,
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obviously all the time on the how to go to these meeting. you know, they have these big senate meetings, christian was a and a nice full this sort of weird energy where it's almost like a caricature of a such as mafia. so you know, the gold folders of these people are just from what i so reach, so they don't have empathy. they don't have no she mazata is that it respects each of the accident and recess. you know, he was already of those faces and then everybody was the following, dodge, and i'm frightened. of course there are many lot the middle of the ridge pressure that's come on the spot, the bit or stick. i like you start know, exhibit i was there and did you like this during a distribution for the money but stuff give us the score guzman is up a little you know that i'm not sure that i'm eligible. is that
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a southern sheets? see what are these 2 minutes i said you mean because it was to be do you have a southern finish, the full and the media with this a little but i guess what do you mean? yeah, with interest though, i'm gonna put in most of the shuttle service they just looked at the i'm not sure can you let me just visually change that to you? hope to a deal together get the plates. but these things we regarded the entire notes for your investments as people, geo politics. there was never any shortage and still isn't any shortage of gas pipeline capacity between russia and germany. so the only thing that the note stream was achieving was for russia to be able to pump the gas directly to germany, a bypassing ukraine, slovakia check republic. and indeed the problem i've got to do is i'd like to to 0 . looks of stated that we're really communicating just it's hard to find dylan's
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combined sometime. it's also known as that some via the also the emptied by the end of that. so by talking kind of b and take them into in device and come to the village of interest to, to on, on something these it yet gets glue and just shifted to gain yet. so look inside front of the brands on job you mind. so this means credited us a most land canals and to further assist you funds, auto v. these if you have to on your own, then come to about strong faced in ending 5000. the awesome task was, and the pasta guys i ins. that's the getting the okay, united file that got this. it might be the new files fairly sufficient in size, and then for the additional portfolio of who the gas pump my my, even the 9 done to me, i just finished the put send a page from the prize of federal theodora fed. hi firestone is important. linda oppressed doesn't hate to gabriela alice visiting trenton this most as of, of his and then it was a, have a gaming in the items one of the godly. how to him,
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it was the whole face puffing for donald by guns off english boston folder under 200 is the most important statement. and so the, i'm running low because you brush it so the i'm for some are just kind of the i thought, tv types of items as themes could be the, the condos reconnoitering, but cmc curve for him. this is a sort of a spoken in a cortez scale 0 and then is, was finished a z and keep for him not order of queen, which i presume that's fine. i just required to prolong wolf is vomiting evades of using vision. nick of head and we're staying on. i'm, i'm 40 this. i feel you know, so all to find thoughts on joe's line. it looks like it's an interesting voice to, to look towards the i live on, on the ultimate level of patient partner with the home. and it's austin's uncle.
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i'm not because of my god, we are the front but this time. well, yeah. so as you and i'm side for that, it was you home, this is on some level problem. my seat shots this war is not only being weeks to create the internet has long since become a special field to where russia has also been particularly active. the we have exclusive new information tonight about an attack on the pentagon, by russian hackers. national security correspondent david martin has learned how last year they sees the e mail system used by the nation's top military officers. the attack which officials now blame on russia, began with 30000 emails, sent to a west coast university of those 30004 were forwarded to members of the joint staff . and one was open allowing the hackers and since it was an unclassified network,
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the attack had no real intelligence, but they've used these domains and tools so well. the russian is to create this perception of russian power in this new era that has really provided them security for what they have been doing for the last 15 years. i think that's what is more and used to journalism started when he 1st became a president. he felt accumulated by journalists, so he didn't look strong as he wanted to be in 20 years ago. the television was the most powerful instrument you could on the have in russia to have these political control. and um, i think it was another turning point when they realized that the internet, this is also has to be strongly controlled by the government. and in a few years, the next 2 years, they actually to call the internet the
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for in fact, i think the political warfare was going on for, for years, are ready to attack on us elections in 2016 with a form of political warfare about as, as provocative as you can get rid of those issues, you post to the schools, what do you spend a toaster? now remember, dentist is making sure me see, i knew this would be the thing if i did explain the problem with the drawer t and, and other international part of the russian propaganda is the fact that they are manipulating facts. they are lying directly into your face, you know, the right examples from other countries. and it's not necessarily putting who does that. like fox news. uh probably is the biggest and the most important, you know, popular example when people are doing something that looks like journalism and
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people consume, it's like, it's like it's journalism, but it's not appropriate. hi donald. john trump do solemnly swear to quick. she didn't explain you, but then, you know, if she's skied, got the wishing there was something you might done. i mean, is the company that temple fits those yet, but you don't use enough of us president trump and russian president pretends to seem to have sympathy for each other. and yet with trump obviously trusting content, media, the condition of the for me, all i can do is ask the question, my people came to me, dan coats came to me and some others. they said they think it's russia. i have a president, bowden. he just said it's not rushing. so i have great confidence in my intelligence people. but i will tell you that pressing a button was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today. and what he did is it a credible offer?
