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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  February 19, 2024 3:30am-4:01am CET

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the sign it reset in the i c d, w aren't they cute pets, bring us a lot of joy for also helping to decrease stress and make us feel less lonely. they boost our confidence and make us more sociable. but of course pets are not the only option for improving your mental health. coming up and to show what helps with panic. attacks. excessive stress levels, also from too many family shores and responsibilities and how to reduce them. plus ways of strengthening your mental health. but 1st dealing with exam stress the
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when exam, so around the kona sleep is easy to sleep or not to sleep is the only real question . one more chapter before sleeping can make all the difference of the exam. dr. absolute lean on. you just want to do well in your exams, and we have an important tip for you. go to sleep. it may feel like a waste of time before the exams, but it can actually boost your performance. let's explore the science behind that. the reins prime of the energy source is glucose, also known as setup of glucose. this is why midnight been snacking wise. study makes you feel more than those that take and a week. this is a condition we would like to call in some non non mia. when the energy is burned in
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the brain, it produces a waste product called i dunno since then. i didn't know since 5 is up, our body knows that we have tired and it's time to sleep. to remember the point where you might want to grab a cup of coffee, you didn't know g drink districts your night studies coffee. okay. i've seen books by blocking the, i don't know, send receptors and checking your brain into feeling a week. but the engine austin stays in our party. we need a heavy sleep to dispose of it during a heavy sleep, the central nervous systems rescued and scheme caused the gloom fax system takes over. it uses the set of bruce spinal fluid, the wash of a, b, i didn't know since making the brain ready and refuel for a new date. however, and the brain does not get proper sleep. this cleaning process is incomplete and we wake up feeling exhausted. when the psychos of exhaustion, stress and for sleep become a regular affair,
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it has long term impacts. so not has. this reduces our ability to think focus and performed well in examples. for those keep has a profound effect on both learning and memory. memory formation happens in 3 parts, acquisition, consolidation, and recall and acquisition and recall, happen when we are often about consolidation happens when we had a sleep. so if you're going to study without sleeping, you may not be able to be close to information during exams. sleep deprivation may also impedes your logic and reasoning abilities. if you want to perform well in your exam, privatized your sleep schedule. but how make a study scheduled for many days before the exam, and break down the syllabus into small and manageable portions?
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do not watch any digital screen for at least an hour before you sleep. use your bed only for sleeping and have a dedicated space and scheduling for studying and show you a bedroom is cool, dark and quiet to ensure to close sleeping environment. with good planning and enough rest, your brain will be able to soak up information more efficiently. and is your memory serves you right to an easier to exam. being afraid is typically not a bad thing. if our ancestors hadn't learned to run away from danger, we would have become extinct. so in a sense here is healthy, but it can also become a sickness as seen with panic attacks. for example, in many cases developing when we're young, it might be a fear of going to school for a fever every day events for future scenarios. for those affected panic attacks, canfield, terrifying or even life threatening. but there are ways of learning how to overcome
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those fears. sign up honey, i feel this pressure in my chest and i have trouble breathing. i get swishy hands and my heart starts racing. i have brain folk and sometimes i feel busy. it's really scary to speak to them. and the meetings are booking. becker, you probably wouldn't think she's been suffering from panic attacks for 10 years now. the 30 year old has an instagram channel with over 200000 followers, pushing shares, recipes and good vibes with today and making sure that all those of booking baccha is a passionate foody for years. going to a restaurant was simply not an option. the excuse i think is it was some deb, a certain situation was that we were a real challenge of dyslexia. like standing in line at the supermarket or an adult who is waiting room, or traffic jim or the red light to dining out of style or they were all situations
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where i was unable to escape. and that's when the feeling of panic would kick in on . but happy to just panic if with oscar pipes zango booking bag or was 21301st to panic attack the accompanying symptoms usually strike completely out of the blue the a mic delivery gen of the brain. police a crucial role in panic attacks when stimulated by a perceived danger. it's send signals to the adrenal gland, which then releases the hormones adrenalin and nor a drawer in the way. this kicks in the body's fight or flight response, elevating the post blood pressure, muscle tension, and blood sugar levels, as well as causing rapid breathing. the, these symptoms can be very frightening for those affected as doctor to bu, guy from heidelberg university hospital explains the end up who told somebody
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a blood pressure can lead to headaches or ringing in the is a faster or more intense heart beat. cause this dumping sensation in the chest of american vehicles because these are all potential symptoms of a panic attack on the real product of evolutionary development. when we needed to run away, i'll find you an understanding for although he is the party as misjudging things, because it's not about life and death a year for what title. one does get caught, honestly on leaving one towards. after her 1st panic attacks, designer book and bag a really ventured out of her home. and then finally ponagorada sometimes wake up at nights and no reason with heavy breathing and my heart racing. i had this kind of fear of the next attack, but i couldn't identify a particular trigger game, the other the i'm so the fear of the fear is mostly less than the events itself. you still imagining these worst case scenarios. so they actually happened very rarely, but then your mind starts going round in circles. how was that?
