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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 19, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news by from, by then israel gets home us a deadline for its planned ground, defensive and gaza. despite rama to hostages, a multiple fighting read quantities, you suggest 3 weeks more than a 1000000 civilians. a sheltering and the southern gauze and safety not stole cent, despise international pressures to protect public opinion lives. also on the program, the death of elect stating the problem. the problem attributes on questions boils to the rational physician data spring up in russia and around the world and the
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cause of the crime and critic sudden death remains under the control guy a welcome to the program. israel has set a deadline for its long planning defensive against gauze us southern city of rafa. retired army general benny guns, a member of the countries war cabinet says he's right. the troops will launch that assault next month. if i'm asked doesn't for you the remaining hostages by ramadan, the muslim holy month is expected to start on the 10th of march. rafa is the last major goss and safety not to be invited by ground troops during israel's war against a mass, which is why they considered a type of organization of air strikes to cross gauze as israel pursues what is prime minister is called total victory homes. schools and hospitals destroyed as the death toll keeps climbing money. they are all
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civilians. there are no military personnel or anything. we send a message to the world, the message to the is really government and have mass government in gaza is please stop the war. enough war victory a how to israel's ground defensive has extended to reeds on multiple hospitals, aggravating. you already dire humanitarian situation, a doctorate and officer hospital in the city of con eunice described the moment he realized and is rarely army read what's happening was like i use, is it about the other day? and uh, so i realize that it is a vision of idea f as a sausage, eating some adults. i don't see that the actually yeah, the disorder, the best, the best one of those to be to, and the use of that adults. israel claims it's targeting of hospitals is legitimate
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because homeless allegedly operates within um its military release. this video set to show weapons found inside cars close to then officer hospital. soon the ground siege could be extending all the way to rafa. despite international concern over israel's plant and be the last city in gaza, that hasn't seen major ground fighting. any guns, a member of netanyahu's, 3 member were cabinet set as really troops, but launched or sold next month. if by rama done hostages, a multiple of the fighting with continual, you'll be able to include rough area. the muslim holy month is expected to begin around the 10th of march. while guns does not have the final award on what lies ahead. he represents an influential is rarely voice defined calls,
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including from is real strong as back or the us to spear the city where more than a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering and have nowhere else to go. mine i was on shine is a senior israel on the list of the international crisis group, and she gave me her take on the as riley deadline. well, it seems like the offensive is a question of when not if, but the israeli government currently is not capable of going into rough off because reservists need to be called up from the army. and as not to me, i said they would have to create some kind of evacuation of over a 1000000 palestinians interrupt stuff right now. so it's not something that could happen soon. the deadline for ramadan seems to be of threats by the israeli government as a way to pressure from us. i think in the negotiations and to tell the world that as well as prepared to go all the way and it to me who has said,
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but i find it hard to believe that it is something that could happen in the next few weeks. right. and you mentioned that the idea that the rest of ramadan is a way to but might be a way to, to pressure how much is this? because i was going to ask you what, what we should make your visuals, the use of a most name. how many period is a deadline for military action as well? in some ways, this is kind of arbitrary, but you know, ramadan has been a point of contention in a flash point, specifically in jerusalem around access to the all acts of mazda, which is already being limited. and now the government has said that it will further limits of access by posted names, including citizens of israel to l. x. i'm asking ramadan, and this is a recipe for further friction and further disaster. so, you know, making everything about rama that in some ways by the is really government is, is just a way of asserting, but it is the sovereign, it has full control and it will do as it pleases. so this is kind of just a way to continue to intimidate the post and in pop populations lives on sean from
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the international crisis group. now do you, as the top codes is opening a week of hearings on the legal consequences of israel's occupation of palestinian territories, while the 50 countries are expected to give evidence that the international court of justice in the hague, the hearings requested by the un general assembly or separate from the ongoing genocide case ruled by south africa. and they are currently for $144.00 settlements in the fine west bank, including the east, yours illegal and the international law. in addition that i'm more than a 100 jewish outpost, not sanctioned by these, right? because a new jewish neighborhood is taking shape in east jerusalem is building sites is a legal under international law. the apartments being built here will become one of the many israeli settlements independent cindy and territories
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east jerusalem was a next by israel in 1967, but the international community considered as the deposit of the west bank, palestinian say the settlers are encroaching on the line they one day envisage as the capital of palestinian states on the west bank is possibly controlled by the palestinian authority. but israel maintains full control of 2 sides of the territory. the 2 groups separated by walls and check points, limits and movements for palestinians. palestinian farmers have complained that this patchwork of so this creates unfair access to resources like water and do excessive. those are accused of attacking crops, prophecy and people. at the end of 2020 to the united nations general assembly passed the resolution of seeing the international,