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the offer to have the people working on the case, come and work with their investigators with respect to the 12 people. i think that's an incredible small chunk. so inclusion, a strong mom, lead to the kinds of leisure he actually aspired to be. a person would help to seek out the idea and encourage ideas that ukraine rather than rush the edge into fields and the 2016 election. trump was so na sophistic that it was right, used to foster him. person also knew that company very little, not just about american history, but obviously about russian that ukrainian history. and so a person could quite easily convince, come on sometimes and even have to convince him that russia was in the rise. trump was a fan, offend boy of learning recruiting. so in terms of the strategy documents are offered. a lot of them more geared towards deterring russian averting a. uh, a more that i saw was, uh, was on the horizon either with,
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with russia or with nato. that was the whole purpose of, of the strategy. documents to, to avoid this outcome, to the constrain versus behavior, to re direct them it to be less of a malign actor. so ultimately, obviously i felt, you know, tragically in that regard, the war in central europe still seemed far away from any meanwhile sideways. and the people were falling victim to the fighting in the eastern new brain. the that wasn't wides to film some sort of commensurate this film invisible battalion. it's about the female soldiers and ukraine. you have arms. i saw that this will be about here or there are some but when i met x on a lot in for alex a in can you for i realize it in the meeting that she has post traumatic stress
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disorder. the chicken salad, short story because we had this social problem because the war started unexpectedly . and so we had the region to have any worse drink long periods of time. so we had no like um, impression or understanding that the soldiers a game bag was supposed to magic threads is always, or of course you understand it's the, we understand as a person, but you don't have this experience in the country as a country, as a society we,
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we didn't have any experience of the, the, the one thing that you praying had going for it, which i think a lot surprised a lot of people and how successful they've been taking on the russians is. ukraine lived in the soviet union and they lived with the russians. they speak russian, they understand the russian mindset. and so this constant effort of the russians to, to undermine them and use cyber attack and use lies in this information and propaganda. so they were able to use that sort of as a, as a weapon to push back against the russians more effectively than we have in the west. this information is not always false information, but i think what was so interesting is for the 8 years between 20142022. how much
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the narrative of the ukrainian nazi's and the far right and the influence of the far right and ukraine really just tumbled around and turned and turned in turn and didn't have a ton of influence in real systems in the united states, there were a bunch of congressmen in congress, women who are not idiots who sponsored a bill, basically saying we should stop funding ukraine and our military support for ukraine as you can change. not spend this on the, on the, on the and so i mean they could and it's a great semester and decision lock is comp time looks like it's extreme, went up by let's keep the also done in the class. you know what the noise is of the instruction in this mazda of what the room and the item, the guns class next to the, the kind of what's in the open. now, these are traded soon, that we're creating shipments. let us know some site and then click on the on the golf course of ultimate in size and into the home. a lot of things is these are
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focusing on of funding opportunities to mentor us, our school socialization on the toner, on the nazi forgotten. i don't quite, you know, kind of and disliked on, on the whole system of a toy. but in the oil, who might don the multiple tests of sponsors, pirates, and suits and punish. would have to help them to see the endo cut, you know, caught on the whomever, getting a hot, soon garnished so few them to tie, etc, and couldn't give up on deal of a s o n. as in boy, gonzalez, 14 english and fruitless people kind of lesson. but yeah, so the us to income and then irish and not filed them on data loss is it's the end of the house. and the unfortunate digits with you is i'm going to cut it off floss, release him onto the dish, but it's all up to him until the solution is. i know the you stay within grossman the orthodontist and click on the cam protecting specialist. when i was growing up, i had this antipathy towards ukraine. i in certain ways bought into the prop again