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i thought it was on the book and back at the top to begins taking medication and instead decided to pursue talking therapy that give me what it does. i think how's done, how method name dr. a psychotherapist to gets patients to imagine the situation at home as full house and to totally down on the best possible times for sure and success and you know, lucas, i'm looking for home with the help of that method. and her hobbies, sakura book and baccha has slowly but surely been returning to her daily routine with her followers accompanying her on the journey house. others we'll see, you know, i've had a lot of kind words and encouragement. and a lot of people thanking me for sharing my experiences. you know, dr. him, i, i wanted to do it in public because of all the people out there thinking they were unloading with similar problems. so yeah, hopefully meet them at home and plenty of sympathetic feedback from those followers leaves no doubt that she is not alone. and design the book and bag or herself shows
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every day of the week that panic attacks can be manageable. anxiety is a wide spread disorder, but only a minority of people affect and get professional care. dealing with panic. attacks and related disorders requires psychotherapy, and in many cases a single course of treatment is not enough. but there are a few things that can provide some immediate relief. the what helps with panic attacks. we again us to jump to tell do guy from the university of height of back as it currently design escape mentally. and i'll show you some exercises for about them, but you should avoid leading physically as it can lead to avoidance. behavior was, i think it worked but then joined the product. good talking the theater. so i'll just stop going to the system to optimize location events and then your quality of
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life as of, as you go to some of these things credited for the end. so it's better to approach those situations by seeking to manage your perceptions. you might spend a minute focusing on the 2nd kind of a wristwatch, for example, or looking for 5 red colored objects around to you all pay to in yourself in a safe place. such as money or something. you can practice routinely also at times when you're feeling ok. i'm good kid of my practice breathing exercises or another thing. patients can do quiet me both in those and out the can. i do not. everybody tends to breathe into the bailey, an ottoman and tonic strikes. what's called di from i think breathing has a very beneficial power, sympathetic or calming effect of the people weak steve food that helps to suppress the fight or flight response to on. so very breathing is good of is very convinced that some people already done breed optimally. and most people,
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when they've hunting a ship, the chest all the rustic breathings to watch off. imagining you'll smelling of cellar when breathing in and loving on it down to 9 o'clock when breathing outs can help to study your breathing. and lots of people suffering. panic attacks taken full too much oxygen seeing fost so or at risk of hypo ventilating these exercises can help get the physical symptoms of a panic attack back under control. you must some kind of helping them liaison therapies we do in a vacuum of mine. but to look to incorporate issues of stress being the limits and the issues that i should just bring with them to therapy sessions. it's on the wall in the climate crisis um, previously cobit and stick with the whole issues of repeatedly to an up enough session up in the movie the off top. and people who frequently suffer panic attacks or feel overwhelmed by stress should get help from a medical professional. because there are ways of managing and controlling them when they occur. depression is another mental illness
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where effective treatments are available. detecting it early on improves the chances of recovery. but just talking about the issue is often a challenge. physician and health influence or a pro dr. invited a young nigerian woman to join him for a chat about her depression and what helped her and her time was need. so guy today we're going to be talking about this depression in this, you know, very public, but at the same time, very private space. we have to bring it out here so that we can have this feeling that conversations, you know, conversations that needs to be had. i know it's been a, you know, difficult time. see. but how did you know that you have depression? all right, out, go back to when i was in school at me. perfect. so at least i'm so on that. yeah, i like in the beginning or the and it was like, my life was we and although, or that have to, to research keeps the old kind of, you know, so i think i wasn't real cool. and it really affected me when i was experiencing
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that. i didn't know what was happening to me. it was like i was a doctor please, and i didn't already don't was get out of the room. that's how it felt. i couldn't see. i didn't going to school. i did that week. you know that i little was, oh, happy component fund the whole things were not my funding was struggling financially and a little more than issues. so he was weighing heavy on me. so the thing about depression is it could look different of different people from lots of pleasure, lots of interesting activities, you know, lack of self worth, but at the same time x versus claims that kyle levels of clinics, stress can trigger the pressure. but then again, in so many people, traumatic events, such as balance would be, is and the last country gets depression. so retail, how did you know other people see you? how did you, how did, how did you react? so was you have your friend. we're closing was going to do, i'll call, i mean,
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lucky, just home man, don't, everything's going to be ok. so we have just go to the inside of main scene or something is most of the because we don't want to appear weeks. we decided was looking both. how did you get help? was this by this time i had, i had called me of course in the by just because mia? that's all to about the pressure. so now i mean a couple of times. i'm also a mental health institute. i didn't mention in the actually it's a good book because that was free to precinct forming a mental health cool. and i can see that it gives me the opportunity to help people which i find very fulfilled. they're a couple of years foxes, because family, the domestics, you know, sometimes depression could run in families. sometimes it could be environmental foxes. i think someone even said a lot of the depression kid that we have in the house and the phone was a little money. i can understand that sometimes you personality to even come into
