tv Gun Nation Deutsche Welle February 18, 2024 8:15pm-9:01pm CET
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americans reacted by smoking up on guns. that yeah, nearly 23000000 weapons for sold and firearm homicides rose by mouldings, 30 percent. the mass shootings that make headlines here are only the tip of the iceberg. whole neighborhoods in big american cities see shootings every day. the parents lose children, families are ripped, to pumped is that still high school has the best on against guns on and it's already being lost in the us. welcome to a country that has to move guns and people the
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arizona, one of the most gun friendly states, home to the guns site academy. this is one of the world's largest private firearms training centers. 3000 acres devoted to teaching military and law enforcement professionals along with ordinary citizens. the, these 46 participants system saying that 1st day you don't know where the oldest privately owned and operated shooting school in the world. the military, law enforcement have been training folks longer than us, but we trainers, people regular folks and we're very proud of that. we've got the best instructors in the business. we're not a club, we're not membership driven, we're training academy and you have to earn your way into being an instructor. if
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you would please stand and join us in the plan. i pledge allegiance to the flag, the united states of america and to the republic, which is the same one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. a just great way to start the way can the pledge of allegiance on the world portrayed subject to pass the training centers found there was a former marine who force in world war 2 and the career in the, in 1970 state and see in the american pistol institutes which they to became gums science academy, the a 5 day course here costs nearly 2000 american dollars. the instructors include formal
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marines, snipers and infantry come onto as many served in iraq or afghanistan. the are the result diagrams 30 years, law enforcement, california primarily works what and dang it for spent my entire career as a swat officers sergeant sniper retired at the rank lieutenant, commander of the team, and a lot of the special investigations unit. some narcotics buys games and all that kind of stuff. any questions? right, the participants come from the country. joanna is $72.00 and drive 20 hours from high ranch in idaho to improve shooting techniques. i'm driving down here by myself. going to nevada. there's no other cars on the road. easy to read about,
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i'm pulling in front of you cut you off with the funding. do i want to feel confident that i know the or the us constitution? second amendments guarantees the rights to keep and bear arms. the defending yourself not having to rely on others. it's so positive, the american miss, the seal reduced, and if it costs and firearms, a key to understanding us history. the guns have been hor, tools, and sort of the making of american statehood and american society. since the
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beginning and we can see that with regard to the early american republic with regard to the revolutionary war and you know, throwing off the bridge, we can see guns in terms of the western settlement and genocide, of indigenous peoples. she really is part of the origin story of the us and it's a thread that continues to be went through american society the, the designer of wireless phones is interesting because it's very much about consolidating this imagery of what is a real american. i got fast to that, right? this is your last dra and you'll never handle guns in oregon. and we often see these sort of incredibly flat stylized troves of, um yeah,
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whether it's indigenous people, whether it's mexicans, whether it's african american. so people of color and they're really only there to make possible the sort of fearless, self reliance, independent, you know, the weight so we don't see the mass of brutality and both massive in the sense of agree just but also mass brutality, the mass genocide of indigenous peoples, we don't kind of, we don't get confronted with that side of what the quote unquote settlement of the west, which is really a violent genocidal project. we don't get confronted with that. instead we get this sort of frontier mess of what it means to be in america, which is very much wrapped up in in whiteness and in masculinity. the drug
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for joseph. just back at the guns site academy participants training until late in the evening. the shooting range and beyond the ready. okay. try to read participants learn how to use the width and in all sorts of situations. some training battlefield scenarios. others in domestic spaces, the jetta shooter gun just going to go shot. right. okay. bigger guy. since you got a 2nd, i'm a huge in it. got it because the only, the only shut off down here. may i shutting my instructions so i can like tv, your movies. you should someone that is mean if i quit several things,
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this is the threat is not he is the threat. so it makes this stop for sure. i have to stop him and the best place of stopping the rest of the price lock in here to get into his brain pan. anywhere in here. he may not stop, but he shouldn't have his chest as of survival or seem to know, right. i want it to be not can campbell head, the guns i to academy for him firing firearms is an inalienable rights for a while. a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state. the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed . my right to own a firearm was not granted to me by the government. it was given to me. my god, some of the anti gun folks want to make more laws. murder is already against the law, shall we make a double murder and not as in to but do we need to make murder twice as bad?