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because i didn't know enough that it was the ukrainians that were involved in conducting the programs deep at t something which is some of the of the creating popular jewish population. and that's where it turns out that's not true. the russians were often times pulling the strings equally bad, sometimes worse than the ukrainians. and what's fascinating, as i've worked on this area, it is, i've discovered how far is, are you creating up the society has come in terms of address, embrace whom is yours, population. one of the most, you know, kind of powerful examples is that when present, zalinski became president of ukraine. and 2019 the turn to media and below the mirror zalinski became the new president of ukraine at the age of just 41. said let me try to create a bit of a combined to get
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a movie and i to the, to the yes. as you want the nice usually in the movie. yeah. well, toby, enough say, i think his rise to power as a comedian, but really known from his roles on tv shows and in his silly youtube acts and whatever. so his whole team were sort of people that came out of this universe of ukraine's very sophisticated media environment. but they had a good understanding of being zippy, on social media and, and sort of had a message directly. but they were really kind of just silly. and i think if you had asked most people myself included a year before the war, is this the guy you'd want to go into a war with he would have been like, oh, it is kind of young and he doesn't have any grown ups around him. why city does it,
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are you really words good? nobody would guess. would you please suggest the meaning of a little less than the 2 of us. but i think to his credit, i think he understood that which was as an actor, i need to be the president and he convinced himself to be the president. and what you see now is very authentic. it is who he is. it is who he has become. well, this was one of which is great mistakes, young underestimating his the best rate. he probably saw those uh, eclipse videos of prisons, a lensky singing, and dancing, and thought. i can rel this guy, she fundamentally underestimates the power of democracies to rally around. one of the advantages that ukraine turned out to have is that the russians often
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looked down on them and underestimate of them. they almost see them as, as little brothers who automatically should be trying to sort of ask for russian help and that, and, and work with the russians, the mindset, the tools and has about, you know, maintaining power, state power at all costs. you're using the monopoly, a violence to maintain that maintain the integrity of the state. these are all things that are the, the part and parcel of the soviet intelligence surface. insignificant to show them that i must inside. ok. so that was on to create this. so i'm just, john, he was honest with you all in for be no, we didn't saw him good class on the, on the end product and fucked up. that's all them good now and these distortion continuity to as a show it missed. i'm on monday as i was saying, disgraced as individuals. so i don't know if it is all still looking for the control to get on to. so i'm last time they looked them in the ultimately and see
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it. there is the publication of anessa about you created in 2021 that put in rights in his cobra di solution. he'd already written something similar, 2002012. you claim to comes of fixation for a 10 year period. but i think everybody was telling themselves that, oh no, this is just about these specific sets of disputes. and so, and the terms of being foretold all the signs, but the time is again pushing voice territorial claims to you pre until the violence escalated, the national that was supposed to be in the, in the polish,
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to the less of the press the settings, the processes easiest on that to you anyway, just initially slips to in the story in order to pay them as much it. and then i tried to put your e mails. beautiful space probably. so what's the best most? not paid. so i need to see more stuff that be junior mentioned last piece you do to, to the most to get over that much. let me try to just go back. you know, when you chose you about the splitting the crazy fan. so essentially put and thinks that there is no such thing, not just as you created as a country, usually print in country. but there are no ukrainian people that if, for example, a credit was originally a native russian speaker, that means that they are russian. i don't think putting to see with anyone as a matter fact who is pretty transparent. he all but signal that war was coming when he wrote his his um, you know, manifesto in the summer of 2021,
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about the legitimacy and the right of the ukraine to exist. and then he put 85860000 troops on it as border and refused to negotiate. so there was no mistaking it. the problem is that too many analysts thought who it was. it was a bluff khaki. these ukraine, jewelry to you, right? russian troops shifts, must own lands. and let's see a few places in ukraine. fuel move vulnerable, been talking miles from the city of about 70 percent of the city, to be one of the us to get a tax. in the event of an invasion. the modem is lensky. the president is born this
