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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 19, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news life from berlin. the search for the truth of actual lexi nirvana's day as his family and supporters demand on sir, is that still the russian opposition leader. his body is being held near the penal colony burial far to say he died. also coming out is really airstrikes killed dozens of people across the gossip israel again and says that will not fire to international pressure and call off it's fond defensive on the southern, such as oppenheimer of sweeps, the board asked the best of the drama by the father of the ass and bomb winning 7
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for fish film awards. we'll look at the highlights of the events, the hello welcome to the show, relatives and close allies of the jailed russian opposition leader alexi, nevada, near demanding to know more about how he died and what has happened to his body. an exiled russian newspaper is reporting that nevada and these bodies held us in more around 50 kilometers from the remote penal colony where he was imprisoned. authorities say he died there after collapsing on friday. supporters all the legs seem to bonnie have defied intimidation under rest in russia to stage memorials and vigils nationwide his allies, sandeval and they will not be forgotten and his work will live on the unknown masked man, removing flowers, left by supporters of nevada and the within seconds,
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new ones appear in their place. such scenes have been repeated across russia with flour kiosks running out of stock. and he was a very strong person. and i think all of russia is suffering because we lost such a hero. support as have carried on expressing the sorrow and anger despite a rest and intimidation. more than 400 people have been detained since the vigils began on friday. why is it important for you to own or whose memory it's important in the 21st century to live in a democratic country. a note in a dictatorship, flowers and condolences, are piling up. also a russian embassies around the world. in berlin, members of the ponds bend pussy riot stays the protest. blaming the kremlin for
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nevada and these deaf. i think it's a big blow for freshman now position. it's going to be really difficult for us to unite it goes whether if you loved pneumonia or didn't, there were people who disagreed with him. a number of things. he was our guiding star and he and people would define their positions and tactics and political views depending on what of only does it and says valid supporters about to continue his mission. even though help for a change in russia has faded with his death. at the same time, they say that's exactly what the kremlin once every want to think. max boot is a senior fellow at the council on foreign relations and a columnist for the washington post. within a volley, finally, still waiting to see his body, i asked him what the delay might say, a button of on his desk. you say there's
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a cover going on by the criminal and they don't want us to know how novelle and he died. and so it's, makes a lot of sense to reach the obvious conclusion, which is that he was murdered. i mean, he was certainly put in was certainly responsible for his death, no matter what happened, even if it was just of quote, unquote, natural causes from being tortured in solitary confinement. incentive is penal colony, north of the arctic circle. but, you know, i think the fact that they're not releasing the body and they're not saying what the cause of death was. i think that leads us to believe that he probably was not right. murdered. and probably i put in his orders and we have heard condemnation from while it's leaders on surprisingly, placing the blame on russia's president. but is there actually a chance sitting around his desk could realistically trigger some kind of action and, and if so, then what? as long as that, so definitely a trigger action. i don't think anything is going to happen in russia because put in his police status to it is too strong to be challenged right now. but there's
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a lot that we in the west can do to stop putting in ukraine where he is very vulnerable, where the ukrainians are fighting very hard. i think 2 things need to be done. first. there is $300000000.00 in frozen russian funds. you know, was primarily in belgium. they should be sent right away to ukraine so that you create and use that russian money to defend itself. that would be a big load of putting on. the other thing, of course, that needs to be done is, uh, the us house of representatives needs to approve the $60000000000.00 a package for you claim that was already approved. yeah. and the sign it, if we don't do those things, then put and well, literally get away with murder. and then what about it for the opposition movement within russia itself? do you think that is able to recover from the loss of such a permanent leader? i think it's going to be very tough for the opposition leader in russia for the opposition movement in russia for the time being. because again,
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putting has very complete control. but we should not assume that control of the last row or any more than the soviet union last that forever tearing the always comes to an end, sooner or later. and i think the best way to hasten the demise of this evil put in redeem and russia is to defeat the resume and ukraine. a military defeat and ukraine would be a sharp blow to put in. and it would here standing at home and cook and c o, b lead, others in the crumbling until look for different leaders for the future. whereas if putting the wins and ukraine, he's going to be strengthened at home, but also abroad. and he's going to be a much greater threat, not only to, to europe, but to his own people. and then just briefly max, um, what about the upcoming election in russia? well, what will nevada, his death mean for that? as well as the upcoming election quote unquote, as a joke, obviously it's not, it's not a real election. there is no choice. there was one anti war candidate and couldn't refuse to let him on the ballot. and now he may very well have killed devonie,
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even though nevada. he wasn't able to run, but nevertheless putting maybe eliminating all opposition. i had of the sham election, so it's obviously not, not on the level, it's obviously not a real election. and i think it's very hard to know what people and rush are actually making beneath the surface because i'm sure there is actually a lot of discontent. but it's very hard to express that open we have because you see what happens to people who challenge put and they either wind up in jail or in the more my experience senior fellow at the council on foreign relations on the columbus for the washington post. thank you so much for speaking to us here on the deli thank you. are moving on to the middle east now, where the hamas one house ministry in gaza says is really a tax of code more than 100 palestinians in the last day negotiators and could tar safety's fire talks have stalled. while the united nations says gaza, 2nd biggest hospital is no longer functioning. meanwhile,