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but isn't it true that there are more gun related death in united states that anywhere else? no, i don't believe that's correct. i do not. you look at the statistics, let's just go to our southern border and mexico and they have a lot of gun laws and must look at the deaths there and compare those most murders in mexico committed with weapons smuggled across the board from the usa, the to send you, if it's sorrow is a criminologist, she studies guns on every gun starts legal guns get into the legal markets via secondary markets or fact of your gun. somebody purchases their gun in the south seats or goals and purchase 10 guns or whatever. and then
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they could sell them in the black market in the space with more restrictive gun last every gun has like a serial number and a, the gun is the face and then it appears. all of the sudden somebody gets killed and they find the child showcases and if they find a weapon, they realize that this weather was the face and it's not registered to 91. the numerous mass shootings in recent years have shown just how easy it is to acquire an off smell of weapons. the in 1999 to teenagers shops, 13 people at columbine high school. they went to a semi automatic rifles, pistols and several explosives, 2007,
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a massacre on the campus of virginia tech. a students killed 32 people with 2 semi automatic pistols. in 201220 children and 6 adults with shot dead, sandy hook elementary school in connecticut in 2018 around page at the high school in pumpkin florida. killed 14 students and 3 staff members. these numbers represent incalculable suffering. the orlando, florida, behind this memorial is a full midnight club called the pulse, an institution for the local gay community. on june, the 122016, it was the scene of one of the deadliest shootings in us history. the
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friends and move survived the attack the noon but to you know, to close friends, christopher lane and then code true. antoine guerrera. we got here just after midnight. i ordered the same drinks we always ordered and then went out onto the patio to hang out with one another. at 160 8 in the morning, a man carrying in the salt rifle and tipped in like a few minutes later he had to fire the so as the night was ending, drew and his partner won square really intent on finishing their last dance
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together. and i just needed to use the bathroom before we called the newburgh home . so i stepped into a bathroom this just over here, and everything about it was so normal in the moment until it was abnormal. there were gunshots, the music was still going in the base. you could still feel it in your feet, but it was like, the whole club was silent for a moment. and then gunfire again. this time, louder and not stopping about a dozen people rushed into the bathroom with me. they looked like they had seen the most terrifying thing they had ever seen or by the shoe to my team, to catch his allegiance to the terrorist organization is not make states comfortable motives homeless, siberia and religious fanaticism. brandon's friends drew and one were killed on the dogs. true in old 49 people, died 53 were wounded at the time it was the worst mass shooting in the country's
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history. after the tragic, the brendan will became one of the most committed anti gun activists of his generation. he now meets with politicians speaks before the us congress and fights for financial compensation for this devices. the case friend, amanda was also that that night. full pallets had. she's been on a long road to recovery, ever since learning to will confuse her, right. tell them again. but how would and so not just physically when i go out and i am always looking at exits to making sure my surrounding just in case you know, if i have to you know, ron or escape again. and also i get the sphere every now and then that would have
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somebody's out there that still wants to finish the job. so it's just, it's hard on the, on the national level and nobody has the right to take your life away from you or your family. there was a mass shooting 3 days ago or 4 days ago in tennessee at a school, 13 people were shot. and it didn't even make the nightly news because it just happens so often that it's not even the most outrageous thing that's happening in our country right now. why would i want to bring a child into that world? why would i want to bring a child into a world where they're going to spend the 1st 18 years of their life and practicing you know how to use their backpack to, you know, tie somebody's gaping wound in the classroom. my mom's company is a perfect fact for back to school,
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attending public awareness campaign from families of children killed sandy hook. i'm just trying to study the just what i need for the new year. it's pretty cool. the this is really come in these results. it can be a real life saver, the like cell phones intuitively more the the group behind decides believes identifying warning signs and would be killers, could help in in arizona, one woman channels pain by fighting for strict to gun news. and i would like to
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welcome our 1st witness to june to lady from arizona. thank you mister chair, members. mister chair and dying and slow motion, my life will be cut short by the complications of my gunshot wound. november 15th, 2004 was such a beautiful night. i was holding my fiance, whose hand as we drove to dinner. we were 36 hours back from our dream trip to fiji, where we committed to marrying. and that i deal with moment. someone fired a gun, the janice alone bins, knife changed forever in the phoenix shopping center. alexa lock front lock a bullet to the next class to a paraplegic, the alexa. alexa,
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all lights on another planet to fiance in the head, leaving came in a vegetative state. the 2 victims of a random shooting a tragedy. this affects the significant number of americans each year. the culprits, whenever course i'm absolutely no idea who shot me. you know, they're, there been a lot of working series by law enforcement, but no one has ever been caught. no one's ever been charged. so 17 years later, you know, i still don't know why was it someone, someone who hated us that much, that they wanted to kill us. the someone who mistook goes for someone else to someone who just fired a gun in that direction. and we just happened to be there. i don't know,