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month that us officials are saying that quite if you could order an attack at any time me finish $5000.00 task feed, make a target for the fuel in science and feed was put into use of force by the lady here for now i might just talk to the clinic for susan talked about them is one on the phone on admissions i believe, and feel like a v as in science or atlantic cut, you know, because i'm not supporting eyes and the i thought this guy does fix is 10 scratched cut, you know, of chicago dish can, must that, does that help a guide. so i did not cut the whole past mode, so i shouldn't thought they've missed some of the clock as well and a flag of that side. but yeah, i'm kind of russia launches a full scale attack on ukraine for multiple directions. ukrainian stacy tv captures
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these images of the russian military crossing the buddha from crimea to the south. moving in city for a year, for pretty junior, exactly to by giving me a to see if there is any way for me to go to go to you or just to get that single settlement. if i'm fairly in the mornings, if anus sirens are warning the people of key think of war during the 1st day of the war with them to realize what's going on. a little of professor some way. we fast. it's all our stuff. so we're ready. and my friends wells, and i often say i, you know, stand off and i already knew the warning to on 5 for 6 hours. i mean what's happening because, of course, i think like every by that was way, thinking some way for this moment. of course we had the messages from us say from
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0 and you know, i have seen that home way for with patients also from jar. mm. yeah. how much time they came to rush and again to pray and then to you and i had to screw in presentation that's everything is very bad. and when they stopped doing, this is what was there. and there's no, but they could help us. the in the midst of the shock of the russian invasion, lena, gar, leuva did what she had done at the might in protests and then done this. she documented the events with her camera. hello everyone. i see the pro so so be recreation from that, the so sounds a little around the 3 weeks we could see how it looks
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like the there's a very important place to see how the war crimes. so look like, because i call or to like, cuz sandwich tray over the cars, all these cars, so civilians, people are try to recreate with the their families from would be which about a don guns as you can see. these cars were destroyed the
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what's her camera woman, christina lisa goop, alina gar. leuva is giving a voice to her country. she and others of her generation want to show what war means. the . i know lots of people tried sort of curious here the under the bridge there was a crowd of people who tried to rescue from would be in there for, you know, other people died. the i seen that it will
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stay in some way this memorial i seeing that there's also like one of the single authors based on the, you know, before the invasion of ukraine in february 2022. there was this very long period of signaling, especially coming from us national security entities. the we were seeing this was coming that we saw what was happening. we knew what was going to happen. and what so frustrating about that, of course, is we didn't do anything to stop it because we were stuck in this narrative that we have believed for too long of russian power. and this idea that, you know, russia was going to sweep across you praying and take even 3 days and it would all be over. so like, why bother doing anything about it? i mean, we were in that mindset until like the 5th day of the war, which is just unexcused level. we have the when it comes right into your,
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into your opinion. and it may tell which is a neighbor of both russia and ukraine. so 2 of our important neighbors were a tool. one evey. the deal for us is very simple. if put you where to comb, k, ukraine without resistance, he would come for us, makes the long run. now i'm stand in keys and you cream. so hello from to have there been us? they're killing us then walters and we should we should stop it. it's our mission and this. so this we are alone. but right now i see this, we are not alone. we are all together with you q and we could we shoot even downs for,
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but please understand me. right. these people know only the language of the wireless and power. i think the ukrainians really learned that lesson from 2014, when the euro might done protest started at the end of 2013. and then in the early 14, at the time most of ukraine was still russian social media base. they were all on v k. and no, no plastic e and these other platforms that aren't really used anymore for us. and they realized earlier you like, or nobody's seeing what we're doing. we need to get on facebook and you get on twitter. it on youtube, like people need to see our stuff. and the way that you create in media networks have really united to amplify the truth of what's happening in the war, the truth of what's happening to ukrainians. the stories of the ukrainians were fighting this war and what they're sacrificing and what it looks like in a way that is so sophisticated. and so like informal, in many respects, they just all understand. if we don't do this, nobody else will we witnesses all