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israel is refusing to call off upon defensive against the southern city of russell . that strikes across garza as israel disuse what is prime minister has called total victory. the off the math is familiar by now holmes schools and hospitals destroyed. as the death toll keeps climbing money. they are all civilians. there are no military personnel or anything. we send a message to the world, the message to the is really government and have mass government and gaza is please stop the war. enough war victory a how to fighting has extended to rage on multiple hospitals, aggravating the already dia, humanitarian situation. i talked to it and i say a hospital in the city of con eunice, the squat, the moments he realized and is really on the raid was happening. it was like, can i use, is it a budget? i mean, did i did. uh, so i realize that it is it vision of i d f as i started getting
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some books. i don't see that the odds actually. yeah. the destroyed the best bet for those to be the and the least that adults. but israel says the hospitals all legitimate targets because how mass allegedly operates within them. israel now claimed to have the upper hand. yes, we must say there are in fact 200 militants that surrendered at nasa hospital. and before that thousands more had surrendered a mile. this shows that the enemy have lost the fighting spirit. that is, the main thing is the cause. the meanwhile is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is defying international pressure, including from israel, key back of the us to cold, off, apply and defensive against rough uh, near the egyptian buddha. more than a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering from the fighting that i'd have nowhere else to go. well. let's take look at some other stories making headlines around the
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world. sizes of opposition. demonstrators have rallied in mexico city and other places and what they called a march for democracy. the condemned electoral reforms pushed by mexico's ruling moreno party, which they say thrashing june's presidential election. this comes as the front runner, marina's claudia shane balm, and i asked her registration as a candidate and singapore plans to require all flights departure of the country to use sustainable aviation fuel in 2 years, decline and 9 instead. the city states air show cost for just one percent of jet fuel to be sustainable at 1st, baby asian industry aims for 2 3rd sustainable fuel by 2050 and onto the vast us oppenheimer has blown away the competition. the british film awards in london. christopher nolan, 3 our ethnic about the creation of the atom bomb picks up by the winds for best film director and best sleeping actor as well as trophies for editing and music is
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not a front runner for next months oscars. christopher nolan's oppenheimer came in leading the pack with the team nominations. and once the ceremony started, wins kept on coming. and the best thing goes to do, i can read it off and hire the best it goes to christopher note and the winter of about the best actor goes to kelly in the, in own oppenheimer ends up the mike biggest winner taking home 7 awards gimme and murphy, who played the type of role of the tortured scientist robot oppenheimer, welcome that a film so different from a typical blog post i had done so well with audiences and with critics to
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hello, i'm thrilled. i think it's a, it's a great reflection on the state of cinema nowadays. you know that this is a very complex, very challenging 3 our, our rated movie about a physicist and about, you know, and i bought a very kind of dark period in our history. but it wasn't just the oppenheim a show. surrealist black comedy pull things also picked up 5 a was including a best actress. now the leading lady emma stowed have an emotional tribute to a mother. often when i really want to just paint my mom, did you say the person i know in full world and she inspires me every single day. and she's always made me believe this kind of crazy idea that i could do something like this. unexpectedly, rounding out the night's big winners, was the holocaust drama. the zone of interest. the film about the nazi concentration come come on to living next to alphabets with his family. ended up
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with 3 baptists, including an event out standing for this film and best film not needing this language. and before we go, carnival season has just wrapped up in brazil, but it's still going strong. here in europe, the closing parades and real were just a spectacular as ever. and so where the celebrations in fonts in spain, the end of carnival has the tops on the schools dance through rio's famous summit room for the all night champions parade. and it was a difficult yeah, full of hard work. it took a lot of proposals to get here, but in the end it's rewarding to be part of the champions parade. i'm happy, joyful, getting out of the sadness the discomforts of everyday life system. it's the carnival where people can let it all out. but what the florida has rio was wrapping up revelers in nice. in southern france, we're just getting going lights,
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color music to fight the february blues. we're a group of dances of a certain age. all of us are between 65 and 70 years old. and we have fun, we go crazy. that's what the carnival is. it's a huge loss tonight, the ambiance is crazy. incredible. there's so much color lisa and confetti everywhere. we love it. i'm so happy that i came and on the spanish island of grand canal aria drag queens through their own annual celebration after months of preparations way and uh the guys enjoy the drag queen donna. we've been preparing it for a year. we've worked really hard. i hope you enjoy it. hard to compete, however, with the boldness of rio's big party,
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which will be back again next year. well, that's all from us for an i'm coming up next sports life meets women, wrestlers, smashing, done gender barriers in the single range. i'm out here. well, thanks for watching. and you can always get more news on our website. that's d w dot com. take care the kids at the dock is changing. 6 years ago we said it can't get any was to, but it does guardians of truth. this time, excel gen, this turned into our meets the voices of the 3 talking alter as the ad one had to flee into exile. i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish governments all sort of tammy and cools. of some kids but really it's
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a crime is addressed and the path of trying to teach this phone civilian.


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