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but it's no different than lots of other folks who get shot in the united states. jennifer long didn't advocate so background checks on gun purchases and safe guns storage. every year i've run a very simply fail around safe storage. so if a child in your home is injured because you doesn't safely secure your firearm, you're facing a fine. that's all a fine. um and i haven't been able to get that bill heard. i run it every year, but i can't get it moved into a committee. i think that it's possible to do it. i have to believe that in order to keep doing it, if this were easy, we'd be done. and it's not simple. it's not. but i believe so little by little by little we're going to make a difference. she's waging an uphill battle in a country that's more um to the nasa. airy vodka,
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arizona how so now is drive from the mexican border? this disaster diarrhea located along the was started by donald trump, has been home to extreme, missed anti immigrant finishes for years. the mat. you're the driver's. got the got them here. got them here. coming to us. there is again, right here. so no, it's a female. and that's the big guy. the tim slowly and his right wing vigilantes train several times
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a year to track down my grants. they want to capture people who enter the us illegally from mexico. i do a lot by myself just driving down the road and i'll see somebody the group of guys stopped in the bushes. i will just stop in the duke's on and they go see troops on the getting the back and i personally satellite, phoning, co border control, tell him where i'm at which direction i'm going and where to maybe drive up to is usually that spot and there are waiting for certain police know, ready to go and they get it right to something different. they say that to help out the us border patrol, which they claim is over stretched. it's
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not the legal as long as they didn't hold the migrant against that. well, the many of the vigilantes say they of us to ins and to force in iraq or afghanistan, the find americans that lead to tim solely used to work in construction. that move to the border of to the 2008 financial crisis. an out in front of donald trump, he says he even traveled to washington on january the 6th 2021, but didn't take posts in the attack on the capital. the founding fathers, the constitution is easy to follow. they made its short, quick, simple. it's to protect us against the government. if they become too tyrannical, they're pushing the the area draws okay,
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is the nice town before the boat at the nearest police station is more than an hour away by calm diminishing i give some of the towns 600 or so inhabitants a feeling of security. despise a fatal incident on may. the 30th, 2009. that's when members of a different vigilante group broke into a private home claiming drug smugglers lift that they killed a 10 year old. go on test honda, the the mazda. so in judge managed to call for help the settlement. where are you ready to pick up my daughter my her shot them. how old is your daughter? 10. the
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at the house of the 2nd dimensions. right. 2 bedrooms is the idea to well regulation. melisha is necessary to the security of a free states. but this constitutional phrasing is state in the united states, historical racism for history and jennifer colson, the origins of militias, a closely linked to slavery, the at that time the state militia was the slave pitfall. so if the federal government, by virtue of the us constitution didn't protect a states rights have alicia, or in other words, have a slave patrol that could fundamentally undermine the system of slavery. that was part and parcel of the united states. adage, county, the, there was lots and lots of concern about labor value and about insurrection,
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about the idea that in slaves, peoples would understandably rebel. and so without a slave patrol, there was a lot of fear among ways that this whole system wouldn't be in the 18th century. um, diminishes in full slavery. nose in 18 says he, one white fee is if the results were realized. then black preaching, not 10, uh let a bloody insurrection against white slave holders diminishes revenge swiftly followed to now was hind more than a 100 of the slaves killed the thread was med really with an extreme show of force. and so we see this not just in terms of the brutality of slave patrols, but also the brutality of, of white supremacist militias in the aftermath of the civil war. so the ku klux
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klan, we see this in the context of lynch mobs. and then of course, we see this all the way until the so called self defense shootings in which, um, you know, we have african americans and people of color being done down. these are very much imbedded in the racial politics of the united states. the use of documented cases show a deadly pattern of police violence against the black circle. in 2016 philander test style was shot dead in his current year ring. a traffic stop the in 2020 brionas taylor was killed by police in her apartment in the middle of the night in the same yes. 3 white men shots a mode operate. well, he was joking. killings that shook the country and sparked protests, is now
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a shot prize in anti black. hate crimes has led more and more black americans to um themselves. how you doing jo? nice to meet you ma'am. nice to meet you. i know. all right, phillips macy's found and president of the national african american gun association naca. since its founding in 2015 membership has grown to 45 thousands so black americans in the us buying homes in large numbers is a new phenomenon. for what's the name of the folders? oh is this is what stores based on the 9th calendar in buffalo soldiers doing the mobile app regiment? 03 again. runaway slaves for my business man is proud of his heritage on the organization. he found it with