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these awful crimes because of social mazda image. yeah, we have seen a lot of best. we could receive all this stuff and very quick, right. i think that's all you bring. and so went through all this events altogether because of social my job. jim doing wrong. grades mentioned that that was the one that's for the more was the most efficient, the less than that as well as and less as little. it's not some problem and less problems on the semester, some of the disagreements that should deep in the sense and with the most efficient most just to share with you on the flow. i actually was surprised, told to ask you took it. i wasn't expecting this from him or i can pull him here
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because he's pretty much doing the job, which indeed you're supposed to do and respect to him because he has got to do this job. which be question. how other leaders can they do the same thing in this type of circumstances? i can see anyone. i don't wanna bring this, but i don't see anyone in europe can do this job issues. think right now if you're showing me or that, say your help our on to event i in the face to give site. i know how to put each view in. that's from certainty. it's the one ones that you have found them. uh, kinda on smith for 14, you're using the using the g. my grandson's that's on slide guns, guns class the
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the, the old school. so i'm live in the ultra reach, the victor tools and the vision involved. i'd say she's all for all set sounds on the before i go to hire and knocked him about fight off to cut. you know, i meant i, the installment but heights have to own is a false guys and so can want on up was it? so once the vehicle becomes advisors found time to do months, that's who owns the fault, and that's what the deal cutting on the demo cartridge, the internet is on. all the 1st question of what's done, do you mind your english ocean was found to host a food and continue to assist in that time and go on a fast food us out of materials as team and what's going on. also clips which of these is site friends to does not even know 14 on the lease. and when we have them just mine and do some full tests and don't quite, you know, stopping so current and then should be to come by. and so i just messed up from when dentist office lots and lots of jesus. these are the v going of course on emotional mood, give insights on what i understood from paychecks. 6 highest. let us ask disputes
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supports escapes. most land points are gone some time and you will quite, you know, topple for us to and preach. this is tara, on link and some of it was funds and the, it's the most horrible evil project project thing. yeah. for ukraine and also for a rough sure. it's really a risk for russia. i have been going to russian since 1992 on i've seen that extensively. it's become more weston calculus in the school has a very sophisticated life and incredible restaurants, new businesses. i see my friends running businesses and i suppose i include the bob fits and i hope that, you know, you're just pretty was getting gotcha. you know, we have such different things like 75 percent approval. i mean it's very, very difficult to assess. but in front of my, for most of you can, you know, her. so she comes from the sort of artistic intelligence and she's all her friends,
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auntie. but the 2 scad, they called pool. you know that traveling and you are but still vegas who's got to say on a single because they, they retrieve old age prison. white 14 is so strong because he has to the most important tools. she has violence in one hand. and he has propaganda in the other hand, and just these 2 strong tools give him a lot of power within the country, even even after 24th of february. so a lot of people, including myself, predicted that it's not going to be possible for him to keep, you know, to keep power after starting the war with ukraine. this is something beyond any logic is something b all anymore. you know, like they had the brand that they were winning in like 2 days, but we have a lot of horses, a lot, the web bones, thanks to the union and thought i'd gone through this. but haven't mariel like real
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stuff, condition of our lives? i don't want to leave in paula in germany. i really loved these countries. i really loved the people, but we have our own home. we have our own country. the lena cordova still lives and has continued to work on our documentary, but the effects of the war in our country, the ex, or 4 times to show all the plans to our military forces. that's we are united with them and we are supporting them. and i saw also that it's important to show well to this people who are right at 25 because i couldn't, i put in 5, it's too, it's important to show them that. so we're saying, oh, some cumulative either for a little while it was putting me in