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so that people have, you know, have low self esteem, yet opinions, people, you know, sometimes they get on social media, especially social media. now, your c c avenue for other people that they don't seem to be happening for you. exactly. this is the point where, you know, you could remind again on how you made it though, isn't going to lady. so super good. frequently i do read a lot and i think reading transports do for me or immediate or so on that i want to . let's see, i'm reading a book and hope to be able to feel hopeful. i do not a lot to do, not name chelsea no truck my shrink as no way i'm feeling like this of this for as i was mobile call, i saw in boxes. yeah. so when i have issues, i don't think it's rolled to talking boats and c o m a frame. so i p a week, i guess, easy when we move,
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i am. so the thing a few years ago, scientists carried out a different kind of stress test involving 200 couples. in each case they subjected the one partner to dress with the other one watching on. with couples who were close, the observer partner often displayed similar stress levels, both in the lab and at home. that finding would in itself reinforce support for a fair division of labor when it comes to household chores. but is that feasible? they carry us not to us and always have time for us. and mothers also do a lot more than that's important looking, cleaning, washing, taking care of the kids when they're sick. it all adds up the corner, meghan,
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and show, well, they're all fathers who do would have that too. but just how equal a minimum women when it comes to the mental load of managing a household. i'm somebody. show me good question. says who does know me by default is like my wife's always saying she has more mental load than i do by default to come up to the school. she'll do the kids. both the parties are comparing that things to school and so on the each month ma'am. i definitely do more nice when you i'm the mom at the house lives colombia, and when he's away working i'm the big boss at home to those sorts of responsibilities. to remember, begins mold from guessing meals on the table to packing school bags, to making sure that everyone's wearing this on the screen. another favorite task organizing top disappointments,
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spend skita. i'm happy for mom to do it. yeah. why is it? it's too much of above the most under was up and i do other things is the way of renovating repairing stuff or doing the garden gotten all, but it's varying. the mental load is an invisible form of labor. i can lead to exhaustion by side job. i works full time, thoughts of the kids get the meals. every thing on this will be a month, so i will be in the evening and happy if i was done by 8. yeah. so what was going on? why is the mental load still not being shed equally? you subject my record, my wife is just to write them does no, but so. so my, and what about my mom stayed at home to when my dad went out working with the home . others have a closer bond to the children because they get immersed to them and they provide putting the question of whether gender roles are rooted in biology or in societal expectations is something that stevie should meet with addresses in her new book.
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this is on my com attack monkeys are very similar to us genetically. oh, and they've develop 2 distinct cultures and the mediterranean region limited. and morocco, it's the males that take care of the babies and into brought to the females, saw on in duplicates of the by police to know that they're exactly the same species . so there's also a culturally determined gender hierarchy itself. well, just with a few minutes from the fact that we've been doing it for millennium in the last few centuries, in particular, i have seen a very clear division of labor and of new communities. and it will take a few decades, at least to shake it off that paint them into some spell on so sometime a nice of already come a long way. this mother says she and her husband are equal partners own or friends . you have this is, i mean, for the work done the underlying structures as to the really close look at why we are how we are. and the way we're wired from the families we came from texas for me and 5 the fluid. and that was paid off in this family,
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so mom and dad each handle that fast share of the mental lived being constantly under stress over worked and under appreciated increases the likelihood of being on well, financial worries or relationship problems. can also have an impact on mental health . what can we do in our daily life to make it more balance and less stressful? this to me and tired of good mental health is definitely an issue with all the stress from college and my private life. and it's really easy to deal with old bassett ones. this is come strong. my skin slice mentality live at the door. that mental health means finding an emotional balance and the world health organization defines it as a state of well being. this enables you to cope with everyday tasks and also make an active contribution to society outcomes for preventing went on ahead and take advantage of our teeth. so as i the mentality,
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looking at the door to the heart and mental health does not mean is that you'll always have a negative feelings, a positive life to my mind. it's 7. but if you're making a conscious effort to ensure you feel good, there are a few things that definitely help him. um, do you, do you have any teeth that i have from the spot as of united? so size is a big thing for me and this isn't, it gives me in a place on valentine. and then afterwards, i feel like a new woman, and it allows me to recharge my batteries amount about to the me to offline and they can turn back somebody's actimmune tips. plus physical activity is a stress relief i performed. we have some very good evidence that helps to reduce depression and anxiety. obviously not working out release has happened, this whole maintenance issue, which is why we quickly feel good and positive. good. i'm positive.