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the goal of preserving, i'm protecting the community, the, we're probably about 14000000 ask americans world nationwide here in the us that have guns now as a lot of folks, 14000000 the pandemic to me was the, the line and the saying that combined with the political and racial tension that you have in the country right now, i'm not gonna call it a renaissance. we're asking americans, and i'll call it in a wakening because we've never had this many black folks in the united states having guns at the same time. free as an absence in there to be shot by the twins. because you over there. the worst thing that i can do is to say, you know what, i don't deserve. it's got my ancestors, harriet tubman, the buffalo soldiers that testing the air and the black panthers of self defense, the deacons of defense, not turn all those black men and women and many,
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many more and many more organizations they, they die for nothing. the one thing we should do after a black person a shot is the next day. we also carry historically asked americans have been given this socialization that we do not need to have guns. we're the only community ethically in the world that believe that that is think about that statement. you don't need guns to protect yourself, but everyone else around you has guns. what kind of crazy, mental state do you have to be to believe that? and people wonder why, okay, why are blackman being attacked on a sunday after looking at houses and jogging and 3 white guys drop by and the truck and jump out and, and, and beat him up and shoot him. why does that happen? because we continue to act like we're, it's okay to be a soft target. statistically in comparison to the white counsel puffs. that smells in america are 18 times more likely to be injured
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by a gun. and 12 times more likely to be killed with the flying around you . it can new jersey. the city sits just across the river from new york count as long suffered from high rates of poverty and crime. nearly haul says new x, approximately 300000 residents of black gun. those in new jersey are among the strictest in the country and the state test, one of the lowest rates of fly around this cities like music, on the exception here on average, someone dies from gun violence every day. the intensive care units at university hospital in newark treats many gunshot victims this is where the shown where the fault for his life. the hey, talk to stephanie bonnie, is the true massage and who helped save him or do this? i guess i see is how you doing
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this isn't a lot for me. so how are you feeling today? like how are things going to be so you had to re thread the surgery from when you guys close up the stomach. yeah, so much or can i take a look? can i see what the bed? sure. all right. the plastic see. oh, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice easy. did you ever costs me remind me? yeah. this is the volume. yeah. okay. so most of them, most of them i'm here so so you have this one here. he was hit by 6 bullet steering an altercation. one of them into the major, all 3 in his optimum. he badly survived the lake crossed this big artery in vain. so originally, so he's had his belly put back together and that's where we took skin to cover other places. when we 1st did it, there was so much swelling in his valley that we left him open and then we put skin
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over. so for like probably 6 months, he could look down and see it, his like intestines just under the skinny, physically the drop foot. so this house and walk up to the saw, i will be driven all over the place because my foot can't pick up. this is the break room are right here. we have some kind of function. so i'm, so the piece the foot drop is going to be permanent, but the hand can still be worked on the skins gars are there. and then there's the emotional scars, you know, physical or something the lines are processing me trying to figure myself in. thank you. the really talk to bonnie is a specialist in gunshots. injuries she spent is advocating for gun violence
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prevention. a lot of people don't realize or understand what happens after somebody gets shot. we're very good at sort of counting the number of people who die, but there's really very little attention paid to the people that are shot and survive. and that's a lot to a lot of people. um and so a lot of times people are never really the same. they might have all kinds of injuries that they can never recover from. some people may require imputation. they might have bad hernias. they might need cost to me bags to all kinds of things that are really life changing. gun violence looks like an infectious disease that looks like the flu. sometimes, you know, one person gets it and then the next person, the next person in the next person. and given the volume that we see,
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that the number of people that are affected is absolutely can be characterized as an academic gun violence isn't submitted to the in the city. it is alone being wide spread throughout the country. jacksonville, florida is no exception. the here to guns, often children and test families to pumps the crystal tanner last 2 if have 4 children to guns violence. now she's raising her 2 grandchildren. the board was 5 where he had just her 5 that february and royce was
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a 23 myself. that's been hard to accept that she should be calling me. yeah. yeah. just like the rest of my grandchildren. but she also me my so this is like our family. wow. so the last family photo, we all took together. my fifty's birthday. we were able to capture in that moment of us all being together, not knowing or then that would be the last family picture that we would ever take. the in april 2015, christos dosa, janae was running a chain of daycare centers. she became estranged from her husband and he
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decided to get revenge. the janae's press. i don't now what with her in the office. parking lots. really have a send shots. janae, endo now with a 9 millimeter pistol. the after that crystal device, you test self to the guns safety movement. she also organizes self help groups with parents of minded children. so we can go make this hard. we just don't talk. we all are dealing with, with their last looks like for us individually. and so that's really our topic today. what is that experience being like for you?