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a meeting but the president, she went to it. now she basically told my dentist was based, she'd like to book a shame less than the national to show me that would be dining. ah, so yes we are here. we stand, keith. i'm standing keith. i'm trying to do it. i think it's very important to me for a trying to contact every street, every meter average human nature of our country, of our labs. the schedule was to store the more
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the the, these are already the furniture line. me up on that on my, to pass on the line. i see the, the, you know, we read 75000 souls. is it that and be 75000 soldiers of, from siberia from, you know, very pull regions and when you look for them they'll know aspect to the russian. they don't even have russian names. there's really nothing to do with russian. it's very like starting to use any fleet through a whole it's of tough plans and to start in grad and just count them for the just a little to them. of this i find very, very side because these poor families do they don't have the internet. well they, here's what they hear on television. and these spoilt families from oscar. none of
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the children, none of the children are conscripted. ok, and yet this, you know, and support the whole the, this is the beginning of something else and thoughts well into the beginning of something else because of all, most definitely started in 2014 but the on accession of primary. but we can go back to all of the sciences restroom is on this path before this concept will set a precedent for anywhere else in the world where countries have designs on landscape is touchy. what are the countries things that might, makes weiss and then we'll probably la if you have new to up and so you'll have the big around me. you can force, you'll never inter giving something up. coventry resources, sovereignty, this kind of thing. my head, russia is obviously that they release fusion. um, but then you know, even if they release kitchen, i'm worried who would be the next agent in a letter reporting,
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who would've wanted to have, you know, a week nato a week, west americans out of europe and ukraine completely. some for ranch have focused on, on russia. he's essentially created just the opposite. i think this is a strategic mistake of a huge calculation for when i put to the the room item process of 2013 seem to be far in the past. but the young generation has not yet given up their hoops for a fresh start and ukraine. i really hope that this experience that's we have and that's we have right now that's we could transfer him to the energy. and i really would like to see this in our country transform all this experience to the energy, to move forward. i believe that's possible. the
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window cleaner. bite. a drag queen by night marcell, lay low alias liter. what's queer life like in poland these days? how does it differ from other european countries? the eligibility to i active is, does it means where you are on that in 30 minutes on d w, the he can do anything from action
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full size, direction, and reduce the release way. does he get his information? how does he work? in 19 minutes on d w, the west page heading down i know i might just do it and i'm hosting the www. new pod cast. thanks. trace amount, but it's actually about move. join us as we travel around your m, facing the history of everything else that has something right around the wells that i need to talk to you back. just as subscriber id. listen to paul, gosh,
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then we'll take you along to the right audience of the truth. this time, excel gen, this turned into meets the voices of a free turkey officer. as the other one had to flee into exile, i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem of the turkish governments, all sorts of gibs. but only if the crime is addressed in the power of attorney to take responsibility for his actions . guardians of trees, stock march, 2nd on d, w. the
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old. we can be the generation, the ends at for good malaria must die. so millions can live the
6:59 am
this is the, the news live from the land and morning and confusion over the death of alex, a nevada, the police arrest hundreds of supporters at memorials across russia. lavonne. this al, i say they are not being told how the opposition with either died is team blames. letting me put in personality also coming up the scandal that's piling pressure on hungary as prime minister ethics to all the thousands take to the streets of budapest to, to protect all protest, a pod and a child abuse case. the outcry has forced a string of high level resignations.


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