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find that says meeting friends, this is important to me really spend a minute because they we sit by you and get you back in your feet when you're not doing so great. i really appreciate the exception. anyways, you on that as well. i'm is, is this, that's one very important thing is investing in sounds, social relationship on all countless studies show that a strong social network is incredibly helpful. i'm not trying to, as high as they shouldn't mention. so i'm game d. you don't want people around you who put you down the know for 9 to take and, but never gave him the headphones. this one's best. that's a hands on. you need to have the kind of people around you and who can give you some things for the kids in the home. the ones are asking
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and here in just sciences, i find out how to stop thinking ahead all the time and just live in the moment and believes that, hey, eventually some doors bound to open. i struggle with that math 12 and semester asset type highest. that's the only thing with the mindfulness means our thoughts not drifting off to the future and us not worrying about things that actually might never even happen. oh, dwelling on things from the past that can prevent us from experiencing those nice moments that we can have. and so and in bridget stuff my you need to register when you do have those peasant moments. i'm not big, exciting things, but every day of it was all thing and the funding i technicians often use it just as a new stop. i find it really difficult stuff. you're always reaching feel phone in every span moment. but i'm looking on it like
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a hung cost lunch. why that sometimes our brain needs to stand by much the same gazing out of the window when you're on a train and my friend always busy writing a text message or uploading a photo on the phone that deprives the brain of those times when it could switch to that stand by matter which is that we so desperately need and then what else i've tried and kind of didn't realize that happening. coughing, slices says i was sleeping is really important to me. i listen to my body when it says, take a break you're tired, and then i try to get to bed as soon as possible and take my time out that a shot, guns, guns, feel the pull. the team has a lot of positive effects on board thinking if there are various studies showing that people who constantly get too little sleep far more susceptible to depression and severe anxiety fix until the important thing is to 1st understand that there's
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a lot you can do yourself a little ways be tough times and nice be awesome, we can manage your loans. how settled that piece of it? the good thing is we know from experience that a lot of people achieve a lot more than they themselves believe. and they're capable of more to as has been confirmed scientifically with minds about fines. sounds like knology that's like dw signs is now i'm take time. what's to be fun? why do gravitational ways? when did people begin getting high and laughing gas out? the drums boogie to the beads and what's the pass that the kids football find?
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find the on says, gets most c w science. oh, new tick, tock channel. and that's it for this time. i'm in good shape. looking forward to seeing you next time. bye for now. the
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. window cleaner. bite. a. drag queen. by night. marcell lay lo. alias. lulu. what square life like in poland. these. how does it differ from other european countries? b, l, g, b, g, q, i active is. does it means, where is your own mass? in 30 minutes on the w, some big truck, rio de janeiro is the casing in waste. the inhabitants of the mega city have had
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in not to day on now cleaning up where the city administration has said. but it's a never ending time. so the 75 minute on d w. the she's got issues with a lot say what crazy. the, the the is, it is someplace her into the more people than ever on the move world wide and such
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a base in life. i suggested in cardboard. that's what i find out about baby story. info migrants frankfurt international gateway to the best connection south la road and radio. located in the heart of europe, you are connected to the world experience outstanding shopping and dining offers. enjoying our services. be our guest at frankfurt and bought cd, managed by front bought the
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the this is the, the, the news life from berlin. the search for the truth of actual lexi nirvana's day as his family and supporters demand on sir is it's bought the russian opposition leader. his body is being held near the penal colony. beryl far to say he died also coming out is really airstrikes killed dozens of people across casa israel again and says that will not fire to international pressure and call off. it's fine defensive on the southern such as oppenheimer sweeps the board asked the best of the drama by the father of the ashen bomb winning 7 for fish film awards. we'll look at the highlights of the of it.


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