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and how has the changed you and brought you to this place that we're all standing them today? because of downside, what are the things that i learned to join this q after you sit on the couch, after all the cameras are going to, all the people are gone, you're in the room by yourself. so now you say, do i, i roll into a fetal position to stand a bit. so we set a time. where do i get out on the street and make something to happen? and make sure that everybody in the world so that you can test knows your child. june davis was just 17 years old. when 45 year old michael dunn shall see him to death. as allowed to music for guy, the gas station, michael windows and told the kids music loud music bothered him, so he decided that was enough and he reaches into his glove compartment,
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pulled the gun on holster. it slide it back, turns around and start shooting in the car, pull the kids, they back out the driveway. they're trying to get away. he rose to the back of his car, gets into a stands and starts shooting for more bullets into the car. he shoes 10 bullets into the car trying to kill all the kids. and he only shot my son a hit him twice. done later claims he felt threatened and that to, to in self defense in 2014, he was sentenced to life in prison. so he wouldn't have that bravery. many of these people are killed the guy. yeah. yeah. right, right. mm hm. and then when you have the situation cause you brain, now you want to use it. what do you say about people who say it's not about the gun? it's about the 1st. i say it's always about the gun. the reason why it's all about
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the guns because the gun manufacturers. okay. they making trillion dollars where they spend the most money. they send it to congress, they send it to send it, they send it to all the people that make the law. keep the guns floor. you that money. yep. american gun make cuz us trying thing or so the operators of arizona is gone site academy. that's good news. the after 5 days, the intensive training cost is coming to a close. the participants put them marksmanship to the test. the
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instructor at heads is credited with some 60000 direct and 15 psycho shooting, steering his career as a border patrol agents. we don't like the government threatening to take our guns away. you don't like that at all. they're trying to say people like me or domestic tourist. i'm a former police guy, i'm a former military. i have a flag in my yard that i've ordered for donald trump so high. i'm a domestic terrorist. there might be another revolution in this country. i hope not . i pray it doesn't happen. but it could happen in the united states, a country d, p divided most americans won't stick to gun control, but people like attend fields,
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different things. first and foremost, let me say thank you. thank you for being safe. when you go out of the range, again, you find that young person, there are a lot of young people in here. we need more. we more the young people who the defenders of our constitution or bill arrives to say, hey, you teach these young people to be responsible with firearms. they are going to be responsible with drinking and driving and dating and life in general brands. and i'll see you back again. sorry, the, the american mis face, family, homeland, and weapons to self defense. but with each new victim, the american dream defense, deeper into an american catastrophe. the,
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the view will tell you. we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more diff, the golden finding gold listed to use the dream force and the order for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. are you news africa? in 30 minutes on the w. the
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secrets live, you discover new adventures and 360 degrees and explore fascinating. both heritage selling dw world heritage 360. now, do you know which of these 3 industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates, which is good, concrete, transforming business to live is on to figure out what's the real new deal? just screen blushing the watch. now. the,
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this is the don't use live from berlin, the search for the truth, that bad relaxing of only as best as his family and supporters demand dancers. it's still the russian opposition. leaders body is being held near the penal colony, where all sergeant says dying. somewhere, a leader is meeting and unit condemned. russian leader vladimir putin over not found his desk. they also discuss moscow's war on ukraine, on the conflict in cost. plus is randy. air strikes, killed dozens of people across the cause of israel again and says it will not 5 to international pressure i call, or it's planned defensive on the southern city of rough.
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