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of course of justice to way in on the situation. the world court is being honest to give an advisory opinion on the occupation and what consequences it has on the palestinian people's rights to self determination. as being us to look at the occupation annexation and settlement of palestinian territory, including measures aimed at altering demographics and the discriminatory legislation. the quotes will hear from representatives of, of the 50 countries. let's pick this up, but they w correspondent, lucio schultz, and who is at the hate at the moment that morning there's uh what's expected to happen today. yes, so the court has already started it session and it started or developed started with a letter introduce introduction by by the court. and then after there's the punish tenure representatives will be given 3 hours among them is all to top diploma dri
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at all. my licky, who will start the punish pinion presentation today. and as i said, then that gives them 3 hours. this is more time than all of the other states that will be heard from tomorrow on a given. the rest of the states will have a 30 minutes. what is important to know that this is very different case then the other big case that is happening here in the hague, which is the genocide convention case, where south africa brought each trail to the international court of justice. all over and alleged breach of fed said convention the genocide convention. ok. now the international community already be gods. israel is the sacrament building in the occupied territories as illegal. so why does this need to being called? so this case has been brought here by the united nations general assembly. they have asked for so called advisory opinion back in 2022. so before they you straight on my score. and um, it is important to note that the world quotes here behind me desk,
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if there's advisory opinions when they're asked to do so, as i've said they've been asking 2022. this advisory opinion is not legally binding binding. it is exactly what the name is. it is advisory. so um the, the general assembly wanted to know um on a relatively broad range of topics. um, i wanted to get an assessment off the situation um in the occupied palestinian territories advertise said, and it wants to get the details or the legal consequences on the settlement occupation and annexation of the police to me in the territory. as the question has stated, and it wants to know which legal consequences come from this for the united nations itself, but also for other states. okay, so this concerns as well as actions on the westbound. but what this advisory opinion have any legal battery on israel is current actions in gaza?
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well, it is. uh, it is relatively broad, the advisory opinion, sir, it's also especially on the question of east jerusalem. um, it is not expected to have a direct effect on the situation that is happening right now in gaza. it because as i said, it is not legally binding, never the less. this is the world court. it has a great and it says so itself. so that means that whatever comes out with the advisory opinion, it could be that other states or the united nations act upon this and draw the conclusion is out of this. but it also, as it comes as a time, does also consider to give political pressure. the opinion is expected to come relatively quickly in the past. it took around 6 months for an advisory opinion to be issued. so it is likely to assume that this would also be the case here. okay, thank you. dw correspondent, let's hear something at the high relatives and representatives of russian opposition. the that i like saying the volume excited by
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have been refused access to his body for a day. the spokes person set them to the wrong. his mother and daughter just went online into a move where they believe his remains are being kept. rational thoughts as reports of the tasks of the kremlin tragic and remote penal colony. last friday. these teams, as the russian investigators still having determine the cause of death and it's unclear how long the investigation will take. asked dw, who's russia? alice constantine. i got to piece together the flurry of claims and counter claims that have the most sense for us to develop these death was announced on what we should make of them. so actually fairly, it will be very difficult to piece the claims together because the rest of us or it is a changing the story all the time and independence, mostly exiled, russian media already boots and you also get a conflicting flane's. but what a claims, i'm sorry, but what we do now is that nobody's buddy has not been given
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to the relatives and we are already and i think said date uh secondly, we do not still do not know. busy the cause of death and what the russian authorities were saying about it is conflicting at best. and actually probably at least it looks to me as if it is trying to inflict additional psychological torture on the family. it is sort of this lack of explanation. all of the explanations that sounds very soon, and certainly we do not know or not only whether the op see was conducted on the board. it probably wasn't. but when it's going to be conducted. so what we see is evidently an attempt by the russians or district protract um the process, which i mean in theory should be pretty official staged and quick. and this gives you, it gives me
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a pause for thought. is it some kind of scandal that the russians over the use of trying to call the rock and that means that, you know, the final is the depth of no. wiley was not only accidental, probably, but also surrounded by very, very unpleasant circumstances which they don't want to reveal. that's one suspicion that you can have and not a suspicion. well, frankly, being russian that high have is that this is a deliberate attempt to print, correct, suffering of nevada, these a family. and by doing this to show that the government isn't so controlled that it doesn't care for, for, for the feelings of not only in the valleys family, but she's support, has all those. what critical food we are in control, we have strong will do with her. want to do to you is that may be the message to come. something i got speaking to me, i'll, i'll set you up to date more. well,
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here's at the top on the hour of next, on the w, a documentary about the cooper relationship. americans seem to have the file of a good, the, i sorry, one on 6 times to please come and see more people than ever on the move worldwide. in such an one great timing question, it's very hard to say very difficult to find out about time on store info. mike runs the
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each year, firearms kill tens of thousands of people in the unit.


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